Extended SpectrumWifiPhy class for the purpose of the tests. More...
Public Member Functions | |
virtual WifiSpectrumBandInfo | GetBand (MHz_u bandWidth, uint8_t bandIndex=0)=0 |
Get the info of a given band. | |
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SpectrumWifiPhy () | |
~SpectrumWifiPhy () override | |
void | AddChannel (const Ptr< SpectrumChannel > channel, const FrequencyRange &freqRange=WHOLE_WIFI_SPECTRUM) |
Attach a SpectrumChannel to use for a given frequency range. | |
void | ConfigureInterface (const std::vector< MHz_u > &frequencies, MHz_u width) |
Configure a non-active spectrum PHY interface to operate on a given frequency (or several frequencies for non-contiguous) with a given total width. | |
WifiSpectrumBandFrequencies | ConvertIndicesToFrequencies (const WifiSpectrumBandIndices &indices) const override |
This is a helper function to convert start and stop indices to start and stop frequencies. | |
Ptr< AntennaModel > | GetAntenna () const |
Get the antenna model used for reception. | |
WifiSpectrumBandInfo | GetBand (MHz_u bandWidth, uint8_t bandIndex=0) override |
Get the info of a given band. | |
Ptr< Channel > | GetChannel () const override |
Return the Channel this WifiPhy is connected to. | |
FrequencyRange | GetCurrentFrequencyRange () const override |
Get the frequency range of the current RF interface. | |
Ptr< WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > | GetCurrentInterface () const |
Get the currently active spectrum PHY interface. | |
MHz_u | GetGuardBandwidth (MHz_u currentChannelWidth) const override |
Ptr< const WifiPpdu > | GetRxPpduFromTxPpdu (Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) |
Determine the WifiPpdu to be used by the RX PHY based on the WifiPpdu sent by the TX PHY. | |
const std::map< FrequencyRange, Ptr< WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > > & | GetSpectrumPhyInterfaces () const |
Get the map of interfaces attached to this spectrum PHY. | |
std::tuple< dBr_u, dBr_u, dBr_u > | GetTxMaskRejectionParams () const override |
void | SetAntenna (const Ptr< AntennaModel > antenna) |
void | SetChannelSwitchedCallback (Callback< void > callback) |
void | SetDevice (const Ptr< WifiNetDevice > device) override |
Sets the device this PHY is associated with. | |
void | StartRx (Ptr< SpectrumSignalParameters > rxParams, Ptr< const WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > interface) |
Input method for delivering a signal from the spectrum channel and low-level PHY interface to this SpectrumWifiPhy instance. | |
void | StartTx (Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) override |
void | Transmit (Ptr< WifiSpectrumSignalParameters > txParams) |
This function is sending the signal to the Spectrum channel after finishing the configuration of the transmit parameters. | |
![]() | |
WifiPhy () | |
~WifiPhy () override | |
virtual int64_t | AssignStreams (int64_t stream) |
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model. | |
double | CalculateSnr (const WifiTxVector &txVector, double ber) const |
virtual void | ConfigureStandard (WifiStandard standard) |
Configure the PHY-level parameters for different Wi-Fi standard. | |
void | EndReceiveInterBss () |
For HE receptions only, check and possibly modify the transmit power restriction state at the end of PPDU reception. | |
Time | GetAckTxTime () const |
Return the estimated Ack TX time for this PHY. | |
Time | GetBlockAckTxTime () const |
Return the estimated BlockAck TX time for this PHY. | |
std::list< uint8_t > | GetBssMembershipSelectorList () const |
The WifiPhy::BssMembershipSelector() method is used (e.g., by a WifiRemoteStationManager) to determine the set of transmission/reception modes that this WifiPhy(-derived class) can support - a set of WifiMode objects which we call the BssMembershipSelectorSet, and which is stored inside HT PHY (and above) instances. | |
dBm_u | GetCcaEdThreshold () const |
Return the CCA energy detection threshold. | |
dBm_u | GetCcaSensitivityThreshold () const |
Return the CCA sensitivity threshold. | |
uint8_t | GetChannelNumber () const |
Return current channel number. | |
Time | GetChannelSwitchDelay () const |
MHz_u | GetChannelWidth () const |
WifiMode | GetDefaultMode () const |
Get the default WifiMode supported by the PHY. | |
Time | GetDelayUntilIdle () |
Ptr< WifiNetDevice > | GetDevice () const |
Return the device this PHY is associated with. | |
MHz_u | GetFrequency () const |
Time | GetLastRxEndTime () const |
Return the end time of the last received packet. | |
Time | GetLastRxStartTime () const |
Return the start time of the last received packet. | |
Ptr< PhyEntity > | GetLatestPhyEntity () const |
Get the latest PHY entity supported by this PHY instance. | |
WifiModulationClass | GetMaxModulationClassSupported () const |
uint8_t | GetMaxSupportedRxSpatialStreams () const |
uint8_t | GetMaxSupportedTxSpatialStreams () const |
WifiMode | GetMcs (WifiModulationClass modulation, uint8_t mcs) const |
Get the WifiMode object corresponding to the given MCS of the given modulation class. | |
std::list< WifiMode > | GetMcsList () const |
The WifiPhy::GetMcsList() method is used (e.g., by a WifiRemoteStationManager) to determine the set of transmission/reception MCS indices that this WifiPhy(-derived class) can support - a set of MCS indices which is stored by each HT PHY (and above). | |
std::list< WifiMode > | GetMcsList (WifiModulationClass modulation) const |
Get the list of supported MCSs for the given modulation class (i.e. | |
Ptr< MobilityModel > | GetMobility () const |
Return the mobility model this PHY is associated with. | |
std::list< WifiMode > | GetModeList () const |
The WifiPhy::GetModeList() method is used (e.g., by a WifiRemoteStationManager) to determine the set of transmission/reception (non-MCS) modes that this WifiPhy(-derived class) can support - a set of modes which is stored by each non-HT PHY. | |
std::list< WifiMode > | GetModeList (WifiModulationClass modulation) const |
Get the list of supported (non-MCS) modes for the given modulation class (i.e. | |
uint16_t | GetNMcs () const |
uint8_t | GetNTxPower () const |
Return the number of available transmission power levels. | |
uint8_t | GetNumberOfAntennas () const |
const WifiPhyOperatingChannel & | GetOperatingChannel () const |
Get a const reference to the operating channel. | |
WifiPhyBand | GetPhyBand () const |
Get the configured Wi-Fi band. | |
Ptr< PhyEntity > | GetPhyEntity (WifiModulationClass modulation) const |
Get the supported PHY entity corresponding to the modulation class. | |
Ptr< PhyEntity > | GetPhyEntity (WifiStandard standard) const |
Get the supported PHY entity corresponding to the wifi standard. | |
Ptr< PhyEntity > | GetPhyEntityForPpdu (const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const |
Get the supported PHY entity to use for a received PPDU. | |
uint8_t | GetPhyId () const |
Get the index allocated to this PHY. | |
Time | GetPifs () const |
Return the PCF Interframe Space (PIFS) for this PHY. | |
dBm_u | GetPower (uint8_t powerLevel) const |
Get the power of the given power level. | |
uint64_t | GetPreviouslyRxPpduUid () const |
uint8_t | GetPrimary20Index () const |
uint8_t | GetPrimaryChannelNumber (MHz_u primaryChannelWidth) const |
Get channel number of the primary channel. | |
dB_u | GetRxGain () const |
Return the reception gain. | |
dBm_u | GetRxSensitivity () const |
Return the receive sensitivity threshold. | |
bool | GetShortPhyPreambleSupported () const |
Return whether short PHY preamble is supported. | |
Time | GetSifs () const |
Return the Short Interframe Space (SIFS) for this PHY. | |
Time | GetSlot () const |
Return the slot duration for this PHY. | |
WifiStandard | GetStandard () const |
Get the configured Wi-Fi standard. | |
Ptr< WifiPhyStateHelper > | GetState () const |
Return the WifiPhyStateHelper of this PHY. | |
Hz_u | GetSubcarrierSpacing () const |
MHz_u | GetTxBandwidth (WifiMode mode, MHz_u maxAllowedBandWidth=MHz_u{ std::numeric_limits< double >::max()}) const |
Get the bandwidth for a transmission occurring on the current operating channel and using the given WifiMode, subject to the constraint that the TX bandwidth cannot exceed the given maximum allowed value. | |
dB_u | GetTxGain () const |
Return the transmission gain. | |
dBm_u | GetTxPowerEnd () const |
Return the maximum available transmission power level. | |
dBm_u | GetTxPowerForTransmission (Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const |
Compute the transmit power for the next transmission. | |
dBm_u | GetTxPowerStart () const |
Return the minimum available transmission power level. | |
bool | HasFixedPhyBand () const |
bool | IsMcsSupported (WifiModulationClass modulation, uint8_t mcs) const |
Check if the given MCS of the given modulation class is supported by the PHY. | |
bool | IsModeSupported (WifiMode mode) const |
Check if the given WifiMode is supported by the PHY. | |
bool | IsReceivingPhyHeader () const |
bool | IsStateCcaBusy () const |
bool | IsStateIdle () const |
bool | IsStateOff () const |
bool | IsStateRx () const |
bool | IsStateSleep () const |
bool | IsStateSwitching () const |
bool | IsStateTx () const |
void | NotifyChannelAccessRequested () |
Notify the PHY that an access to the channel was requested. | |
void | NotifyMonitorSniffRx (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, MHz_u channelFreq, const WifiTxVector &txVector, SignalNoiseDbm signalNoise, const std::vector< bool > &statusPerMpdu, uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID) |
Public method used to fire a MonitorSniffer trace for a wifi PSDU being received. | |
void | NotifyMonitorSniffTx (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, MHz_u channelFreq, const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID) |
Public method used to fire a MonitorSniffer trace for a wifi PSDU being transmitted. | |
void | NotifyRxBegin (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, const RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPowersW) |
Public method used to fire a PhyRxBegin trace. | |
void | NotifyRxDrop (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason) |
Public method used to fire a PhyRxDrop trace. | |
void | NotifyRxEnd (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu) |
Public method used to fire a PhyRxEnd trace. | |
void | NotifyRxPpduDrop (Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason) |
Public method used to fire a PhyRxPpduDrop trace. | |
void | NotifyTxBegin (const WifiConstPsduMap &psdus, Watt_u txPower) |
Public method used to fire a PhyTxBegin trace. | |
void | NotifyTxDrop (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu) |
Public method used to fire a PhyTxDrop trace. | |
void | NotifyTxEnd (const WifiConstPsduMap &psdus) |
Public method used to fire a PhyTxEnd trace. | |
void | RegisterListener (const std::shared_ptr< WifiPhyListener > &listener) |
void | ResetCca (bool powerRestricted, dBm_u txPowerMaxSiso=dBm_u{0}, dBm_u txPowerMaxMimo=dBm_u{0}) |
Reset PHY to IDLE, with some potential TX power restrictions for the next transmission. | |
void | ResumeFromOff () |
Resume from off mode. | |
void | ResumeFromSleep () |
Resume from sleep mode. | |
void | Send (const WifiConstPsduMap &psdus, const WifiTxVector &txVector) |
void | Send (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, const WifiTxVector &txVector) |
This function is a wrapper for the Send variant that accepts a WifiConstPsduMap as first argument. | |
void | SetCapabilitiesChangedCallback (Callback< void > callback) |
void | SetCcaEdThreshold (dBm_u threshold) |
Sets the CCA energy detection threshold. | |
void | SetCcaSensitivityThreshold (dBm_u threshold) |
Sets the CCA sensitivity threshold. | |
void | SetErrorRateModel (const Ptr< ErrorRateModel > model) |
Sets the error rate model. | |
void | SetFixedPhyBand (bool enable) |
Configure whether it is prohibited to change PHY band after initialization. | |
void | SetFrameCaptureModel (const Ptr< FrameCaptureModel > frameCaptureModel) |
Sets the frame capture model. | |
virtual void | SetInterferenceHelper (const Ptr< InterferenceHelper > helper) |
Sets the interference helper. | |
void | SetMaxModulationClassSupported (WifiModulationClass modClass) |
Set the maximum modulation class that has to be supported by this PHY object. | |
void | SetMaxSupportedRxSpatialStreams (uint8_t streams) |
void | SetMaxSupportedTxSpatialStreams (uint8_t streams) |
void | SetMobility (const Ptr< MobilityModel > mobility) |
assign a mobility model to this device | |
void | SetNTxPower (uint8_t n) |
Sets the number of transmission power levels available between the minimum level and the maximum level. | |
void | SetNumberOfAntennas (uint8_t antennas) |
void | SetOffMode () |
Put in off mode. | |
void | SetOperatingChannel (const ChannelSegments &channelSegments) |
This overloaded function is used to pass a list of segments from which the operating channel can be deduced. | |
void | SetOperatingChannel (const ChannelTuple &tuple) |
This overloaded function is used when the operating channel consists of a single segment, identified by a tuple. | |
void | SetOperatingChannel (const WifiPhyOperatingChannel &channel) |
If the standard for this object has not been set yet, store the channel settings corresponding to the given operating channel. | |
void | SetPhyId (uint8_t phyId) |
Set the index allocated to this PHY. | |
void | SetPifs (Time pifs) |
Set the PCF Interframe Space (PIFS) for this PHY. | |
void | SetPostReceptionErrorModel (const Ptr< ErrorModel > em) |
Attach a receive ErrorModel to the WifiPhy. | |
void | SetPreambleDetectionModel (const Ptr< PreambleDetectionModel > preambleDetectionModel) |
Sets the preamble detection model. | |
void | SetPreviouslyRxPpduUid (uint64_t uid) |
Set the UID of the previously received PPDU. | |
void | SetReceiveErrorCallback (RxErrorCallback callback) |
void | SetReceiveOkCallback (RxOkCallback callback) |
void | SetRxGain (dB_u gain) |
Sets the reception gain. | |
void | SetRxNoiseFigure (dB_u noiseFigure) |
Sets the RX loss in the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio due to non-idealities in the receiver. | |
void | SetRxSensitivity (dBm_u threshold) |
Sets the receive sensitivity threshold. | |
void | SetShortPhyPreambleSupported (bool preamble) |
Enable or disable short PHY preamble. | |
void | SetSifs (Time sifs) |
Set the Short Interframe Space (SIFS) for this PHY. | |
void | SetSleepMode (bool forceSleepWhileInRx=false) |
Put in sleep mode. | |
void | SetSlot (Time slot) |
Set the slot duration for this PHY. | |
void | SetTxGain (dB_u gain) |
Sets the transmission gain. | |
void | SetTxPowerEnd (dBm_u end) |
Sets the maximum available transmission power level. | |
void | SetTxPowerStart (dBm_u start) |
Sets the minimum available transmission power level. | |
void | SetWifiRadioEnergyModel (const Ptr< WifiRadioEnergyModel > wifiRadioEnergyModel) |
Sets the wifi radio energy model. | |
void | StartReceivePreamble (Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPowersW, Time rxDuration) |
Start receiving the PHY preamble of a PPDU (i.e. | |
void | UnregisterListener (const std::shared_ptr< WifiPhyListener > &listener) |
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Object () | |
Constructor. | |
~Object () override | |
Destructor. | |
void | AggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other) |
Aggregate two Objects together. | |
void | Dispose () |
Dispose of this Object. | |
AggregateIterator | GetAggregateIterator () const |
Get an iterator to the Objects aggregated to this one. | |
TypeId | GetInstanceTypeId () const override |
Get the most derived TypeId for this Object. | |
template<typename T > | |
Ptr< T > | GetObject () const |
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object. | |
template<> | |
Ptr< Object > | GetObject () const |
Specialization of () for objects of type ns3::Object. | |
template<typename T > | |
Ptr< T > | GetObject (TypeId tid) const |
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object by TypeId. | |
template<> | |
Ptr< Object > | GetObject (TypeId tid) const |
Specialization of (TypeId tid) for objects of type ns3::Object. | |
void | Initialize () |
Invoke DoInitialize on all Objects aggregated to this one. | |
bool | IsInitialized () const |
Check if the object has been initialized. | |
void | UnidirectionalAggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other) |
Aggregate an Object to another Object. | |
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SimpleRefCount () | |
Default constructor. | |
SimpleRefCount (const SimpleRefCount &o) | |
Copy constructor. | |
uint32_t | GetReferenceCount () const |
Get the reference count of the object. | |
SimpleRefCount & | operator= (const SimpleRefCount &o) |
Assignment operator. | |
void | Ref () const |
Increment the reference count. | |
void | Unref () const |
Decrement the reference count. | |
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virtual | ~ObjectBase () |
Virtual destructor. | |
void | GetAttribute (std::string name, AttributeValue &value, bool permissive=false) const |
Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. | |
bool | GetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const |
Get the value of an attribute without raising errors. | |
void | SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value) |
Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. | |
bool | SetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value) |
Set a single attribute without raising errors. | |
bool | TraceConnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Connect a TraceSource to a Callback with a context. | |
bool | TraceConnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context. | |
bool | TraceDisconnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected with a context. | |
bool | TraceDisconnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected without a context. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void(* | SignalArrivalCallback) (Ptr< const SpectrumSignalParameters > signal, uint32_t senderNodeId, double rxPower, Time duration) |
Callback invoked when the PHY model starts to process a signal. | |
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using | ChannelSegments |
segments identifying an operating channel | |
using | ChannelTuple |
Tuple identifying a segment of an operating channel. | |
typedef void(* | MonitorSnifferRxCallback) (Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint16_t channelFreqMhz, WifiTxVector txVector, MpduInfo aMpdu, SignalNoiseDbm signalNoise, uint16_t staId) |
TracedCallback signature for monitor mode receive events. | |
typedef void(* | MonitorSnifferTxCallback) (const Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint16_t channelFreqMhz, WifiTxVector txVector, MpduInfo aMpdu, uint16_t staId) |
TracedCallback signature for monitor mode transmit events. | |
typedef void(* | PhyRxBeginTracedCallback) (Ptr< const Packet > packet, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand rxPowersW) |
TracedCallback signature for PhyRxBegin trace source. | |
typedef void(* | PhyRxDropTracedCallback) (Ptr< const Packet > packet, WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason) |
TracedCallback signature for PhyRxDrop trace source. | |
typedef void(* | PhyRxMacHeaderEndTracedCallback) (const WifiMacHeader &macHdr, const WifiTxVector &txVector, Time psduDuration) |
TracedCallback signature for end of MAC header reception events. | |
typedef void(* | PhyRxPayloadBeginTracedCallback) (WifiTxVector txVector, Time psduDuration) |
TracedCallback signature for start of PSDU reception events. | |
typedef void(* | PhyRxPpduDropTracedCallback) (Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason) |
TracedCallback signature for PhyRxPpduDrop trace source. | |
typedef void(* | PhyTxBeginTracedCallback) (Ptr< const Packet > packet, double txPowerW) |
TracedCallback signature for Phy transmit events. | |
typedef void(* | PsduTxBeginCallback) (WifiConstPsduMap psduMap, const WifiTxVector &txVector, double txPowerW) |
TracedCallback signature for PSDU transmit events. | |
typedef void(* | SignalTransmissionCallback) (Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, const WifiTxVector &txVector) |
Callback invoked when the PHY model starts to transmit a signal. | |
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static uint32_t | GetNumBandsBetweenSegments (const std::vector< MHz_u > ¢erFrequencies, MHz_u totalWidth, Hz_u subcarrierSpacing) |
Determine the number of bands between the two segments if the operating channel is made of non-contiguous segments, otherwise the function returns zero. | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId () |
Get the type ID. | |
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static void | AddStaticPhyEntity (WifiModulationClass modulation, Ptr< PhyEntity > phyEntity) |
Add the PHY entity to the map of implemented PHY entities for the given modulation class. | |
static Time | CalculatePhyPreambleAndHeaderDuration (const WifiTxVector &txVector) |
static Time | CalculateTxDuration (const WifiConstPsduMap &psduMap, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band) |
static Time | CalculateTxDuration (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band) |
This function is a wrapper for the CalculateTxDuration variant that accepts a WifiConstPsduMap as first argument. | |
static Time | CalculateTxDuration (uint32_t size, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band, uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID) |
static uint32_t | GetMaxPsduSize (WifiModulationClass modulation) |
Get the maximum PSDU size in bytes for the given modulation class. | |
static Time | GetPayloadDuration (uint32_t size, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band, MpduType mpdutype, bool incFlag, uint32_t &totalAmpduSize, double &totalAmpduNumSymbols, uint16_t staId) |
static Time | GetPayloadDuration (uint32_t size, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band, MpduType mpdutype=NORMAL_MPDU, uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID) |
static Time | GetPreambleDetectionDuration () |
static Time | GetStartOfPacketDuration (const WifiTxVector &txVector) |
static const Ptr< const PhyEntity > | GetStaticPhyEntity (WifiModulationClass modulation) |
Get the implemented PHY entity corresponding to the modulation class. | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId () |
Get the type ID. | |
static WifiConstPsduMap | GetWifiConstPsduMap (Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, const WifiTxVector &txVector) |
Get a WifiConstPsduMap from a PSDU and the TXVECTOR to use to send the PSDU. | |
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static TypeId | GetTypeId () |
Register this type. | |
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static TypeId | GetTypeId () |
Get the type ID. | |
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void | DoChannelSwitch () override |
Actually switch channel based on the stored channel settings. | |
void | DoDispose () override |
Destructor implementation. | |
void | DoInitialize () override |
Initialize() implementation. | |
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void | AddPhyEntity (WifiModulationClass modulation, Ptr< PhyEntity > phyEntity) |
Add the PHY entity to the map of supported PHY entities for the given modulation class for the WifiPhy instance. | |
void | DoDispose () override |
Destructor implementation. | |
void | DoInitialize () override |
Initialize() implementation. | |
std::optional< Time > | GetDelayUntilChannelSwitch () |
Perform any actions necessary when user changes operating channel after initialization. | |
void | NotifyCcaBusy (const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, Time duration) |
Notify PHY state helper to switch to CCA busy state,. | |
void | Reset () |
Reset data upon end of TX or RX. | |
void | SwitchMaybeToCcaBusy (const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu=nullptr) |
Check if PHY state should move to CCA busy state based on current state of interference tracker. | |
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Object (const Object &o) | |
Copy an Object. | |
virtual void | NotifyNewAggregate () |
Notify all Objects aggregated to this one of a new Object being aggregated. | |
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void | ConstructSelf (const AttributeConstructionList &attributes) |
Complete construction of ObjectBase; invoked by derived classes. | |
virtual void | NotifyConstructionCompleted () |
Notifier called once the ObjectBase is fully constructed. | |
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Ptr< WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > | m_currentSpectrumPhyInterface |
The current Spectrum PHY interface (held for performance reasons) | |
std::map< FrequencyRange, Ptr< WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > > | m_spectrumPhyInterfaces |
Spectrum PHY interfaces. | |
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Ptr< Event > | m_currentEvent |
Hold the current event. | |
std::map< std::pair< uint64_t, WifiPreamble >, Ptr< Event > > | m_currentPreambleEvents |
store event associated to a PPDU (that has a unique ID and preamble combination) whose preamble is being received | |
EventId | m_endPhyRxEvent |
the end of PHY receive event | |
EventId | m_endTxEvent |
the end of transmit event | |
Ptr< InterferenceHelper > | m_interference |
Pointer to a helper responsible for interference computations. | |
std::map< WifiModulationClass, Ptr< PhyEntity > > | m_phyEntities |
This map holds the supported PHY entities. | |
uint8_t | m_phyId |
the index of the PHY in the vector of PHYs held by the WifiNetDevice | |
uint64_t | m_previouslyRxPpduUid |
UID of the previously received PPDU, reset to UINT64_MAX upon transmission. | |
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > | m_random |
Provides uniform random variables. | |
uint32_t | m_rxMpduReferenceNumber |
A-MPDU reference number to identify all received subframes belonging to the same received A-MPDU. | |
TracedCallback< Ptr< const WifiPpdu >, const WifiTxVector & > | m_signalTransmissionCb |
Signal Transmission callback. | |
Ptr< WifiPhyStateHelper > | m_state |
Pointer to WifiPhyStateHelper. | |
uint32_t | m_txMpduReferenceNumber |
A-MPDU reference number to identify all transmitted subframes belonging to the same received A-MPDU. | |
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static TypeId | GetObjectIid () |
Ensure the TypeId for ObjectBase gets fully configured to anchor the inheritance tree properly. | |
Extended SpectrumWifiPhy class for the purpose of the tests.
Definition at line 48 of file spectrum-wifi-phy-test.cc.
virtual |
Get the info of a given band.
bandWidth | the width of the band to be returned |
bandIndex | the index of the band to be returned |
Implements ns3::WifiPhy.
Referenced by SpectrumWifiPhyFilterTest::RxCallback().