HOWTO use ns-3 in the ORBIT testbed environment

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We provide a realtime emulation package that allows us to connect ns-3 to real networks on real machines. Typically the real network will be a testbed of some kind. ORBIT is a two-tier laboratory emulator/field trial network project of WINLAB (Wireless Information Network Laboratory), at Rutgers. This wireless network emulator provides a large two-dimensional grid of 400 802.11 radio nodes as well as a number of smaller "sandbox" testbeds to allow one to test without reserving the main grid.

In HOWTO use ns-3 directly on the ORBIT testbed hardware we showed how to use the ORBIT hardware as a basis for ns-3 experiments. This HOWTO shows how one can use ORBIT tools to automate the process of getting an experiment run.

We assume that you have some experience with the ORBIT system and understand the basic environment. If you are new to ORBIT, please take a look at and go through the "Basic Tutorial" and the "Tutorials on controlling the testbed nodes" at a minimum. We will assume throughout this HOWTO that you have registered for an ORBIT account and have made a reservation on the ORBIT Scheduler for a testbed. This HOWTO assumes that you are on the sandbox one (sb1) testbed. We further assume that you have at least read the HOWTO use ns-3 directly on the ORBIT testbed hardware and understand what it is we are trying to automate here.

HOWTO use ns-3 in the ORBIT testbed environment

We provide a node image on the ORBIT system that includes everything you need to get an ns-3 environment up and running on your testbed nodes. This includes the GNU toolchain, a copy of a precompiled ns-3.3 repository, emacs editor, etc. The first step is to get this environment up on the nodes in your testbed. In ORBIT terminology, we need to "image the nodes."

1. Connect to the sandbox console, image the sandbox nodes and power them up

   a.  ssh;
   b.  orbit load all ns-3.3.ndz

This is a somewhat time-consuming process since you are actually copying disk images to the sandbox nodes. The example below took about seven and a half minutes to complete. You should see status messages appearing which indicate that the imaging process is proceeding as expected:

       Imaging nodes: 'system:topo:all' with image 'ns-3.3.ndz'
       (Domain:  default from hostname)
       (Timeout:  800 sec.)
       INFO init: NodeHandler Version 4.2.0 (1272)
       INFO init: Experiment ID: sb1_2008_12_30_21_25_31
       INFO Experiment: load system:exp:stdlib
       INFO prop.resetDelay: resetDelay = 210:Fixnum
       INFO prop.resetTries: resetTries = 1:Fixnum
       INFO Experiment: load system:exp:imageNode
       INFO prop.nodes: nodes = "system:topo:all":String
       INFO prop.image: image = "ns-3.3.ndz":String
       INFO prop.pxe: pxe = "1.2.1-omf":String
       INFO prop.domain: domain = nil:NilClass
       INFO prop.timeout: timeout = 800:Fixnum
       INFO Topology: Loading topology 'system:topo:all'.
       INFO stdlib: Waiting for nodes (Up/Down/Total): 0/2/2 - (still down: n_1_2,n_1_1)
       INFO whenAll: *: 'status[@value='UP']' fires
       INFO exp: Progress(0/0/2): 0/0/0 min(n_1_2)/avg/max (91) - Timeout: 700 sec.
       INFO exp: Progress(2/0/2): 100/100/100 min()/avg/max (91) - Timeout: 358 sec.
       INFO exp:  -----------------------------
       INFO exp:  Imaging Process Done
       INFO exp:  - 2 node(s) succesfully imaged - See the topology file: 'system_topo_active_sb1.rb'
       INFO exp:  -----------------------------
       INFO Experiment: DONE!
       INFO ExecApp: Application 'commServer' finished
       INFO run: Experiment sb1_2008_12_30_21_25_31 finished after 7:28

You can now take a look at the status of the nodes. Observe that they are in the POWEROFF state

   c.  orbit stat
        INFO Topology: Loading topology 'system:topo:all'.
        Testbed : sb1
        Node n_1_1 - State: POWEROFF
        Node n_1_2 - State: POWEROFF

You can now power up the nodes in the sandbox

   d.  orbit tell on all
        INFO Topology: Loading topology 'system:topo:all'.
        Testbed : sb1 - Command: on
        Node n_1_2 - Ok
        Node n_1_1 - Ok

and see that the nodes are now powered up

   e.  orbit stat
        INFO Topology: Loading topology 'system:topo:all'.
        Testbed : sb1
        Node n_1_1 - State: POWERON
        Node n_1_2 - State: POWERON

When you are done with this step, the sandbox nodes will have been powered up and will be in the process of booting. You need to wait until this process has completed. One way to do this is to ping the sandbox nodes.

2. Ping the sandbox nodes to make sure they are up.

   a.  ping -c 1 node1-1
   PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
   64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.422 ms
   --- ping statistics ---
   1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
   rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.422/0.422/0.422/0.000 ms
   b.  ping -c 1 node1-2
   PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
   64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.62 ms
   --- ping statistics ---
   1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
   rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 3.624/3.624/3.624/0.000 ms

Now, you can write a simple ruby script to go out and pull the updated ns-3 code from the repository. Using your favorite editor, copy the following code into a file called "ns-3-prepare.rb": = "ns-3-prepare"
   defGroup('server', [1,1]) { |node|
     node.image = "ns-3.3.ndz" = "master" = "g" = "ns-3"
   defGroup('client', [1,2]) { |node|
     node.image = "ns-3.3.ndz" = "managed" = "g" = "ns-3"
   whenAllUp() { |node|
     allGroups.exec("cd /home/repos/ns-3.3; hg pull; hg update; ./waf")
     wait 500
   Sidebar:  Note the "wait 500" statement in the above code.  There is
   apparently no way to execute a command synchronously.  Thus, we seem
   faced with a tradeoff.  Either ssh into the nodes and perform the
   actions manually and synchronously, or automate them and possibly
   wait longer than absolutely necessary.


2. Connect to node [1,1] and configure its wireless

   a.  ssh root@node1-1
   b.  wlanconfig ath0 destroy
   c.  wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
   d.  ifconfig ath0 promisc up

3. Connect to node [1,2] and configure its wireless

   a.  ssh root@node1-2
   b.  wlanconfig ath0 destroy
   c.  wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
   d.  ifconfig ath0 promisc up

Now that you have a working hardware configuration, you can go ahead and get ns-3 up and running. The image you loaded is of a vanilla ns-3.3 distribution. In that distro there are no example programs handy which can drive the two nodes in the sandbox. We provide a couple of example progams on one of our developers' private repositories to get you started.

6. Pull the examples into [1,1] and build them

   a.  cd /home/repos/ns-3.3
   b.  hg pull
   c.  hg update
   d.  ./waf

7. Pull the examples into [1,2] and build them

   a.  cd /home/repos/ns-3.3
   b.  hg pull
   c.  hg update
   d.  ./waf

Now you can run the example ns-3 client server scripts on the testbed. We have configured [1,1] device "ath0" as an access point, and [1,2] device "ath0" as a station. Both devices must be in promiscuous mode. This can all be verified by using "ifconfig" and "iwconfig" on the appropriate console.

This is annoying, but for now we have got to manually set the hardware address of the interfaces in the ns-3 simulation script.

8. Set the hardware address of the interface in the server script on node [1,1]

   a. ifconfig

Locate the output for the device ath0 in the output of ifconfig

       ath0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 06:60:b3:ac:2b:f5
                 inet6 addr: fe80::460:b3ff:feac:2bf5/64 Scope:Link
                 RX packets:1728 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                 TX packets:42 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
                 RX bytes:1769806 (1.6 MiB)  TX bytes:2216 (2.1 KiB)

Copy the HWaddr to the clipboard (in this case, 06:60:b3:ac:2b:f5)

   b.  cd examples
   c.  emacs     # or use your favorite editor

Search for the MAC address assigmnet and replace the string with the HWaddr you just found, for example,

       ed->SetAddress ("06:60:b3:ac:2b:f5");

Save the changes and build

   d.  ./waf

9. Set the hardware address of the interface in the client script on node [1,2]

   a. ifconfig

Locate the output for the device ath0 in the output of ifconfig

       ath0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 06:60:b3:b0:c6:a4
                 inet6 addr: fe80::460:b3ff:feb0:c6a4/64 Scope:Link
                 RX packets:72 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                 TX packets:851 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
                 RX bytes:1900 (1.8 KiB)  TX bytes:890770 (869.8 KiB)

Copy the HWaddr to the clipboard (in this case, 06:60:b3:b0:c6:a4)

   b.  cd examples
   c.  emacs     # or use your favorite editor

Search for the MAC address assigmnet and replace the string with the HWaddr you just found, for example,

         ed->SetAddress ("06:60:b3:b0:c6:a4");

Save the changes and build

   d.  ./waf

In this simple example, we are just going to manually start one ns-3 simulation script to act as a server for a trivial UDP echo application. Once the server is started on [1,1] for example, you can then go to the console for [1,2] and run the UPD echo client script. Let's do it. Remember you don't have all day to dawdle after running the server -- it exits automatically after 60 seconds.

9. Run the server on [1,1]

   a.  ./waf --run emu-udp-echo-server

10. Run the client on [1,2]

   a.  ./waf --run emu-udp-echo-client

Congratulations, you have now run your ns-3 simulation scripts on a testbed. That was exciting, wasn't it.

You can now look at the trace files on the client [1,2] and server [1,1] nodes and see what you've done. For example, to look at the pcap traces on the client node:

11. Display the pcap trace on [1,2]

   a. cd ..
   b. tcpdump -nn -tt -r emu-udp-echo-client-0-0.pcap  | more

Bonus HOWTO better integrate ns-3 with ORBIT

There are a number of ways that ns-3 could be further integrated with the ORBIT system. Patches are always welcome.

1. Use the ORBIT NodeHandler to drive your experiments:

The ORBIT NodeHandler allows you to send shell commands to the various nodes in your experiment. You can use this facility to automate the steps you did manually in the HOWTO above.

2. Support the Orbit Measurement Library (OML):

Using OML, you need to write an XML description of the data you want to collect and compile it. You then get C code that you can link into your ns-3 script that will write your measurement data to the ORBIT database. This could be hooked into the ns-3 tracing framework. See

3. Athstats:

This is at its lowest level, a Linux program to query the device drivers on the nodes. You can use an ORBIT application to cause this information to be pulled out and stored in the ORBIT OML database during ns-3 driven experiments.

   frames transmitted successfully (at senders) 
   frames dropped due to excessive retries (at senders) 
   frames dropped due to FIFO errors (at senders) 
   frames dropped due to filtering (at senders) 
   short retries (for 802.11 RTS frames) (at senders) 
   long retries (for 802.11 DATA/MGMT frames) (at senders) 
   frames received successfully (at receivers) 
   frames dropped due to CRC errors (at receivers) 
   frames dropped due to FIFO errors (at receivers) 
   frames dropped due to PHY errors (at receivers) 

4. Use Aruba Sniffers

The ORBIT main grid has four Aruba sniffers at the four corners that can be configured to sniff specific channels and report every sniffed packet to the database. This gives the experimenters an independent framework to correlate 802.11 traffic during the course of the experiment for sanity checking as well as verifying the expected outcome of the experiment.

5. Write an ORBIT-specific net device

Right now we can control the settings of the node radios using the usual Linux tools. For example

 iwconfig ath0 txpower 30mW

There is a further level of integration with ORBIT available which would require another (ORBIT-specific) device to be written. The ORBIT folks have written a user-space library (libnet + libpcap + API) to allow you to write Ethernet packets, read full 802.11 frames, and get and set interface parameters. See

A new net device that uses libmac calls could integrate with the ns-3 Attribute System to allow control of the underlying ORBIT node hardware by the ns-3 script directly.

Craigdo 21:52, 31 December 2008 (UTC)