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Project Overview

  • Project name: Framework of Studying Flow Completion Time Minimization for Data Center Networks
  • Abstract: This project aims to make NS-3 more friendly to researchers working on the contemporary research topic in Data Center Networks (DCN) to use NS-3 as an effective simulation tool to evaluate their ideas. The theme of the project is to augment NS-3 with further support of Data Center Network (DCN) related simulation and research, with a special focus in implementing useful modules in NS-3 ecosystem including Multi-Level Feedback Queue scheduling, spine-leaf topology helper, flow statistics analysis helper and so forth.
  • About Me: I will soon join the University of Pennsylvania as a first-year Ph.D. student focusing on Computer Systems and Networking. I obtained my master degree in Wireless Systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Bachelor of Engineering in Automatic Control at Zhejiang University, China.
  • Code: To be included.

Technical Approach

Milestones and Deliverables

The entire GSoC period is divided into 3 phases. The deliverable at the end of each phase is as mentioned below:

Phase 1

  • Support scheduling disciplines (Multi-Level Feedback Queue, Shorted Job First) used to minimize the flow completion time.

PacketTag used to encode the metadata of the (remaining) flow size in the packet.

  • Tagging Application to support tagging the packet with the metadata of the flow size information.

Phase 2

\item Spine-leaf DCN topology helper \textit{src/point-to-point-layout/model/point-to-point-spine-leaf.\{h,cc\}} to help quickly set up the DCN environment. \item NetAnim support for the topology helper under \textit{src/netanim/examples/}. \item Flow synthesizer based on the representative flow size distribution in DCN, analysis of the FCT objective including the calculation of Average FCT/Slowdown, mean FCT/Slowdown, 99 percentile under \textit{src/stats/fct-analysis-helper.\{h,cc\}}. \item Updated receiver application to support the logging of the flow completion status. \item Corresponding validation tests, user examples with representative network topologies and documentation (rst files and comments in the source code) for the above implementation.

Phase 3

  • Provide example program for data center networking simulation in NS-3 reproducing the classical work in the domain, e.g., pFabric.
  • Other prioritized targets for supporting DCN research in NS-3, e.g., the load balancing algorithms, TCP incast simulation in DCN.

Weekly Reports