This is the complete list of members for ns3::VhtPhy, including all inherited members.
ABORT enum value | ns3::PhyEntity | |
AbortCurrentReception(WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
AddPreambleEvent(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
begin() const | ns3::PhyEntity | |
BuildModeList() override | ns3::VhtPhy | privatevirtual |
BuildPpdu(const WifiConstPsduMap &psdus, const WifiTxVector &txVector, Time ppduDuration) override | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
CalculateDataRate(Time symbolDuration, uint16_t usableSubCarriers, uint16_t numberOfBitsPerSubcarrier, double codingRate, uint8_t nss) | ns3::HtPhy | protectedstatic |
ns3::OfdmPhy::CalculateDataRate(WifiCodeRate codeRate, uint16_t constellationSize, MHz_u channelWidth) | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedstatic |
ns3::OfdmPhy::CalculateDataRate(Time symbolDuration, uint16_t usableSubCarriers, uint16_t numberOfBitsPerSubcarrier, double codingRate) | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedstatic |
CalculateNonHtReferenceRate(WifiCodeRate codeRate, uint16_t constellationSize) | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedstatic |
CalculatePhyPreambleAndHeaderDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::PhyEntity | |
CalculatePhyRate(WifiCodeRate codeRate, uint64_t dataRate) | ns3::HtPhy | protectedstatic |
CalculateTxDuration(const WifiConstPsduMap &psduMap, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band) const | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
CancelAllEvents() | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
CancelRunningEndPreambleDetectionEvents() | ns3::PhyEntity | |
CanStartRx(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
CcaIndication typedef | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
CodeRateConstellationSizePair typedef | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
CreateHtMcs(uint8_t index) | ns3::HtPhy | privatestatic |
CreateInterferenceEvent(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, Time duration, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPower, bool isStartHePortionRxing=false) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
CreateOfdmMode(std::string uniqueName, bool isMandatory) | ns3::OfdmPhy | privatestatic |
CreateVhtMcs(uint8_t index) | ns3::VhtPhy | privatestatic |
DoAbortCurrentReception(WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
DoEndReceiveField(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) override | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
DoEndReceivePayload(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
DoEndReceivePreamble(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
DoGetEvent(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPowersW) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
DoResetReceive(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
DoStartReceiveField(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
DoStartReceivePayload(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
DROP enum value | ns3::PhyEntity | |
DropPreambleEvent(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason, Time endRx) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
end() const | ns3::PhyEntity | |
EndOfMpdu(Ptr< Event > event, Ptr< WifiMpdu > mpdu, size_t mpduIndex, Time relativeStart, Time mpduDuration) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
EndPreambleDetectionPeriod(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
EndReceiveField(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | |
EndReceiveHeader(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::OfdmPhy | protected |
EndReceiveHtSig(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::HtPhy | private |
EndReceivePayload(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | |
EndReceiveSig(Ptr< Event > event, WifiPpduField field) | ns3::VhtPhy | protected |
ErasePreambleEvent(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, Time rxDuration) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetAddressedPsduInPpdu(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
GetBssMembershipSelector() const | ns3::HtPhy | |
GetCcaIndication(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) override | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetCcaThreshold(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, WifiChannelListType channelType) const override | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetChannelWidthAndBand(const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId) const | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
GetCodeRate(uint8_t mcsValue) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
ns3::OfdmPhy::GetCodeRate(const std::string &name) | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetCodeRatio(WifiCodeRate codeRate) | ns3::HtPhy | protectedstatic |
GetConstellationSize(uint8_t mcsValue) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
ns3::OfdmPhy::GetConstellationSize(const std::string &name) | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetCurrentEvent() const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetCurrentPreambleEvents() const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetDataRate(uint8_t mcsValue, MHz_u channelWidth, Time guardInterval, uint8_t nss) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
ns3::OfdmPhy::GetDataRate(const std::string &name, MHz_u channelWidth) | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetDataRateFromTxVector(const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetDelayUntilCcaEnd(dBm_u threshold, const WifiSpectrumBandInfo &band) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetDuration(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetDurationUpToField(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::PhyEntity | |
GetFailureReason(WifiPpduField field) const | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetGuardBandwidth(MHz_u currentChannelWidth) const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetHeaderDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetHeaderMode(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetHtCodeRate(uint8_t mcsValue) | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtConstellationSize(uint8_t mcsValue) | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs(uint8_t index) | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs0() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs1() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs10() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs11() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs12() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs13() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs14() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs15() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs16() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs17() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs18() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs19() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs2() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs20() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs21() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs22() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs23() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs24() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs25() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs26() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs27() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs28() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs29() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs3() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs30() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs31() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs4() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs5() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs6() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs7() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs8() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtMcs9() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetHtSigDuration() const override | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetHtSigMode() const override | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetLSigDuration(WifiPreamble preamble) const override | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetLSigMode() | ns3::HtPhy | static |
GetMaxDelayPpduSameUid(const WifiTxVector &txVector) | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
GetMaxPsduSize() const override | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetMaxSupportedMcsIndexPerSs() const | ns3::HtPhy | |
GetMcs(uint8_t index) const override | ns3::HtPhy | virtual |
GetMeasurementChannelWidth(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const override | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetNextField(WifiPpduField currentField, WifiPreamble preamble) const | ns3::PhyEntity | |
GetNonHtReferenceRate(uint8_t mcsValue) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetNumberBccEncoders(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetNumberServiceBits() const | ns3::OfdmPhy | protected |
GetNumModes() const | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
GetOfdmRate(uint64_t rate, MHz_u bw=MHz_u{20}) | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate12Mbps() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate12MbpsBW10MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate12MbpsBW5MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate13_5MbpsBW5MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate18Mbps() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate18MbpsBW10MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate1_5MbpsBW5MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate24Mbps() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate24MbpsBW10MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate27MbpsBW10MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate2_25MbpsBW5MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate36Mbps() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate3MbpsBW10MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate3MbpsBW5MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate48Mbps() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate4_5MbpsBW10MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate4_5MbpsBW5MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate54Mbps() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate6Mbps() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate6MbpsBW5MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate9Mbps() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate9MbpsBW10MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetOfdmRate9MbpsBW5MHz() | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetPayloadDuration(uint32_t size, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band, MpduType mpdutype, bool incFlag, uint32_t &totalAmpduSize, double &totalAmpduNumSymbols, uint16_t staId) const override | ns3::HtPhy | virtual |
GetPhyHeaderSections(const WifiTxVector &txVector, Time ppduStart) const | ns3::PhyEntity | |
GetPhyHeaderSnrPer(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetPhyRate(uint8_t mcsValue, MHz_u channelWidth, Time guardInterval, uint8_t nss) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
ns3::OfdmPhy::GetPhyRate(const std::string &name, MHz_u channelWidth) | ns3::OfdmPhy | static |
GetPhyRateFromTxVector(const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetPpduFormats() const override | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetPreambleDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetPrimaryBand(MHz_u bandWidth) const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetRandomValue() const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetReceptionStatus(Ptr< WifiMpdu > mpdu, Ptr< Event > event, uint16_t staId, Time relativeMpduStart, Time mpduDuration) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetReferenceCount() const | ns3::SimpleRefCount< PhyEntity > | inline |
GetRemainingDurationAfterField(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, WifiPpduField field) const | ns3::PhyEntity | |
GetRxChannelWidth(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
GetRxPowerForPpdu(Ptr< Event > event) const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetRxPpduFromTxPpdu(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) override | ns3::OfdmPhy | virtual |
GetSecondaryBand(MHz_u bandWidth) const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetSigADuration(WifiPreamble preamble) const | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetSigAMode() const | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetSigBDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetSigBMode(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetSigMode(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetSignalExtension(WifiPhyBand band) const | ns3::OfdmPhy | protected |
GetStaId(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
GetSymbolDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::HtPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetSymbolDuration(Time guardInterval) | ns3::HtPhy | protectedstatic |
ns3::OfdmPhy::GetSymbolDuration(MHz_u channelWidth) | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedstatic |
GetTrainingDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint8_t nDataLtf, uint8_t nExtensionLtf=0) const override | ns3::VhtPhy | virtual |
GetTxMaskRejectionParams() const | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
GetTxPowerSpectralDensity(Watt_u txPower, Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const override | ns3::HtPhy | protectedvirtual |
GetUsableSubcarriers(MHz_u channelWidth) | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedstatic |
ns3::OfdmPhy::GetUsableSubcarriers() | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedstatic |
GetVhtMcs(uint8_t index) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs0() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs1() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs2() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs3() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs4() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs5() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs6() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs7() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs8() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetVhtMcs9() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
GetWifiConstPsduMap(Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
HandleRxPpduWithSameContent(Ptr< Event > event, Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPower) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
HandlesMcsModes() const override | ns3::HtPhy | virtual |
HtPhy(uint8_t maxNss=1, bool buildModeList=true) | ns3::HtPhy | |
IGNORE enum value | ns3::PhyEntity | |
InitializeModes() | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
IsAllConfigSupported(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const override | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
IsAllowed(const WifiTxVector &txVector) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
IsChannelWidthSupported(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const | ns3::OfdmPhy | protectedvirtual |
IsCombinationAllowed(uint8_t mcsValue, MHz_u channelWidth, uint8_t nss) | ns3::VhtPhy | static |
IsConfigSupported(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const override | ns3::HtPhy | protectedvirtual |
IsMcsSupported(uint8_t index) const override | ns3::HtPhy | virtual |
IsModeSupported(WifiMode mode) const | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
m_bssMembershipSelector | ns3::HtPhy | protected |
m_count | ns3::SimpleRefCount< PhyEntity > | mutableprivate |
m_endOfMacHdrEvents | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
m_endOfMpduEvents | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
m_endPreambleDetectionEvents | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
m_endRxPayloadEvents | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
m_exceptionsMap | ns3::VhtPhy | privatestatic |
m_globalPpduUid | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedstatic |
m_htPpduFormats | ns3::HtPhy | privatestatic |
m_maxMcsIndexPerSs | ns3::HtPhy | protected |
m_maxSupportedMcsIndexPerSs | ns3::HtPhy | protected |
m_maxSupportedNss | ns3::HtPhy | private |
m_modeList | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
m_ofdmModulationLookupTable | ns3::OfdmPhy | privatestatic |
m_ofdmPpduFormats | ns3::OfdmPhy | privatestatic |
m_signalNoiseMap | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
m_state | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
m_statusPerMpduMap | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
m_vhtPpduFormats | ns3::VhtPhy | privatestatic |
m_wifiPhy | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
ModulationLookupTable typedef | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
NesExceptionMap typedef | ns3::VhtPhy | private |
NoEndPreambleDetectionEvents() const | ns3::PhyEntity | |
NotifyCcaBusy(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, Time duration, WifiChannelListType channelType) | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
NotifyInterferenceRxEndAndClear(bool reset) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
NotifyPayloadBegin(const WifiTxVector &txVector, const Time &payloadDuration) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
ObtainNextUid(const WifiTxVector &txVector) | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
OfdmPhy(OfdmPhyVariant variant=OFDM_PHY_DEFAULT, bool buildModeList=true) | ns3::OfdmPhy | |
operator=(const SimpleRefCount &o) | ns3::SimpleRefCount< PhyEntity > | inline |
PhyHeaderChunkInfo typedef | ns3::PhyEntity | |
PhyHeaderSections typedef | ns3::PhyEntity | |
PhyRxFailureAction enum name | ns3::PhyEntity | |
PpduFormats typedef | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
ProcessSig(Ptr< Event > event, PhyFieldRxStatus status, WifiPpduField field) | ns3::VhtPhy | protectedvirtual |
Ref() const | ns3::SimpleRefCount< PhyEntity > | inline |
ResetReceive(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | |
RxPayloadFailed(Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, double snr, const WifiTxVector &txVector) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
RxPayloadSucceeded(Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId, const std::vector< bool > &statusPerMpdu) | ns3::PhyEntity | protectedvirtual |
ScheduleEndOfMpdus(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
SetMaxSupportedMcsIndexPerSs(uint8_t maxIndex) | ns3::HtPhy | |
SetMaxSupportedNss(uint8_t maxNss) | ns3::HtPhy | |
SetOwner(Ptr< WifiPhy > wifiPhy) | ns3::PhyEntity | |
SimpleRefCount() | ns3::SimpleRefCount< PhyEntity > | inline |
SimpleRefCount(const SimpleRefCount &o) | ns3::SimpleRefCount< PhyEntity > | inline |
StartPreambleDetectionPeriod(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
StartReceiveField(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | |
StartReceivePayload(Ptr< Event > event) | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
StartReceivePreamble(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPowersW, Time rxDuration) | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
StartTx(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
SwitchMaybeToCcaBusy(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
Transmit(Time txDuration, Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, dBm_u txPower, Ptr< SpectrumValue > txPowerSpectrum, const std::string &type) | ns3::PhyEntity | |
UidStaIdPair typedef | ns3::PhyEntity | protected |
Unref() const | ns3::SimpleRefCount< PhyEntity > | inline |
VhtPhy(bool buildModeList=true) | ns3::VhtPhy | |
~HtPhy() override | ns3::HtPhy | |
~OfdmPhy() override | ns3::OfdmPhy | |
~PhyEntity() | ns3::PhyEntity | virtual |
~VhtPhy() override | ns3::VhtPhy |