A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Nns3Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace
 CAodvExampleTest script
 CAttributeDescriptorDescriptor for an AttributeValue
 CBasicEnergyDepletionTestTest case of energy depletion handling for BasicEnergySource and WifiRadioEnergyModel
 CBasicEnergyModelTestSuiteUnit test suite for energy model
 CBasicEnergyUpdateTestTest case of update remaining energy for BasicEnergySource and WifiRadioEnergyModel
 CBatteryLifetimeTestTest case of update remaining energy for RvBatteryModel and WifiRadioEnergyModel
 CBug555TestCaseMake sure that when multiple broadcast packets are queued on the same device in a short succession no virtual collision occurs
 CBug772ChainTestAODV deferred route lookup test case (see Bug 772)
 CBuildingDataData to construct a Building object
 CBuildingsPathlossTestSuiteTest 1.1 pathloss calculation
 CBuildingsShadowingTestSuiteTest shadowing calculation
 CChainRegressionTestAODV chain regression test
 CChannelRoutingTestCaseRoute packets or frames in different approaches see 1609.4-2010 chapter 5.3.4
 CCommandLineBooleanTestCaseTest boolean Command Line processing
 CCommandLineIntTestCaseTest int Command Line processing
 CCommandLineStringTestCaseTest string Command Line processing
 CCommandLineTestCaseBaseA test base class that drives Command Line parsing
 CCommandLineTestSuiteThe Test Suite that glues all of the Test Cases together
 CCommandLineUnsignedIntTestCaseTest unsigned int Command Line processing
 CConfigStoreHelperSimplifies config-store raw text load and save
 CDsrHeaderHeader for Dsr Routing
 CDsrOptionRouteRequestHeaderHeader of Dsr Option Route Request
 CEpcS1uDlTestSuiteTest that the S1-U interface implementation works correctly
 CEpcS1uUlTestSuiteTest that the S1-U interface implementation works correctly
 CEpsGtpuHeaderTestCaseTest 1.Check header coding and decoding
 CExperimentHelper class for UAN CW MAC example
 CFakeNetDeviceExample class with a method for the background task
 CFlameHeaderTestBuilt-in self test for FlameHeader
 CFlameRegressionTestFLAME protocol regression test of three stations:
 CFlameRtableTestUnit test for FlameRtable
 CGlobalPathlossDatabaseStore the last pathloss value for each TX-RX pair
 CHash32FunctionPtrTestCaseTest 32-bit function pointer
 CHash64FunctionPtrTestCaseTest 64-bit function pointer
 CHashTestCaseBase class for hash tests
 CHashTestSuiteHash functions test suite
 CHwmpDoRfRegressionTestThis is a test for intermediate reply and saving routing information about neighbour
 CHwmpProactiveRegressionTestThere are 5 stations set into a column, the center station is root
 CHwmpReactiveRegressionTestTest for multihop path establishing and path error procedures Initiate scenario with 6 stations
 CHwmpRtableTestUnit test for HwmpRtable
 CHwmpSimplestRegressionTestPeering Management & HWM Protocol regression test Initiate scenario with 2 stations
 CIInterruptCallbackStruct interface to NSC soft interrupt capabilities
 CIncrementalTestCaseTest incremental hashing
 CINetDatagramSocketStruct interface to NSC Datagram (i.e., UDP) Sockets
 CINetStackStruct interface to NSC stack
 CINetStreamSocketStruct interface to NSC Stream (i.e., TCP) Sockets
 CInterferenceHelperSequenceTestSee Bug 991
 CIpAddressHelperHelper to print a node's IP addresses
 CISendCallbackStruct interface to NSC send capabilities
 CJakesPropagationExampleConstructs a JakesPropagationlossModel and print the loss value as a function of time into std::cout
 CLenaCqaFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This is a system test program
 CLenaDataPhyErrorModelTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaFdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaHarqTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaMimoTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB..
 CLenaPfFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaRrFfMacSchedulerTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaTdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaTdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaTtaFfMacSchedulerTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLteCellSelectionTestCaseTesting the initial cell selection procedure by UE at IDLE state in the beginning of simulation
 CLteCellSelectionTestSuiteTest suite for executing the cell selection test cases in without-EPC and with-EPC scenarios
 CLteDownlinkPowerControlTestSuiteTest 1.1 SINR calculation in downlink
 CLteDownlinkSinrTestSuiteTest 1.1 SINR calculation in downlink
 CLteEarfcnTestSuiteTest the calculation of carrier frequency based on EARFCN
 CLteEpcE2eDataTestSuiteTest that the S1-U interface implementation works correctly
 CLteFadingTestSuiteTest 1.1 fading model
 CLteFrequencyReuseTestSuiteTest Downlink FFR algorithms
 CLteHandoverTargetTestCaseTesting a handover algorithm, verifying that it selects the right target cell when more than one options available
 CLteHandoverTargetTestSuiteTest suite lte-handover-target, verifying that handover algorithms are able to select the right target cell
 CLteInterferenceFrTestSuiteTest Interference level with FR algorithms
 CLteInterferenceTestSuiteTest that SINR calculation and MCS selection works fine in a multi-cell interference scenario
 CLteLinkAdaptationTestSuiteTest 1.3 Link adaptation
 CLtePathlossModelTestSuiteTest 1.1 pathloss calculation
 CLteRlcAmE2eTestSuiteTest x.x.x RLC AM: End-to-end flow
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterConcatenationTestCaseTest Concatenation (n SDUs => One PDU)
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterOneSduTestCaseTest One SDU, One PDU
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterReportBufferStatusTestCaseTest Report Buffer Status (test primitive parameters)
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterSegmentationTestCaseTest Segmentation (One SDU => n PDUs)
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterTestSuiteTestSuite 4.1.1 RLC AM: Only transmitter
 CLteRlcUmE2eTestSuiteTest x.x.x RLC UM: End-to-end flow
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterConcatenationTestCaseTest Concatenation (n SDUs => One PDU)
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterOneSduTestCaseTest One SDU, One PDU
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterReportBufferStatusTestCaseTest Report Buffer Status (test primitive parameters)
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterSegmentationTestCaseTest Segmentation (One SDU => n PDUs)
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterTestSuiteTestSuite 4.1.1 RLC UM: Only transmitter
 CLteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCaseTesting UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 2 eNodeB and 1 UE in a handover configuration
 CLteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestSuiteTest suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCase
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 1 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 120 ms report interval
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 2 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 240 ms report interval
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite1Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite2Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2
 CLteUeMeasurementsTestSuiteTest that UE Measurements (see 36.214) calculation works fine in a multi-cell interference scenario
 CLteUplinkPowerControlTestSuiteTest 1.1 Uplink Power Control
 CLteUplinkSinrTestSuiteTest 1.2 SINR calculation in uplink
 CMeshHeaderTestBuilt-in self test for FlameHeader
 CMeshInformationElementVectorBistBuilt-in self test for MeshInformationElementVector and all IE
 CMyCbExample Callback class
 CNetAnimExperimentHelper class for UAN CW MAC example
 CNs2MobilityHelperTestEvery test case is supposed to:
 CNs2MobilityHelperTestSuiteThe test suite
 COlsrMprTestCaseTestcase for MPR computation mechanism
 COptionFieldOption field for an DsrFsHeader Enables adding options to an DsrFsHeader
 CPacketBufferingCaseAThis simple test verifies the correctness of buffering for packets received under block ack
 CPacketLossCounterTestCaseTest that all the PacketLossCounter class checks loss correctly in different cases
 CPeerLinkFrameStartTestBuilt-in self test for PeerLinkFrameStart
 CPeerManagementProtocolRegressionTestPeering Management Protocol regression test
 CPointToPointTestTest class for PointToPoint model
 CPointToPointTestSuiteTestSuite for PointToPoint module
 CPtrExampleExample class illustrating use of Ptr
 CRoutingHelperGenerates routing data between nodes (vehicles) and uses the RoutingStats class to collect statistics on routing data (application-data packet and byte counts)
 CRoutingStatsManages collects statistics on routing data (application-data packet and byte counts) for the vehicular network
 CRrcHeaderTestCaseThis class provides common functions to be inherited by the children TestCases
 CRvBatteryModelTestSuiteUnit test suite for energy model
 CSimpleTagIntrospection did not find any typical Config paths
 CStackHelperHelper to set or get some IPv6 information about nodes
 CStaticInformationGather aggregation and configuration path information from registered types
 CTypeTraitsType trait reference values
 CUanEnergyModelTestSuiteUnit test suite for underwater energy model
 CUdpClientServerTestCaseTest that all the udp packets generated by an udpClient application are correctly received by an udpServer application
 CUdpEchoClientSetFillTestCaseTest fix for Bug 1378
 CUdpTraceClientServerTestCaseTest that all the udp packets generated by an udpTraceClient application are correctly received by an udpServer application
 CValueClassTestTest class for TracedValue callbacks
 CVanetRoutingExperimentImplements a wifi app that allows VANET routing experiments to be simulated
 CWaveNetDeviceExampleThis simulation is to show the routing service of WaveNetDevice described in IEEE 09.4
 CWifiAppEnforces program flow for ns-3 wifi applications
 CWifiPhyStatsCollects Wifi MAC/PHY statistics