class | Asn1EncodingSuite |
| Asn1Encoding Test Suite. More...
struct | LteX2HandoverMeasuresTestCase::BearerData |
| BearerData structure. More...
struct | LteX2HandoverTestCase::BearerData |
| BearerData structure. More...
struct | BearerTestData |
class | CarrierAggregationConfigTestCase |
| Carrier aggregation configuration test case. More...
class | CarrierAggregationConfigTestSuite |
| Carrier aggregation configuration test suite. More...
class | CarrierAggregationTestCase |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
struct | CheckPointEvent |
| CheckPointEvent structure. More...
struct | EnbDlTestData |
| Custom structure for testing eNodeB downlink data, contains the list of data structures for UEs. More...
struct | EnbUlTestData |
| Custom structure containing information about data sent in the uplink of eNodeB. More...
class | EpcS1uDlTestCase |
| EpcS1uDlTestCase class. More...
class | EpcS1uUlTestCase |
| EpcS1uUlTestCase class. More...
class | ns3::EpcTestRrc |
| RRC stub providing a testing S1 SAP user to be used with the EpcEnbApplication. More...
class | EpcTftClassifierTestCase |
| Test case to check the functionality of the Tft Classifier. More...
class | EpcTftClassifierTestSuite |
| Epc Tft Classifier Test Suite. More...
class | EpsBearerTagUdpClient |
| A Udp client. More...
class | EpsGtpuTestSuite |
| Test suite for testing GPRS tunnelling protocol header coding and decoding. More...
struct | HandoverEvent |
| HandoverEvent structure. More...
class | HandoverPreparationInfoTestCase |
| Handover Preparation Info Test Case. More...
class | LenaCqaFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
| This is a system test program. More...
class | LenaCqaFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
| This is a system test program. More...
class | LenaDataPhyErrorModelTestCase |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | ns3::LenaDeactivateBearerTestCase |
| Test case that for testing the deactivation of the bearer functionality. More...
class | LenaDlCtrlPhyErrorModelTestCase |
| Lena Dl Ctrl Phy Error Model Test Case. More...
class | LenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
| Test case is similar to the one defined in LenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1, with the difference that UEs are placed in such a way to experience different SINRs from eNodeB. More...
class | LenaFdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCase |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
| Test case is similar to the one defined in LenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1, with the difference that UEs are placed in such a way to experience different SINRs from eNodeB. More...
class | LenaHarqTestCase |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaMimoTestCase |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and single UE. More...
class | LenaPfFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaPfFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
| Lena PfFf Mac Scheduler Test Case 2. More...
class | LenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
| Similar to the LenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 with the difference that UEs are places in such a way to experience different SINRs. More...
class | LenaRrFfMacSchedulerTestCase |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaTdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaTdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
| Lena TdBet Ff Mac Scheduler Test Case. More...
class | LenaTdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCase |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LenaTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
| Lena TdTbfq Ff Mac Scheduler Test Case 2. More...
class | ns3::LenaTestBearerDeactivateSuite |
| The test suite class for the LenaDeactivateBearerTestCase. More...
class | LenaTestCqaFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| The test suite for testing CQA scheduler functionality. More...
class | LenaTestFdBetFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Test suite for FDBetFfMacScheduler test case. More...
class | LenaTestFdMtFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Test suite for LenaFdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCase test case. More...
class | LenaTestFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Test suit for FdTbfqFfMacScheduler test. More...
class | LenaTestHarqSuite |
| Test suite for harq test. More...
class | LenaTestMimoSuite |
| Lena Test Mimo Suite. More...
class | LenaTestPfFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| PfFfMacScheduler test suite. More...
class | LenaTestPhyErrorModelSuite |
| Lena Test Phy Error Model Suite. More...
class | LenaTestPssFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Lena Pss Ff Mac Scheduler Test Suite. More...
class | LenaTestRrFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Test suite for RrFfMacScheduler test. More...
class | LenaTestTdBetFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Test suite for TdBetFfMacScheduler tests. More...
class | LenaTestTdMtFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Test suite for TdMtFfMacScheduler tests. More...
class | LenaTestTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Test suite for TdTbfqFfMacScheduler test. More...
class | LenaTestTtaFfMacSchedulerSuite |
| Lena Test Tta Ff Mac Scheduler Suite. More...
class | LenaTtaFfMacSchedulerTestCase |
| This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More...
class | LteAntennaTestSuite |
| Lte Enb Antenna Test Suite. More...
class | LteCqiGenerationDlPowerControlTestCase |
| This test is very similar to LteCqiGenerationTestCase. More...
class | LteCqiGenerationTestCase |
| This is the test case for testing different configuration of CQI generation. More...
class | LteCqiGenerationTestSuite |
| Lte Cqi Generation Test Suite. More...
class | LteDistributedFfrAreaTestCase |
| Lte Distributed Ffr Area Test Case. More...
class | LteDownlinkCtrlSinrTestCase |
| Test compares if the generated SINR is equal to estimated SINR value. More...
class | LteDownlinkDataSinrTestCase |
| Test compares if the generated SINR is equal to estimated SINR value. More...
class | LteDownlinkPowerControlRrcConnectionReconfigurationTestCase |
| Test if RRC connection reconfiguration messages are properly generated upon the change in the downlink power. More...
class | LteDownlinkPowerControlSpectrumValueTestCase |
| Test SINR calculation in the downlink when power control is used. More...
class | LteDownlinkPowerControlTestCase |
| Test SINR calculation in the downlink when the power control is used. More...
class | LteDownlinkPowerControlTestSuite |
| Test suite for the LteDownlinkPowerControlSpectrumValueTestCase. More...
class | LteDownlinkSinrTestSuite |
| Test 1.1 SINR calculation in downlink. More...
class | LteEarfcnDlTestCase |
| Test case that is testing if the downlink frequency is properly converted from provided downlink EARFCN frequency value. More...
class | LteEarfcnTestCase |
| Test case that is testing if the frequency is properly generated from provided EARFCN frequency. More...
class | LteEarfcnTestSuite |
| Test suite for testing correct conversion of frequencies in the downlink and the uplink, and general EARFCN frequencies. More...
class | LteEarfcnUlTestCase |
| Test case that is testing if the uplink frequency is properly converted from provided uplink EARFCN frequency value. More...
class | LteEnbAntennaTestCase |
| Tests that the propagation model and the antenna parameters are generate the correct values. More...
class | LteEnhancedFfrAreaTestCase |
| Lte Enhanced Ffr Area Test Case. More...
class | LteEpcE2eDataTestCase |
| Test that e2e packet flow is correct. More...
class | LteEpcE2eDataTestSuite |
| Test that the S1-U interface implementation works correctly. More...
class | ns3::LteFfrSimple |
| Simple Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation which uses only 1 sub-band. More...
class | LteFrAreaTestCase |
| Test frequency reuse algorithm by teleporting UEs to different parts of area and checking if the frequency is used according to the frequency pattern for different parts of area. More...
class | LteFrequencyReuseTestSuite |
| Test the fractional frequency reuse algorithms. More...
class | LteFrTestCase |
| Test frequency reuse algorithm. More...
class | LteHandoverDelayTestCase |
| Verifying that the time needed for handover is under a specified threshold. More...
class | LteHandoverDelayTestSuite |
| Lte Handover Delay Test Suite. More...
class | LteHandoverFailureTestCase |
| Verifying that a handover failure occurs due to various causes. More...
class | LteHandoverFailureTestSuite |
| The following log components can be used to debug this test's behavior: LteHandoverFailureTest:LteEnbRrc:LteEnbMac:LteUeRrc:EpcX2. More...
class | LteHandoverTargetTestCase |
| Testing a handover algorithm, verifying that it selects the right target cell when more than one options available. More...
class | LteHardFrTestCase |
| Test hard frequency reuse algorithm. More...
class | LteInterferenceFrTestSuite |
| Test suite for the interference test when using different frequency reuse algorithms.Check if the interference values correspond to theoretical values. More...
class | LteInterferenceHardFrTestCase |
| Lte interference test when using hard frequency reuse algorithm. More...
class | LteInterferenceStrictFrTestCase |
| Lte interference test when using strict frequency reuse algorithm. More...
class | LteInterferenceTestCase |
| Test that SINR calculation and MCS selection works fine in a multi-cell interference scenario. More...
class | LteInterferenceTestSuite |
| Test suite for interference test. More...
class | LteIpv6RoutingTestCase |
| Lte Ipv6 routing test case. More...
class | LteLinkAdaptationTestCase |
| Test that LTE link adaptation works according to the theoretical model. More...
class | LteLinkAdaptationTestSuite |
| Test 1.3 Link adaptation. More...
class | LteNoisePsdTestCase |
| Test that the function for creation of LTE noise power spectral density is working properly. More...
class | LtePathlossModelSystemTestCase |
| Tests that the BuildingPathlossModel works according to the expected theoretical values. More...
class | LtePathlossModelTestSuite |
| Test 1.1 pathloss calculation. More...
class | LteRlcAmE2eTestCase |
| Test cases used for the test suite lte-rlc-am-e2e. More...
class | LteRlcAmE2eTestSuite |
| Test suite for RlcAmE2e test case. More...
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterConcatenationTestCase |
| Test Test that concatenation functionality works properly. More...
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterOneSduTestCase |
| Test Test that SDU transmitted at PDCP corresponds to PDU received by MAC. More...
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterReportBufferStatusTestCase |
| Test Test checks functionality of Report Buffer Status by testing primitive parameters. More...
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterSegmentationTestCase |
| Test Test the correct functionality of the Segmentation. More...
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterTestCase |
| Test case used by LteRlcAmTransmitterOneSduTestCase to create topology and to implement functionalities and check if data received corresponds to data sent. More...
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterTestSuite |
| TestSuite 4.1.1 RLC AM: Only transmitter functionality. More...
class | ns3::LteRlcHeaderTestSuite |
| Lte Rlc Header Test Suite. More...
class | LteRlcUmE2eTestCase |
| Test end-to-end flow when RLC UM is being used. More...
class | LteRlcUmE2eTestSuite |
| Test suite for RlcUmE2eTestCase. More...
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterConcatenationTestCase |
| Test Concatenation (n SDUs => One PDU) More...
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterOneSduTestCase |
| Test One SDU, One PDU. More...
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterReportBufferStatusTestCase |
| Test Report Buffer Status (test primitive parameters) More...
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterSegmentationTestCase |
| Test Segmentation (One SDU => n PDUs) More...
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterTestCase |
| Test case used by LteRlcUmTransmitterOneSduTestCase to create topology and to implement functionalities and check if data received corresponds to data sent. More...
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterTestSuite |
| TestSuite 4.1.1 for RLC UM: Only transmitter part. More...
class | LteRrcConnectionEstablishmentErrorTestCase |
| Lte Rrc Connection Establishment Error Test Case. More...
class | LteRrcConnectionEstablishmentTestCase |
| Test rrc connection establishment. More...
class | LteRrcTestSuite |
| Lte Rrc Test Suite. More...
class | LteSecondaryCellHandoverTestCase |
| Test measurement-based handover to secondary cell. More...
class | LteSecondaryCellHandoverTestSuite |
| LTE measurement-based handover to secondary cell test suite. More...
class | LteSecondaryCellSelectionTestCase |
| Testing the initial cell selection procedure by UE at IDLE state in the beginning of simulation with multiple component carriers. More...
class | LteSecondaryCellSelectionTestSuite |
| Test suite for executing the secondary cell selection test cases. More...
class | ns3::LteSimpleHelper |
| A simplified version of LteHelper, that is used for creation and configuration of LTE entities for testing purposes when just a limited LteHelper functionality is wanted. More...
class | LteSoftFfrAreaTestCase |
| Lte Soft Ffr Area Test Case. More...
class | LteSoftFrAreaTestCase |
| Lte Soft Fr Area Test Case. More...
class | LteSpectrumModelTestCase |
| Test checks if lte spectrum model is generated properly. More...
class | LteSpectrumValueHelperTestSuite |
| Test suite for LteSpectrumValueHelper. More...
class | LteStrictFrAreaTestCase |
| Lte Fr Area Test Case. More...
class | LteStrictFrTestCase |
| Test strict frequency reuse algorithm. More...
class | ns3::LteTestMac |
| This class implements a testing loopback MAC layer. More...
class | ns3::LteTestPdcp |
| This class implements a testing PDCP entity. More...
class | ns3::LteTestRrc |
| This class implements a testing RRC entity. More...
class | ns3::LteTestUePhy |
| Defines a simplified LtePhy class that is used for testing purposes of downlink and uplink SINR generation. More...
class | LteTxPsdTestCase |
| Test that the funtcion for the creation of the Lte transmission power spectral density is working as expected. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCase |
| Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 2 eNodeB and 1 UE in a handover configuration. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestSuite |
| Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCase. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1 |
| Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 1 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 120 ms report interval. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2 |
| Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 2 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 240 ms report interval. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase3 |
| Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 3 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 240 ms report interval. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite1 |
| Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite2 |
| Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite3 |
| Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase3. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsTestCase |
| Test that UE measurements calculation works properly in a scenario with 2 eNodeBs and 2UEs. More...
class | LteUeMeasurementsTestSuite |
| Test that UE Measurements (see 36.214) calculation works fine in a multi-cell interference scenario. More...
class | LteUplinkClosedLoopPowerControlAbsoluteModeTestCase |
| Lte Uplink Closed Loop Power Control Absolute Mode Test Case. More...
class | LteUplinkClosedLoopPowerControlAccumulatedModeTestCase |
| Lte Uplink Closed Loop Power Control Accumulated Mode Test Case. More...
class | LteUplinkDataSinrTestCase |
| Test generation of SINR in the uplink. More...
class | LteUplinkOpenLoopPowerControlTestCase |
| Lte Uplink Open Loop Power Control Test Case. More...
class | LteUplinkPowerControlTestCase |
| Lte Uplink Power Control Test Case. More...
class | LteUplinkPowerControlTestSuite |
| Test 1.1 Uplink Power Control. More...
class | LteUplinkSinrTestSuite |
| Test 1.2 SINR calculation in uplink. More...
class | LteUplinkSrsSinrTestCase |
| In this test one signal will be of interest, i.e., the SRS of the first signal will have the same CellId of the receiving PHY; the others will have a different CellId and hence will be the interfering signals. More...
class | LteX2HandoverMeasuresTestCase |
| Test different X2 handover measures and algorithms, e.g. More...
class | LteX2HandoverMeasuresTestSuite |
| Lte X2 Handover Measures Test Suite. More...
class | LteX2HandoverTestCase |
| Test X2 Handover. More...
class | LteX2HandoverTestSuite |
| LTE X2 Handover Test Suite. More...
class | MeasurementReportTestCase |
| Measurement Report Test Case. More...
class | ns3::RlcAmStatusPduTestCase |
| Rlc Am Status Pdu Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleteTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Reconfiguration Complete Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionReconfigurationTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Reconfiguration Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentCompleteTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Reestablishment Complete Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentRequestTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Reestablishment Request Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Reestablishment Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionRejectTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Reject Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionRequestTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Request Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionSetupCompleteTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Setup Complete Test Case. More...
class | RrcConnectionSetupTestCase |
| Rrc Connection Setup Test Case. More...
class | RrcHeaderTestCase |
| This class provides common functions to be inherited by the children TestCases. More...
class | TestCarrierAggregationSuite |
| Test Carrier Aggregation Suite. More...
class | TestUtils |
| Contains ASN encoding test utility functions. More...
class | ns3::TestUtils |
| Test Utils. More...
struct | LteX2HandoverMeasuresTestCase::UeData |
| UeData structure. More...
struct | LteX2HandoverTestCase::UeData |
| UeData structure. More...
struct | UeDlTestData |
| Custom structure for testing UE downlink data. More...
struct | UeUlTestData |
| Custom test structure to hold information of data transmitted in the uplink per UE. More...