18#include "ns3/boolean.h"
21#include "ns3/packet.h"
22#include "ns3/pointer.h"
23#include "ns3/spectrum-channel.h"
37 TypeId(
40 .SetGroupName(
42 .AddAttribute(
43 "The channel attached to this device",
48 "The PHY layer attached to this device.",
53 "The MAC layer attached to this device.",
57 .AddAttribute(
58 "Request acknowledgments for data frames.",
63 "PseudoMacAddressMode",
64 "Build the pseudo-MAC Address according to RFC 4944 or RFC 6282 "
65 "(default: RFC 6282).",
69 "RFC 6282 (don't use PanId)",
71 "RFC 4944 (use PanId)"));
76 : m_configComplete(false)
131 m_phy->SetErrorModel(model);
132 m_phy->SetDevice(
137 m_phy->SetPlmeGetAttributeConfirmCallback(
139 m_phy->SetPlmeSetTRXStateConfirmCallback(
141 m_phy->SetPlmeSetAttributeConfirmCallback(
153 "MAC layer cannot be set after initialization");
161 "PHY layer cannot be set after initialization");
176 "Spectrum channel cannot be set after initialization");
177 m_phy->SetChannel(channel);
178 channel->AddRx(
214 return m_phy->GetChannel();
237 return m_phy->GetChannel();
259 m_mac->SetShortAddress(addr16);
264 m_mac->SetPanId(panId);
"LrWpanNetDevice::SetAddress - address is not of a compatible type");
279 return m_mac->GetExtendedAddress();
284 return pseudoAddress;
294 m_mac->SetPanId(panId);
295 m_mac->SetAssociatedCoor(coordExtAddr);
296 m_mac->SetAssociatedCoor(coordShortAddr);
297 m_mac->SetShortAddress(assignedShortAddr);
347 return pseudoAddress;
372 return pseudoAddress;
399 if (packet->GetSize() >
"Fragmentation is needed for this packet, drop the packet ");
418 m_mcpsDataRequestParams.
m_dstAddr = dst16;
429 m_mac->McpsDataRequest(m_mcpsDataRequestParams, packet);
437 uint16_t protocolNumber)
"Unsupported; use LrWpan MAC APIs instead");
518 buf[1] = panId & 0xff;
528 shortAddr.
CopyTo(buf + 4);
533 return pseudoAddress;
540 int64_t streamIndex = stream;
541 streamIndex +=
542 streamIndex +=
"Number of assigned RV streams: " << (streamIndex - stream));
544 return (streamIndex - stream);
a polymophic address class
uint32_t CopyTo(uint8_t buffer[MAX_SIZE]) const
Copy the address bytes into a buffer.
AttributeValue implementation for Boolean.
Hold variables of type enum.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Describes an IPv6 address.
This class can contain 16 bit addresses.
static Mac16Address GetMulticast(Ipv6Address address)
Returns the multicast address associated with an IPv6 address according to RFC 4944 Section 9.
static bool IsMatchingType(const Address &address)
static Mac16Address ConvertFrom(const Address &address)
void CopyTo(uint8_t buffer[2]) const
void CopyFrom(const uint8_t buffer[2])
static Mac16Address GetBroadcast()
static bool IsMatchingType(const Address &address)
void CopyFrom(const uint8_t buffer[6])
static Mac48Address ConvertFrom(const Address &address)
void CopyTo(uint8_t buffer[6]) const
static bool IsMatchingType(const Address &address)
static Mac64Address ConvertFrom(const Address &address)
Network layer to device interface.
virtual void DoInitialize()
Initialize() implementation.
void AggregateObject(Ptr< Object > other)
Aggregate two Objects together.
virtual void DoDispose()
Destructor implementation.
bool IsInitialized() const
Check if the object has been initialized.
AttributeValue implementation for Pointer.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
void ConnectWithoutContext(const CallbackBase &callback)
Append a Callback to the chain (without a context).
a unique identifier for an interface.
TypeId AddDeprecatedName(const std::string &name)
Add an deprecated name for a TypeId.
TypeId SetParent(TypeId tid)
Set the parent TypeId.
void PlmeCcaConfirm(PhyEnumeration status)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-CCA.confirm status.
void PdDataConfirm(PhyEnumeration status)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section Confirm the end of transmission of an MPDU to MAC.
void SetLrWpanMacState(MacState macState)
CSMA-CA algorithm calls back the MAC after executing channel assessment.
void PdDataIndication(uint32_t psduLength, Ptr< Packet > p, uint8_t lqi)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PD-DATA.indication Indicates the transfer of an MPDU from PHY to M...
void PlmeGetAttributeConfirm(PhyEnumeration status, PhyPibAttributeIdentifier id, Ptr< PhyPibAttributes > attribute)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-GET.confirm Get attributes per definition from Table 23 in se...
void PlmeSetAttributeConfirm(PhyEnumeration status, PhyPibAttributeIdentifier id)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-SET.confirm Set attributes per definition from Table 23 in s...
void PlmeSetTRXStateConfirm(PhyEnumeration status)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-SET-TRX-STATE.confirm Set PHY state.
void PlmeEdConfirm(PhyEnumeration status, uint8_t energyLevel)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-ED.confirm status and energy level.
Network layer to device interface.
bool SupportsSendFrom() const override
void LinkDown()
Mark NetDevice link as down.
Address GetMulticast(Ipv4Address multicastGroup) const override
Make and return a MAC multicast address using the provided multicast group.
bool Send(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber) override
Ptr< LrWpanPhy > m_phy
The PHY for this NetDevice.
bool NeedsArp() const override
uint32_t m_ifIndex
The interface index of this NetDevice.
void LinkUp()
Mark NetDevice link as up.
PseudoMacAddressMode_e m_pseudoMacMode
How the pseudo MAC address is created.
Ptr< LrWpanMac > m_mac
The MAC for this NetDevice.
Ptr< LrWpanMac > GetMac() const
Get the MAC used by this NetDevice.
uint16_t GetMtu() const override
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
void SetIfIndex(const uint32_t index) override
bool SendFrom(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &source, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber) override
void SetAddress(Address address) override
This method indirects to LrWpanMac::SetShortAddress ()
ReceiveCallback m_receiveCallback
Upper layer callback used for notification of new data packet arrivals.
bool m_configComplete
True if MAC, PHY and CSMA/CA where successfully configured and the NetDevice is ready for being used.
bool SetMtu(const uint16_t mtu) override
Ptr< SpectrumChannel > DoGetChannel() const
Attribute accessor method for the "Channel" attribute.
bool m_useAcks
Configure the NetDevice to request MAC layer acknowledgments when sending packets using the Send() AP...
void SetPanAssociation(uint16_t panId, Mac64Address coordExtAddr, Mac16Address coordShortAddr, Mac16Address assignedShortAddr)
This method is use to manually configure the coordinator through which the device or coordinator is a...
Address GetAddress() const override
This method indirects to LrWpanMac::SetShortAddress ()
bool IsLinkUp() const override
void AddLinkChangeCallback(Callback< void > callback) override
uint32_t GetIfIndex() const override
@ RFC4944
YYYY:0000:XXXX (with U/L bit set to local)
void SetCsmaCa(Ptr< LrWpanCsmaCa > csmaca)
Set the CSMA/CA implementation to be used by the MAC and this NetDevice.
bool IsBroadcast() const override
void CompleteConfig()
Configure PHY, MAC and CSMA/CA.
void SetPromiscReceiveCallback(PromiscReceiveCallback cb) override
Ptr< LrWpanCsmaCa > m_csmaca
The CSMA/CA implementation for this NetDevice.
TracedCallback m_linkChanges
Trace source for link up/down changes.
Address GetBroadcast() const override
Ptr< Channel > GetChannel() const override
Mac48Address BuildPseudoMacAddress(uint16_t panId, Mac16Address shortAddr) const
Builds a "pseudo 48-bit address" from the PanId and Short Address The form is PanId : 0x0 : 0x0 : Sho...
Ptr< LrWpanCsmaCa > GetCsmaCa() const
Get the CSMA/CA implementation used by this NetDevice.
void SetPhy(Ptr< LrWpanPhy > phy)
Set the PHY to be used by the MAC and this NetDevice.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
bool IsPointToPoint() const override
Return true if the net device is on a point-to-point link.
void SetChannel(Ptr< SpectrumChannel > channel)
Set the channel to which the NetDevice, and therefore the PHY, should be attached to.
Ptr< LrWpanPhy > GetPhy() const
Get the PHY used by this NetDevice.
bool m_linkUp
Is the link/device currently up and running?
bool IsBridge() const override
Return true if the net device is acting as a bridge.
void SetNode(Ptr< Node > node) override
~LrWpanNetDevice() override
bool IsMulticast() const override
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
void McpsDataIndication(McpsDataIndicationParams params, Ptr< Packet > pkt)
The callback used by the MAC to hand over incoming packets to the NetDevice.
void SetReceiveCallback(NetDevice::ReceiveCallback cb) override
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
void SetMac(Ptr< LrWpanMac > mac)
Set the MAC to be used by this NetDevice.
Ptr< Node > m_node
The node associated with this NetDevice.
Ptr< Node > GetNode() const override
Ptr< const AttributeChecker > MakeBooleanChecker()
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeBooleanAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method.
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeEnumAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method.
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakePointerAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method.
Ptr< AttributeChecker > MakePointerChecker()
Create a PointerChecker for a type.
#define NS_ABORT_MSG(msg)
Unconditional abnormal program termination with a message.
#define NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(cond, msg)
Abnormal program termination if a condition is true, with a message.
#define NS_LOG_ERROR(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_ERROR.
Define a Log component with a specific name.
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
Output the name of the function.
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by ",...
#define NS_LOG_WARN(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_WARN.
Ptr< T > CreateObject(Args &&... args)
Create an object by type, with varying number of constructor parameters.
Register an Object subclass with the TypeId system.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Callback< R, Args... > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(Args...), OBJ objPtr)
Build Callbacks for class method members which take varying numbers of arguments and potentially retu...
Ptr< const AttributeChecker > MakeEnumChecker(T v, std::string n, Ts... args)
Make an EnumChecker pre-configured with a set of allowed values by name.
MCPS-DATA.indication params.
MCPS-DATA.request params.
AddressMode m_dstAddrMode
Destination address mode.
Mac16Address m_dstAddr
Destination address.
uint16_t m_dstPanId
Destination PAN identifier.
AddressMode m_srcAddrMode
Source address mode.
uint8_t m_txOptions
Tx Options (bitfield)
uint8_t m_msduHandle
MSDU handle.