4.5.2. Background¶
This chapter may be skipped by readers familiar with the basics of software testing.
Writing defect-free software is a difficult proposition. There are many dimensions to the problem and there is much confusion regarding what is meant by different terms in different contexts. We have found it worthwhile to spend a little time reviewing the subject and defining some terms.
Software testing may be loosely defined as the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors. When one enters a discussion regarding software testing, it quickly becomes apparent that there are many distinct mind-sets with which one can approach the subject.
For example, one could break the process into broad functional categories like ‘’correctness testing,’’ ‘’performance testing,’’ ‘’robustness testing’’ and ‘’security testing.’’ Another way to look at the problem is by life-cycle: ‘’requirements testing,’’ ‘’design testing,’’ ‘’acceptance testing,’’ and ‘’maintenance testing.’’ Yet another view is by the scope of the tested system. In this case one may speak of ‘’unit testing,’’ ‘’component testing,’’ ‘’integration testing,’’ and ‘’system testing.’’ These terms are also not standardized in any way, and so ‘’maintenance testing’’ and ‘’regression testing’’ may be heard interchangeably. Additionally, these terms are often misused.
There are also a number of different philosophical approaches to software testing. For example, some organizations advocate writing test programs before actually implementing the desired software, yielding ‘’test-driven development.’’ Some organizations advocate testing from a customer perspective as soon as possible, following a parallel with the agile development process: ‘’test early and test often.’’ This is sometimes called ‘’agile testing.’’ It seems that there is at least one approach to testing for every development methodology.
The ns-3 project is not in the business of advocating for any one of these processes, but the project as a whole has requirements that help inform the test process.
Like all major software products, ns-3 has a number of qualities that must be present for the product to succeed. From a testing perspective, some of these qualities that must be addressed are that ns-3 must be ‘’correct,’’ ‘’robust,’’ ‘’performant’’ and ‘’maintainable.’’ Ideally there should be metrics for each of these dimensions that are checked by the tests to identify when the product fails to meet its expectations / requirements. Correctness¶
The essential purpose of testing is to determine that a piece of software behaves ‘’correctly.’’ For ns-3 this means that if we simulate something, the simulation should faithfully represent some physical entity or process to a specified accuracy and precision.
It turns out that there are two perspectives from which one can view correctness. Verifying that a particular model is implemented according to its specification is generically called verification. The process of deciding that the model is correct for its intended use is generically called validation. Validation and Verification¶
A computer model is a mathematical or logical representation of something. It can represent a vehicle, an elephant (see David Harel’s talk about modeling an elephant at SIMUTools 2009, or a networking card. Models can also represent processes such as global warming, freeway traffic flow or a specification of a networking protocol. Models can be completely faithful representations of a logical process specification, but they necessarily can never completely simulate a physical object or process. In most cases, a number of simplifications are made to the model to make simulation computationally tractable.
Every model has a target system that it is attempting to simulate. The first step in creating a simulation model is to identify this target system and the level of detail and accuracy that the simulation is desired to reproduce. In the case of a logical process, the target system may be identified as ‘’TCP as defined by RFC 793.’’ In this case, it will probably be desirable to create a model that completely and faithfully reproduces RFC 793. In the case of a physical process this will not be possible. If, for example, you would like to simulate a wireless networking card, you may determine that you need, ‘’an accurate MAC-level implementation of the 802.11 specification and […] a not-so-slow PHY-level model of the 802.11a specification.’’
Once this is done, one can develop an abstract model of the target system. This is typically an exercise in managing the tradeoffs between complexity, resource requirements and accuracy. The process of developing an abstract model has been called model qualification in the literature. In the case of a TCP protocol, this process results in a design for a collection of objects, interactions and behaviors that will fully implement RFC 793 in ns-3. In the case of the wireless card, this process results in a number of tradeoffs to allow the physical layer to be simulated and the design of a network device and channel for ns-3, along with the desired objects, interactions and behaviors.
This abstract model is then developed into an ns-3 model that implements the abstract model as a computer program. The process of getting the implementation to agree with the abstract model is called model verification in the literature.
The process so far is open loop. What remains is to make a determination that a given ns-3 model has some connection to some reality – that a model is an accurate representation of a real system, whether a logical process or a physical entity.
If one is going to use a simulation model to try and predict how some real system is going to behave, there must be some reason to believe your results – i.e., can one trust that an inference made from the model translates into a correct prediction for the real system. The process of getting the ns-3 model behavior to agree with the desired target system behavior as defined by the model qualification process is called model validation in the literature. In the case of a TCP implementation, you may want to compare the behavior of your ns-3 TCP model to some reference implementation in order to validate your model. In the case of a wireless physical layer simulation, you may want to compare the behavior of your model to that of real hardware in a controlled setting,
The ns-3 testing environment provides tools to allow for both model validation and testing, and encourages the publication of validation results. Robustness¶
Robustness is the quality of being able to withstand stresses, or changes in environments, inputs or calculations, etc. A system or design is ‘’robust’’ if it can deal with such changes with minimal loss of functionality.
This kind of testing is usually done with a particular focus. For example, the system as a whole can be run on many different system configurations to demonstrate that it can perform correctly in a large number of environments.
The system can be also be stressed by operating close to or beyond capacity by generating or simulating resource exhaustion of various kinds. This genre of testing is called ‘’stress testing.’’
The system and its components may be exposed to so-called ‘’clean tests’’ that demonstrate a positive result – that is that the system operates correctly in response to a large variation of expected configurations.
The system and its components may also be exposed to ‘’dirty tests’’ which provide inputs outside the expected range. For example, if a module expects a zero-terminated string representation of an integer, a dirty test might provide an unterminated string of random characters to verify that the system does not crash as a result of this unexpected input. Unfortunately, detecting such ‘’dirty’’ input and taking preventive measures to ensure the system does not fail catastrophically can require a huge amount of development overhead. In order to reduce development time, a decision was taken early on in the project to minimize the amount of parameter validation and error handling in the ns-3 codebase. For this reason, we do not spend much time on dirty testing – it would just uncover the results of the design decision we know we took.
We do want to demonstrate that ns-3 software does work across some set of conditions. We borrow a couple of definitions to narrow this down a bit. The domain of applicability is a set of prescribed conditions for which the model has been tested, compared against reality to the extent possible, and judged suitable for use. The range of accuracy is an agreement between the computerized model and reality within a domain of applicability.
The ns-3 testing environment provides tools to allow for setting up and running test environments over multiple systems (buildbot) and provides classes to encourage clean tests to verify the operation of the system over the expected ‘’domain of applicability’’ and ‘’range of accuracy.’’ Performant¶
Okay, ‘’performant’’ isn’t a real English word. It is, however, a very concise neologism that is quite often used to describe what we want ns-3 to be: powerful and fast enough to get the job done.
This is really about the broad subject of software performance testing. One of the key things that is done is to compare two systems to find which performs better (cf benchmarks). This is used to demonstrate that, for example, ns-3 can perform a basic kind of simulation at least as fast as a competing tool, or can be used to identify parts of the system that perform badly.
In the ns-3 test framework, we provide support for timing various kinds of tests. Maintainability¶
A software product must be maintainable. This is, again, a very broad statement, but a testing framework can help with the task. Once a model has been developed, validated and verified, we can repeatedly execute the suite of tests for the entire system to ensure that it remains valid and verified over its lifetime.
When a feature stops functioning as intended after some kind of change to the system is integrated, it is called generically a regression. Originally the term regression referred to a change that caused a previously fixed bug to reappear, but the term has evolved to describe any kind of change that breaks existing functionality. There are many kinds of regressions that may occur in practice.
A local regression is one in which a change affects the changed component directly. For example, if a component is modified to allocate and free memory but stale pointers are used, the component itself fails.
A remote regression is one in which a change to one component breaks functionality in another component. This reflects violation of an implied but possibly unrecognized contract between components.
An unmasked regression is one that creates a situation where a previously existing bug that had no affect is suddenly exposed in the system. This may be as simple as exercising a code path for the first time.
A performance regression is one that causes the performance requirements of the system to be violated. For example, doing some work in a low level function that may be repeated large numbers of times may suddenly render the system unusable from certain perspectives.
The ns-3 testing framework provides tools for automating the process used to validate and verify the code in nightly test suites to help quickly identify possible regressions.