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Topic: ns-3.38 and future plans

Zoom meeting

  • Jan 19, 2023 08:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 16h00 UTC


Tom Henderson plans to discuss the following topics:

  • ns-3.38 schedule and any blockers or important merges to complete before release
  • planning for Monday and Tuesday events prior to the Workshop on ns-3 paper sessions (Wed/Thurs)
  • applying to Google Summer of Code
  • creating ns-3 (app store) modules in nsnam namespace
  • migrating ns-2 and related code to nsnam namespace

Alberto Gallegos would like to discuss the plan for abandoned issues or MRs in the tracker; could dormant or abandoned issues and MRs be marked as such in the tracker, or closed?



Attending: Tom Henderson, Peter Barnes, Biljana Bojovic, Sebastien Deronne, Stefano Avallone, Gabriel Ferreira, Mohit Tahiliani, Juan Leon, Eduardo Almeida

ns-3.38 release

Tom suggested a release in the second half of February (after WNS3 submissions), and reviewed the list of issues and merge requests that are tagged with the '3.38' milestone in the tracker. He also reviewed previously expressed goals posted on ns-developers. No major blockers were discussed. Eduardo clarified that some of his clang-tidy MRs can slide to the next release cycle if needed. Peter suggested to merge any clang-tidy MRs in advance of the actual release so that they have time to settle.

Tom said that he will start to use the ns-3.38 tag more consistently in the lead up to the release.

Workshop on ns-3

Tom mentioned that he is soliciting industrial sponsorships for WNS3, and to please contact him with any leads.

Tom solicited ideas for the open days in the WNS3 calendar (Monday, Tuesday, possibly Friday). In the past, we have had basic and advanced training, tutorials, and we tried a hackathon. Eduardo suggested possibly a hackathon if we had a critical mass of people.

Tom is also soliciting volunteers to serve on a committee to review papers post-acceptance for ACM artifacts review badging.

GSoC 2023

GSoC organization applications will be submitted soon. If anyone has ideas and wants to mentor, please arrange to post an idea on the wiki by February 7.

Tom also would like to find a path forward for the NetDeviceState project from 2020.

The meeting discussed private CI runners and whether they would be of any benefit in general or specifically to the problem that Sebastien encountered in that he was blocked from using free CI minutes due to a private branch on his fork. Biljana reported that CTTC's experience with private runners was that users of their forks did not have access to the private runner. Gabriel and Tommaso tried to clarify the conditions in which private runners could be made accessible to developers. Tommaso cautioned about the security implications of private runners.

Tom would like to create a 'modules' subgroup on and start to migrate some modules (initially, BRITE and openflow) to there. Locating them within a subgroup may allow a better organization while retaining the benefit from the nsnam free CI minutes.

Tom would like to migrate ns-2 related repositories to the nsnam namespace; presently they are hosted on Sourceforge.

Next meeting

We agreed to hold another meeting to talk about longer term issues after the ns-3.38 release, such as in early March.

Recent maintainers meetings