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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity OS Target Milestone Summary
297 2 0 python bindings normal Windows --- Python Binding Compilation error with Cygwin
1427 2 0 aodv critical Linux --- Build failed -> task in 'pybindgen(ns3 module dsr)' failed (exit status 1):
2791 2 0 wifi major All --- Interference Helper gives negative trace value for Interference Power
2945 2 0 wifi enhancement All --- Refactor IE insertion in management frames to simplify future extensions

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What are "Most Frequently Reported Bugs"?

The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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