HOWTO use the ConfigStore

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Revision as of 20:34, 21 September 2016 by Pdbarnes (Talk | contribs) (add command line to read in a config file)

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File-based ConfigStore

You need your simulation program to be written like this:

int main (...)
  CommandLine cmd;
  cmd.Parse (...);

  ConfigStore config;
  config.ConfigureDefaults ();

  ... topology creation

  config.ConfigureAttributes ();

  Simulator::Run ();

then run your simulation program with the following parameters to save a plain text file (in this example, config.txt):

./waf --run "scratch/myprogram --ns3::ConfigStore::Mode=Save --ns3::ConfigStore::Filename=config.txt"

and to read in a configuration

./waf --run "scratch/myprogram --ns3::ConfigStore::Mode=Load --ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat==RawText --ns3::ConfigStore::Filename=config.txt"


You need your simulation program to be written like this:

int main (...)

  ... topology creation

  GtkConfigStore configstore;  

  Simulator::Run ();

Then before the simulation runs a window will pop up allowing you to browse Object attributes and to save/load the configuration.