A Discrete-Event Network Simulator


This manual compiles documentation for ns-3 models and supporting software that enable users to construct network simulations. It is important to distinguish between modules and models:

  • ns-3 software is organized into separate modules that are each built as a separate software library. Individual ns-3 programs can link the modules (libraries) they need to conduct their simulation.
  • ns-3 models are abstract representations of real-world objects, protocols, devices, etc.

An ns-3 module may consist of more than one model (for instance, the internet module contains models for both TCP and UDP). In general, ns-3 models do not span multiple software modules, however.

This manual provides documentation about the models of ns-3. It complements two other sources of documentation concerning models:

  • the model APIs are documented, from a programming perspective, using Doxygen. Doxygen for ns-3 models is available on the project web server.
  • the ns-3 core is documented in the developer’s manual. ns-3 models make use of the facilities of the core, such as attributes, default values, random numbers, test frameworks, etc. Consult the main web site to find copies of the manual.

Finally, additional documentation about various aspects of ns-3 may exist on the project wiki.

A sample outline of how to write model library documentation can be found in src/template/doc.

The remainder of this document is organized alphabetically by module name.

If you are new to ns-3, you might first want to read below about the network module, which contains some fundamental models for the simulator. The packet model, models for different address formats, and abstract base classes for objects such as nodes, net devices, channels, sockets, and applications are discussed there.

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ns-3 Model Library

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