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NS-3 Summer of Code 2011

Looking to hone your C++ skills this summer? Does Open Source development interest you? In love with Computer Networks? Then we have the solution for you!

The NS-3 Summer of Code (hereafter referred to as NSoC), is a summer program to bring in student developers into the ns-3 community. Any student (Undergraduate, Masters or PhD) currently registered in an accredited institution is free to apply. Students will be paired with mentors from the ns-3 development team, and will work on focussed projects throughout the summer. The main goals of the program are:

  • Attract new student developers who’re eager about contributing and playing a part in the community.
  • Provide students with a good mentoring programme, allow them to be a part of the ns-3 development process, help them pick up knowledge and skills that would be helpful in their future careers.

NSoC Phases

Phase I: Students apply for NSoC with project proposals

  • Students prepare a detailed application as per the Student application template. Students may propose a project area to work on or pick a project from the Ideas page.
  • Student proposals should be discussed at length on the developers list and IRC channel, or directly with the concerned mentors. We strongly encourage discussions on the developers list as this provides maximum visibility for the student's project proposal, and all of ns-3's user and developer base can chip in with suggestions.

Phase II: NS-3 developers review project proposals

  • A Student Application Review Committee will review each application, rank them, and prepare a ranking list.
  • The selected list of students will be announced on the developers list, and each applicant will be informed individually of the decision as well.

Phase III: Community Interaction/Introductions

  • Students introduce themselves to the community, and get up to speed with documentation and other aspects of "settling down" with the project.
  • Students set up their wscripts and build environment during this time so that they can start coding as soon as the next phase begins.

Phase IV: Coding Period

  • Students begin development of their projects, guided by mentors.
  • Students are to provide weekly status reports on the mailing list.
  • Students are to be active on the mailing list and IRC channel, and start helping the community whenever possible.
  • There will be two code-reviews. A mid term code review, and an end term code review.
  • Students _have_ to produce merge-able code by the end of the programme. The code reviews are meant to assist in this direction.
  • During each review, we will obtain feedback from both students and mentors about the programme.


  • April 5th - April 15th: Phase I.
  • April 15th - April 30th: Phase II.
  • May 1st: Results announced.
  • May 2nd - May 22nd: Phase III.
  • May 23rd: Phase IV begins.
  • July 11th - July 15th: Mid Term Code Review + feedback.
  • August 15th - August 19th: End Term Code Review + feedback.

Important Links


  • T-shirts and certificate of completion.