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Return to GSoC 2017 Accepted Projects page.

Project overview

  • Project name: Mobile IPv6 Implementation with LTE support
  • Abstract: The goal of the project is to implement a novel MIPv6 simulation model which can be integrated into ns-3. The project idea aims at testing the code in different network scenarios, containing different link layer technologies such as Wi-Fi, WiMAX and LTE. The current implementation of LTE does not have support of IPv6 in ns-3. So, the idea of testing MIPv6 code into LTE would follow IPv6 support implementation in LTE first and then the MIPv6 support. Thus, implementation of MIPv6 in ns-3 as the base mobility management solution and providing LTE support within it could help the current network researchers working on ns-3.

Technical Approach

  1. Code refactoring: reorganizing internetstack, helper and header components of the MIPv6 module through modifying the internal functions, attributes and the callback variables.
  2. Code analysis: both static and dynamic analysis could be performed. The waf tool for code run, PyViz for visualization and tcpdump for pcap tracing could be used.
  3. Functional tests: The functional test would be performed in three phase: handoff performance testing, data packet transmission testing and both. Use cases like multiple mobile nodes, multiple correspondent node, different mobility model for the mobile node as well as heterogeneous link layer technologies (Wi-Fi and WiMAX) could be used.
  4. The code will be sent for the code review to the ns-3 team.
  • Second, IPV6 support for LTE would be ensured as LTE currently, only supports IPv4. The changes would possibly be done within the LTE module files (both .cc and .h) like point-topoint-helper, emu-epc-helper, lte-ue-net-device, epc-sgw-pgw-application, epc-enb-application, lte-enb-net-device etc. Then, the code analysis will be performed as done previously for MIPv6 code. The functional tests would follow bidirectional IPv6 packet transmission between remote host and the UE. The modification/rewriting code will create a patch that could enable IPv6 forwarding in the LTE data plane, enabling the UE to receive and use a /64 prefix, as stated in the standard. It is worth noticing that IP packets are tunnelled in the `core' network (i.e., all the EPC part), and their actual IP address is not used for UE identification in the core. As a consequence, IPv6 use in the `core' network, using ULAs or link-local addresses, could be planned if the previous development is faster than foreseen. This modification could also be simpler than expected, as it is not important to keep a dual stack communication in the core network, and using only IPv6 brings some direct benefits (like simplifying the use of multiple EPCs in a single script).
  • Third, To ensure the code quality, the following testing approach could be used: Test MIPv6 handoff performance with the mixed link layer technologies (combination of Wi-Fi, WiMAX and LTE) case, multiple mobile node case, and multiple correspondent node case.

Deliverables and Plan


-a basic MIPv6 module, aligned with RFC 6275 following ns-3 coding styles;

-a reviewed patch, fixing the IPv6 support issue in LTE;

-proper documentation and tests for the above-mentioned components.


May 4 – May 29 (Before the official coding time):

-Familiarize myself completely with MIPv6, LTE (the IPv4 part), and the respective interactions.

-Study of the customized files of ns-3 lte and internet modules

-Familiarize myself with the ns-3 coding styles

During this period I will remain in constant touch with my mentor and the ns-3 community. I will remain active on IRC and Mailing lists to discuss and finalize on the modifications (if any) that needs to be on existing models and design of new module (if needed to fit cleanly with ns-3)

Thus with the help of my mentor I will become absolutely clear about my future goals, the final MIPv6 implementation that need to be done as well as the approach that I will follow to support IPv6 in lte model.

May 30 – June 26 (Official coding period starts):

-Refactor previous MIPv6 headers to RFC compliance header files

-Refactor all the classes to implement the corresponding header file functions

-Compiling and running the module and fixes the errors/bugs

-Testing the overall working of the newly implemented MIPv6 module in various testing scenarios. The testing will be done with the systems having Wi-Fi and WiMAX link layer technology

-Sending the code for code review to the ns-3 team

After this stage, the standard ns-3 code revision can be started for the MIPv6 code part. Any change requested by the reviewers will be carried out in parallel with the following activities.

June 27 – July 24:

-Define new or, modify existing header files and cc files in LTE module in such a way that LTE module remains backward compatible with IPv4

-Compiling and running the module and fixes the errors/bugs

-Testing the overall working of the LTE module

-Sending the code for code review to the ns-3 team

This will help in testing of the LTE module with IPv6 support for possible merge into the project main tree.

July 25 – August 21:

-Making further changes in the LTE module to support MIPv6 into it. Changes may be required in the other modules of ns-3 also.

-Testing the overall working in the testing scenarios having the combination of Wi-Fi and LTE

-Most of the time will be consumed for rigorous testing and bug fixes.

-Sending the code for code review to the ns-3 team

-Documentation updates.

Weekly Reports

May 30 - June 6

-Restructuring the MIPv6 code.

-Testing the code in the multiple Mobile Node case

-Changing the Home Agent functionality a little bit

-Arise Tunnel Implementation Issue [how mobile node would use its home address for all of its data communication]

May 6 - June 13

Trying to resolve the issue arisen above