A Discrete-Event Network Simulator


The ns-3 logging facility can be used to monitor or debug the progress of simulation programs. Logging output can be enabled by program statements in your main() program or by the use of the NS_LOG environment variable.

Logging statements are not compiled into optimized builds of ns-3. To use logging, one must build the (default) debug build of ns-3.

The project makes no guarantee about whether logging output will remain the same over time. Users are cautioned against building simulation output frameworks on top of logging code, as the output and the way the output is enabled may change over time.


ns-3 logging statements are typically used to log various program execution events, such as the occurrence of simulation events or the use of a particular function.

For example, this code snippet is from Ipv4L3Protocol::IsDestinationAddress():

if (address == iaddr.GetBroadcast ())
    NS_LOG_LOGIC ("For me (interface broadcast address)");
    return true;

If logging has been enabled for the Ipv4L3Protocol component at a severity of LOGIC or above (see below about log severity), the statement will be printed out; otherwise, it will be suppressed.

Enabling Output

There are two ways that users typically control log output. The first is by setting the NS_LOG environment variable; e.g.:

$ NS_LOG="*" ./waf --run first

will run the first tutorial program with all logging output. (The specifics of the NS_LOG format will be discussed below.)

This can be made more granular by selecting individual components:

$ NS_LOG="Ipv4L3Protocol" ./waf --run first

The output can be further tailored with prefix options.

The second way to enable logging is to use explicit statements in your program, such as in the first tutorial program:

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoClientApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
  LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoServerApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);

(The meaning of LOG_LEVEL_INFO, and other possible values, will be discussed below.)

NS_LOG Syntax

The NS_LOG environment variable contains a list of log components and options. Log components are separated by `:’ characters:

$ NS_LOG="<log-component>:<log-component>..."

Options for each log component are given as flags after each log component:

$ NS_LOG="<log-component>=<option>|<option>...:<log-component>..."

Options control the severity and level for that component, and whether optional information should be included, such as the simulation time, simulation node, function name, and the symbolic severity.

Log Components

Generally a log component refers to a single source code .cc file, and encompasses the entire file.

Some helpers have special methods to enable the logging of all components in a module, spanning different compilation units, but logically grouped together, such as the ns-3 wifi code:

WifiHelper wifiHelper;
wifiHelper.EnableLogComponents ();

The NS_LOG log component wildcard `*’ will enable all components.

To see what log components are defined, any of these will work:

$ NS_LOG="print-list" ./waf --run ...

$ NS_LOG="foo"  # a token not matching any log-component

The first form will print the name and enabled flags for all log components which are linked in; try it with scratch-simulator. The second form prints all registered log components, then exit with an error.

Severity and Level Options

Individual messages belong to a single “severity class,” set by the macro creating the message. In the example above, NS_LOG_LOGIC(..) creates the message in the LOG_LOGIC severity class.

The following severity classes are defined as enum constants:

Severity Class Meaning
LOG_NONE The default, no logging
LOG_ERROR Serious error messages only
LOG_WARN Warning messages
LOG_DEBUG For use in debugging
LOG_INFO Informational
LOG_FUNCTION Function tracing
LOG_LOGIC Control flow tracing within functions

Typically one wants to see messages at a given severity class and higher. This is done by defining inclusive logging “levels”:

Level Meaning
LOG_LEVEL_ERROR Only LOG_ERROR severity class messages.
LOG_LEVEL_ALL All severity classes.

The severity class and level options can be given in the NS_LOG environment variable by these tokens:

Class Level
error level_error
warn level_warn
debug level_debug
info level_info
function level_function
logic level_logic

Using a severity class token enables log messages at that severity only. For example, NS_LOG="*=warn" won’t output messages with severity error. NS_LOG="*=level_debug" will output messages at severity levels debug and above.

Severity classes and levels can be combined with the `|’ operator: NS_LOG="*=level_warn|logic" will output messages at severity levels error, warn and logic.

The NS_LOG severity level wildcard `*’ and all are synonyms for level_all.

For log components merely mentioned in NS_LOG

$ NS_LOG="<log-component>:..."

the default severity is LOG_LEVEL_ALL.

Prefix Options

A number of prefixes can help identify where and when a message originated, and at what severity.

The available prefix options (as enum constants) are

Prefix Symbol Meaning
LOG_PREFIX_FUNC Prefix the name of the calling function.
LOG_PREFIX_TIME Prefix the simulation time.
LOG_PREFIX_NODE Prefix the node id.
LOG_PREFIX_LEVEL Prefix the severity level.
LOG_PREFIX_ALL Enable all prefixes.

The prefix options are described briefly below.

The options can be given in the NS_LOG environment variable by these tokens:

Token Alternate
prefix_func func
prefix_time time
prefix_node node
prefix_level level

For log components merely mentioned in NS_LOG

$ NS_LOG="<log-component>:..."

the default prefix options are LOG_PREFIX_ALL.

Severity Prefix

The severity class of a message can be included with the options prefix_level or level. For example, this value of NS_LOG enables logging for all log components (`*’) and all severity classes (=all), and prefixes the message with the severity class (|prefix_level).

$ NS_LOG="*=all|prefix_level" ./waf --run scratch-simulator
Scratch Simulator
[ERROR] error message
[WARN] warn message
[DEBUG] debug message
[INFO] info message
[FUNCT] function message
[LOGIC] logic message

Time Prefix

The simulation time can be included with the options prefix_time or time. This prints the simulation time in seconds.

Node Prefix

The simulation node id can be included with the options prefix_node or node.

Function Prefix

The name of the calling function can be included with the options prefix_func or func.

NS_LOG Wildcards

The log component wildcard `*’ will enable all components. To enable all components at a specific severity level use *=<severity>.

The severity level option wildcard `*’ is a synonym for all. This must occur before any `|’ characters separating options. To enable all severity classes, use <log-component>=*, or <log-component>=*|<options>.

The option wildcard `*’ or token all enables all prefix options, but must occur after a `|’ character. To enable a specific severity class or level, and all prefixes, use <log-component>=<severity>|*.

The combined option wildcard ** enables all severities and all prefixes; for example, <log-component>=**.

The uber-wildcard *** enables all severities and all prefixes for all log components. These are all equivalent:

$ NS_LOG="***" ...      $ NS_LOG="*=all|*" ...        $ NS_LOG="*=*|all" ...
$ NS_LOG="*=**" ...     $ NS_LOG="*=level_all|*" ...  $ NS_LOG="*=*|prefix_all" ...
$ NS_LOG="*=*|*" ...

Be advised: even the trivial scratch-simulator produces over 46K lines of output with NS_LOG="***"!

How to add logging to your code

Adding logging to your code is very simple:

  1. Invoke the NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE (...); macro inside of namespace ns3.

Create a unique string identifier (usually based on the name of the file and/or class defined within the file) and register it with a macro call such as follows:

namespace ns3 {


This registers Ipv4L3Protocol as a log component.

(The macro was carefully written to permit inclusion either within or outside of namespace ns3, and usage will vary across the codebase, but the original intent was to register this outside of namespace ns3 at file global scope.)

  1. Add logging statements (macro calls) to your functions and function bodies.

Logging Macros

The logging macros and associated severity levels are

Severity Class Macro
LOG_NONE (none needed)

The macros function as output streamers, so anything you can send to std::cout, joined by << operators, is allowed:

void MyClass::Check (int value, char * item)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << arg << item);
  if (arg > 10)
      NS_LOG_ERROR ("encountered bad value " << value <<
                    " while checking " << name << "!");

Note that NS_LOG_FUNCTION automatically inserts a `,‘ (comma-space) separator between each of its arguments. This simplifies logging of function arguments; just concatenate them with << as in the example above.

Unconditional Logging

As a convenience, the NS_LOG_UNCOND (...); macro will always log its arguments, even if the associated log-component is not enabled at any severity. This macro does not use any of the prefix options. Note that logging is only enabled in debug builds; this macro won’t produce output in optimized builds.


  • Start every class method with NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << args...); This enables easy function call tracing.
    • Except: don’t log operators or explicit copy constructors, since these will cause infinite recursion and stack overflow.
    • For methods without arguments use the same form: NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
    • For static functions:
      • With arguments use NS_LOG_FUNCTION (...); as normal.
      • Without arguments use NS_LOG_FUNCTION_NOARGS ();
  • Use NS_LOG_ERROR for serious error conditions that probably invalidate the simulation execution.
  • Use NS_LOG_WARN for unusual conditions that may be correctable. Please give some hints as to the nature of the problem and how it might be corrected.
  • NS_LOG_DEBUG is usually used in an ad hoc way to understand the execution of a model.
  • Use NS_LOG_INFO for additional information about the execution, such as the size of a data structure when adding/removing from it.
  • Use NS_LOG_LOGIC to trace important logic branches within a function.
  • Test that your logging changes do not break the code. Run some example programs with all log components turned on (e.g. NS_LOG="***").