HOWTO make ns-3 interact with the real world

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ns-3 is a simulator. Its primary function is to simulate networks of communicating nodes and the traffic between them. To do this, ns-3 provides its primary abstractions of computing nodes with applications to generate traffic; and net devices and channels to move the traffic.

Often it is desirable to mix and match real and simulated entities. For example, in order to validate a network model, one might create a simulation scenario, run the simulated model and gather statistics. Then compare the simulation to the same scenario run across a real network. One might also envision a scenario in which a network configuration is prohobitively expensive to create using real hardware. In this case, one might want to simulate the network, but use real applications to drive the simulation.

Given the abstractions of computing nodes, and the physical state of real or simulated, one can compose a table of possible configurations:

Nodes Real Simulated
Real Your Computer and Network ns-3 TAP
Simulated ns-3 EMU ns-3 Native Simulation

To read this table, look at the "physicality" of the network and nodes in the system (real or simulated) and find the technology you want to look at in the table. For example, if you want to use a simulated network and real computing nodes, you are directed to something called "ns-3 TAP." If you want to use simulated nodes and real networks, you are expected to use a technology called "ns-3 EMU." From the perspective of this HOWTO, the interesting cases are integrating real and simulated hosts and networks; and these cases are shaded in blue in the table.

HOWTO make ns-3 interact with the real world

Simulated Nodes and Simulated Networks

If you are interested in using ns-3 to simulate both nodes and devices, you should visit The ns-3 Tutorial to understand how to do ns-3 simulations.

Real Nodes and Simulated Networks

This use-case is addressed by the ns-3 TAP device.

Simulated Nodes and Real Networks

This use-case is addressed by the ns-3 EMU device.

Real Nodes and Real Networks

This use-case is addressed by your purchasing department.

Craigdo 01:48, 17 February 2010 (UTC)