.. only:: html or latex ns-3 Model Library ================== This is the *ns-3 Model Library* documentation. Primary documentation for the ns-3 project is organized as follows: * Several guides that are version controlled for each release (the `latest release `_) and `development tree `_: * Tutorial * Installation Guide * Manual * Model Library *(this document)* * Contributing Guide * `ns-3 Doxygen `_: Documentation of the public APIs of the simulator * `ns-3 wiki `_ This document is written in `reStructuredText `_ for `Sphinx `_ and is maintained in the ``doc/models`` directory of ns-3's source code (and much of the source content is also pulled from the ``doc/`` directory of each module. Source file column width is 100 columns. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :numbered: organization animation antenna aodv applications bridge brite buildings click csma dsdv dsr emulation-overview energy flow-monitor internet-models internet-apps lr-wpan lte mesh distributed mobility network nix-vector-routing olsr openflow-switch point-to-point propagation spectrum sixlowpan topology traffic-control uan wifi wimax