Main Page

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Main Page - Current Development - Developer FAQ - Tools - Related Projects - Project Ideas - Summer Projects

Installation - Troubleshooting - User FAQ - HOWTOs - Samples - Models - Education - Contributed Code - Papers

This wiki complements the main ns-3 web site.

Account Policy: Due to spam problems, we have disabled the ability to create new accounts and to edit/move pages without moderator approval; our experience on the ns-2 wiki with Mediawiki captchas has been ineffective. If you would like to edit this wiki, please email with your preferred username (different from your email address; see these guidelines) and we will create the account and enable it for write privileges.

Note: ns-2 has a separate wiki, at

Upcoming Releases

  • ns-3.43 is planned for September 2024.

Upcoming Events

Recent Events

Current ns-3-dev Build and Test Results

We use the continuous integration (CI) tool to regularly test our development tree.