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5.2 Attribute Overview

The goal of the attribute system is to organize the access of internal member objects of a simulation. This goal arises because, typically in simulation, users will cut and paste/modify existing simulation scripts, or will use higher-level simulation constructs, but often will be interested in studying or tracing particular internal variables. For instance, use cases such as:

Similarly, users may want fine-grained access to internal variables in the simulation, or may want to broadly change the initial value used for a particular parameter in all subsequently created objects. Finally, users may wish to know what variables are settable and retrievable in a simulation configuration. This is not just for direct simulation interaction on the command line; consider also a (future) graphical user interface that would like to be able to provide a feature whereby a user might right-click on an node on the canvas and see a hierarchical, organized list of parameters that are settable on the node and its constituent member objects, and help text and default values for each parameter.

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5.2.1 Functional overview

We provide a way for users to access values deep in the system, without having to plumb accessors (pointers) through the system and walk pointer chains to get to them. Consider a class DropTailQueue that has a member variable that is an unsigned integer m_maxPackets; this member variable controls the depth of the queue.

If we look at the declaration of DropTailQueue, we see the following:

class DropTailQueue : public Queue {
  static TypeId GetTypeId (void);

  std::queue<Ptr<Packet> > m_packets;
  uint32_t m_maxPackets;

Let’s consider things that a user may want to do with the value of m_maxPackets:

The above things typically require providing Set() and Get() functions, and some type of global default value.

In the ns-3 attribute system, these value definitions and accessor functions are moved into the TypeId class; e.g.:


TypeId DropTailQueue::GetTypeId (void) 
  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::DropTailQueue")
    .SetParent<Queue> ()
    .AddConstructor<DropTailQueue> ()
    .AddAttribute ("MaxPackets", 
                   "The maximum number of packets accepted by this DropTailQueue.",
                   UintegerValue (100),
                   MakeUintegerAccessor (&DropTailQueue::m_maxPackets),
                   MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
  return tid;

The AddAttribute() method is performing a number of things with this value:

The key point is that now the value of this variable and its default value are accessible in the attribute namespace, which is based on strings such as "MaxPackets" and TypeId strings. In the next section, we will provide an example script that shows how users may manipulate these values.

Note that initialization of the attribute relies on the macro NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED (DropTailQueue) being called; if you leave this out of your new class implementation, your attributes will not be initialized correctly.

While we have described how to create attributes, we still haven’t described how to access and manage these values. For instance, there is no globals.h header file where these are stored; attributes are stored with their classes. Questions that naturally arise are how do users easily learn about all of the attributes of their models, and how does a user access these attributes, or document their values as part of the record of their simulation?

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5.2.2 Default values and command-line arguments

Let’s look at how a user script might access these values. This is based on the script found at samples/main-attribute-value.cc, with some details stripped out.

// This is a basic example of how to use the attribute system to
// set and get a value in the underlying system; namely, an unsigned
// integer of the maximum number of packets in a queue

main (int argc, char *argv[])

  // By default, the MaxPackets attribute has a value of 100 packets
  // (this default can be observed in the function DropTailQueue::GetTypeId)
  // Here, we set it to 80 packets.  We could use one of two value types:
  // a string-based value or a Uinteger value
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("80"));
  // The below function call is redundant
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", UintegerValue (80));

  // Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above
  // SetDefaults() at run-time, via command-line arguments
  CommandLine cmd;
  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);

The main thing to notice in the above are the two calls to Config::SetDefault. This is how we set the default value for all subsequently instantiated DropTailQueues. We illustrate that two types of Value classes, a StringValue and a UintegerValue class, can be used to assign the value to the attribute named by "ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets".

Now, we will create a few objects using the low-level API; here, our newly created queues will not have a m_maxPackets initialized to 100 packets but to 80 packets, because of what we did above with default values.

  Ptr<Node> n0 = CreateObject<Node> ();

  Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> net0 = CreateObject<PointToPointNetDevice> ();
  n0->AddDevice (net0);

  Ptr<Queue> q = CreateObject<DropTailQueue> ();

At this point, we have created a single node (Node 0) and a single PointToPointNetDevice (NetDevice 0) and added a DropTailQueue to it.

Now, we can manipulate the MaxPackets value of the already instantiated DropTailQueue. Here are various ways to do that.

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5.2.3 Pointer-based access

We assume that a smart pointer (Ptr) to a relevant network device is in hand; in the current example, it is the net0 pointer.

One way to change the value is to access a pointer to the underlying queue and modify its attribute.

First, we observe that we can get a pointer to the (base class) queue via the PointToPointNetDevice attributes, where it is called TxQueue

  PointerValue tmp;
  net0->GetAttribute ("TxQueue", tmp);
  Ptr<Object> txQueue = tmp.GetObject ();

Using the GetObject function, we can perform a safe downcast to a DropTailQueue, where MaxPackets is a member

  Ptr<DropTailQueue> dtq = txQueue->GetObject <DropTailQueue> ();
  NS_ASSERT (dtq != 0);

Next, we can get the value of an attribute on this queue. We have introduced wrapper "Value" classes for the underlying data types, similar to Java wrappers around these types, since the attribute system stores values and not disparate types. Here, the attribute value is assigned to a UintegerValue, and the Get() method on this value produces the (unwrapped) uint32_t.

  UintegerValue limit;
  dtq->GetAttribute ("MaxPackets", limit);
  NS_LOG_INFO ("1.  dtq limit: " << limit.Get () << " packets");

Note that the above downcast is not really needed; we could have done the same using the Ptr<Queue> even though the attribute is a member of the subclass

  txQueue->GetAttribute ("MaxPackets", limit);
  NS_LOG_INFO ("2.  txQueue limit: " << limit.Get () << " packets");

Now, let’s set it to another value (60 packets)

  txQueue->SetAttribute("MaxPackets", UintegerValue (60));
  txQueue->GetAttribute ("MaxPackets", limit);
  NS_LOG_INFO ("3.  txQueue limit changed: " << limit.Get () << " packets");

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5.2.4 Namespace-based access

An alternative way to get at the attribute is to use the configuration namespace. Here, this attribute resides on a known path in this namespace; this approach is useful if one doesn’t have access to the underlying pointers and would like to configure a specific attribute with a single statement.

  Config::Set ("/NodeList/0/DeviceList/0/TxQueue/MaxPackets", UintegerValue (25));
  txQueue->GetAttribute ("MaxPackets", limit); 
  NS_LOG_INFO ("4.  txQueue limit changed through namespace: " << 
    limit.Get () << " packets");

We could have also used wildcards to set this value for all nodes and all net devices (which in this simple example has the same effect as the previous Set())

  Config::Set ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/TxQueue/MaxPackets", UintegerValue (15));
  txQueue->GetAttribute ("MaxPackets", limit); 
  NS_LOG_INFO ("5.  txQueue limit changed through wildcarded namespace: " << 
    limit.Get () << " packets");

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5.2.5 Object Name Service-based access

Another way to get at the attribute is to use the object name service facility. Here, this attribute is found using a name string. This approach is useful if one doesn’t have access to the underlying pointers and it is difficult to determine the required concrete configuration namespaced path.

  Names::Add ("server", serverNode);
  Names::Add ("server/eth0", serverDevice);


  Config::Set ("/Names/server/eth0/TxQueue/MaxPackets", UintegerValue (25));

See section Object names for a fuller treatment of the ns-3 configuration namespace.

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5.2.6 Setting through constructors helper classes

Arbitrary combinations of attributes can be set and fetched from the helper and low-level APIs; either from the constructors themselves:

Ptr<Object> p = CreateObject<MyNewObject> ("n1", v1, "n2", v2, ...);

or from the higher-level helper APIs, such as:

  mobility.SetPositionAllocator ("GridPositionAllocator",
                                 "MinX", DoubleValue (-100.0),
                                 "MinY", DoubleValue (-100.0),
                                 "DeltaX", DoubleValue (5.0),
                                 "DeltaY", DoubleValue (20.0),
                                 "GridWidth", UintegerValue (20),
                                 "LayoutType", StringValue ("RowFirst"));

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5.2.7 Implementation details

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Readers will note the new FooValue classes which are subclasses of the AttributeValue base class. These can be thought of as an intermediate class that can be used to convert from raw types to the Values that are used by the attribute system. Recall that this database is holding objects of many types with a single generic type. Conversions to this type can either be done using an intermediate class (IntegerValue, DoubleValue for "floating point") or via strings. Direct implicit conversion of types to Value is not really practical. So in the above, users have a choice of using strings or values:

p->Set ("cwnd", StringValue ("100")); // string-based setter
p->Set ("cwnd", IntegerValue (100)); // integer-based setter

The system provides some macros that help users declare and define new AttributeValue subclasses for new types that they want to introduce into the attribute system:

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Attributes in the system must not depend on the state of any other Attribute in this system. This is because an ordering of Attribute initialization is not specified, nor enforced, by the system. A specific example of this can be seen in automated configuration programs such as ns3::ConfigStore. Although a given model may arrange it so that Attributes are initialized in a particular order, another automatic configurator may decide independently to change Attributes in, for example, alphabetic order.

Because of this non-specific ordering, no Attribute in the system may have any dependence on any other Attribute. As a corollary, Attribute setters must never fail due to the state of another Attribute. No Attribute setter may change (set) any other Attribute value as a result of changing its value.

This is a very strong restriction and there are cases where Attributes must set consistently to allow correct operation. To this end we do allow for consistency checking when the attribute is used (cf. NS_ASSERT_MSG or NS_ABORT_MSG).

In general, the attribute code to assign values to the underlying class member variables is executed after an object is constructed. But what if you need the values assigned before the constructor body executes, because you need them in the logic of the constructor? There is a way to do this, used for example in the class ns3::ConfigStore: call ObjectBase::ConstructSelf () as follows:

ConfigStore::ConfigStore ()
  ObjectBase::ConstructSelf (AttributeList ());
  // continue on with constructor.

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