A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2011 Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  *
18  * Author: Giuseppe Piro <g.piro@poliba.it>
19  * Marco Miozzo <mmiozzo@cttc.es>
20  */
23 #include <ns3/trace-fading-loss-model.h>
24 #include <ns3/mobility-model.h>
25 #include <ns3/spectrum-value.h>
26 #include <ns3/log.h>
27 #include <ns3/string.h>
28 #include <ns3/double.h>
29 #include "ns3/uinteger.h"
30 #include <fstream>
31 #include <ns3/simulator.h>
33 namespace ns3 {
35 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("TraceFadingLossModel");
42  : m_streamsAssigned (false)
43 {
44  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
45  SetNext (NULL);
46 }
50 {
51  m_fadingTrace.clear ();
52  m_windowOffsetsMap.clear ();
53  m_startVariableMap.clear ();
54 }
57 TypeId
59 {
60  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::TraceFadingLossModel")
62  .SetGroupName("Lte")
63  .AddConstructor<TraceFadingLossModel> ()
64  .AddAttribute ("TraceFilename",
65  "Name of file to load a trace from.",
66  StringValue (""),
69  .AddAttribute ("TraceLength",
70  "The total length of the fading trace (default value 10 s.)",
71  TimeValue (Seconds (10.0)),
73  MakeTimeChecker ())
74  .AddAttribute ("SamplesNum",
75  "The number of samples the trace is made of (default 10000)",
76  UintegerValue (10000),
78  MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
79  .AddAttribute ("WindowSize",
80  "The size of the window for the fading trace (default value 0.5 s.)",
81  TimeValue (Seconds (0.5)),
83  MakeTimeChecker ())
84  .AddAttribute ("RbNum",
85  "The number of RB the trace is made of (default 100)",
86  UintegerValue (100),
88  MakeUintegerChecker<uint8_t> ())
89  .AddAttribute ("RngStreamSetSize",
90  "The number of RNG streams reserved for the fading model. The maximum number of streams that are needed for an LTE FDD scenario is 2 * numUEs * numeNBs.",
91  UintegerValue (200000),
93  MakeUintegerChecker<uint64_t> ())
94  ;
95  return tid;
96 }
98 void
100 {
101  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << "Set Fading Trace " << fileName);
103  m_traceFile = fileName;
104 }
106 void
108 {
109  m_traceLength = t;
110 }
112 void
114 {
115  LoadTrace ();
116 }
119 void
121 {
122  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << "Loading Fading Trace " << m_traceFile);
123  std::ifstream ifTraceFile;
124  ifTraceFile.open (m_traceFile.c_str (), std::ifstream::in);
125  m_fadingTrace.clear ();
126  if (!ifTraceFile.good ())
127  {
128  NS_LOG_INFO (this << " File: " << m_traceFile);
129  NS_ASSERT_MSG(ifTraceFile.good (), " Fading trace file not found");
130  }
132 // NS_LOG_INFO (this << " length " << m_traceLength.GetSeconds ());
133 // NS_LOG_INFO (this << " RB " << (uint32_t)m_rbNum << " samples " << m_samplesNum);
134  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rbNum; i++)
135  {
136  FadingTraceSample rbTimeFadingTrace;
137  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < m_samplesNum; j++)
138  {
139  double sample;
140  ifTraceFile >> sample;
141  rbTimeFadingTrace.push_back (sample);
142  }
143  m_fadingTrace.push_back (rbTimeFadingTrace);
144  }
147 }
154  Ptr<const MobilityModel> b) const
155 {
156  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *txPsd << a << b);
158  std::map <ChannelRealizationId_t, int >::iterator itOff;
159  ChannelRealizationId_t mobilityPair = std::make_pair (a,b);
160  itOff = m_windowOffsetsMap.find (mobilityPair);
161  if (itOff!=m_windowOffsetsMap.end ())
162  {
164  {
165  // update all the offsets
166  NS_LOG_INFO ("Fading Windows Updated");
167  std::map <ChannelRealizationId_t, int >::iterator itOff2;
168  for (itOff2 = m_windowOffsetsMap.begin (); itOff2 != m_windowOffsetsMap.end (); itOff2++)
169  {
170  std::map <ChannelRealizationId_t, Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> >::iterator itVar;
171  itVar = m_startVariableMap.find ((*itOff2).first);
172  (*itOff2).second = (*itVar).second->GetValue ();
173  }
175  }
176  }
177  else
178  {
179  NS_LOG_LOGIC (this << "insert new channel realization, m_windowOffsetMap.size () = " << m_windowOffsetsMap.size ());
180  Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> startV = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable> ();
181  startV->SetAttribute ("Min", DoubleValue (1.0));
182  startV->SetAttribute ("Max", DoubleValue ((m_traceLength.GetSeconds () - m_windowSize.GetSeconds ()) * 1000.0));
183  if (m_streamsAssigned)
184  {
185  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_currentStream <= m_lastStream, "not enough streams, consider increasing the StreamSetSize attribute");
186  startV->SetStream (m_currentStream);
187  m_currentStream += 1;
188  }
189  ChannelRealizationId_t mobilityPair = std::make_pair (a,b);
190  m_startVariableMap.insert (std::pair<ChannelRealizationId_t,Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> > (mobilityPair, startV));
191  m_windowOffsetsMap.insert (std::pair<ChannelRealizationId_t,int> (mobilityPair, startV->GetValue ()));
192  }
195  Ptr<SpectrumValue> rxPsd = Copy<SpectrumValue> (txPsd);
196  Values::iterator vit = rxPsd->ValuesBegin ();
198  //Vector aSpeedVector = a->GetVelocity ();
199  //Vector bSpeedVector = b->GetVelocity ();
201  //double speed = std::sqrt (std::pow (aSpeedVector.x-bSpeedVector.x,2) + std::pow (aSpeedVector.y-bSpeedVector.y,2));
203  NS_LOG_LOGIC (this << *rxPsd);
204  NS_ASSERT (!m_fadingTrace.empty ());
205  int now_ms = static_cast<int> (Simulator::Now ().GetMilliSeconds () * m_timeGranularity);
206  int lastUpdate_ms = static_cast<int> (m_lastWindowUpdate.GetMilliSeconds () * m_timeGranularity);
207  int index = ((*itOff).second + now_ms - lastUpdate_ms) % m_samplesNum;
208  int subChannel = 0;
209  while (vit != rxPsd->ValuesEnd ())
210  {
211  NS_ASSERT (subChannel < 100);
212  if (*vit != 0.)
213  {
214  double fading = m_fadingTrace.at (subChannel).at (index);
215  NS_LOG_INFO (this << " FADING now " << now_ms << " offset " << (*itOff).second << " id " << index << " fading " << fading);
216  double power = *vit; // in Watt/Hz
217  power = 10 * std::log10 (180000 * power); // in dB
219  NS_LOG_LOGIC (this << subChannel << *vit << power << fading);
221  *vit = std::pow (10., ((power + fading) / 10)) / 180000; // in Watt
223  NS_LOG_LOGIC (this << subChannel << *vit);
225  }
227  ++vit;
228  ++subChannel;
230  }
232  NS_LOG_LOGIC (this << *rxPsd);
233  return rxPsd;
234 }
236 int64_t
238 {
239  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << stream);
240  NS_ASSERT (m_streamsAssigned == false);
241  m_streamsAssigned = true;
242  m_currentStream = stream;
243  m_lastStream = stream + m_streamSetSize - 1;
244  std::map <ChannelRealizationId_t, Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> >::iterator itVar;
245  itVar = m_startVariableMap.begin ();
246  // the following loop is for eventually pre-existing ChannelRealization instances
247  // note that more instances are expected to be created at run time
248  while (itVar!=m_startVariableMap.end ())
249  {
250  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_currentStream <= m_lastStream, "not enough streams, consider increasing the StreamSetSize attribute");
251  (*itVar).second->SetStream (m_currentStream);
252  m_currentStream += 1;
253  }
254  return m_streamSetSize;
255 }
259 } // namespace ns3
Ptr< const AttributeChecker > MakeStringChecker(void)
Definition: string.cc:30
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:102
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by "...
Register an Object subclass with the TypeId system.
Definition: object-base.h:44
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model...
std::vector< double > FadingTraceSample
Vector with fading samples in time domain (for a fixed RB)
Hold variables of type string.
Definition: string.h:41
virtual void DoInitialize(void)
Initialize() implementation.
#define NS_ASSERT(condition)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the source file...
Definition: assert.h:67
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:201
#define NS_LOG_INFO(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_INFO.
Definition: log.h:244
Values::iterator ValuesEnd()
Ptr< const AttributeChecker > MakeTimeChecker(const Time min, const Time max)
Helper to make a Time checker with bounded range.
Definition: time.cc:446
double GetSeconds(void) const
Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:341
std::pair< Ptr< const MobilityModel >, Ptr< const MobilityModel > > ChannelRealizationId_t
The couple of mobility mnode that form a fading channel realization.
AttributeValue implementation for Time.
Definition: nstime.h:957
Hold an unsigned integer type.
Definition: uinteger.h:44
std::map< ChannelRealizationId_t, Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > > m_startVariableMap
void SetTraceFileName(std::string fileName)
fading loss model based on precalculated fading traces
#define NS_LOG_LOGIC(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_LOGIC.
Definition: log.h:252
Ptr< SpectrumValue > DoCalcRxPowerSpectralDensity(Ptr< const SpectrumValue > txPsd, Ptr< const MobilityModel > a, Ptr< const MobilityModel > b) const
void SetNext(Ptr< SpectrumPropagationLossModel > next)
Used to chain various instances of SpectrumPropagationLossModel.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeTimeAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method...
Definition: nstime.h:958
static Time Now(void)
Return the current simulation virtual time.
Definition: simulator.cc:223
#define NS_ASSERT_MSG(condition, message)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the message to out...
Definition: assert.h:90
Values::iterator ValuesBegin()
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:895
std::map< ChannelRealizationId_t, int > m_windowOffsetsMap
spectrum-aware propagation loss model
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeStringAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method...
Definition: string.h:42
This class can be used to hold variables of floating point type such as 'double' or 'float'...
Definition: double.h:41
void SetAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
Definition: object-base.cc:191
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeUintegerAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method...
Definition: uinteger.h:45
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition: type-id.h:58
int64_t GetMilliSeconds(void) const
Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:345
TypeId SetParent(TypeId tid)
Set the parent TypeId.
Definition: type-id.cc:826