#include #include #include #include #include "ap-address-manager.h" #include "ns3/node.h" #include "ns3/config.h" #include "ns3/node-list.h" #include "ns3/ipv4.h" #include "ns3/simulator.h" #include "ns3/log.h" namespace ns3 { NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE("ApAddressManager"); void ApAddressManager::AddAccessPoint(Ptr dev, const string& addr_base, unsigned int first_valid_addr) { access_point ap; ap.address = convert(dev->GetAddress()); ap.addressBase = addr_base; for (unsigned int i = first_valid_addr; i < 255; i++) { ap.addresses.push(i); } ap.ip = dev->GetNode()->GetObject ()->GetAddress(2); ap.node = dev->GetNode(); accessPoints[ap.address] = ap; } void ApAddressManager::AddStations(NetDeviceContainer& devs) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < devs.GetN(); i++) { Ptr n = devs.Get(i)->GetNode(); unsigned int dev_id = getDeviceId(n, devs.Get(i)->GetTypeId()); ostringstream path1, path2; Ptr ip = n->GetObject (); path1 << "/NodeList/" << n->GetId() << "/DeviceList/" << dev_id << "/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Mac/$ns3::NqstaWifiMac/Assoc"; path2 << "/NodeList/" << n->GetId() << "/DeviceList/" << dev_id << "/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Mac/$ns3::NqstaWifiMac/DeAssoc"; Config::Connect(path1.str(), MakeCallback(&ApAddressManager::assoc, this)); Config::Connect(path2.str(), MakeCallback(&ApAddressManager::deassoc, this)); } } void ApAddressManager::assoc(string context, Mac48Address ap) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION_NOARGS(); map::iterator it = accessPoints.find(ap); if (it == accessPoints.end()) return; //assign ip unsigned int n_addr, node_id; unsigned int if_id; Ipv4Address old_addr, addr = getAddr(it->first, &n_addr); Ipv4Mask old_mask; node_id = getNodeId(context); Ptr n = NodeList::GetNode(node_id); Ptr ip = n->GetObject (); if_id = getDeviceId(n, WifiNetDevice::GetTypeId()) + 1; //if_id=1; old_addr = ip->GetAddress(if_id); old_mask = ip->GetNetworkMask(if_id); ip->SetAddress(if_id, addr); ip->SetNetworkMask(if_id, Ipv4Mask("")); while (ip->GetNRoutes() > 1) ip->RemoveRoute(1); //delete the old routes ip->SetDefaultRoute(it->second.ip, if_id); //store the record station s; s.nodeId = node_id; s.accessPoint = ap; s.n_addr = n_addr; s.addr = addr; s.old_addr = old_addr; s.old_mask = old_mask; registeredStations[node_id] = s; //setup multicast ip = it->second.node->GetObject (); for (list::iterator it = multicastRoutes.begin(); it != multicastRoutes.end(); it++) { vector o; o.push_back(it->out_interface); ip->AddMulticastRoute(it->outgoing ? Ipv4Address(addr) : Ipv4Address::GetAny(), it->group, it->in_interface, o); } ip = NodeList::GetNode(node_id)->GetObject (); NS_LOG_DEBUG("at " << Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() << ": assigned ip " << addr << " to station #" << node_id << "whose ip is now " << ip->GetAddress(if_id)); } void ApAddressManager::deassoc(string context, Mac48Address ap) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION("de-assoc from " << ap); map::iterator it = accessPoints.find(ap); if (it == accessPoints.end()) return; //assign old ip, free "our" one unsigned int node_id, if_id; Ipv4Address addr, new_addr; node_id = getNodeId(context); Ptr n = NodeList::GetNode(node_id); if_id = getDeviceId(n, WifiNetDevice::GetTypeId()) + 1; //if_id=1; Ptr ip = n->GetObject (); map::iterator s_it = registeredStations.find(node_id); if (s_it != registeredStations.end()) { addr = s_it->second.addr; //it->second.addresses.push(s_it->second.n_addr); ip->SetAddress(if_id, s_it->second.old_addr); new_addr = s_it->second.old_addr; ip->SetNetworkMask(if_id, s_it->second.old_mask); } //remove the record registeredStations.erase(s_it); //remove multicast routes ip = it->second.node->GetObject (); for (list::iterator lit = multicastRoutes.begin(); lit != multicastRoutes.end(); lit++) { ip->RemoveMulticastRoute(lit->outgoing ? addr : Ipv4Address::GetAny(), lit->group, lit->in_interface); } NS_LOG_DEBUG("at " << Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() << ": removed ip " << addr << " from station #" << node_id << "whose ip is now " << ip->GetAddress(if_id) << endl << "The first available n is now " << it->second.addresses.front()); } Ipv4Address ApAddressManager::getAddr(Mac48Address ap, unsigned int *id) { map::iterator it = accessPoints.find(ap); ostringstream ip; ip << it->second.addressBase << it->second.addresses.front(); if (id != 0) *id = it->second.addresses.front(); it->second.addresses.pop(); return Ipv4Address(ip.str().c_str()); } Mac48Address ApAddressManager::convert(const Address& addr) const { uint8_t *buf = new uint8_t[addr.GetLength()]; addr.CopyTo(buf); Mac48Address ret; ret.CopyFrom(buf); delete[] buf; return ret; } unsigned int ApAddressManager::getDeviceId(Ptr n, TypeId type) const { unsigned int dev_id = 0; while (dev_id < n->GetNDevices() && n->GetDevice(dev_id)->GetInstanceTypeId() != type) dev_id++; if (dev_id == n->GetNDevices()) { NS_LOG_DEBUG("ApAddressManager::getDeviceId failed, returning default 0"); return 0; } else return dev_id; } unsigned int ApAddressManager::getNodeId(const string& path) const { //the path is in the form /NodeList/node-id/... //node-id is between end of "/NodeList/" and the next occurrance of "/" string no_nid = path.substr(10); int pos = no_nid.find('/'); istringstream s(no_nid.substr(0, pos)); unsigned int ret; s >> ret; return ret; } list& ApAddressManager::MulticastRoutes(void) { return multicastRoutes; } ApAddressManager::MulticastRoute::MulticastRoute(bool outgoing, Ipv4Address group, unsigned int in_interface, unsigned int out_interface) { this->outgoing = outgoing; this->group = group; this->in_interface = in_interface; this->out_interface = out_interface; } }//ns3