.. include:: replace.txt .. highlight:: cpp .. _Adding a New Module to ns3: Adding a New Module to |ns3| ---------------------------- When you have created a group of related classes, examples, and tests, they can be combined together into an |ns3| module so that they can be used with existing |ns3| modules and by other researchers. This chapter walks you through the steps necessary to add a new module to |ns3|. .. _Step-0: Step 0 - Module Layout ********************** All modules can be found in the ``src`` directory. Each module can be found in a directory that has the same name as the module. For example, the ``spectrum`` module can be found here: ``src/spectrum``. We'll be quoting from the ``spectrum`` module for illustration. A prototypical module has the following directory structure and required files: .. sourcecode:: text src/ module-name/ bindings/ doc/ examples/ CMakeLists.txt helper/ model/ test/ examples-to-run.py CMakeLists.txt Not all directories will be present in each module. Step 1 - Create a Module Skeleton ********************************* A python program is provided in the ``utils`` directory that will create a skeleton for a new module. For the purposes of this discussion we will assume that your new module is called ``new-module``. From the top directory, do the following to create the new module: .. sourcecode:: bash $ ./utils/create-module.py new-module By default ``create-module.py`` creates the module skeleton in the ``src`` directory. However, it can also create modules in ``contrib``: .. sourcecode:: bash $ ./utils/create-module.py contrib/new-contrib Let's assume we've created our new module in ``src``. ``cd`` into ``src/new-module``; you will find this directory layout: .. sourcecode:: text $ cd new-module $ ls doc examples helper model test CMakeLists.txt In more detail, the ``create-module.py`` script will create the directories as well as initial skeleton ``CMakeLists.txt``, ``.h``, ``.cc`` and ``.rst`` files. The complete module with skeleton files looks like this: .. sourcecode:: text src/ new-module/ doc/ new-module.rst examples/ new-module-example.cc CMakeLists.txt helper/ new-module-helper.cc new-module-helper.h model/ new-module.cc new-module.h test/ new-module-test-suite.cc CMakeLists.txt (If required the ``bindings/`` directory listed in :ref:`Step-0 ` will be created automatically during the build.) We next walk through how to customize this module. Informing ``ns3`` about the files which make up your module is done by editing the two ``CMakeLists.txt`` files. We will walk through the main steps in this chapter. All |ns3| modules depend on the ``core`` module and usually on other modules. This dependency is specified in the ``CMakeLists.txt`` file (at the top level of the module, not the separate ``CMakeLists.txt`` file in the ``examples`` directory!). In the skeleton ``CMakeLists.txt`` the call that will declare your new module to ``ns3`` will look like this (before editing): .. sourcecode:: cmake build_lib( LIBNAME new-module SOURCE_FILES helper/new-module-helper.cc model/new-module.cc HEADER_FILES helper/new-module-helper.h model/new-module.h LIBRARIES_TO_LINK ${libcore} TEST_SOURCES test/new-module-test-suite.cc ) Let's assume that ``new-module`` depends on the ``internet``, ``mobility``, and ``aodv`` modules. After editing it the ``CMakeLists.txt`` file should look like: .. sourcecode:: cmake build_lib( LIBNAME new-module SOURCE_FILES helper/new-module-helper.cc model/new-module.cc HEADER_FILES helper/new-module-helper.h model/new-module.h LIBRARIES_TO_LINK ${libinternet} ${libmobility} ${libaodv} TEST_SOURCES test/new-module-test-suite.cc ) Note that only first level module dependencies should be listed, which is why we removed ``core``; the ``internet`` module in turn depends on ``core``. Your module will most likely have model source files. Initial skeletons (which will compile successfully) are created in ``model/new-module.cc`` and ``model/new-module.h``. If your module will have helper source files, then they will go into the ``helper/`` directory; again, initial skeletons are created in that directory. Finally, it is good practice to write tests and examples. These will almost certainly be required for new modules to be accepted into the official |ns3| source tree. A skeleton test suite and test case is created in the ``test/`` directory. The skeleton test suite will contain the below constructor, which declares a new unit test named ``new-module``, with a single test case consisting of the class ``NewModuleTestCase1``:: NewModuleTestSuite::NewModuleTestSuite() : TestSuite("new-module", Type::UNIT) { AddTestCase(new NewModuleTestCase1); } Step 3 - Declare Source Files ***************************** The public header and source code files for your new module should be specified in the ``CMakeLists.txt`` file by modifying it with your text editor. As an example, after declaring the ``spectrum`` module, the ``src/spectrum/CMakeLists.txt`` specifies the source code files with the following: .. sourcecode:: cmake set(source_files helper/adhoc-aloha-noack-ideal-phy-helper.cc helper/spectrum-analyzer-helper.cc helper/spectrum-helper.cc ... ) set(header_files helper/adhoc-aloha-noack-ideal-phy-helper.h helper/spectrum-analyzer-helper.h helper/spectrum-helper.h ... ) build_lib( LIBNAME spectrum SOURCE_FILES ${source_files} HEADER_FILES ${header_files} LIBRARIES_TO_LINK ${libpropagation} ${libantenna} TEST_SOURCES test/spectrum-ideal-phy-test.cc test/spectrum-interference-test.cc test/spectrum-value-test.cc test/spectrum-waveform-generator-test.cc test/three-gpp-channel-test-suite.cc test/tv-helper-distribution-test.cc test/tv-spectrum-transmitter-test.cc ) Note: the ``source_files`` and ``header_files`` lists are not necessary. They are used keep the ``build_lib`` macro readable for modules with many source files. The objects resulting from compiling these sources will be assembled into a link library, which will be linked to any programs relying on this module. But how do such programs learn the public API of our new module? Read on! Step 4 - Declare Public Header Files ************************************ The header files defining the public API of your model and helpers also should be specified in the ``CMakeLists.txt`` file. Continuing with the ``spectrum`` model illustration, the public header files are specified with the following stanza. (Note that the variable ``header_files`` tells ``CMake`` to install this module's headers with the other |ns3| headers): .. sourcecode:: cmake set(header_files helper/adhoc-aloha-noack-ideal-phy-helper.h helper/spectrum-analyzer-helper.h ... model/tv-spectrum-transmitter.h model/waveform-generator.h model/wifi-spectrum-value-helper.h ) build_lib( LIBNAME spectrum ... HEADER_FILES ${header_files} ... ) If the list of headers is short, use the following instead: .. sourcecode:: cmake build_lib( LIBNAME spectrum ... HEADER_FILES helper/adhoc-aloha-noack-ideal-phy-helper.h helper/spectrum-analyzer-helper.h ... model/tv-spectrum-transmitter.h model/waveform-generator.h model/wifi-spectrum-value-helper.h ... ) Headers made public in this way will be accessible to users of your model with include statements like .. sourcecode:: cpp #include "ns3/spectrum-model.h" Headers used strictly internally in your implementation should not be included here. They are still accessible to your implementation by include statements like .. sourcecode:: cpp #include "my-module-implementation.h" Step 5 - Declare Tests ********************** If your new module has tests, then they must be specified in your ``CMakeLists.txt`` file by modifying it with your text editor. The ``spectrum`` model tests are specified with the following stanza: .. sourcecode:: cmake build_lib( LIBNAME spectrum ... TEST_SOURCES test/spectrum-ideal-phy-test.cc test/spectrum-interference-test.cc test/spectrum-value-test.cc test/spectrum-waveform-generator-test.cc test/three-gpp-channel-test-suite.cc test/tv-helper-distribution-test.cc test/tv-spectrum-transmitter-test.cc ) See :doc:`Tests ` for more information on how to write test cases. Step 6 - Declare Examples ************************* If your new module has examples, then they must be specified in your ``examples/CMakeLists.txt`` file. (The skeleton top-level ``CMakeLists.txt`` will recursively include ``examples/CMakeLists.txt`` only if the examples were enabled at configure time.) The ``spectrum`` model defines it's first example in ``src/spectrum/examples/CMakeLists.txt`` with .. sourcecode:: cmake build_lib_example( NAME adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy SOURCE_FILES adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy.cc LIBRARIES_TO_LINK ${libspectrum} ${libmobility} ${libinternet} ${libapplications} ) Note that the variable ``libraries_to_link`` is the list of modules that the program being created depends on; again, don't forget to include ``new-module`` in the list. It's best practice to list only the direct module dependencies, and let ``CMake`` deduce the full dependency tree. Occasionally, for clarity, you may want to split the implementation for your example among several source files. In this case, just include those files as additional explicit sources of the example: .. sourcecode:: cmake build_lib_example( NAME new-module-example SOURCE_FILES new-module-example.cc LIBRARIES_TO_LINK ${libspectrum} ${libmobility} ${libinternet} ${libapplications} ) Step 7 - Examples Run as Tests ****************************** In addition to running explicit test code, the test framework can also be instrumented to run full example programs to try to catch regressions in the examples. However, not all examples are suitable for regression tests. The file ``test/examples-to-run.py`` controls the invocation of the examples when the test framework runs. The ``spectrum`` model examples run by ``test.py`` are specified in ``src/spectrum/test/examples-to-run.py`` using the following two lists of C++ and Python examples: .. sourcecode:: python # A list of C++ examples to run in order to ensure that they remain # buildable and runnable over time. Each tuple in the list contains # # (example_name, do_run, do_valgrind_run, fullness). # # See test.py for more information. cpp_examples = [ ("adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy", "True", "True", "QUICK"), ("adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy-with-microwave-oven", "True", "True", "QUICK"), ("adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy-matrix-propagation-loss-model", "True", "True", "QUICK"), ] # A list of Python examples to run in order to ensure that they remain # runnable over time. Each tuple in the list contains # # (example_name, do_run, fullness). # # See test.py for more information. python_examples = [ ("sample-simulator.py", "True", "QUICK"), ] As indicated in the comment, each entry in the C++ list of examples to run contains the tuple ``(example_name, do_run, do_valgrind_run, fullness)``, where * ``example_name`` is the executable to be run, * ``do_run`` is a condition under which to run the example, and * ``do_valgrind_run`` is a condition under which to run the example under valgrind. (This is needed because NSC causes illegal instruction crashes with some tests when they are run under valgrind.) * ``fullness`` is the optional classification of how long the example takes to run, like the :doc:`Tests ` fullness specifier. from fastest to slowest the possible options are: ``"QUICK"``, ``"EXTENSIVE"``, and ``"TAKES_FOREVER"``. If no value is provided, ``"QUICK"`` is used. Note that the two conditions are Python statements that can depend on ``ns3`` configuration variables. For example, using the NSC_ENABLED variable that was defined up until ns-3.35: .. sourcecode:: python ("tcp-nsc-lfn", "NSC_ENABLED == True", "NSC_ENABLED == False", "QUICK"), Each entry in the Python list of examples to run contains the tuple ``(example_name, do_run, fullness)``, where, as for the C++ examples, * ``example_name`` is the Python script to be run, and * ``do_run`` is a condition under which to run the example. * ``fullness`` is the same as ``fullness`` for C++ examples. If no value is provided, ``"QUICK"`` is used Again, the condition is a Python statement that can depend on ``ns3`` configuration variables. For example, .. sourcecode:: python ("brite-generic-example.py", "ENABLE_BRITE == True", "QUICK"), Step 8 - Configure and Build **************************** You can now configure, build and test your module as normal. You must reconfigure the project as a first step so that ``ns3`` caches the new information in your ``CMakeLists.txt`` files, or else your new module will not be included in the build. .. sourcecode:: bash $ ./ns3 configure --enable-examples --enable-tests $ ./ns3 build $ ./test.py Look for your new module's test suite (and example programs, if your module has any enabled) in the test output. Step 9 - Python Bindings ************************ Adding Python bindings to your module is optional. If you want to include Python bindings (needed only if you want to write Python ns-3 programs instead of C++ ns-3 programs), you should scan your module to generate new bindings for the Python API (covered elsewhere in this manual), and they will be used if NS3_PYTHON_BINDINGS is set to ON.