A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 6LoWPANPerforms 6LoWPAN compression of IPv6 packets as specified by RFC 4944 and RFC 6282
 AODV RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 AODV module
 ApplicationsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 applications module
 BulkSendApplicationThis traffic generator simply sends data as fast as possible up to MaxBytes or until the application is stopped (if MaxBytes is zero)
 OnOffApplicationThis traffic generator follows an On/Off pattern: after Application::StartApplication is called, "On" and "Off" states alternate
 PacketSinkThis application was written to complement OnOffApplication, but it is more general so a PacketSink name was selected
 BRITE Topology GeneratorCreate topologies with BRITE
 Bridge Network DeviceVirtual net device that bridges multiple LAN segments
 CSMA Layout Helpers
 CSMA Network DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 csma module
 Click RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 click module
 Configuration Store/LoadStore and load simulation attribute configuration
 ConstantsConstants you can change
 CoreThe "core" module contains:
 AttributesThe ns-3 attribute system is the mechanism used in ns-3 to organize, document, and modify the values used by the various component models
 CallbacksWrap functions, objects, and arguments into self contained callbacks
 Command Line ParsingA uniform way to specify program documentation, allowed command line arguments and help strings, and set any attribute or global value, all from the command line directly
 Debugging toolsAssertions, breakpoints, logging, and abnormal program termination
 Fatal Error HandlersFunctions to help clean up when a fatal error is encountered
 Hash FunctionsGeneric Hash function interface
 High Precision Q64.64Functions and class for high precision Q64.64 fixed point arithmetic
 ObjectBase classes which provide memory management and object aggregation
 Random VariablesNs-3 random numbers are provided via instances of ns3::RandomVariableStream
 Scheduler and EventsManage the event list by creating and scheduling events
 SimulatorControl the virtual time and the execution of simulation events
 Smart PointerHeap memory management
 System ServicesSystem-independent interfaces to operating system services: files system, threading, wall clock time
 TestingTools to define and execute unit tests
 TracingPublish/subscribe tools to collect and report changes to any values used by the various model components
 Virtual TimeManagement of virtual time in real world units
 Virtual Time Timer and WatchdogThe Timer and Watchdog objects both facilitate scheduling functions to execute a specified virtual time in the future
 DSDV RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 DSDV module
 DSR RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 DSR module
 Energy Models
 File Descriptor Network DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 fd-net-device module
 Flow MonitorCollect and store performance data from a simulation
 InternetThis section documents the API of the ns-3 internet module
 ArpThis is an overview of Arp capabilities (write me)
 Global Routing
 Internet Stack Model
 Ipv4 List Routing
 Ipv6 List Routing
 NscTcpAn alternate implementation of TCP for ns-3 is provided by the Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) project
 TcpTransmission Control Protocol
 UdpThis is an implementation of the User Datagram Protocol described in RFC 768
 LR-WPAN modelsThis section documents the API of the IEEE 802.15.4-related models
 LTE Models
 FF MAC Schedulers
 MPI Distributed Simulation
 Mesh DeviceMAC-layer mobile mesh networking
 FLAMEForwarding LAyer for MEshing protocol
 IEEE 802.11s draftIEEE 802.11s (mesh) draft standard implementation
 MobilityThe mobility support includes:
 NetworkThis section documents the API of the ns-3 network module
 AddressNetwork Address abstractions, including MAC, IPv4 and IPv6
 Data Rate
 Error Model
 Network Device
 Packet PerformanceThe current implementation of the byte buffers and tag list is based on COW (Copy On Write
 Network AnimationThis section documents the API of the ns-3 netanim module
 Nix-Vector Routing
 OLSR RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 OLSR module
 OpenFlow Switch DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 OpenFlow module
 Point-To-Point Network DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 point-to-point module
 Point-to-Point Layout Helpers
 Propagation Models
 RIPngThe RIPng protocol (RFC 2080) is a unicast-only IPv6 IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol)
 Spectrum Models
 StatisticsThe statistics module includes some useful features to ease data collection from experiments
 Data AggregatorsData aggregators are classes used to collect data and produce output specialized for various purpose, e.g., Gnuplot, file output, etc
 Data OutputClasses in Data Output group are used to collect and prepare and output data for subsequent ouput in a specific format, e.g., Omnet++, SQLite, etc
 GnuplotClasses in Gnuplot group are used to collect and prepare and output data for subsequent processing by Gnuplot
 ProbesProbes are used to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting its value
 Tap Bridge Network DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 tap-bridge module
 Topology Input Readers
 UAN ModelsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 UAN module
 UtilsThe utils directory is for various programs and scripts related to code coverage, test suites, style checking, and benchmarking
 check-style.pyThe check-style.py script will test and reformat code according to the ns-3 coding style posted at http://www.nsnam.org/codingstyle.html It requires that you install 'uncrustify'
 Virtual Device
 WiMAX ModelsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 wimax module
 Wifi ModelsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 Wifi module