1. Introduction¶
This document is a guide for those who wish to contribute code to ns-3 or its related projects in some way.
Changes to ns-3 software are made by or reviewed by maintainers. ns-3 has a small core team of maintainers, and also some specialized maintainers who maintain a portion of the software. The source code branch that is centrally maintained is sometimes called the mainline, a term used further herein. End users are encouraged to report issues and bugs, or to propose software or documentation modifications, to be reviewed by and handled by maintainers. End users can also help by reviewing code proposals made by others. Some end users who contribute high quality patches or code reviews over time may ask or be invited to become a maintainer of software within their areas of expertise. Finally, some end users wish to disseminate their ns-3 work to the community, through the addition of new features or modules to ns-3.
A question often asked by newcomers is “How can I contribute to ns-3?” or “How do I get started?”. This document summarizes the various ways and processes used to contribute to ns-3. Contribution by users is essential for a project maintained largely by volunteers. However, one of the most scarce resources on an open source project is the available time of maintainers, so we ask contributors to please become familiar with conventions and processes used by ns-3 so as to smooth the contribution process.
The very first step is to become familiar with ns-3 by reading the tutorial, running some example programs, and then reading some of the code and documentation to get a feel for things. From that point, there are a number of options to contribute:
Contributing a small documentation correction
Reporting or discussing a bug in the software
Fixing an already reported bug by submitting a patch
Reviewing code contributed by others
Submitting new code for inclusion in the mainline
Alerting users to code that is maintained or archived elsewhere
Submitting a module or fork for publishing in the ns-3 app store
Becoming a maintainer of part of the simulator
ns-3 is mainly a C++ project, and this contribution guide focuses on how to contribute ns-3 code specifically, but the overall open source project maintains various related codebases written in several other languages, so if you are interested in contributing outside of ns-3 C++ code, there are several possibilities:
ns-3 provides Python bindings to most of its API, and maintains an automated API scanning process that relies on other tools. We can use maintenance help in the C++/Python bindings support.
Another Python project is the bake build tool, which has a number of open issues.
See also our Python-based PyViz visualizer; extensions and documentation would be welcome.
The NetAnim animator is written in Qt and has lacked a maintainer for several years.
If you are interested in Linux kernel hacking, or use of applications in ns-3 such as open source routing daemons, we maintain the Direct Code Execution project.
If you are familiar with Django, we have work to do on our app store infrastructure.
Our website is written in Jekyll and is in need of more work.
The remainder of this document is organized as follows.
Chapter 2 covers general issues surrounding code and documentation contributions, including license and copyright;
Chapter 3 describes approaches for contributing small enhancements to the ns-3 mainline, such as a documentation or bug fix;
Chapter 4 outlines the approach for proposing new models for the mainline;
Chapter 5 describes how to contribute code that will be stored outside of the ns-3 mainline, with emphasis on the ns-3 AppStore; and
Chapter 6 provides the coding style guidelines that are mandatory for the ns-3 mainline and strongly suggested for contributed modules.