Contributed Code

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Installation - Troubleshooting - User FAQ - HOWTOs - Samples - Models - Education - Contributed Code - Papers

There are several ways to contribute code to ns-3:

  1. Contribute to the main tree
  2. Send contributed code to one of the maintainers, for archiving on the project website (and listing here)
  3. Maintain or archive your code at your own site and add a link here

Contributed code under review for the main tree

The preferred place for contributed code to end up is in our main tree. See the Current Development page and code review discussions for a listing of all code that is under review for the main tree..

Contributed code not maintained by the project

Not all code will end up being merged-- some is being maintained by third party sites or maintainers. This section can be used to list this other code. Note also that if you want the ns-3 project to maintain a tarball of your scripts or models for long-term archiving, we can list it here.

Contribution Contributor Status Link
OpenNet: A Simulator for Software-Defined Wireless Local Area Network Min-Cheng Chan ns-3.18 version GitHub site
Tmix and DelayBox Old Dominion ns-3.13/3.14.1/3.21 versions project website
Synchronized Network Emulation RWTH Aachen ns-3.7 version project website
NEMO/MIP simulator Hajime Tazaki announced here code repository
Content Addressable Networks DHT Vijay K. Gurbani et al. announced here code repository
Pastry DHT Port Charilaos Papadopoulos early beta Personal Website
Access point address manager Francesco Malandrino details Download
Linux namespaces and ns-3 Tom Goff demo code wiki page
ndnSIM: Named Data Networking (NDN) module for ns-3 Alexander Afanasyev et al. released ndnSIM homepage
WiFi Dynamic Frequency Allocation feature Raad Qandah patch against ns-3.11 Download tarball
Fisheye State Routing with Node Degree Based Route Computation Ralph Baird zip archive (tested with ns-3.20) Download zip archive
CRE-NS3: Cognitive radio extension for ns-3 Abdulla Al-Ali and Kaushik Chowdhury GitHub code (tested with ns-3.17) Web site
Examples of using the Steinwurf C++ Kodo library (network coding) with ns-3 Nestor Hernandez github (tracking ns-3-dev) Project web site
Multipath TCP from Morteza Kheirkhah Morteza Kheirkhah GitHub code (tested with ns-3.19) GitHub repo
Blackhole attack simulation in ns-3 using AODV Shalini Satre and Mohit P. Tahiliani Patches for ns-3.20 to ns-3.25 Patch and sample program
RadioWatcher (Provides real-time layer2

information from a Wifi device)

Fraunhofer FKIE (contact: Christoph Fuchs) tgz archive (tested with ns-3.23) Download archive
Distance vector routing Hiroaki Nishi Patches for ns-3.21 GitHub repository
OpenFlow 1.3 module Luciano Jerez Chaves Patches for ns-3.24 website
OpenFlow DCE SDN framework Jared Ivey DCE modifications GitHub repo
Topology Generator Jeffrey Young GitHub repository (tested with ns-3.25) GitHub repo
Code Generator (command-line/XML topology generator) Jeffrey Young GitHub repository (tested with ns-3.25) GitHub repo

Archived repositories

These ns-3 repositories may be of interest to future users; many of them are prototypes that were never merged to the main tree and have been abandoned.