A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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wifi module tests
+ Collaboration diagram for wifi module tests:


 WiFi System Tests


file  80211b.c
 This program is used to generate plots found in the paper Guangyu Pei and Tom Henderson, "Validation of ns-3 802.11b PHY model", available online at http://www.nsnam.org/~pei/80211b.pdf.


class  AidAssignmentTest
 Test that the AIDs that an AP MLD assigns to SLDs and MLDs are all unique. More...
class  AmpduAggregationTest
 Ampdu Aggregation Test. More...
class  BackoffGenerationTest
 Test the GenerateBackoffIfTxopWithoutTx and ProactiveBackoff attributes of the ChannelAccessManager. More...
class  BasicMultiLinkElementTest
 Test Multi-Link Element (Basic variant) serialization and deserialization. More...
class  BlockAckAggregationDisabledTest
 Test for Block Ack Policy with aggregation disabled. More...
class  BlockAckRecipientBufferTest
 Test for recipient reordering buffer operations. More...
class  BlockAckTestSuite
 Block Ack Test Suite. More...
class  CcaTestPhyListener
 PHY listener for CCA tests. More...
class  ChannelAccessManagerStub
 ChannelAccessManager Stub. More...
class  ChannelAccessManagerTest< TxopType >
 Channel Access Manager Test. More...
class  ChannelAccessManagerTestSuite
 ChannelAccessManager Test Suite. More...
class  CtrlBAckResponseHeaderTest
 Test for block ack header. More...
class  EhtAggregationTest
 802.11be aggregation test which permits up to 1024 MPDUs in A-MPDU according to the negotiated buffer size. More...
class  EhtOperationElementTest
 Test EHT Operation information element serialization and deserialization. More...
class  EmlOmnExchangeTest
 Test the exchange of EML Operating Mode Notification frames. More...
class  EmlOperatingModeNotificationTest
 Test EML Operating Mode Notification frame serialization and deserialization. More...
class  EmlsrCcaBusyTest
 Test CCA busy notifications on EMLSR clients. More...
class  EmlsrDlTxopTest
 Test the transmission of DL frames to EMLSR clients. More...
class  EmlsrLinkSwitchTest
 Test the switching of PHYs on EMLSR clients. More...
class  EmlsrOperationsTestBase
 Base class for EMLSR Operations tests. More...
class  EmlsrUlOfdmaTest
 Check UL OFDMA operations with EMLSR clients. More...
class  EmlsrUlTxopTest
 Test the transmission of UL frames from EMLSR clients. More...
class  FrameExchangeManagerStub< TxopType >
 Frame Exchange Manager Stub. More...
class  GcrBaTest
 Test the implementation of GCR Block Ack. More...
class  GcrTestBase
 Base class for GCR tests. More...
class  GcrUrTest
 Test the implementation of GCR-UR. More...
class  GetRnrLinkInfoTest
 Test the implementation of WifiAssocManager::GetNextAffiliatedAp(), which searches a given RNR element for APs affiliated to the same AP MLD as the reporting AP that sent the frame containing the element. More...
class  He6GhzBandCapabilitiesTest
 Test HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities information element serialization and deserialization. More...
class  HeAggregationTest
 802.11ax aggregation test which permits 64 or 256 MPDUs in A-MPDU according to the negotiated buffer size. More...
class  HeOperationElementTest
 Test HE Operation information element serialization and deserialization. More...
class  HeRuMcsDataRateTestCase
 Data rate verification test for MCSs of different RU sizes. More...
class  HeSigBDurationTest
 HE-SIG-B duration test. More...
class  InterBssTestSuite
 Inter BSS Test Suite. More...
class  Issue211Test
 Test for issue 211 (https://gitlab.com/nsnam/ns-3-dev/-/issues/211) More...
class  Issue211TestSuite
 Block Ack Test Suite. More...
class  LargestIdlePrimaryChannelTest
 Test the calculation of the largest idle primary channel performed by ChannelAccessManager::GetLargestIdlePrimaryChannel(). More...
class  MgtTestHeader
 Test management header. More...
class  MldSwapLinksTest
 Test the WifiMac::SwapLinks() method. More...
class  MultiLinkMuTxTest
 Test data transmission between MLDs using OFDMA MU transmissions. More...
class  MultiLinkOperationsTestBase
 Base class for Multi-Link Operations tests. More...
class  MultiLinkSetupTest
 Multi-Link Discovery & Setup test. More...
class  MultiLinkTxTest
 Test data transmission between two MLDs. More...
class  MultiStaCtrlBAckResponseHeaderTest
 Test for Multi-STA block ack header. More...
class  OfdmaAckSequenceTest
 Test OFDMA acknowledgment sequences. More...
class  OfdmaTestPhyListener
 PHY listener for OFDMA tests. More...
class  OrigBlockAckWindowStalled
 Test for Block Ack Policy with non-null BA threshold and TX window blocked. More...
class  OriginatorBlockAckWindowTest
 Test for the originator block ack window. More...
class  PacketBufferingCaseA
 Packet Buffering Case A. More...
class  PacketBufferingCaseB
 Packet Buffering Case B. More...
class  PhyChannelSettingsToOperatingChannelTest
 Test the conversion from PHY ChannelSettings attribute to WifiPhyOperatingChannel. More...
class  PhyHeaderSectionsTest
 PHY header sections consistency test. More...
class  PowerRateAdaptationTest
 Power Rate Adaptation Test. More...
class  PowerRateAdaptationTestSuite
 Power Rate Adaptation Test Suite. More...
class  PowerSaveTestSuite
 Power Save Test Suite. More...
class  PreservePacketsInAmpdus
 Test for A-MSDU and A-MPDU aggregation. More...
class  ProbeExchTest
 Probe Request-Probe Response exchange. More...
class  ProbeExchTestSuite
 wifi probe exchange Test Suite More...
class  QosTxopTestSuite
 QosTxop Test Suite. More...
class  QosUtilsIsOldPacketTest
 Qos Utils Is Old Packet Test. More...
class  ReducedNeighborReportTest
 Test Reduced Neighbor Report serialization and deserialization. More...
class  ReleaseSeqNoAfterCtsTimeoutTest
 Test release of sequence numbers upon CTS timeout in multi-link operations. More...
class  SetChannelFrequencyTest
 Set Channel Frequency Test. More...
class  SetWifiOperatingChannelTest
 Test the WifiPhyOperatingChannel::Set() method. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhy80Plus80Test
 Test 80+80MHz transmission. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhyBasicTest
 Spectrum Wifi Phy Basic Test. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhyFilterTest
 Spectrum Wifi Phy Filter Test. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhyGetBandTest
 Spectrum Wifi Phy Bands Calculations Test. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhyInterfacesHelperTest
 Spectrum Wifi Phy Interfaces Helper Test. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhyListenerTest
 Spectrum Wifi Phy Listener Test. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhyMultipleInterfacesTest
 Spectrum Wifi Phy Multiple Spectrum Test. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhyTestSuite
 Spectrum Wifi Phy Test Suite. More...
class  SpectrumWifiPhyTrackedBandsTest
 Test tracked bands in interference helper upon channel switching. More...
class  StartSeqNoUpdateAfterAddBaTimeoutTest
 Test update of BA starting sequence number after ADDBA Response timeout in multi-link operations. More...
class  TableBasedErrorRateTestCase
 Wifi Table-based Error Rate Models Test Case. More...
class  TestAmpduReception
 A-MPDU reception test. More...
class  TestDlMuMimoPhyTransmission
 DL MU-MIMO PHY test. More...
class  TestDlMuTxVector
 DL MU TX-VECTOR test. More...
class  TestDlOfdmaPhyPuncturing
 DL-OFDMA PHY puncturing test. More...
class  TestDlOfdmaPhyTransmission
 DL-OFDMA PHY test. More...
class  TestHeader
 Test header that can contain multiple test information elements. More...
class  TestInterBssConstantObssPdAlgo
 Wifi Test. More...
class  TestMultipleCtsResponsesFromMuRts
 test PHY reception of multiple CTS frames as a response to a MU-RTS frame. More...
class  TestMultipleHeTbPreambles
 UL-OFDMA multiple RX events test. More...
class  TestMultiUserScheduler
 Dummy Multi User Scheduler used to test OFDMA ack sequences. More...
class  TestNonHtDuplicatePhyReception
 non-HT duplicate PHY reception test The test consists in an AP sending a single non-HT duplicate PPDU of a given channel width (multiple of 20 MHz) over a spectrum channel and it checks whether the STAs attached to the channel receive the PPDU. More...
class  TestPhyDropDueToTx
 This test verifies that the WifiPhyRxfailureReason distinguishes between two cases: 1) a drop due to transmitting during the signal detection interval, and 2) a drop due to transmitting after the receiver has detected a preamble but is waiting for the end of the preamble. More...
class  TestPhyHeadersReception
 Test PHY state upon success or failure of L-SIG and SIG-A. More...
class  TestPhyListener
 Test Phy Listener. More...
class  TestPhyPaddingExclusion
 PHY padding exclusion test. More...
class  TestPrimary20CoveredByPpdu
 Primary 20 MHz Covered By Ppdu Test This test checks whether the functions WifiPpdu::DoesOverlapChannel and WifiPpdu::DoesCoverChannel are returning the expected results. More...
class  TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel
 Simple frame capture model test. More...
class  TestSpectrumChannelWithBandwidthFilter
 This test verifies the correct function of the WifiBandwidthFilter. More...
class  TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture
 Preamble detection test w/o frame capture. More...
class  TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture
 Preamble detection test w/o frame capture. More...
class  TestUlMuMimoPhyTransmission
 UL MU-MIMO PHY test. More...
class  TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission
 UL-OFDMA PHY test. More...
class  TestUlOfdmaPowerControl
 UL-OFDMA power control test. More...
class  TestUlOfdmaPpduUid
 UL-OFDMA PPDU UID attribution test. More...
class  TestUnsupportedBandwidthReception
 Unsupported Bandwidth Reception Test This test checks whether a PHY receiving a PPDU sent over a channel width larger than the one supported by the PHY is getting dropped at the expected time. More...
class  TestUnsupportedModulationReception
 Unsupported Modulation Reception Test This test creates a mixed network, in which an HE STA and a VHT STA are associated to an HE AP and send uplink traffic. More...
class  TestWifiInformationElement
 Information Element to test IE fragmentation. More...
class  TestWifiPhyRxTraceHelper
 Implements a test case to evaluate the reception process of WiFi Physical Layer (PHY) frames (PPDU) with multiple MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs). More...
class  TestWifiPhyRxTraceHelperMloStr
 Implements a test case to evaluate the reception process of WiFi Physical Layer (PHY) frames (PPDU) containing multiple MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) in Multi-Link Operation (MLO) contexts. More...
class  TestWifiPhyRxTraceHelperYans
 Implements a test case to evaluate the reception process of WiFi Physical Layer (PHY) frames (PPDU) with multiple MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) when using YansWifiPhy. More...
class  TestWifiSubElement
 Subelement to test fragmentation. More...
class  TidToLinkMappingElementTest
 Test TID-To-Link Mapping information element serialization and deserialization. More...
class  TimInformationElementTest
 Test TIM Information element serialization and deserialization. More...
class  TwoLevelAggregationTest
 Two Level Aggregation Test. More...
class  TxDurationTest
 Tx Duration Test. More...
class  TxDurationTestSuite
 Tx Duration Test Suite. More...
class  TxopTest< TxopType >
 TxopTest Txop Test. More...
class  TxopTestSuite
 Txop Test Suite. More...
class  Wifi20MHzChannelIndicesTest
 Test functions returning the indices of primary and secondary channels of different width. More...
class  Wifi20MHzIndicesCoveringRuTest
 Test the WifiPhyOperatingChannel::Get20MHzIndicesCoveringRu() method. More...
class  WifiAcMappingTest
 Test for User priority to Access Category mapping. More...
class  WifiAcMappingTestSuite
 Access category mapping Test Suite. More...
class  WifiAggregationTestSuite
 Wifi Aggregation Test Suite. More...
class  WifiChannelSwitchingTest
 This test verifies that communication between an AP and a STA resumes after that both switch channel and PHY band. More...
class  WifiChannelSwitchingTestSuite
 Block Ack Test Suite. More...
class  WifiDynamicBwOpTestSuite
 wifi dynamic bandwidth operation Test Suite More...
class  WifiEhtCapabilitiesIeTest
 Test serialization and deserialization of EHT capabilities IE. More...
class  WifiEhtInfoElemsTestSuite
 wifi EHT Information Elements Test Suite More...
class  WifiEmlsrTestSuite
 wifi EMLSR Test Suite More...
class  WifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseDsss
 Wifi Error Rate Models Test Case Dsss. More...
class  WifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseMimo
 Wifi Error Rate Models Test Case MIMO. More...
class  WifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseNist
 Wifi Error Rate Models Test Case Nist. More...
class  WifiErrorRateModelsTestSuite
 Wifi Error Rate Models Test Suite. More...
class  WifiExtractExpiredMpdusTest
 Test extraction of expired MPDUs from MAC queue container. More...
class  WifiFilsFrameTest
 Test FILS frames. More...
class  WifiFilsFrameTestSuite
 WiFi FILS frame Test Suite. More...
class  WifiGcrTestSuite
 wifi GCR Test Suite More...
class  WifiHeInfoElemsTestSuite
 wifi HE Information Elements Test Suite More...
class  WifiIeFragmentationTest
 Test fragmentation of Information Elements. More...
class  WifiIeFragmentationTestSuite
 wifi Information Element fragmentation Test Suite More...
class  WifiMacOfdmaTestSuite
 wifi MAC OFDMA Test Suite More...
class  WifiMacQueueDropOldestTest
 Test DROP_OLDEST setting. More...
class  WifiMacQueueTestSuite
 Wifi MAC Queue Test Suite. More...
class  WifiMgtHeaderTest
 Mgt header (de)serialization Test Suite. More...
class  WifiMsduAggregatorTestSuite
 MsduAggregator Test Suite. More...
class  WifiMsduAggregatorThroughputTest
 Throughput test for MsduAggregator. More...
class  WifiMultiLinkOperationsTestSuite
 wifi 11be MLD Test Suite More...
class  WifiNonHtDuplicateTestSuite
 wifi non-HT duplicate Test Suite More...
class  WifiOfdmMaskSlopesTestCase
 Test checks if Wifi spectrum values for OFDM are generated properly. More...
class  WifiOperatingChannelTestSuite
 wifi operating channel test suite More...
class  WifiPhyCcaIndicationTest
 Wifi Phy Threshold Test base class. More...
class  WifiPhyCcaTestSuite
 Wi-Fi PHY CCA Test Suite. More...
class  WifiPhyCcaThresholdsTest
 PHY CCA thresholds test. More...
class  WifiPhyChannel80Plus80Test
 Test the operating channel functions for 80+80MHz. More...
class  WifiPhyMuMimoTestSuite
 wifi PHY MU-MIMO Test Suite More...
class  WifiPhyOfdmaTestSuite
 wifi PHY OFDMA Test Suite More...
class  WifiPhyReceptionTest
 Wifi Phy Reception Test base class. More...
class  WifiPhyReceptionTestSuite
 wifi PHY reception Test Suite More...
class  WifiPhyRxTraceHelperTestSuite
 wifi PHY reception Test Suite More...
class  WifiPhyThresholdsStrongForeignSignalTest
 Wifi Phy Threshold Strong Foreign Signal Test. More...
class  WifiPhyThresholdsStrongWifiSignalTest
 Wifi Phy Threshold Strong Wifi Signal Test. More...
class  WifiPhyThresholdsTest
 Wifi Phy Threshold Test base class. More...
class  WifiPhyThresholdsTestSuite
 Wifi Phy Thresholds Test Suite. More...
class  WifiPhyThresholdsWeakForeignSignalTest
 Wifi Phy Threshold Weak Foreign Signal Test. More...
class  WifiPhyThresholdsWeakWifiSignalTest
 Wifi Phy Threshold Weak Wifi Signal Test. More...
class  WifiPrimaryChannelsTest
 Test transmissions under different primary channel settings. More...
class  WifiPrimaryChannelsTestSuite
 wifi primary channels test suite More...
class  WifiRetransmitTest
 Test retransmit procedure. More...
class  WifiRetransmitTestSuite
 wifi retransmit procedure Test Suite More...
class  WifiRuAllocationTestSuite
 wifi primary channels test suite More...
class  WifiTest
 Wifi Test. More...
class  WifiTestSuite
 Wifi Test Suite. More...
class  WifiTransmitMaskTestSuite
 Test suite for checking the consistency of different OFDM-based transmit masks. More...
class  WifiTxopTest
 Test TXOP rules. More...
class  WifiTxopTestSuite
 wifi TXOP Test Suite More...
class  WifiUseAvailBwTest
 Two BSSes, each with one AP and one non-AP STA, are configured to operate on different channels. More...


enum class  WifiOfdmaScenario : uint8_t { WifiOfdmaScenario::HE = 0 , WifiOfdmaScenario::HE_EHT , WifiOfdmaScenario::EHT }
 The scenarios. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ WifiOfdmaScenario

enum class WifiOfdmaScenario : uint8_t

The scenarios.


Definition at line 361 of file wifi-mac-ofdma-test.cc.