
This chapter describes installation steps specific to Apple macOS. macOS installation of ns-3 requires either the installation of the full Xcode IDE or a more minimal install of Xcode Command Line Tools).

The full Xcode IDE requires 40 GB of disk space. If you are just interested in getting ns-3 to run, the full Xcode is not necessary; we recommend Command Line Tools instead.

In addition to Command Line Tools, some ns-3 extensions require third-party libraries; we recommend either Homebrew or MacPorts. If you prefer, you can probably avoid installing Command Line Tools and install the compiler of your choice and any other tools you may need using Homebrew or MacPorts.

In general, documentation on the web suggests to use either, but not both, Homebrew or MacPorts on a particular system. It has been noted that Homebrew tends to install the GUI version of certain applications without easily supporting the command-line equivalent, such as for the dia application; see ns-3 MR 1247 for discussion about this.

Finally, regarding Python, some ns-3 maintainers prefer to use a virtualenv to guard against incompatibilities that might arise from the native macOS Python and versions that may be installed by Homebrew or Anaconda. Some ns-3 users never use Python bindings or visualizer, but if your ns-3 workflow requires more heavy use of Python, please keep the possibility of a virtualenv in mind if you run into Python difficulties. For a short guide on virtual environments, please see this link.


macOS uses the Clang/LLVM compiler toolchain. It is possible to install gcc/g++ from Homebrew and MacPorts, but macOS will not provide it due to licensing issues. ns-3 works on recent versions of both clang++ and g++, so for macOS, there is no need to install g++.

ns-3 Version Homebrew packages | MacPorts packages
3.36 and later cmake ninja | cmake ninja
3.35 and earlier None | None


Please see below subsections for Python-related package requirements.

For MacPorts packages we show the most recent package version available as of early 2023.

Feature Homebrew packages MacPort packages
Reading pcap traces wireshark wireshark4
Database support sqlite sqlite3
NetAnim animator qt@5 qt513
MPI-based distributed simulation open-mpi openmpi
Building Doxygen doxygen graphviz imagemagick doxygen graphviz ImageMagick
Sphinx documentation sphinx-doc texlive texlive pyXX-sphinx, with XX` the Python version
Eigen3 eigen eigen3
GNU Scientific Library gsl gsl
XML config store libxml2 libxml2
GTK-based config store gtk+3 gtk3 or gtk4
Emulation with virtual machines Not available for macOS Not available for macOS
Support for openflow boost boost

Caveats and troubleshooting