/** * By Luis Miguel Cortes-Pena * http://users.ece.gatech.edu/~cortes */ #include #include "ns3/core-module.h" #include "ns3/simulator-module.h" #include "ns3/node-module.h" #include "ns3/helper-module.h" #include "ns3/global-routing-module.h" #include "ns3/wifi-module.h" #include "ns3/mobility-module.h" #include using namespace ns3; /* Define the following to only send nPackets Otherwise, send as much as possible */ #define COUNTED_PACKETS /* Define LINE_TOPOLOGY to place nodes on a line with 90 meter separation. Otherwise they are randomly placed in a map sized mapX by mapY */ #define LINE_TOPOLOGY NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("wifi-mesh-example"); int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { clock_t start; clock_t finish; double diff; double simtime = 1.0; // Run applications for this long double appstart = 50.0; // Start after OLSR Converges double endtime = appstart+simtime; uint16_t port = 200; #ifdef COUNTED_PACKETS uint32_t nPackets = 1; //number of packets to send #endif uint32_t nNodes = 3; //Total Nodes in WMN including Gateways+Clients uint32_t nGateways = 1; //Number of Gateways to Internet uint32_t nClients = 1; //Number of Clients accesing the Internet uint32_t nOtherNodes = nNodes //Number of WifiMesh Routers -nGateways //(those that only forward packets) -nClients; #ifndef LINE_TOPOLOGY double mapX = 10; double mapY = 100; #endif uint32_t seed = 1; RandomVariable::UseGlobalSeed(seed,seed,seed,seed,seed,seed); CommandLine cmd; cmd.Parse (argc, argv); //LogComponentEnable("UdpEchoClientApplication", LogLevel(LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); /* LogComponentEnable("AdhocWifiMac", LogLevel(LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); LogComponentEnable("MacLow", LogLevel(LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); LogComponentEnable("ArpL3Protocol", LogLevel(LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); */ //LogComponentEnableAll(LogLevel(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); LogComponentEnable("wifi-mesh-example", LogLevel(LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); #ifdef COUNTED_PACKETS LogComponentEnable("UdpEchoClientApplication", LogLevel( LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); LogComponentEnable("UdpEchoServerApplication", LogLevel( LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); #else //LogComponentEnable("OnOffApplication", LogLevel( LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); //LogComponentEnable("PacketSink", LogLevel( LOG_LEVEL_ALL | LOG_PREFIX_FUNC | LOG_PREFIX_TIME)); #endif NS_LOG_INFO("Creating our Nodes and Containers"); //Gateways to the Internet NodeContainer gwNodes; gwNodes.Create (nGateways); //All Mesh Nodes NodeContainer meshNodes; meshNodes.Add (gwNodes); meshNodes.Create (nOtherNodes); //Mesh Clients NodeContainer clientNodes; clientNodes.Create(nClients); // Finished, adding rest of ALL Nodes meshNodes.Add (clientNodes); //The supper fast CSMA Network (the Internet) NodeContainer csmaNodes; csmaNodes.Create (1); //One internet server csmaNodes.Add(gwNodes); //Keep our Internet Node NodeContainer internetNode; internetNode.Add(csmaNodes.Get (0)); NS_LOG_INFO("Creating Internet"); //INTERNET SETUP CsmaHelper csma; csma.SetChannelAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate (DataRate(5000000000ull)))); // 5Tbits (so csma not bottleneck) //Install the Internet Network: //All Gateways+InternetNode interconnected NetDeviceContainer csmaDevices; csmaDevices = csma.Install(csmaNodes); NS_LOG_INFO("Creating Wireless Mesh Network"); //MESH SETUP Ptr channel = CreateObject (); channel->SetPropagationDelayModel ( CreateObject ()); Ptr log = CreateObject (); log->SetReferenceModel (CreateObject ()); channel->SetPropagationLossModel(log); WifiHelper wifi; wifi.SetPhy("ns3::WifiPhy"); wifi.SetMac("ns3::AdhocWifiMac"); wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ArfWifiManager", "RtsCtsThreshold",StringValue("0")); //Enable RTS/CTS for every packet //Install nodes in the Wireless Mesh Network NetDeviceContainer wifiDevices; wifiDevices = wifi.Install (meshNodes, channel); //Now to position our nodes for multihop MobilityHelper mobility; #ifdef LINE_TOPOLOGY NS_LOG_INFO("Placing nodes evenly"); Ptr posAlloc = CreateObject (); double x = 0.0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i) { posAlloc->Add (Vector (x, 0.0, 0.0)); x += 90.0; //To make sure they are aligned } #else NS_LOG_INFO("Placing nodes randomly in "< posAlloc = CreateObject (); posAlloc->SetX(RandomVariable(UniformVariable(0,mapX))); posAlloc->SetY(RandomVariable(UniformVariable(0,mapY))); #endif //Give the positions to the mobility mobility.SetPositionAllocator(posAlloc); //WMN are usually static mobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::StaticMobilityModel"); //Give everybody their positions mobility.Install(meshNodes); NS_LOG_INFO("Installing Internet Stack"); //Setup the internet stack on all nodes InternetStackHelper stack; stack.Install (meshNodes); stack.Install (internetNode); NS_LOG_INFO("Setting up IP-Addresses"); //Addresses Setup Ipv4AddressHelper address; //Our mesh nodes need to be in different subnets //so that ARP does not assume that a gateway is one hop away //so they need /32 addresses address.SetBase("",""); //Assign IPs to all MeshNodes Ipv4InterfaceContainer wifiInterfaces; wifiInterfaces = address.Assign (wifiDevices); //Assign IPs to our Internet Network address.SetBase("",""); Ipv4InterfaceContainer csmaInterfaces; csmaInterfaces = address.Assign (csmaDevices); NS_LOG_INFO ("Enabling OLSR routing on all nodes"); OlsrHelper olsr; olsr.Install(meshNodes); olsr.Install(internetNode); #ifndef COUNTED_PACKETS NS_LOG_INFO("Creating Apps to Congest Network"); //Build Clients' App (to congest the network) OnOffHelper onoff ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", InetSocketAddress(csmaInterfaces.GetAddress (0),port)); onoff.SetAttribute ("OnTime", RandomVariableValue (ConstantVariable (endtime))); onoff.SetAttribute ("OffTime", RandomVariableValue (ConstantVariable (0))); onoff.SetAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate (600000000ull))); onoff.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (512)); //Build InternetNode's App (RX only) PacketSinkHelper sink ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address::GetAny (), port)); #else NS_LOG_INFO("Creating Apps to send "<