/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:''gnu''; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */ #include "ns3/core-module.h" #include "ns3/simulator-module.h" #include "ns3/node-module.h" #include "ns3/helper-module.h" #include "ns3/log.h" #include "ns3/point-to-point-channel.h" #include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h" using namespace ns3; NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("TcpFinWait2Test"); /** * Test case for suspected bug in TcpSocketImpl's handling of data attached to a FIN packet received while in the FIN-WAIT-2 state. * * Demonstrated here using two nodes which follow the following sequence of events: * * 1. Acceptor node opens socket listening for connections * 2. Initiator node connects to acceptor. * 3. Initiator node has nothing to send, calls Socket::Close() * 4. Acceptor node queues five 100-byte packets. * 5. Acceptor node calls Socket::Close() * 6. Acceptor's TcpSocketImpl sends the 5 packets, the last one of which contains both data and the FIN flag. * 7. Initiator node's TcpSocketImpl receives the first four packets and forwards them to the application's Receive callback properly. * 8. Initiator node's TcpSocketImpl (which is in FIN-WAIT-2 state) receives the last packet with 100 bytes of data and a FIN flag. * This fully closes the connection, but the data never makes it to the application; the receive callback is called with a NULL packet. * * * The problem in TcpSocketImpl: * ForwardUp() calls ProcessEvent() before it calls ProcessPacketAction(). ProcessEvent() sees that we're in FIN-WAIT-2, sees an incoming * FIN (doesn't care that it has data attached to it), goes to the CLOSE-WAIT state and calls NotifyDataRecv(), which calls my RecvCallback * with a NULL packet because there is nothing in m_pendingData. m_pendingData WOULD have been filled by ProcessPacketAction()... but that * hasn't been called yet. * * The corresponding code in ns-2's full TCP doesn't have this problem - events occur in an order which allows the data to make it to the application. */ class Worker : public Application { public: Worker(int bytesToSend, int bytesToRecv) : m_bytesToSend(bytesToSend), m_bytesToRecv(bytesToRecv) { } void Receive(Ptr socket) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket); Ptr packet = socket->Recv(); if (packet == NULL) { // This means we have already half-closed our socket, and we just received a FIN; therefore the connection is now fully closed. // We should be out of bytes to receive. NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_bytesToRecv == 0, "Received FIN, but there are still " << m_bytesToRecv << " bytes to receive.");// NS_LOG_LOGIC("Received FIN"); return; } // m_bytesToRecv -= packet->GetSize(); NS_LOG_LOGIC("Received a packet with " << packet->GetSize() << " bytes of payload. " << m_bytesToRecv << " bytes left to receive."); } void Closed(Ptr socket) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket); // This means that either: // A) we just received a FIN+ACK and the other side has half-closed their socket, // B) or option A has already happened, we have closed our side as well, and we just received the other side's ACK of our FIN+ACK of their FIN+ACK. // In either case, we should either be out of ADUs to receive, or we should have just the explicit FIN ADU remaining. NS_ASSERT_MSG(m_bytesToRecv == 0, "Received FIN, but there are still " << m_bytesToRecv << " bytes to receive."); } void ScheduleNextSend(Ptr socket) { const int packetSize = 100; if (m_bytesToSend) { // Interestingly, the problem doesn't occur when the time between sends here is a tenth of a second or greater. Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0.01), &Worker::DoSend, this, socket, std::min(packetSize, m_bytesToSend)); } else { NS_LOG_LOGIC("Nothing to send, closing."); socket->Close(); } } void DoSend(Ptr socket, int bytes) { int bytesSent = socket->Send(Create (bytes)); NS_ASSERT_MSG(bytesSent == bytes, "bytesSent(" << bytesSent << ") != bytes(" << bytes << ")"); m_bytesToSend -= bytesSent; NS_LOG_LOGIC(bytesSent << " bytes accepted for sending. " << m_bytesToSend << " bytes remain to be sent."); ScheduleNextSend(socket); } int m_bytesToSend; int m_bytesToRecv; }; class Initiator : public Worker { public: Initiator(int bytesToSend, int bytesToRecv) : Worker(bytesToSend, bytesToRecv) { } void Start(InetSocketAddress peer) { m_socket = Socket::CreateSocket(GetNode(), TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId()); m_socket->SetConnectCallback(MakeCallback(&Initiator::ConnectionComplete, this), MakeNullCallback > ()); m_socket->Connect(peer); } void ConnectionComplete(Ptr socket) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket); socket->SetRecvCallback(MakeCallback(&Worker::Receive, this)); socket->SetCloseCallbacks(MakeCallback(&Worker::Closed, this), MakeNullCallback > ()); ScheduleNextSend(socket); } Ptr m_socket; }; class Acceptor : public Worker { public: Acceptor(int bytesToSend, int bytesToRecv) : Worker(bytesToSend, bytesToRecv) { } void Start(InetSocketAddress local) { m_socket = Socket::CreateSocket(GetNode(), TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId()); m_socket->SetAcceptCallback( MakeCallback(&Acceptor::ConnectionRequest, this), MakeCallback( &Acceptor::NewConnectionCreated, this)); m_socket->Bind(local); m_socket->Listen(); } bool ConnectionRequest(Ptr socket, const Address& address) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket << address); // Always accept the connection. return true; } void NewConnectionCreated(Ptr socket, const Address& address) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << socket << address); socket->SetRecvCallback(MakeCallback(&Worker::Receive, this)); socket->SetCloseCallbacks(MakeCallback(&Worker::Closed, this), MakeNullCallback > ()); // Close the socket listening for new connections m_socket->Close(); ScheduleNextSend(socket); } Ptr m_socket; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { LogComponentEnableAll(LOG_PREFIX_FUNC); LogComponentEnableAll(LOG_PREFIX_NODE); LogComponentEnableAll(LOG_PREFIX_TIME); //LogComponentEnable("TcpSocketImpl", LOG_LEVEL_LOGIC); LogComponentEnable("TcpFinWait2Test", LOG_LEVEL_LOGIC); Ptr node1 = CreateObject (); Ptr node2 = CreateObject (); { InternetStackHelper internet; internet.Install(node1); internet.Install(node2); } Ptr channel = CreateObject (); Ptr device1 = CreateObject (); Ptr device2 = CreateObject (); Ipv4Address acceptorAddress, initiatorAddress; { Ipv4AddressHelper addresses; addresses.SetBase("", ""); // Device 2: Acceptor device2->SetQueue(CreateObject ()); device2->Attach(channel); device2->SetAddress(Mac48Address::Allocate()); node2->AddDevice(device2); acceptorAddress = addresses.Assign(NetDeviceContainer(device2)).GetAddress(0); // Device 1: Initiator device1->SetQueue(CreateObject ()); device1->Attach(channel); device1->SetAddress(Mac48Address::Allocate()); node1->AddDevice(device1); initiatorAddress = addresses.Assign(NetDeviceContainer(device1)).GetAddress(0); } int port = 5000; int initiatorSendBytes = 0; int acceptorSendBytes = 500; Ptr app1 = CreateObject (initiatorSendBytes, acceptorSendBytes); Ptr app2 = CreateObject (acceptorSendBytes, initiatorSendBytes); node1->AddApplication(app1); node2->AddApplication(app2); Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1), &Acceptor::Start, app2, InetSocketAddress( acceptorAddress, port)); Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1), &Initiator::Start, app1, InetSocketAddress( acceptorAddress, port)); Simulator::Run(); Simulator::Destroy(); return 0; }