Topics | |
WiFi System Tests | |
Files | |
file | 80211b.c |
This program is used to generate plots found in the paper Guangyu Pei and Tom Henderson, "Validation of ns-3 802.11b PHY model", available online at | |
Classes | |
class | AidAssignmentTest |
Test that the AIDs that an AP MLD assigns to SLDs and MLDs are all unique. More... | |
class | AmpduAggregationTest |
Ampdu Aggregation Test. More... | |
class | BackoffGenerationTest |
Test the GenerateBackoffIfTxopWithoutTx and ProactiveBackoff attributes of the ChannelAccessManager. More... | |
class | BasicMultiLinkElementTest |
Test Multi-Link Element (Basic variant) serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | BlockAckAggregationDisabledTest |
Test for Block Ack Policy with aggregation disabled. More... | |
class | BlockAckRecipientBufferTest |
Test for recipient reordering buffer operations. More... | |
class | BlockAckTestSuite |
Block Ack Test Suite. More... | |
class | CcaTestPhyListener |
PHY listener for CCA tests. More... | |
class | ChannelAccessManagerStub |
ChannelAccessManager Stub. More... | |
class | ChannelAccessManagerTest< TxopType > |
Channel Access Manager Test. More... | |
class | ChannelAccessManagerTestSuite |
ChannelAccessManager Test Suite. More... | |
class | CtrlBAckResponseHeaderTest |
Test for block ack header. More... | |
class | EhtAggregationTest |
802.11be aggregation test which permits up to 1024 MPDUs in A-MPDU according to the negotiated buffer size. More... | |
class | EhtOperationElementTest |
Test EHT Operation information element serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | EmlOmnExchangeTest |
Test the exchange of EML Operating Mode Notification frames. More... | |
class | EmlOperatingModeNotificationTest |
Test EML Operating Mode Notification frame serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | EmlsrCcaBusyTest |
Test CCA busy notifications on EMLSR clients. More... | |
class | EmlsrDlTxopTest |
Test the transmission of DL frames to EMLSR clients. More... | |
class | EmlsrLinkSwitchTest |
Test the switching of PHYs on EMLSR clients. More... | |
class | EmlsrOperationsTestBase |
Base class for EMLSR Operations tests. More... | |
class | EmlsrUlOfdmaTest |
Check UL OFDMA operations with EMLSR clients. More... | |
class | EmlsrUlTxopTest |
Test the transmission of UL frames from EMLSR clients. More... | |
class | FrameExchangeManagerStub< TxopType > |
Frame Exchange Manager Stub. More... | |
class | GcrBaTest |
Test the implementation of GCR Block Ack. More... | |
class | GcrTestBase |
Base class for GCR tests. More... | |
class | GcrUrTest |
Test the implementation of GCR-UR. More... | |
class | GetRnrLinkInfoTest |
Test the implementation of WifiAssocManager::GetNextAffiliatedAp(), which searches a given RNR element for APs affiliated to the same AP MLD as the reporting AP that sent the frame containing the element. More... | |
class | He6GhzBandCapabilitiesTest |
Test HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities information element serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | HeAggregationTest |
802.11ax aggregation test which permits 64 or 256 MPDUs in A-MPDU according to the negotiated buffer size. More... | |
class | HeOperationElementTest |
Test HE Operation information element serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | HeRuMcsDataRateTestCase |
Data rate verification test for MCSs of different RU sizes. More... | |
class | HeSigBDurationTest |
HE-SIG-B duration test. More... | |
class | InterBssTestSuite |
Inter BSS Test Suite. More... | |
class | Issue211Test |
Test for issue 211 ( More... | |
class | Issue211TestSuite |
Block Ack Test Suite. More... | |
class | LargestIdlePrimaryChannelTest |
Test the calculation of the largest idle primary channel performed by ChannelAccessManager::GetLargestIdlePrimaryChannel(). More... | |
class | MgtTestHeader |
Test management header. More... | |
class | MldSwapLinksTest |
Test the WifiMac::SwapLinks() method. More... | |
class | MultiLinkMuTxTest |
Test data transmission between MLDs using OFDMA MU transmissions. More... | |
class | MultiLinkOperationsTestBase |
Base class for Multi-Link Operations tests. More... | |
class | MultiLinkSetupTest |
Multi-Link Discovery & Setup test. More... | |
class | MultiLinkTxTest |
Test data transmission between two MLDs. More... | |
class | MultiStaCtrlBAckResponseHeaderTest |
Test for Multi-STA block ack header. More... | |
class | OfdmaAckSequenceTest |
Test OFDMA acknowledgment sequences. More... | |
class | OfdmaTestPhyListener |
PHY listener for OFDMA tests. More... | |
class | OrigBlockAckWindowStalled |
Test for Block Ack Policy with non-null BA threshold and TX window blocked. More... | |
class | OriginatorBlockAckWindowTest |
Test for the originator block ack window. More... | |
class | PacketBufferingCaseA |
Packet Buffering Case A. More... | |
class | PacketBufferingCaseB |
Packet Buffering Case B. More... | |
class | PhyChannelSettingsToOperatingChannelTest |
Test the conversion from PHY ChannelSettings attribute to WifiPhyOperatingChannel. More... | |
class | PhyHeaderSectionsTest |
PHY header sections consistency test. More... | |
class | PowerRateAdaptationTest |
Power Rate Adaptation Test. More... | |
class | PowerRateAdaptationTestSuite |
Power Rate Adaptation Test Suite. More... | |
class | PowerSaveTestSuite |
Power Save Test Suite. More... | |
class | PreservePacketsInAmpdus |
Test for A-MSDU and A-MPDU aggregation. More... | |
class | ProbeExchTest |
Probe Request-Probe Response exchange. More... | |
class | ProbeExchTestSuite |
wifi probe exchange Test Suite More... | |
class | QosTxopTestSuite |
QosTxop Test Suite. More... | |
class | QosUtilsIsOldPacketTest |
Qos Utils Is Old Packet Test. More... | |
class | ReducedNeighborReportTest |
Test Reduced Neighbor Report serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | ReleaseSeqNoAfterCtsTimeoutTest |
Test release of sequence numbers upon CTS timeout in multi-link operations. More... | |
class | SetChannelFrequencyTest |
Set Channel Frequency Test. More... | |
class | SetWifiOperatingChannelTest |
Test the WifiPhyOperatingChannel::Set() method. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhy80Plus80Test |
Test 80+80MHz transmission. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhyBasicTest |
Spectrum Wifi Phy Basic Test. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhyFilterTest |
Spectrum Wifi Phy Filter Test. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhyGetBandTest |
Spectrum Wifi Phy Bands Calculations Test. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhyInterfacesHelperTest |
Spectrum Wifi Phy Interfaces Helper Test. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhyListenerTest |
Spectrum Wifi Phy Listener Test. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhyMultipleInterfacesTest |
Spectrum Wifi Phy Multiple Spectrum Test. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhyTestSuite |
Spectrum Wifi Phy Test Suite. More... | |
class | SpectrumWifiPhyTrackedBandsTest |
Test tracked bands in interference helper upon channel switching. More... | |
class | StartSeqNoUpdateAfterAddBaTimeoutTest |
Test update of BA starting sequence number after ADDBA Response timeout in multi-link operations. More... | |
class | TableBasedErrorRateTestCase |
Wifi Table-based Error Rate Models Test Case. More... | |
class | TestAmpduReception |
A-MPDU reception test. More... | |
class | TestDlMuMimoPhyTransmission |
DL MU-MIMO PHY test. More... | |
class | TestDlMuTxVector |
DL MU TX-VECTOR test. More... | |
class | TestDlOfdmaPhyPuncturing |
DL-OFDMA PHY puncturing test. More... | |
class | TestDlOfdmaPhyTransmission |
DL-OFDMA PHY test. More... | |
class | TestHeader |
Test header that can contain multiple test information elements. More... | |
class | TestInterBssConstantObssPdAlgo |
Wifi Test. More... | |
class | TestMultipleCtsResponsesFromMuRts |
test PHY reception of multiple CTS frames as a response to a MU-RTS frame. More... | |
class | TestMultipleHeTbPreambles |
UL-OFDMA multiple RX events test. More... | |
class | TestMultiUserScheduler |
Dummy Multi User Scheduler used to test OFDMA ack sequences. More... | |
class | TestNonHtDuplicatePhyReception |
non-HT duplicate PHY reception test The test consists in an AP sending a single non-HT duplicate PPDU of a given channel width (multiple of 20 MHz) over a spectrum channel and it checks whether the STAs attached to the channel receive the PPDU. More... | |
class | TestPhyDropDueToTx |
This test verifies that the WifiPhyRxfailureReason distinguishes between two cases: 1) a drop due to transmitting during the signal detection interval, and 2) a drop due to transmitting after the receiver has detected a preamble but is waiting for the end of the preamble. More... | |
class | TestPhyHeadersReception |
Test PHY state upon success or failure of L-SIG and SIG-A. More... | |
class | TestPhyListener |
Test Phy Listener. More... | |
class | TestPhyPaddingExclusion |
PHY padding exclusion test. More... | |
class | TestPrimary20CoveredByPpdu |
Primary 20 MHz Covered By Ppdu Test This test checks whether the functions WifiPpdu::DoesOverlapChannel and WifiPpdu::DoesCoverChannel are returning the expected results. More... | |
class | TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel |
Simple frame capture model test. More... | |
class | TestSpectrumChannelWithBandwidthFilter |
This test verifies the correct function of the WifiBandwidthFilter. More... | |
class | TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture |
Preamble detection test w/o frame capture. More... | |
class | TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture |
Preamble detection test w/o frame capture. More... | |
class | TestUlMuMimoPhyTransmission |
UL MU-MIMO PHY test. More... | |
class | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission |
UL-OFDMA PHY test. More... | |
class | TestUlOfdmaPowerControl |
UL-OFDMA power control test. More... | |
class | TestUlOfdmaPpduUid |
UL-OFDMA PPDU UID attribution test. More... | |
class | TestUnsupportedBandwidthReception |
Unsupported Bandwidth Reception Test This test checks whether a PHY receiving a PPDU sent over a channel width larger than the one supported by the PHY is getting dropped at the expected time. More... | |
class | TestUnsupportedModulationReception |
Unsupported Modulation Reception Test This test creates a mixed network, in which an HE STA and a VHT STA are associated to an HE AP and send uplink traffic. More... | |
class | TestWifiInformationElement |
Information Element to test IE fragmentation. More... | |
class | TestWifiPhyRxTraceHelper |
Implements a test case to evaluate the reception process of WiFi Physical Layer (PHY) frames (PPDU) with multiple MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs). More... | |
class | TestWifiPhyRxTraceHelperMloStr |
Implements a test case to evaluate the reception process of WiFi Physical Layer (PHY) frames (PPDU) containing multiple MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) in Multi-Link Operation (MLO) contexts. More... | |
class | TestWifiPhyRxTraceHelperYans |
Implements a test case to evaluate the reception process of WiFi Physical Layer (PHY) frames (PPDU) with multiple MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) when using YansWifiPhy. More... | |
class | TestWifiSubElement |
Subelement to test fragmentation. More... | |
class | TidToLinkMappingElementTest |
Test TID-To-Link Mapping information element serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | TimInformationElementTest |
Test TIM Information element serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | TwoLevelAggregationTest |
Two Level Aggregation Test. More... | |
class | TxDurationTest |
Tx Duration Test. More... | |
class | TxDurationTestSuite |
Tx Duration Test Suite. More... | |
class | TxopTest< TxopType > |
TxopTest Txop Test. More... | |
class | TxopTestSuite |
Txop Test Suite. More... | |
class | Wifi20MHzChannelIndicesTest |
Test functions returning the indices of primary and secondary channels of different width. More... | |
class | Wifi20MHzIndicesCoveringRuTest |
Test the WifiPhyOperatingChannel::Get20MHzIndicesCoveringRu() method. More... | |
class | WifiAcMappingTest |
Test for User priority to Access Category mapping. More... | |
class | WifiAcMappingTestSuite |
Access category mapping Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiAggregationTestSuite |
Wifi Aggregation Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiChannelSwitchingTest |
This test verifies that communication between an AP and a STA resumes after that both switch channel and PHY band. More... | |
class | WifiChannelSwitchingTestSuite |
Block Ack Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiDynamicBwOpTestSuite |
wifi dynamic bandwidth operation Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiEhtCapabilitiesIeTest |
Test serialization and deserialization of EHT capabilities IE. More... | |
class | WifiEhtInfoElemsTestSuite |
wifi EHT Information Elements Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiEmlsrTestSuite |
wifi EMLSR Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseDsss |
Wifi Error Rate Models Test Case Dsss. More... | |
class | WifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseMimo |
Wifi Error Rate Models Test Case MIMO. More... | |
class | WifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseNist |
Wifi Error Rate Models Test Case Nist. More... | |
class | WifiErrorRateModelsTestSuite |
Wifi Error Rate Models Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiExtractExpiredMpdusTest |
Test extraction of expired MPDUs from MAC queue container. More... | |
class | WifiFilsFrameTest |
Test FILS frames. More... | |
class | WifiFilsFrameTestSuite |
WiFi FILS frame Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiGcrTestSuite |
wifi GCR Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiHeInfoElemsTestSuite |
wifi HE Information Elements Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiIeFragmentationTest |
Test fragmentation of Information Elements. More... | |
class | WifiIeFragmentationTestSuite |
wifi Information Element fragmentation Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiMacOfdmaTestSuite |
wifi MAC OFDMA Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiMacQueueDropOldestTest |
Test DROP_OLDEST setting. More... | |
class | WifiMacQueueTestSuite |
Wifi MAC Queue Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiMgtHeaderTest |
Mgt header (de)serialization Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiMsduAggregatorTestSuite |
MsduAggregator Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiMsduAggregatorThroughputTest |
Throughput test for MsduAggregator. More... | |
class | WifiMultiLinkOperationsTestSuite |
wifi 11be MLD Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiNonHtDuplicateTestSuite |
wifi non-HT duplicate Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiOfdmMaskSlopesTestCase |
Test checks if Wifi spectrum values for OFDM are generated properly. More... | |
class | WifiOperatingChannelTestSuite |
wifi operating channel test suite More... | |
class | WifiPhyCcaIndicationTest |
Wifi Phy Threshold Test base class. More... | |
class | WifiPhyCcaTestSuite |
Wi-Fi PHY CCA Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiPhyCcaThresholdsTest |
PHY CCA thresholds test. More... | |
class | WifiPhyChannel80Plus80Test |
Test the operating channel functions for 80+80MHz. More... | |
class | WifiPhyMuMimoTestSuite |
wifi PHY MU-MIMO Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiPhyOfdmaTestSuite |
wifi PHY OFDMA Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiPhyReceptionTest |
Wifi Phy Reception Test base class. More... | |
class | WifiPhyReceptionTestSuite |
wifi PHY reception Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiPhyRxTraceHelperTestSuite |
wifi PHY reception Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiPhyThresholdsStrongForeignSignalTest |
Wifi Phy Threshold Strong Foreign Signal Test. More... | |
class | WifiPhyThresholdsStrongWifiSignalTest |
Wifi Phy Threshold Strong Wifi Signal Test. More... | |
class | WifiPhyThresholdsTest |
Wifi Phy Threshold Test base class. More... | |
class | WifiPhyThresholdsTestSuite |
Wifi Phy Thresholds Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiPhyThresholdsWeakForeignSignalTest |
Wifi Phy Threshold Weak Foreign Signal Test. More... | |
class | WifiPhyThresholdsWeakWifiSignalTest |
Wifi Phy Threshold Weak Wifi Signal Test. More... | |
class | WifiPrimaryChannelsTest |
Test transmissions under different primary channel settings. More... | |
class | WifiPrimaryChannelsTestSuite |
wifi primary channels test suite More... | |
class | WifiRetransmitTest |
Test retransmit procedure. More... | |
class | WifiRetransmitTestSuite |
wifi retransmit procedure Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiRuAllocationTestSuite |
wifi primary channels test suite More... | |
class | WifiTest |
Wifi Test. More... | |
class | WifiTestSuite |
Wifi Test Suite. More... | |
class | WifiTransmitMaskTestSuite |
Test suite for checking the consistency of different OFDM-based transmit masks. More... | |
class | WifiTxopTest |
Test TXOP rules. More... | |
class | WifiTxopTestSuite |
wifi TXOP Test Suite More... | |
class | WifiUseAvailBwTest |
Two BSSes, each with one AP and one non-AP STA, are configured to operate on different channels. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | WifiOfdmaScenario : uint8_t { WifiOfdmaScenario::HE = 0 , WifiOfdmaScenario::HE_EHT , WifiOfdmaScenario::EHT } |
The scenarios. More... | |
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