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(VANET code link)
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* [ Named Data Networking simulator (ndnSIM)]
* [ Named Data Networking simulator (ndnSIM)]
* [ VANET code from the University of Trento]
* [ iTetris]
* [ iTetris]
* [ ResiliNets]
* [ ResiliNets]

Revision as of 22:38, 25 May 2013

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A number of external research projects and tools are using ns-3; below we list the ones that we know about.

Note: There are a few projects related to ns-3 that are maintained along with ns-3 and are posted on our main web site here. These include 1) Direct Code Execution, 2) pybindgen, 3) NetAnim, and 4) bake.

The LTE-EPC Network Simulator (LENA) project

A team of developers at CTTC (Nicola Baldo, Marco Miozzo, Manuel Requena, Jaume Nin) has announced the LENA (LTE/EPC Network simulAtor) project to be working in collaboration with Ubiquisys on an enhanced LTE module for ns-3.



NEPI is a lifecycle experiment manager for network experiments, including testbed-based, virtual machine-based, and simulation (ns-3)-based experiments, and combinations thereof.


N4C DTN project

The N4C project developed a DTN simulator combining LXC containers, ns-3 physical layer, and PyViz visualization.



ns-3-Wireless-Planning integrates two powerful applications: Radio Mobile (radio-systems simulator) and ns-3.


PhySim-Wifi is a detailed and accurate implementation of the OFDM-based IEEE 802.11 standard, with higher fidelity at the physical layer than found in ns-3.

NSF Frameworks for ns-3 project

A multi-year project funded by NSF to improve usability of ns-3. Please see NSF_Frameworks page.

Synchronized emulation (Slicetime)

The goal of the Slicetime project is to enable large-scale network emulation features by synchronizing the execution of a network simulator with virtual machines hosting arbitrary networking software.

ns-2 Trace Toolkit

The ns-2 Trace Toolkit was developed to analyze ns-2 traces, but also can be used for ns-3.

Other projects

Blogs and personal pages about ns-3