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Revision as of 11:26, 21 August 2011 by Jabraham3 (Talk | contribs) (Feature-set in NetAnim 2.0)

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A simple animator is presented here, called NetAnim , based on the multi-platform QT4 GUI toolkit. NetAnim requires a custom trace file for animation. This trace file is generated by an animation interface and is included in the current version of ns-3.

The NetAnim GUI


  1. mercurial
  2. QT4 development packages
  3. xerces-c++ development packages

Debian/Ubuntu Linux distribution:

  1. apt-get install mercurial
  2. apt-get install qt4-dev-tools

Red Hat/Fedora based distribution:

  1. yum install mercurial
  2. yum install qt4
  3. yum install qt4-devel
  4. yum install xerces-c
  5. yum install xerces-c-devel


  1. Qt4 : Install the binaries (including Qt Creator) from
  2. Xerces-c++:

Downloading NetAnim

NetAnim 2.0:

hg clone

NetAnim 1.0:

click here. Untar it using:tar -xzvf NetAnim.tar.gz

Building NetAnim

NetAnim uses a QT4 build tool called qmake.

In General

cd netAnim

DO NOT build NetAnim as a root-user or you might encounter the following error

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL) Aborted (core dumped)

On Mac OS X

The preferred Qt 4 version is Qt 4.7. Using "Qt Creator" to build NetAnim is usually fool-proof

cd NetAnim

Note that above, the x.y is the specific version of Qt4 you are running.

If the above steps do not work , please see the suggestion below from a user

1. Download Qt libraries for Mac from the page
    for example: []
2. Download NetAnim from []
3. $tar -xzvf NetAnim.tar.gz
4. $cd NetAnim
5. $/usr/bin/qmake-4.7
    This will create xcode project NetAnim.xcodeproj
6. Open NetAnim.xcodeproj with xcode and build.You will get NetAnim executable.

Special note to Mac OS X Lion users as of July 30, 2011: In the latest build of Qt libraries, namely,, qmake generates Xcode .pbproj file instead of Makefile by default. The Xcode file, however, is incompatible to the Xcode tools (version 4.1) for Lion. To get the Makefile output from qmake, one can try the following after installed qt-mac-opensource-4.7.3.dmg:

 $ cd /usr/local/Qt4.7/mkspecs/
 $ sudo rm default
 $ sudo ln -s macx-g++ default

Then, qmake will use the GCC template instead of Xcode template for building Qt projects. You can then build NetAnim as usual, namely,

 $ tar -zxvf NetAnim.tar.gz
 $ cd NetAnim
 $ qmake
 $ make

On Ubuntu/Debian

cd netAnim

Feature-set in NetAnim 2.0

  1. Basic
    1. Read offline XML trace file generated by ns-3's [ AnimationInterface ]
    2. Ability to track Wired & Wireless transmission
    3. Track mobility of nodes
    4. Record button to take periodic snapshots of the Animation
    5. Display Node Id on the Animation canvas, with zoom-in, zoom-out etc
  2. Advanced (Requires integration with ns-3 libraries.Not yet completely implemented)
    1. Plotting the animation while the simulation is running
    2. Logging statistics to select Logging Components individually and display them while the simulation is running
    3. Routing statistics to print Routing Tables and other Ipv4 statistics such as Tx,Rx,Drop counters while the simulation is running
  3. Feature removed
    1. Socket based communication between the Animator and ns-3

The Animation Interface for ns-3

The NetAnim GUI requires a custom trace file for animation. This trace file is created by an animation interface in ns-3. The animation interface has been merged with the main tree as of ns-3.6. The source code for the animation interface is located in src/helper.

Running an Example File

Two example scripts exist in ns-3 for NetAnim, dumbbell-animation and grid-animation. They are located under examples/animation. The examples can be executed with the following commmands:

./waf --run 'examples/animation/dumbbell-animation --nLeftLeaf=5 --nRightLeaf=5'
./waf --run 'examples/animation/grid-animation --xSize=5 --ySize=5'

This command generates the custom trace output for the NetAnim GUI. Take the output file we generated, and feed it into NetAnim. Copy the file from ns-3 directory to the NetAnim directory. From the NetAnim directory:


This should produce an animation of the packets in the simulation. The sliders control the behavior of the speed of animation.

Creating Custom Scripts for Animation

If you would like to create custom scripts for animation because you need more than a simple dumbbell or grid topology, please keep in mind that nodes must be assigned locations for your animation to show up. Some example code for assigning node locations exists in point-to-point-grid-helper and point-to-point-dumbbell helper, specifically in the BoundingBox functions.