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ns3::AnimationInterface Class Reference

Interface to network animator. More...

#include <animation-interface.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::AnimationInterface:

Public Types

typedef void(* AnimWriteCallback )(const char *str)
 typedef for WriteCallBack used for listening to AnimationInterface write messages More...

Public Member Functions

 AnimationInterface (const std::string filename, uint64_t maxPktsPerFile=MAX_PKTS_PER_TRACE_FILE, bool usingXML=true)
 Constructor. More...
 ~AnimationInterface ()
 Destructor for the animator interface. More...
AnimationInterfaceAddSourceDestination (uint32_t fromNodeId, std::string destinationIpv4Address)
 Helper function to print the routing path from a source node to destination IP. More...
int64_t AssignStreams (int64_t stream)
AnimationInterfaceEnableIpv4RouteTracking (std::string fileName, Time startTime, Time stopTime, Time pollInterval=Seconds(5))
 Enable tracking of the Ipv4 routing table for all Nodes. More...
AnimationInterfaceEnableIpv4RouteTracking (std::string fileName, Time startTime, Time stopTime, NodeContainer nc, Time pollInterval=Seconds(5))
 Enable tracking of the Ipv4 routing table for a set of Nodes. More...
void EnablePacketMetadata (bool enable)
 Enable Packet metadata. More...
uint64_t GetTracePktCount ()
 Get trace file packet count (This used only for testing) More...
bool IsStarted (void)
 Is AnimationInterface started. More...
void ResetAnimWriteCallback ()
 Reset the write callback function. More...
void SetAnimWriteCallback (AnimWriteCallback cb)
 Set a callback function to listen to AnimationInterface write events. More...
void SetMobilityPollInterval (Time t)
 Set mobility poll interval:WARNING: setting a low interval can cause slowness. More...
void SetRandomPosition (bool setRandPos)
 Set random position if a Mobility Model does not exists for the node. More...
void SetStartTime (Time t)
 Specify the time at which capture should start. More...
void SetStopTime (Time t)
 Specify the time at which capture should stop. More...
void ShowNode (uint32_t nodeId, bool show=true)
 Helper function to show/hide a node. More...
void ShowNode (Ptr< Node > n, bool show=true)
 Helper function to show/hide a node. More...
void UpdateLinkDescription (uint32_t fromNode, uint32_t toNode, std::string linkDescription)
 Helper function to update the description for a link. More...
void UpdateLinkDescription (Ptr< Node > fromNode, Ptr< Node > toNode, std::string linkDescription)
 Helper function to update the description for a link. More...
void UpdateNodeColor (Ptr< Node > n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
 Helper function to update the node color. More...
void UpdateNodeColor (uint32_t nodeId, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
 Helper function to update the node color. More...
void UpdateNodeDescription (Ptr< Node > n, std::string descr)
 Helper function to update the description for a given node. More...
void UpdateNodeDescription (uint32_t nodeId, std::string descr)
 Helper function to update the description for a given node. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsInitialized (void)
 Check if AnimationInterface is initialized. More...
static void SetBoundary (double minX, double minY, double maxX, double maxY)
 Helper function to set the topology boundary rectangle. More...
static void SetConstantPosition (Ptr< Node > n, double x, double y, double z=0)
 Helper function to set Constant Position for a given node. More...
static void SetLinkDescription (uint32_t fromNode, uint32_t toNode, std::string linkDescription, std::string fromNodeDescription="", std::string toNodeDescription="")
 Helper function to set the description for a link. More...
static void SetLinkDescription (Ptr< Node > fromNode, Ptr< Node > toNode, std::string linkDescription, std::string fromNodeDescription="", std::string toNodeDescription="")
 Helper function to set the description for a link. More...
static void SetNodeColor (Ptr< Node > n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
 Helper function to set the node color. More...
static void SetNodeColor (NodeContainer nc, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
 Helper function to set the color of nodes in a container. More...
static void SetNodeDescription (Ptr< Node > n, std::string descr)
 Helper function to set a brief description for a given node. More...
static void SetNodeDescription (NodeContainer nc, std::string descr)
 Helper function to set a brief description for nodes in a Node Container. More...

Private Types

typedef std::vector
< Ipv4RoutePathElement

Private Member Functions

void AddPendingCsmaPacket (uint64_t AnimUid, AnimPacketInfo &)
void AddPendingLtePacket (uint64_t AnimUid, AnimPacketInfo &)
void AddPendingUanPacket (uint64_t AnimUid, AnimPacketInfo &)
void AddPendingWifiPacket (uint64_t AnimUid, AnimPacketInfo &)
void AddPendingWimaxPacket (uint64_t AnimUid, AnimPacketInfo &)
void AddToIpv4AddressNodeIdTable (std::string, uint32_t)
void ConnectCallbacks ()
void ConnectLte ()
void ConnectLteEnb (Ptr< Node > n, Ptr< LteEnbNetDevice > nd, uint32_t devIndex)
void ConnectLteUe (Ptr< Node > n, Ptr< LteUeNetDevice > nd, uint32_t devIndex)
void CsmaMacRxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
bool CsmaPacketIsPending (uint64_t AnimUid)
void CsmaPhyRxEndTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
void CsmaPhyTxBeginTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
void CsmaPhyTxEndTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
void DevTxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p, Ptr< NetDevice > tx, Ptr< NetDevice > rx, Time txTime, Time rxTime)
uint64_t GetAnimUidFromPacket (Ptr< const Packet >)
std::vector< std::string > GetElementsFromContext (std::string context)
std::string GetIpv4Address (Ptr< NetDevice > nd)
std::string GetIpv4RoutingTable (Ptr< Node > n)
std::string GetMacAddress (Ptr< NetDevice > nd)
std::string GetNetAnimVersion ()
Ptr< NetDeviceGetNetDeviceFromContext (std::string context)
std::string GetPacketMetadata (Ptr< const Packet > p)
Vector GetPosition (Ptr< Node > n)
std::string GetPreamble (void)
std::string GetXMLClose (std::string name)
std::string GetXMLOpen_anim (uint32_t lp)
std::string GetXMLOpen_packet (uint32_t fromLp, uint32_t fromId, double fbTx, double lbTx, std::string auxInfo="")
std::string GetXMLOpen_topology (double minX, double minY, double maxX, double maxY)
std::string GetXMLOpen_wpacket (uint32_t fromLp, uint32_t fromId, double fbTx, double lbTx, double range)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_link (uint32_t fromLp, uint32_t fromId, uint32_t toLp, uint32_t toId)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_linkupdate (uint32_t fromId, uint32_t toId, std::string)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_meta (std::string metaInfo)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_node (uint32_t lp, uint32_t id, double locX, double locY)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_node (uint32_t lp, uint32_t id, double locX, double locY, struct Rgb rgb)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_nodeupdate (uint32_t id, bool visible=true)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_NonP2pLinkProperties (uint32_t id, std::string ipv4Address, std::string channelType)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_p (std::string pktType, uint32_t fId, double fbTx, double lbTx, uint32_t tId, double fbRx, double lbRx, std::string metaInfo="", std::string auxInfo="")
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_routing (uint32_t id, std::string routingInfo)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_rp (uint32_t nodeId, std::string destination, Ipv4RoutePathElements rpElements)
std::string GetXMLOpenClose_rx (uint32_t toLp, uint32_t toId, double fbRx, double lbRx)
bool IsInTimeWindow ()
bool LtePacketIsPending (uint64_t AnimUid)
void LteRxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p, const Mac48Address &)
void LteSpectrumPhyRxStart (std::string context, Ptr< const PacketBurst > pb)
void LteSpectrumPhyTxStart (std::string context, Ptr< const PacketBurst > pb)
void LteTxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p, const Mac48Address &)
void MobilityAutoCheck ()
void MobilityCourseChangeTrace (Ptr< const MobilityModel > mob)
bool NodeHasMoved (Ptr< Node > n, Vector newLocation)
void OutputCsmaPacket (Ptr< const Packet > p, AnimPacketInfo &pktInfo, AnimRxInfo pktrxInfo)
void OutputWirelessPacket (Ptr< const Packet > p, AnimPacketInfo &pktInfo, AnimRxInfo pktrxInfo)
void PurgePendingCsma ()
void PurgePendingLte ()
void PurgePendingWifi ()
void PurgePendingWimax ()
void RecalcTopoBounds (Vector v)
std::vector< Ptr< Node > > RecalcTopoBounds ()
void RecursiveIpv4RoutePathSearch (std::string fromIpv4, std::string toIpv4, Ipv4RoutePathElements &)
bool SetOutputFile (const std::string &fn)
 Specify that animation commands are to be written to the specified output file. More...
bool SetRoutingOutputFile (const std::string &fn)
void SetXMLOutput ()
 Specify that animation commands are to be written in XML format. More...
void StartAnimation (bool restart=false)
 Writes the topology information and sets up the appropriate animation packet tx callback. More...
void StartNewTraceFile ()
void StopAnimation (bool onlyAnimation=false)
 Closes the interface to the animator. More...
void TrackIpv4Route ()
void TrackIpv4RoutePaths ()
bool UanPacketIsPending (uint64_t AnimUid)
void UanPhyGenRxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet >)
void UanPhyGenTxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet >)
Vector UpdatePosition (Ptr< Node > n)
Vector UpdatePosition (Ptr< Node > n, Vector v)
void WifiMacRxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
bool WifiPacketIsPending (uint64_t AnimUid)
void WifiPhyRxBeginTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
void WifiPhyRxDropTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
void WifiPhyRxEndTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
void WifiPhyTxBeginTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
void WifiPhyTxDropTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
void WifiPhyTxEndTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
bool WimaxPacketIsPending (uint64_t AnimUid)
void WimaxRxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p, const Mac48Address &)
void WimaxTxTrace (std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p, const Mac48Address &)
void WriteDummyPacket ()
int WriteN (const char *, uint32_t, FILE *f)
int WriteN (const std::string &, FILE *f)
void WriteNonP2pLinkProperties (uint32_t id, std::string ipv4Address, std::string channelType)
void WriteRoutePath (uint32_t nodeId, std::string destination, Ipv4RoutePathElements rpElements)

Private Attributes

uint64_t gAnimUid
uint64_t m_currentPktCount
bool m_enablePacketMetadata
FILE * m_f
< Ipv4RouteTrackElement
std::map< std::string, uint32_t > m_ipv4ToNodeIdMap
std::map< std::string, uint32_t > m_macToNodeIdMap
uint64_t m_maxPktsPerFile
Time m_mobilityPollInterval
std::map< uint32_t, Vectorm_nodeLocation
std::string m_originalFileName
std::string m_outputFileName
bool m_outputFileSet
std::map< uint64_t,
std::map< uint64_t,
std::map< uint64_t,
std::map< uint64_t,
std::map< uint64_t,
bool m_randomPosition
FILE * m_routingF
std::string m_routingFileName
NodeContainer m_routingNc
Time m_routingPollInterval
Time m_routingStopTime
bool m_started
Time m_startTime
Time m_stopTime
double m_topoMaxX
double m_topoMaxY
double m_topoMinX
double m_topoMinY
Ptr< UniformRandomVariablem_uniformRandomVariable
 Provides uniform random variables. More...
AnimWriteCallback m_writeCallback
bool m_xml

Static Private Attributes

static std::map
< P2pLinkNodeIdPair,
static std::map< uint32_t, RgbnodeColors
static std::map< uint32_t,
std::string > 
static RectangleuserBoundary = 0

Detailed Description

Interface to network animator.

Provides functions that facilitate communications with an external or internal network animator.

Definition at line 105 of file animation-interface.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* ns3::AnimationInterface::AnimWriteCallback)(const char *str)

typedef for WriteCallBack used for listening to AnimationInterface write messages

Definition at line 205 of file animation-interface.h.

Definition at line 603 of file animation-interface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ns3::AnimationInterface::AnimationInterface ( const std::string  filename,
uint64_t  maxPktsPerFile = MAX_PKTS_PER_TRACE_FILE,
bool  usingXML = true 


filenameThe Filename for the trace file used by the Animator
maxPktsPerFileThe maximum number of packets per trace file. AnimationInterface will create trace files with the following filenames : filename, filename-1, filename-2..., filename-N where each file contains packet info for 'maxPktPerFile' number of packets
usingXMLSet to true if XML output traces are required

Definition at line 65 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::initialized, m_uniformRandomVariable, and StartAnimation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ns3::AnimationInterface::~AnimationInterface ( )

Destructor for the animator interface.

Definition at line 80 of file animation-interface.cc.

References StopAnimation(), and userBoundary.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void ns3::AnimationInterface::AddPendingCsmaPacket ( uint64_t  AnimUid,
AnimPacketInfo pktinfo 

Definition at line 1055 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingCsmaPackets, ns3::AnimPacketInfo::m_txnd, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by CsmaPhyTxBeginTrace(), and CsmaPhyTxEndTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::AddPendingLtePacket ( uint64_t  AnimUid,
AnimPacketInfo pktinfo 

Definition at line 1049 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingLtePackets, ns3::AnimPacketInfo::m_txnd, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by LteSpectrumPhyTxStart(), and LteTxTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::AddPendingUanPacket ( uint64_t  AnimUid,
AnimPacketInfo pktinfo 

Definition at line 1032 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingUanPackets.

Referenced by UanPhyGenTxTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::AddPendingWifiPacket ( uint64_t  AnimUid,
AnimPacketInfo pktinfo 

Definition at line 1038 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingWifiPackets.

Referenced by WifiPhyRxBeginTrace(), WifiPhyRxEndTrace(), and WifiPhyTxBeginTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::AddPendingWimaxPacket ( uint64_t  AnimUid,
AnimPacketInfo pktinfo 

Definition at line 1043 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingWimaxPackets, ns3::AnimPacketInfo::m_txnd, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by WimaxTxTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

AnimationInterface & ns3::AnimationInterface::AddSourceDestination ( uint32_t  fromNodeId,
std::string  destinationIpv4Address 

Helper function to print the routing path from a source node to destination IP.

fromNodeIdThe source node
destinationIpv4AddressThe destination Ipv4 Address
reference to this AnimationInterface object

Definition at line 737 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_ipv4RouteTrackElements.

void ns3::AnimationInterface::AddToIpv4AddressNodeIdTable ( std::string  ipv4Address,
uint32_t  nodeId 

Definition at line 732 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_ipv4ToNodeIdMap.

Referenced by StartAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int64_t ns3::AnimationInterface::AssignStreams ( int64_t  stream)

Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model. Return the number of streams (possibly zero) that have been assigned.

streamfirst stream index to use
the number of stream indices assigned by this model

Definition at line 1593 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_uniformRandomVariable, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::RandomVariableStream::SetStream().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::ConnectLte ( )

Definition at line 789 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::NodeList::Begin(), ConnectLteEnb(), ConnectLteUe(), ns3::NodeList::End(), ns3::Node::GetDevice(), ns3::Node::GetNDevices(), and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::ConnectLteEnb ( Ptr< Node n,
Ptr< LteEnbNetDevice nd,
uint32_t  devIndex 

Definition at line 745 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), LteSpectrumPhyRxStart(), LteSpectrumPhyTxStart(), and ns3::MakeCallback().

Referenced by ConnectLte().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::ConnectLteUe ( Ptr< Node n,
Ptr< LteUeNetDevice nd,
uint32_t  devIndex 

Definition at line 768 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), LteSpectrumPhyRxStart(), LteSpectrumPhyTxStart(), and ns3::MakeCallback().

Referenced by ConnectLte().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::CsmaMacRxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 
NS_ASSERT (CsmaPacketIsPending (AnimUid) == true);

Definition at line 1485 of file animation-interface.cc.

References CsmaPacketIsPending(), GetAnimUidFromPacket(), GetNetDeviceFromContext(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::GetRxInfo(), IsInTimeWindow(), ns3::AnimRxInfo::IsPhyRxComplete(), m_pendingCsmaPackets, m_started, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, NS_LOG_INFO, NS_LOG_WARN, and OutputCsmaPacket().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::CsmaPacketIsPending ( uint64_t  AnimUid)

Definition at line 412 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingCsmaPackets.

Referenced by CsmaMacRxTrace(), CsmaPhyRxEndTrace(), and CsmaPhyTxEndTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::CsmaPhyRxEndTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::CsmaPhyTxBeginTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 

Definition at line 1417 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Packet::AddByteTag(), AddPendingCsmaPacket(), gAnimUid, GetNetDeviceFromContext(), IsInTimeWindow(), m_started, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, ns3::AnimByteTag::Set(), and UpdatePosition().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::CsmaPhyTxEndTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 
NS_ASSERT (CsmaPacketIsPending (AnimUid) == true);

Definition at line 1435 of file animation-interface.cc.

References AddPendingCsmaPacket(), CsmaPacketIsPending(), GetAnimUidFromPacket(), GetNetDeviceFromContext(), ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), IsInTimeWindow(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::m_lbTx, m_pendingCsmaPackets, m_started, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, NS_LOG_WARN, and UpdatePosition().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::DevTxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p,
Ptr< NetDevice tx,
Ptr< NetDevice rx,
Time  txTime,
Time  rxTime 

Definition at line 984 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetPacketMetadata(), ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), GetXMLOpenClose_p(), IsInTimeWindow(), m_currentPktCount, m_enablePacketMetadata, m_f, m_started, m_xml, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, StartNewTraceFile(), and WriteN().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

AnimationInterface & ns3::AnimationInterface::EnableIpv4RouteTracking ( std::string  fileName,
Time  startTime,
Time  stopTime,
Time  pollInterval = Seconds(5) 

Enable tracking of the Ipv4 routing table for all Nodes.

fileNameTrace file for storing routing table information
startTimeStart time for capture
stopTimeEnd time for capture
pollIntervalThe periodic interval at which routing table information is polled Default: 5s
reference to this AnimationInterface object

Definition at line 89 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetXMLOpen_anim(), m_routingF, m_routingFileName, m_routingPollInterval, m_routingStopTime, ns3::Simulator::Schedule(), SetRoutingOutputFile(), stopTime, TrackIpv4Route(), and WriteN().

Referenced by EnableIpv4RouteTracking(), and main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

AnimationInterface & ns3::AnimationInterface::EnableIpv4RouteTracking ( std::string  fileName,
Time  startTime,
Time  stopTime,
NodeContainer  nc,
Time  pollInterval = Seconds(5) 

Enable tracking of the Ipv4 routing table for a set of Nodes.

fileNameTrace file for storing routing table information
startTimeStart time for capture
stopTimeEnd time for capture
ncA NodeContainer containing nodes for which Routing table has to be tracked
pollIntervalThe periodic interval at which routing table information is polled Default: 5s
reference to this AnimationInterface object

Definition at line 100 of file animation-interface.cc.

References EnableIpv4RouteTracking(), and m_routingNc.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::EnablePacketMetadata ( bool  enable)

Enable Packet metadata.

enableif true enables writing the packet metadata to the XML trace file if false disables writing the packet metadata

Definition at line 365 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Packet::EnablePrinting(), and m_enablePacketMetadata.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::vector< std::string > ns3::AnimationInterface::GetElementsFromContext ( std::string  context)

Definition at line 2108 of file animation-interface.cc.

Referenced by GetNetDeviceFromContext().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetIpv4Address ( Ptr< NetDevice nd)

Definition at line 595 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Ipv4InterfaceAddress::GetLocal(), ns3::NodeList::GetNode(), and NS_LOG_WARN.

Referenced by StartAnimation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetIpv4RoutingTable ( Ptr< Node n)

Definition at line 106 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), ns3::Object::GetObject(), ns3::Ipv4::GetRoutingProtocol(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_WARN.

Referenced by TrackIpv4Route().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetMacAddress ( Ptr< NetDevice nd)

Definition at line 587 of file animation-interface.cc.

Referenced by StartAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetNetAnimVersion ( )

Definition at line 316 of file animation-interface.cc.

Referenced by GetXMLOpen_anim().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetPacketMetadata ( Ptr< const Packet p)

Definition at line 1580 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Packet::Print().

Referenced by DevTxTrace(), OutputCsmaPacket(), and OutputWirelessPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector ns3::AnimationInterface::GetPosition ( Ptr< Node n)

Definition at line 468 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), m_nodeLocation, and NS_FATAL_ERROR.

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck(), MobilityCourseChangeTrace(), NodeHasMoved(), RecalcTopoBounds(), and StartAnimation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetPreamble ( void  )

Definition at line 1604 of file animation-interface.cc.

References s.

Referenced by StartAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint64_t ns3::AnimationInterface::GetTracePktCount ( )

Get trace file packet count (This used only for testing)

returns Number of packets recorded in the current trace file

Definition at line 1587 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_currentPktCount.

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLClose ( std::string  name)

Definition at line 648 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck(), MobilityCourseChangeTrace(), StartAnimation(), and StopAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpen_anim ( uint32_t  lp)

Definition at line 1871 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetNetAnimVersion().

Referenced by EnableIpv4RouteTracking(), and StartAnimation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpen_packet ( uint32_t  fromLp,
uint32_t  fromId,
double  fbTx,
double  lbTx,
std::string  auxInfo = "" 

Definition at line 2002 of file animation-interface.cc.

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpen_topology ( double  minX,
double  minY,
double  maxX,
double  maxY 

Definition at line 1877 of file animation-interface.cc.

References userBoundary, ns3::Rectangle::xMax, ns3::Rectangle::xMin, ns3::Rectangle::yMax, and ns3::Rectangle::yMin.

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck(), MobilityCourseChangeTrace(), and StartAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpen_wpacket ( uint32_t  fromLp,
uint32_t  fromId,
double  fbTx,
double  lbTx,
double  range 

Definition at line 2064 of file animation-interface.cc.

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_link ( uint32_t  fromLp,
uint32_t  fromId,
uint32_t  toLp,
uint32_t  toId 

Definition at line 1971 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::LinkProperties::fromNodeDescription, ns3::LinkProperties::linkDescription, linkProperties, and ns3::LinkProperties::toNodeDescription.

Referenced by StartAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_linkupdate ( uint32_t  fromId,
uint32_t  toId,
std::string  linkDescription 

Definition at line 1957 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), and ns3::Simulator::Now().

Referenced by UpdateLinkDescription().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_meta ( std::string  metaInfo)

Definition at line 2087 of file animation-interface.cc.

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_node ( uint32_t  lp,
uint32_t  id,
double  locX,
double  locY 

Definition at line 1921 of file animation-interface.cc.

References nodeDescriptions.

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck(), MobilityCourseChangeTrace(), and StartAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_node ( uint32_t  lp,
uint32_t  id,
double  locX,
double  locY,
struct Rgb  rgb 

Definition at line 1937 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Rgb::b, ns3::Rgb::g, nodeDescriptions, and ns3::Rgb::r.

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_nodeupdate ( uint32_t  id,
bool  visible = true 

Definition at line 1894 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Rgb::b, ns3::Rgb::g, ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), nodeColors, nodeDescriptions, ns3::Simulator::Now(), and ns3::Rgb::r.

Referenced by ShowNode(), UpdateNodeColor(), and UpdateNodeDescription().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_NonP2pLinkProperties ( uint32_t  id,
std::string  ipv4Address,
std::string  channelType 

Definition at line 2096 of file animation-interface.cc.

Referenced by WriteNonP2pLinkProperties().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_p ( std::string  pktType,
uint32_t  fId,
double  fbTx,
double  lbTx,
uint32_t  tId,
double  fbRx,
double  lbRx,
std::string  metaInfo = "",
std::string  auxInfo = "" 

Definition at line 2041 of file animation-interface.cc.

Referenced by DevTxTrace(), OutputCsmaPacket(), OutputWirelessPacket(), and WriteDummyPacket().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_routing ( uint32_t  id,
std::string  routingInfo 

Definition at line 2013 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), and ns3::Simulator::Now().

Referenced by TrackIpv4Route().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_rp ( uint32_t  nodeId,
std::string  destination,
Ipv4RoutePathElements  rpElements 

Definition at line 2023 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), ns3::Ipv4RoutePathElement::nextHop, ns3::Ipv4RoutePathElement::nodeId, and ns3::Simulator::Now().

Referenced by WriteRoutePath().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::GetXMLOpenClose_rx ( uint32_t  toLp,
uint32_t  toId,
double  fbRx,
double  lbRx 

Definition at line 2076 of file animation-interface.cc.

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::IsInitialized ( void  )

Check if AnimationInterface is initialized.

true if AnimationInterface was already initialized

Definition at line 372 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::initialized.

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::IsStarted ( void  )

Is AnimationInterface started.

true if AnimationInterface was started

Definition at line 377 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_started.

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::LtePacketIsPending ( uint64_t  AnimUid)

Definition at line 423 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingLtePackets.

Referenced by LteRxTrace(), and LteSpectrumPhyRxStart().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::LteRxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p,
const Mac48Address m 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::LteSpectrumPhyRxStart ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const PacketBurst pb 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::LteSpectrumPhyTxStart ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const PacketBurst pb 
0.0001 is used until Lte implements TxBegin and TxEnd traces

Definition at line 1348 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Packet::AddByteTag(), AddPendingLtePacket(), gAnimUid, GetNetDeviceFromContext(), IsInTimeWindow(), list, m_started, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, NS_LOG_WARN, ns3::AnimByteTag::Set(), and UpdatePosition().

Referenced by ConnectLteEnb(), and ConnectLteUe().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::LteTxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p,
const Mac48Address m 
0.0001 is used until Lte implements TxBegin and TxEnd traces

Definition at line 1306 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Packet::AddByteTag(), AddPendingLtePacket(), gAnimUid, GetNetDeviceFromContext(), IsInTimeWindow(), m_started, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, ns3::AnimByteTag::Set(), and UpdatePosition().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::MobilityCourseChangeTrace ( Ptr< const MobilityModel mob)
bool ns3::AnimationInterface::NodeHasMoved ( Ptr< Node n,
Vector  newLocation 

Definition at line 1538 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetPosition(), ns3::Vector3D::x, and ns3::Vector3D::y.

Referenced by RecalcTopoBounds().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::OutputCsmaPacket ( Ptr< const Packet p,
AnimPacketInfo pktInfo,
AnimRxInfo  pktrxInfo 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::PurgePendingCsma ( )

Definition at line 560 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::m_fbTx, m_pendingCsmaPackets, ns3::Simulator::Now(), and PURGE_INTERVAL.

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::PurgePendingLte ( )

Definition at line 534 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::m_fbTx, m_pendingLtePackets, ns3::Simulator::Now(), and PURGE_INTERVAL.

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::PurgePendingWifi ( )

Definition at line 479 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::m_fbTx, m_pendingWifiPackets, ns3::Simulator::Now(), and PURGE_INTERVAL.

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::PurgePendingWimax ( )

Definition at line 506 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::m_fbTx, m_pendingWimaxPackets, ns3::Simulator::Now(), and PURGE_INTERVAL.

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::RecalcTopoBounds ( Vector  v)
std::vector< Ptr< Node > > ns3::AnimationInterface::RecalcTopoBounds ( )

Definition at line 887 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::NodeList::Begin(), ns3::NodeList::End(), ns3::Object::GetObject(), ns3::MobilityModel::GetPosition(), GetPosition(), NodeHasMoved(), NS_ASSERT, and UpdatePosition().

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck(), and MobilityCourseChangeTrace().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::RecursiveIpv4RoutePathSearch ( std::string  fromIpv4,
std::string  toIpv4,
Ipv4RoutePathElements rpElements 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::ResetAnimWriteCallback ( )

Reset the write callback function.

Definition at line 388 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_writeCallback.

Referenced by StopAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetAnimWriteCallback ( AnimWriteCallback  cb)

Set a callback function to listen to AnimationInterface write events.

cbAddress of callback function

Definition at line 383 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_writeCallback.

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetBoundary ( double  minX,
double  minY,
double  maxX,
double  maxY 

Helper function to set the topology boundary rectangle.

minXX value of the lower left corner
minYY value of the lower left corner
maxXX value of the upper right corner
maxXY value of the upper right corner

Definition at line 1709 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::initialized, NS_ASSERT, NS_FATAL_ERROR, userBoundary, ns3::Rectangle::xMax, ns3::Rectangle::xMin, ns3::Rectangle::yMax, and ns3::Rectangle::yMin.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetConstantPosition ( Ptr< Node n,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z = 0 

Helper function to set Constant Position for a given node.

nPtr to the node
xX co-ordinate of the node
yY co-ordinate of the node
zZ co-ordinate of the node

Definition at line 1694 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Object::AggregateObject(), ns3::Node::GetId(), ns3::Object::GetObject(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_INFO.

Referenced by ns3::AnimationInterfaceTestCase::DoRun(), and main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetLinkDescription ( uint32_t  fromNode,
uint32_t  toNode,
std::string  linkDescription,
std::string  fromNodeDescription = "",
std::string  toNodeDescription = "" 

Helper function to set the description for a link.

fromNodeNode Id of the "from Node" of the p2p link
toNodeNode Id of the "to Node" of the p2p link
linkDescriptionDescription of the link such as link bandwidth
fromNodeDescriptionDescription at the "from Node" end such as IP address
toNodeDescriptionDescription at the "to Node" end such as Ip address

Definition at line 1797 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::P2pLinkNodeIdPair::fromNode, linkProperties, and ns3::P2pLinkNodeIdPair::toNode.

Referenced by SetLinkDescription(), and StartAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetLinkDescription ( Ptr< Node fromNode,
Ptr< Node toNode,
std::string  linkDescription,
std::string  fromNodeDescription = "",
std::string  toNodeDescription = "" 

Helper function to set the description for a link.

fromNodePtr to the "from Node" of the p2p link
toNodePtr the "to Node" of the p2p link
linkDescriptionDescription of the link such as link bandwidth
fromNodeDescriptionDescription at the "from Node" end such as IP address
toNodeDescriptionDescription at the "to Node" end such as Ip address

Definition at line 1821 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), NS_ASSERT, and SetLinkDescription().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetMobilityPollInterval ( Time  t)

Set mobility poll interval:WARNING: setting a low interval can cause slowness.

tTime interval between fetching mobility/position information Default: 0.25s

Definition at line 428 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_mobilityPollInterval.

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetNodeColor ( Ptr< Node n,
uint8_t  r,
uint8_t  g,
uint8_t  b 

Helper function to set the node color.

nPtr to the node
rRed component value (0-255)
gGreen component value (0-255)
bBlue component value (0-255)

Definition at line 1725 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), ns3::initialized, nodeColors, NS_ASSERT, NS_FATAL_ERROR, and NS_LOG_INFO.

Referenced by main(), and SetNodeColor().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetNodeColor ( NodeContainer  nc,
uint8_t  r,
uint8_t  g,
uint8_t  b 

Helper function to set the color of nodes in a container.

nPtr to the node
rRed component value (0-255)
gGreen component value (0-255)
bBlue component value (0-255)

Definition at line 1768 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::NodeContainer::Get(), ns3::NodeContainer::GetN(), NS_ASSERT, and SetNodeColor().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetNodeDescription ( Ptr< Node n,
std::string  descr 

Helper function to set a brief description for a given node.

nPtr to the node
descrA string to briefly describe the node

Definition at line 1832 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), ns3::initialized, nodeDescriptions, NS_ASSERT, and NS_FATAL_ERROR.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetNodeDescription ( NodeContainer  nc,
std::string  descr 

Helper function to set a brief description for nodes in a Node Container.

ncNodeContainer containing the nodes
descrA string to briefly describe the nodes

Definition at line 1856 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::NodeContainer::Get(), ns3::Node::GetId(), ns3::NodeContainer::GetN(), ns3::initialized, nodeDescriptions, NS_ASSERT, and NS_FATAL_ERROR.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::SetOutputFile ( const std::string &  fn)

Specify that animation commands are to be written to the specified output file.

This call is used to write the animation information to a text file that can later be used as input to the network animator tool.

fnThe name of the output file.
true if successful open.

Definition at line 331 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_f, m_outputFileName, m_outputFileSet, NS_FATAL_ERROR, and NS_LOG_INFO.

Referenced by StartAnimation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetRandomPosition ( bool  setRandPos)

Set random position if a Mobility Model does not exists for the node.

setRandPosTrue if a random position can be set for a node without a Mobililty model

Definition at line 433 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_randomPosition.

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::SetRoutingOutputFile ( const std::string &  fn)

Definition at line 349 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_routingF, and NS_FATAL_ERROR.

Referenced by EnableIpv4RouteTracking().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetStartTime ( Time  t)

Specify the time at which capture should start.

tThe time at which AnimationInterface should begin capture of traffic info

Definition at line 321 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_startTime.

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetStopTime ( Time  t)

Specify the time at which capture should stop.

tThe time at which AnimationInterface should stop capture of traffic info

Definition at line 326 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_stopTime.

void ns3::AnimationInterface::SetXMLOutput ( )

Specify that animation commands are to be written in XML format.


Definition at line 292 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_xml, and NS_LOG_INFO.

void ns3::AnimationInterface::ShowNode ( uint32_t  nodeId,
bool  show = true 

Helper function to show/hide a node.

nodeIdId of the node
showSet to true to show node, set to false to hide

Definition at line 1735 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::NodeList::GetNode(), GetXMLOpenClose_nodeupdate(), m_f, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, and WriteN().

Referenced by modify(), and ShowNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::ShowNode ( Ptr< Node n,
bool  show = true 

Helper function to show/hide a node.

nPtr to the node
showSet to true to show node, set to false to hide

Definition at line 1745 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ShowNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::StartAnimation ( bool  restart = false)

Writes the topology information and sets up the appropriate animation packet tx callback.

Writes the topology information to the appropriate output, depending on prior calls to SetOutputFile, SetServerPort, or SetInternalAnimation. Then creates the callbacks needed for the animator to start processing packets.

restartTrue when restarting animation

Definition at line 615 of file animation-interface.cc.

References AddToIpv4AddressNodeIdTable(), ns3::NodeList::Begin(), ConnectCallbacks(), ns3::NodeList::End(), ns3::Node::GetDevice(), ns3::Node::GetId(), GetIpv4Address(), GetMacAddress(), ns3::Node::GetNDevices(), ns3::NodeList::GetNNodes(), GetPosition(), GetPreamble(), GetXMLClose(), GetXMLOpen_anim(), GetXMLOpen_topology(), GetXMLOpenClose_link(), GetXMLOpenClose_node(), linkProperties, m_currentPktCount, m_f, m_mobilityPollInterval, m_outputFileName, m_started, m_topoMaxX, m_topoMaxY, m_topoMinX, m_topoMinY, m_xml, MobilityAutoCheck(), nodeColors, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_INFO, ns3::Simulator::Schedule(), SetLinkDescription(), SetOutputFile(), UpdatePosition(), WriteN(), WriteNonP2pLinkProperties(), ns3::Vector3D::x, and ns3::Vector3D::y.

Referenced by AnimationInterface(), and StartNewTraceFile().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::StartNewTraceFile ( )

Definition at line 299 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_currentPktCount, m_maxPktsPerFile, m_originalFileName, m_outputFileName, StartAnimation(), and StopAnimation().

Referenced by DevTxTrace(), OutputCsmaPacket(), and OutputWirelessPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::StopAnimation ( bool  onlyAnimation = false)

Closes the interface to the animator.

Definition at line 853 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetXMLClose(), m_f, m_outputFileSet, m_routingF, m_started, m_xml, NS_LOG_INFO, ResetAnimWriteCallback(), and WriteN().

Referenced by StartNewTraceFile(), and ~AnimationInterface().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::UanPacketIsPending ( uint64_t  AnimUid)

Definition at line 402 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingUanPackets.

Referenced by UanPhyGenRxTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::UanPhyGenRxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 

Definition at line 1105 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetAnimUidFromPacket(), GetNetDeviceFromContext(), IsInTimeWindow(), m_pendingUanPackets, m_started, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, NS_LOG_WARN, OutputWirelessPacket(), UanPacketIsPending(), and UpdatePosition().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::UanPhyGenTxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 

Definition at line 1086 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Packet::AddByteTag(), AddPendingUanPacket(), gAnimUid, GetNetDeviceFromContext(), IsInTimeWindow(), m_started, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, ns3::AnimByteTag::Set(), and UpdatePosition().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::UpdateLinkDescription ( uint32_t  fromNode,
uint32_t  toNode,
std::string  linkDescription 

Helper function to update the description for a link.

fromNodeNode Id of the "from Node" of the p2p link
toNodeNode Id of the "to Node" of the p2p link
linkDescriptionDescription of the link such as link bandwidth

Definition at line 1779 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetXMLOpenClose_linkupdate(), m_f, and WriteN().

Referenced by modify().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::UpdateLinkDescription ( Ptr< Node fromNode,
Ptr< Node toNode,
std::string  linkDescription 

Helper function to update the description for a link.

fromNodePtr to the "from Node" of the p2p link
toNodePtr to the "to Node" of the p2p link
linkDescriptionDescription of the link such as link bandwidth

Definition at line 1787 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), GetXMLOpenClose_linkupdate(), m_f, NS_ASSERT, and WriteN().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::UpdateNodeColor ( Ptr< Node n,
uint8_t  r,
uint8_t  g,
uint8_t  b 

Helper function to update the node color.

nPtr to the node
rRed component value (0-255)
gGreen component value (0-255)
bBlue component value (0-255)

Definition at line 1750 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId().

Referenced by modify().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::UpdateNodeColor ( uint32_t  nodeId,
uint8_t  r,
uint8_t  g,
uint8_t  b 

Helper function to update the node color.

nodeIdId of the node
rRed component value (0-255)
gGreen component value (0-255)
bBlue component value (0-255)

Definition at line 1755 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::NodeList::GetNode(), GetXMLOpenClose_nodeupdate(), m_f, nodeColors, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, and WriteN().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::UpdateNodeDescription ( Ptr< Node n,
std::string  descr 

Helper function to update the description for a given node.

nPtr to the node
descrA string to briefly describe the node

Definition at line 1840 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId().

Referenced by modify().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::UpdateNodeDescription ( uint32_t  nodeId,
std::string  descr 

Helper function to update the description for a given node.

nodeIdId of the node
descrA string to briefly describe the node

Definition at line 1845 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::NodeList::GetNode(), GetXMLOpenClose_nodeupdate(), m_f, nodeDescriptions, NS_ASSERT, and WriteN().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector ns3::AnimationInterface::UpdatePosition ( Ptr< Node n,
Vector  v 

Definition at line 462 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Node::GetId(), and m_nodeLocation.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::WifiMacRxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 
bool ns3::AnimationInterface::WifiPacketIsPending ( uint64_t  AnimUid)

Definition at line 407 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingWifiPackets.

Referenced by WifiMacRxTrace(), WifiPhyRxBeginTrace(), WifiPhyRxEndTrace(), and WifiPhyTxDropTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::WifiPhyRxBeginTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::WifiPhyRxDropTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 

Definition at line 1263 of file animation-interface.cc.

void ns3::AnimationInterface::WifiPhyRxEndTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::WifiPhyTxBeginTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::WifiPhyTxDropTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 
void ns3::AnimationInterface::WifiPhyTxEndTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p 

Definition at line 1152 of file animation-interface.cc.

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::WimaxPacketIsPending ( uint64_t  AnimUid)

Definition at line 418 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_pendingWimaxPackets.

Referenced by WimaxRxTrace().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::WimaxRxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p,
const Mac48Address m 
0.001 is used until Wimax implements RxBegin and RxEnd traces

Definition at line 1287 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetAnimUidFromPacket(), GetNetDeviceFromContext(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::GetRxInfo(), IsInTimeWindow(), m_pendingWimaxPackets, m_started, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, OutputWirelessPacket(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::ProcessRxBegin(), ns3::AnimPacketInfo::ProcessRxEnd(), UpdatePosition(), and WimaxPacketIsPending().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::WimaxTxTrace ( std::string  context,
Ptr< const Packet p,
const Mac48Address m 
0.0001 is used until Wimax implements TxBegin and TxEnd traces

Definition at line 1268 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Packet::AddByteTag(), AddPendingWimaxPacket(), gAnimUid, GetNetDeviceFromContext(), IsInTimeWindow(), m_started, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_INFO, ns3::AnimByteTag::Set(), and UpdatePosition().

Referenced by ConnectCallbacks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::WriteDummyPacket ( )

Definition at line 947 of file animation-interface.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), GetXMLOpenClose_p(), m_f, ns3::Simulator::Now(), and WriteN().

Referenced by MobilityAutoCheck(), and MobilityCourseChangeTrace().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ns3::AnimationInterface::WriteN ( const char *  data,
uint32_t  count,
FILE *  f 
int ns3::AnimationInterface::WriteN ( const std::string &  st,
FILE *  f 

Definition at line 878 of file animation-interface.cc.

References m_writeCallback, and WriteN().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::WriteNonP2pLinkProperties ( uint32_t  id,
std::string  ipv4Address,
std::string  channelType 

Definition at line 977 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetXMLOpenClose_NonP2pLinkProperties(), m_f, and WriteN().

Referenced by StartAnimation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AnimationInterface::WriteRoutePath ( uint32_t  nodeId,
std::string  destination,
Ipv4RoutePathElements  rpElements 

Definition at line 961 of file animation-interface.cc.

References GetXMLOpenClose_rp(), m_routingF, NS_LOG_INFO, and WriteN().

Referenced by TrackIpv4RoutePaths().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

uint64_t ns3::AnimationInterface::gAnimUid
std::map< P2pLinkNodeIdPair, LinkProperties, LinkPairCompare > ns3::AnimationInterface::linkProperties

Definition at line 614 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by GetXMLOpenClose_link(), SetLinkDescription(), and StartAnimation().

uint64_t ns3::AnimationInterface::m_currentPktCount
bool ns3::AnimationInterface::m_enablePacketMetadata
std::vector<Ipv4RouteTrackElement> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_ipv4RouteTrackElements

Definition at line 602 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by AddSourceDestination(), and TrackIpv4RoutePaths().

std::map<std::string, uint32_t> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_ipv4ToNodeIdMap
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_macToNodeIdMap

Definition at line 599 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by WifiPhyRxBeginTrace(), and WifiPhyTxBeginTrace().

uint64_t ns3::AnimationInterface::m_maxPktsPerFile

Definition at line 439 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by StartNewTraceFile().

Time ns3::AnimationInterface::m_mobilityPollInterval
std::map<uint32_t, Vector> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_nodeLocation

Definition at line 577 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by GetPosition(), and UpdatePosition().

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::m_originalFileName

Definition at line 440 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by StartNewTraceFile().

std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::m_outputFileName

Definition at line 430 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by SetOutputFile(), StartAnimation(), and StartNewTraceFile().

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::m_outputFileSet

Definition at line 431 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by SetOutputFile(), and StopAnimation().

std::map<uint64_t, AnimPacketInfo> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_pendingCsmaPackets
std::map<uint64_t, AnimPacketInfo> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_pendingLtePackets
std::map<uint64_t, AnimPacketInfo> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_pendingUanPackets
std::map<uint64_t, AnimPacketInfo> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_pendingWifiPackets
std::map<uint64_t, AnimPacketInfo> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_pendingWimaxPackets
bool ns3::AnimationInterface::m_randomPosition

Definition at line 433 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by SetRandomPosition(), and UpdatePosition().

FILE* ns3::AnimationInterface::m_routingF
std::string ns3::AnimationInterface::m_routingFileName

Definition at line 442 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by EnableIpv4RouteTracking().

NodeContainer ns3::AnimationInterface::m_routingNc

Definition at line 444 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by EnableIpv4RouteTracking(), and TrackIpv4Route().

Time ns3::AnimationInterface::m_routingPollInterval

Definition at line 443 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by EnableIpv4RouteTracking(), and TrackIpv4Route().

Time ns3::AnimationInterface::m_routingStopTime

Definition at line 441 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by EnableIpv4RouteTracking(), and TrackIpv4Route().

Time ns3::AnimationInterface::m_startTime

Definition at line 437 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by IsInTimeWindow(), and SetStartTime().

Time ns3::AnimationInterface::m_stopTime

Definition at line 438 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by IsInTimeWindow(), and SetStopTime().

double ns3::AnimationInterface::m_topoMaxX
double ns3::AnimationInterface::m_topoMaxY
double ns3::AnimationInterface::m_topoMinX
double ns3::AnimationInterface::m_topoMinY
Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> ns3::AnimationInterface::m_uniformRandomVariable

Provides uniform random variables.

Definition at line 657 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by AnimationInterface(), AssignStreams(), and UpdatePosition().

AnimWriteCallback ns3::AnimationInterface::m_writeCallback

Definition at line 434 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by ResetAnimWriteCallback(), SetAnimWriteCallback(), and WriteN().

bool ns3::AnimationInterface::m_xml
std::map< uint32_t, Rgb > ns3::AnimationInterface::nodeColors
std::map< uint32_t, std::string > ns3::AnimationInterface::nodeDescriptions
Rectangle * ns3::AnimationInterface::userBoundary = 0

Definition at line 632 of file animation-interface.h.

Referenced by GetXMLOpen_topology(), SetBoundary(), and ~AnimationInterface().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: