17#include "ns3/event-id.h"
18#include "ns3/nstime.h"
19#include "ns3/traced-value.h"
81 "Panasonic HHR650D | NiMH | 1.2V 6.5Ah | Size: D",
92 "CSB GP1272 | Lead Acid | 12V 7.2Ah",
103 "Panasonic CGR18650DA | Li-Ion | 3.6V 2.45Ah | Size: A",
114 "Rs PRO LGP12100 | Lead Acid | 12V 100Ah",
125 "PANASONIC N-700AAC | NiCd | 1.2V 700mAh | Size: AA",
An identifier for simulation events.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Trace classes with value semantics.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Energy source base class.
A generic battery model for Li-Ion, NiCd, NiMh and Lead acid batteries.
void DoDispose() override
All child's implementation must call BreakDeviceEnergyModelRefCycle to ensure reference cycles to Dev...
double m_expZone
Voltage value of the exponential zone.
double m_cutoffVoltage
The threshold voltage where the battery is considered depleted.
double GetChargeVoltage(double current)
Obtain the battery voltage as a result of a charge current.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
void BatteryChargedEvent()
Handles the battery reaching its full voltage.
double GetEnergyFraction() override
Implements GetEnergyFraction.
EventId m_energyUpdateEvent
Energy update event.
double m_lowBatteryTh
Low battery threshold, as a fraction of the initial energy.
double m_currentFiltered
The step response (a.k.a.
Time m_energyUpdateLapseTime
The lapse of time between the last battery energy update and the current time.
~GenericBatteryModel() override
double m_qMax
The maximum capacity of the battery, in Ah.
double m_supplyVoltageV
Actual voltage of the battery.
double m_qNom
Battery capacity at the end of the nominal zone, in Ah.
double m_drainedCapacity
Capacity drained from the battery, in Ah.
Time m_lastUpdateTime
Last update time.
double m_vFull
Initial voltage of the battery, in Volts.
double m_entn
The previous value of the exponential zone in NiMh,NiCd and LeadAcid.
double m_qExp
Capacity value at the end of the exponential zone, in Ah.
void SetDrainedCapacity(double drainedCapacity)
This function is used to change the initial capacity in the battery.
double GetSupplyVoltage() const override
Implements GetSupplyVoltage.
TracedValue< double > m_remainingEnergyJ
Remaining energy, in Joules.
double GetRemainingEnergy() override
Implements GetRemainingEnergy.
void BatteryDepletedEvent()
Handles the battery reaching its cutoff voltage.
double GetVoltage(double current)
Get the battery voltage in function of the discharge current.
double m_typicalCurrent
Typical discharge current used to fit the curves.
GenericBatteryType m_batteryType
Indicates the battery type used by the model.
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
Time GetEnergyUpdateInterval() const
double GetStateOfCharge() const
Calculates an estimate of the State of Charge (SoC).
double GetInitialEnergy() const override
Implements GetInitialEnergy.
double m_vNom
Nominal voltage of the battery, in Volts.
double GetDrainedCapacity() const
Obtain the amount of drained capacity from the battery based on the integral of the current over time...
void CalculateRemainingEnergy()
Calculates remaining energy.
void UpdateEnergySource() override
Implements UpdateEnergySource.
double m_vExp
Battery voltage at the end of the exponential zone, in Volts.
void SetEnergyUpdateInterval(Time interval)
This function sets the interval between each energy update.
double m_internalResistance
Internal resistance of the battery, in Ohms.
Time m_energyUpdateInterval
Energy update interval.
static BatteryPresets g_batteryPreset[]
Contains the values that form the battery presents available in this module.
Battery models that described the parameters of the the battery presets.
Battery types.
Panasonic HHR650D NiMh battery.
CSB GP1272 Lead acid battery.
Panasonic CGR18650DA Li-Ion battery.
Panasonic N700AAC NiCd battery.
RS Pro LGP12100 Lead acid battery.
Lead Acid Batteries.
Nickel-metal hydride and Nickel cadmium batteries.
Lithium-ion and Lithium-polymer batteries.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
The structure containing the the parameter values that describe a battery preset.
GenericBatteryType batteryType
The type of battery used in the preset.
double qMax
The maximum capacity of the battery, in Ah.
std::string description
Additional information about the battery.
double cuttoffVoltage
The threshold voltage where the battery is considered depleted.
double qExp
Capacity value at the end of the exponential zone, in Ah.
double typicalCurrent
Typical discharge current used to fit the curves.
double internalResistance
Internal resistance of the battery, in Ohms.
double qNom
Battery capacity at the end of the nominal zone, in Ah.
double vFull
Initial voltage of the battery, in Volts.
double vExp
Battery voltage at the end of the exponential zone, in Volts.
double vNom
Nominal voltage of the battery, in Volts.