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This page is for describing functional requirements of the bake tool for ns-3.16 and for future releases.

Broad functional goals

1. Enable a more distributed package environment for ns-3 third-party developers.

1.1 Split out some of existing ns-3-dev into a smaller "core" and additional "extensions". This should reduce build time for users.

1.2 Provide straightforward way for a third-party developer to maintain their own ns-3 extension and make it available to ns-3 users.

2. Provide a tool for developers to manage multiple builds.

3. Start to provide access to INRIA's Direct Code Execution (DCE) environment

ns-3.16 goals

Below are proposed goals for ns-3.16.

1. provides existing and with no change of functionality

1.1 For ns-3-dev (after merge):

 hg clone
 cd ns-3-allinone
 ./ configure -e ns-3-dev
 ./ download
 ./ build

alternative: the "install" command will "download" then "build"

 hg clone
 cd ns-3-allinone
 ./ configure -e ns-3-dev
 ./ install

1.2 For ns-3.16:

 tar xjf ns-allinone-3.16.tar.bz2
 cd ns-allinone-3.16
 ./ configure -e ns-3.16
 ./ build

1.3 existing and

We keep existing and files, but they print out a backward-compatibility warning and call the equivalent bake commands; e.g.

 cd ns-allinone-3.16
  "Warning: is deprecated, please use './ configure -e ns-3.16 && ./ build' instead.

2. different levels of verbosity show different amount of build information

 ./ install 

yields something sparse, such as

 >> Downloading ns-3-dev
 >> Download ns-3-dev - OK 
 >> Building ns-3-dev
 >> Built ns-3-dev - OK

while this:

 ./ install -vv

yields the full build output (full waf configure and build information).

3. Managing multiple ns-3 versions and branches

Maintainers commonly work with multiple builds. This can be most easily accomplished using subdirectories.

 hg clone

Note: It is an open question whether bake/ is separate from ns-3-allinone/ repository, or part of ns-3-allinone/ repository. Continuing with this example:

 cd bake
 mkdir ns-3-dev
 cd ns-3-dev
 ../ configure -c ../bakeConf.xml -e ns-3-dev
 ../ download
 ../ build

and a little later:

 cd bake
 mkdir ns-3.16
 cd ns-3.16
 ../ configure -c ../bakeConf.xml -e ns-3.16
 ../ download
 ../ build

The resulting bake directory then contains bake itself, and subdirectories for each repo or branch of ns-3. Within each of these subdirectories, there is a source/ and a build/ directory corresponding to that configuration.

4. Managing debug, optimized, and static builds

See the previous item.

5. Passing configure options to bake, especially ns-3 ones such as --disable-python

Each module (nsc, netanim, etc.) has its own set of configuration options. The way that bake presently handles this is by editing the bakeConf.xml file directly (or by setting a predefined module; see below). It may be possible to pass configuration options down to ns-3 such as done with presently. However, this complicates bake, so it is proposed for now that any options be configured via environment variables, if possible, or else by editing attributes in bakeConf.xml. For example:

 <attribute name="configure_arguments" value="configure --prefix=$INSTALLDIR --enable-examples 
 --enable-tests --with-nsclick=$SRCDIR/click --with-pybindgen=$SRCDIR/pybindgen --with-
 openflow=$SRCDIR/openflow-ns3 --with-nsc=$SRCDIR/nsc"/>

6. cleaning the directory

Note: proposal not yet reviewed by Daniel.

'./ clean' will remove the build/ directory and any build artifacts and configuration information; './ distclean' will perform a clean and also remove source/

7. Configuration manipulation

-d and -e behavior

8. Show behavior shows available packages, whether they are enabled, and their dependencies; e.g.:

./ show --enabled
 module: click (enabled)
   No dependencies!
 module: openflow-ns3 (enabled)
   No dependencies!
 module: gccxml-ns3 (enabled)
   No dependencies!
 module: nsc (enabled)
   No dependencies!
 module: qt4 (enabled)
   No dependencies!
 module: pygccxml (enabled)
   depends on:
      gccxml-ns3 (optional:True)
 module: net_anim (enabled)
   depends on:
      qt4 (optional:True)
 module: pybindgen (enabled)
   depends on:
      pygccxml (optional:True)
 module: ns-3-dev (enabled)
   depends on:
      net_anim (optional:True)
      nsc (optional:True)
      pybindgen (optional:True)
      click (optional:True)
      openflow-ns3 (optional:True)

In the example above, the gccxml-ns3 dependency is shown for pygccxml. It is out of scope for to manage package dependencies for some of these (e.g. showing "scons" as a dependency for nsc). However, it would be nice if, during the course of the build, if a package configure bails out, that " build" reports this to a user in a nice way so the user can try to find/install the missing package.

The user can check the missing dependencies by calling:

./ check
 > Python - Ok
 > Mercurial - Ok
 > CVS - Ok
 > Bazaar - Ok
 > Tar tool - Ok
 > Unzip tool - Ok
 > Unrar tool - Ok
 > GIT - is missing
 > Make - Ok
 > cMake - Ok
 > path tool - Ok
 > Autotools - Ok

Perhaps an enhancement to the above would be to show the "build" and "install" status of each.

Users should be able to disable (in a sticky way) a package they are not interested in; e.g.:

 ./ configure -d netanim

would result in netanim being "(disabled)". Either of the following would restore netanim:

 ./ reconfigure  (or some other way to get back to defaults)
 ./ configure -e netanim

9. Other behavior

- does not rebuild things unnecessarily - handles control-C to abort the build

10. handling of ns-3 enabled_modules

11. DCE provides access to ns-3 DCE with at least one well-documented example (iperf? quagga?) of how to use real application code within an ns-3 program. Perhaps we focus on user-mode applications for ns-3.16 and kernel-mode for the next release.

12. external module

(defer) allows at least one "external" ns-3-based module to be downloaded and built with ns-3. For example, assume there is an external routing protocol module (ns-3-bgp); we may need to make one of these up for the sake of providing an example.

For ns-3-bgp to build, it needs to link to ns-3 libraries. So, there needs to be some install step in bake to install to a well-known place in the allinone directory, or in the system.

For a user program in ns-3.16/scratch to use ns-3-bgp, it needs to be able to find the library and headers. So, the install step on ns-3-bgp should leave the installation in a well-known place by ns-3's waf.

So, the goal here would be:

 ./ configure -e ns-3-bgp
 ./ download
 ./ build       # builds ns-3, then builds ns-3-bgp
 ./ install     # installs both (does install have to happen before ns-3-bgp build?)

Then, user program in ns-3.16/scratch/ can include the module without specifying the full path to ns-3-bgp; i.e., waf may need to become smarter to find these headers and libraries.

Beyond ns-3.16

To be determined.