Tue May 21 2024 05:20:30 EDT
If at first the documentation seems unclear, check bugzilla, where bugs become user error
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17 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
454 ns-3 document natale.patriciello PATC --- Where is tcp-echo.cc? 2016-04-04
1732 ns-3 document tomh CONF --- various tutorial/wiki comments 2019-11-05
1658 ns-3 document tomh NEW --- updates for bake needed for documentation 2019-11-05
2072 ns-3 document tomh CONF --- Unnecessary folder short-cuts in "doc" folder of ns-3-dev repository. 2015-02-26
2814 ns-3 document tomh PATC --- run waf sphinx without Mercurial 2020-01-24
2043 ns-3 document pdbarnes NEED --- record additional aggregations for print-introspected-doxygen 2019-11-05
1931 ns-3 document tomh NEW --- ns3_html_theme not picking up version string 2019-11-05
1490 ns-3 document tomh CONF --- module linkflags are dismissed when creating module (cxxshlib) 2019-11-05
1544 ns-3 document tomh NEW --- Look into Sphinx internationalization options for pt_br tutorial 2019-11-05
2163 ns-3 document tomh CONF --- introspection not finding mesh config paths 2019-11-05
1238 ns-3 document tomh NEW --- inline Ref and Unref methods provided by SimpleRefCount not expanded at link time 2019-11-05
2887 ns-3 document tomh NEED --- Incorrect trace callback signature 2019-11-05
1343 ns-3 document tomh CONF --- emu-udp-echo-client/server.cc missing, but referenced in HOWTOs 2019-11-05
1830 ns-3 document pdbarnes CONF --- Doxygen handling of macros 2019-11-05
1546 ns-3 document tomh NEW --- Document use of GlobalValue::Bind/BindFailSafe or Config::SetGlobal/SetGlobalFailSafe 2019-11-05
2616 ns-3 document tomh PATC --- Document SocketPriorityTag and add an example 2019-11-05
388 ns-3 document tomh NEW --- document how to apply fuzz to models 2009-04-03
17 bugs found.
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