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Topic: ns-3.41 and future plans

We will have *two* Zoom meetings so that everyone can join at least one.

  • January 16, 2024 08:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 16h00 UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 926 1145 3506 Passcode: 711710

  • January 26, 2024 08:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 16h00 UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 5859 5600 Passcode: 155509

Agenda for January 16 meeting

1) ns-3.41 January release goals and plans from anyone? (15-20 minutes)

  • Revisit what we are doing for C++-20 support
  • Eduardo wants to discuss MR !1701 - CI: Add stage to generate GitLab releases of stable ns-3 versions (possibly to merge for ns-3.41)

Any other ns-3.41 issues?

2) Google Summer of Code 2024

Are we participating? If so, who is participating, and what changes do we want to make this year?

3) WNS3 2024 plans

4) Update on ns-3 consortium, SPI funds, and other admin items (infrastructure)



Attendees: Tom Henderson, Gabriel Ferreira, Tommaso Pecorella, Biljana Bojovic, Mohit Tahiliani, Eduardo Almeida, Stefano Avallone, Piyush Aggarwal

ns-3.41 release

Eduardo introduced !1701 on using the CI to generate ns-3 releases for downloads from, and there was agreement to merge it.

Regarding C++20, we have support enabled but can only use features supported by our oldest compilers supported.

Stefano still plans to submit EMLSR patch.

GSoC 2023 mentor summit

Tom reviewed some personal observations from GSoC 2023 mentors summit, including roadmaps, project diversity, community managers, the use of AI in open source projects, and sessions on green GSoC and green use of project infrastructure. There wasn't much discussion about these points.

GSoC 2024

The project needs to decide on participating in GSoC 2024. Mentors are needed. Tom said that he has experimented with both 'mentor-defined' and 'student-defined' projects and each has its pros and cons but neither lately have led to many people staying with the project. Mohit had suggested that possibly other research organizations who use ns-3 could mentor if paired with an ns-3 maintainer, but there didn't seem to be much support for that idea. Eduardo remarked that we tend to have a problem of not allowing enough time to merge at the end of projects, and Tommaso and Tom said that this problem was well known and is somewhat driven by contributors feeling that they need to propose a big project to get selected for the program.

WNS3 2024

We discussed plans for and had some brief brainstorming about WNS3. Regarding making the meeting hybrid vs. recorded for later, Eduardo noted that he didn't perceive much interaction from the remote audience and it may be easier on us to simply record sessions and make them available later. Regarding possible tutorials, Tommaso suggested one on 'how to read the manual' and 'how to find what you are looking for' (in response to many ns-3-users queries). Mohit suggested possibly one on new examples and tutorials under preparation.

Longer term plans

Tom outlined some longer term plans regarding the establishment of a steering committee with fiscal management handled by SPI, and encouraged people to look into SciPy's governance as a possible template. There was some sentiment expressed in favor of migrating web servers from university hosted to commercial hosted.

Recent maintainers meetings