A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) 2023 Tokushima University, Japan.
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
6 * published by the Free Software Foundation;
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 *
17 * Author: Alberto Gallegos Ramonet <alramonet@is.tokushima-u.ac.jp>
18 */
20#ifndef LR_WPAN_MAC_BASE_H
21#define LR_WPAN_MAC_BASE_H
23#include <ns3/callback.h>
24#include <ns3/mac16-address.h>
25#include <ns3/mac64-address.h>
26#include <ns3/nstime.h>
27#include <ns3/object.h>
28#include <ns3/packet.h>
29#include <ns3/ptr.h>
31#include <cstdint>
33namespace ns3
35namespace lrwpan
39 * \ingroup lr-wpan
40 *
41 * The status of a confirm or an indication primitive as a result of a previous request.
42 * Represent the value of status in IEEE 802.15.4-2011 primitives.
43 * (Tables 6, 12, 18, 20, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 47)
44 *
45 * Status codes values only appear in IEEE 802.15.4-2006, Table 78
46 * See also NXP JN5169 IEEE 802.15.4 Stack User Guide
47 * (Table 6: Status Enumerations and Section 6.1.23)
48 *
49 */
50enum class MacStatus : std::uint8_t
52 SUCCESS = 0, //!< The operation was completed successfully.
53 FULL_CAPACITY = 0x01, //!< PAN at capacity. Association Status field (std. 2006, Table 83)
54 ACCESS_DENIED = 0x02, //!< PAN access denied. Association Status field (std. 2006, Table 83)
55 COUNTER_ERROR = 0xdb, //!< The frame counter of the received frame is invalid.
56 IMPROPER_KEY_TYPE = 0xdc, //!< The key is not allowed to be used with that frame type.
57 IMPROPER_SECURITY_LEVEL = 0xdd, //!< Insufficient security level expected by the recipient.
58 UNSUPPORTED_LEGACY = 0xde, //!< Deprecated security used in IEEE 802.15.4-2003
59 UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY = 0xdf, //!< The security applied is not supported.
60 BEACON_LOSS = 0xe0, //!< The beacon was lost following a synchronization request.
61 CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE = 0xe1, //!< A Tx could not take place due to activity in the CH.
62 DENIED = 0xe2, //!< The GTS request has been denied by the PAN coordinator.
63 DISABLE_TRX_FAILURE = 0xe3, //!< The attempt to disable the transceier has failed.
64 SECURITY_ERROR = 0xe4, // Cryptographic process of the frame failed(FAILED_SECURITY_CHECK).
65 FRAME_TOO_LONG = 0xe5, //!< Frame more than aMaxPHYPacketSize or too large for CAP or GTS.
66 INVALID_GTS = 0xe6, //!< Missing GTS transmit or undefined direction.
67 INVALID_HANDLE = 0xe7, //!< When purging from TX queue handle was not found.
68 INVALID_PARAMETER = 0xe8, //!< Primitive parameter not supported or out of range.
69 NO_ACK = 0xe9, //!< No acknowledgment was received after macMaxFrameRetries.
70 NO_BEACON = 0xea, //!< A scan operation failed to find any network beacons.
71 NO_DATA = 0xeb, //!< No response data were available following a request.
72 NO_SHORT_ADDRESS = 0xec, //!< Failure due to unallocated 16-bit short address.
73 OUT_OF_CAP = 0xed, //!< (Deprecated) See IEEE 802.15.4-2003
74 PAN_ID_CONFLICT = 0xee, //!< PAN id conflict detected and informed to the coordinator.
75 REALIGMENT = 0xef, //!< A coordinator realigment command has been received.
76 TRANSACTION_EXPIRED = 0xf0, //!< The transaction expired and its information discarded.
77 TRANSACTION_OVERFLOW = 0xf1, //!< There is no capacity to store the transaction.
78 TX_ACTIVE = 0xf2, //!< The transceiver was already enabled.
79 UNAVAILABLE_KEY = 0xf3, //!< Unavailable key, unknown or blacklisted.
80 UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE = 0xf4, //!< SET/GET request issued with a non supported ID.
81 INVALID_ADDRESS = 0xf5, //!< Invalid source or destination address.
82 ON_TIME_TOO_LONG = 0xf6, //!< RX enable request fail due to syms. longer than Bcn. interval
83 PAST_TIME = 0xf7, //!< Rx enable request fail due to lack of time in superframe.
84 TRACKING_OFF = 0xf8, //!< This device is currently not tracking beacons.
85 INVALID_INDEX = 0xf9, //!< A MAC PIB write failed because specified index is out of range.
86 LIMIT_REACHED = 0xfa, //!< PAN descriptors stored reached max capacity.
87 READ_ONLY = 0xfb, //!< SET/GET request issued for a read only attribute.
88 SCAN_IN_PROGRESS = 0xfc, //!< Scan failed because already performing another scan.
89 SUPERFRAME_OVERLAP = 0xfd //!< Coordinator superframe and this device superframe tx overlap.
93 * \ingroup lr-wpan
94 *
95 * table 80 of 802.15.4
96 */
102 EXT_ADDR = 3
106 * \ingroup lr-wpan
107 *
108 * Table 30 of IEEE 802.15.4-2011
109 */
119 * \ingroup lr-wpan
120 *
121 * MCPS-DATA.request params. See
122 */
125 AddressMode m_srcAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< Source address mode
126 AddressMode m_dstAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< Destination address mode
127 uint16_t m_dstPanId{0}; //!< Destination PAN identifier
128 Mac16Address m_dstAddr; //!< Destination address
129 Mac64Address m_dstExtAddr; //!< Destination extended address
130 uint8_t m_msduHandle{0}; //!< MSDU handle
131 uint8_t m_txOptions{0}; //!< Tx Options (bitfield)
135 * \ingroup lr-wpan
136 *
137 * MLME-START.request params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
138 */
141 uint16_t m_PanId{0}; //!< Pan Identifier used by the device.
142 uint8_t m_logCh{11}; //!< Logical channel on which to start using the
143 //!< new superframe configuration.
144 uint32_t m_logChPage{0}; //!< Logical channel page on which to start using the
145 //!< new superframe configuration.
146 uint32_t m_startTime{0}; //!< Time at which to begin transmitting beacons (Used by Coordinator
147 //!< not PAN Coordinators). The time is specified in symbols.
148 uint8_t m_bcnOrd{15}; //!< Beacon Order, Used to calculate the beacon interval, a value of 15
149 //!< indicates no periodic beacons will be transmitted.
150 uint8_t m_sfrmOrd{15}; //!< Superframe Order, indicates the length of the CAP in time slots.
151 bool m_panCoor{false}; //!< On true this device will become coordinator.
152 bool m_battLifeExt{false}; //!< Flag indicating whether or not the Battery life extension (BLE)
153 //!< features are used.
154 bool m_coorRealgn{false}; //!< True if a realignment request command is to be transmitted prior
155 //!< changing the superframe.
159 * \ingroup lr-wpan
160 *
161 * MLME-SCAN.request params. See IEEE 802.15.4-2011 Section Table 30
162 */
165 MlmeScanType m_scanType{MLMESCAN_PASSIVE}; //!< Indicates the type of scan performed as
166 //!< described in IEEE 802.15.4-2011 (
167 uint32_t m_scanChannels{0x7FFF800}; //!< The channel numbers to be scanned.
168 //!< Default: (0x7FFF800 = Ch11-Ch26)
169 //!< 27 LSB (b0,b1,...,b26) = channels
170 uint8_t m_scanDuration{14}; //!< The factor (0-14) used to calculate the length of time
171 //!< to spend scanning.
172 //!< scanDurationSymbols =
173 //!< [aBaseSuperframeDuration * (2^m_scanDuration + 1)].
174 uint32_t m_chPage{0}; //!< The channel page on which to perform scan.
178 * \ingroup lr-wpan
179 *
180 * MLME-ASSOCIATE.request params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
181 */
184 uint8_t m_chNum{11}; //!< The channel number on which to attempt association.
185 uint32_t m_chPage{0}; //!< The channel page on which to attempt association.
186 uint8_t m_coordAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< The coordinator addressing mode for this
187 //!< primitive and subsequent MPDU.
188 uint16_t m_coordPanId{0}; //!< The identifier of the PAN with which to associate.
189 Mac16Address m_coordShortAddr; //!< The short address of the coordinator
190 //!< with which to associate.
191 Mac64Address m_coordExtAddr; //!< The extended address of the coordinator
192 //!< with which to associate.
193 uint8_t m_capabilityInfo{0}; //!< Specifies the operational capabilities
194 //!< of the associating device (bitmap).
198 * \ingroup lr-wpan
199 *
200 * MLME-ASSOCIATE.response params. See 802.15.4-2011
201 */
204 Mac64Address m_extDevAddr; //!< The extended address of the device requesting association
205 Mac16Address m_assocShortAddr; //!< The short address allocated by the coordinator on successful
206 //!< assoc. FF:FF = Unsuccessful
208 MacStatus::ACCESS_DENIED}; //!< The status of the association
209 //!< attempt (As defined on Table 83 IEEE 802.15.4-2006)
213 * \ingroup lr-wpan
214 *
215 * MLME-ORPHAN.response params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
216 */
219 Mac64Address m_orphanAddr; //!< The address of the orphaned device.
220 Mac16Address m_shortAddr; //!< The short address allocated.
221 bool m_assocMember{false}; //!< T = allocated with this coord | F = otherwise
225 * \ingroup lr-wpan
226 *
227 * MLME-SYNC.request params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
228 */
231 uint8_t m_logCh{11}; //!< The channel number on which to attempt coordinator synchronization.
232 bool m_trackBcn{false}; //!< True if the mlme sync with the next beacon and attempts to track
233 //!< future beacons. False if mlme sync only the next beacon.
237 * \ingroup lr-wpan
238 *
239 * MLME-POLL.request params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
240 */
243 AddressMode m_coorAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< The addressing mode of the coordinator
244 //!< to which the pool is intended.
245 uint16_t m_coorPanId{0}; //!< The PAN id of the coordinator to which the poll is intended.
246 Mac16Address m_coorShortAddr; //!< Coordinator short address.
247 Mac64Address m_coorExtAddr; //!< Coordinator extended address.
251 * \ingroup lr-wpan
252 *
253 * IEEE 802.15.4-2006 PHY and MAC PIB Attribute Identifiers Table 23 and Table 86.
254 * Note: Attribute identifiers use standardized values.
255 */
258 pCurrentChannel = 0x00, //!< RF channel used for transmissions and receptions.
259 pCurrentPage = 0x04, //!< The current channel page.
260 macAckWaitDuration = 0x40, //!< Maximum number of symbols to wait for an acknowledgment.
261 macAssociationPermit = 0x41, //!< Indication of whether a coordinator is allowing association.
262 macAutoRequest = 0x42, //!< Indication of whether a device automatically sends a data request
263 //!< command if its address is listed in a beacon frame.
264 macBattLifeExt = 0x43, //!< Indication of whether BLE, through the reduction of coordinator
265 //!< receiver operation time during the CAP, is enabled.
266 macBattLifeExtPeriods = 0x44, //!< In BLE mode, the number of backoff periods during which the
267 //!< the receiver is enabled after the IFS following a beacon.
268 macBeaconPayload = 0x45, //!< The contents of the beacon payload.
269 macBeaconPayloadLength = 0x46, //!< The length in octets of the beacon payload.
270 macBeaconOrder = 0x47, //!< Specification of how often the coordinator transmits its beacon.
271 macBeaconTxTime = 0x48, //!< The time that the device transmitted its last beacome frame,
272 //!< in symbol periods.
273 macBsn = 0x49, //!< The sequence number added to the transmitted beacon frame.
274 macCoordExtendedAddress = 0x4a, //!< The 64-bit address of the coordinator through which
275 //!< the device is associated.
276 macCoordShortAddress = 0x4b, //!< The 16-bit short address assigned to the coordinator through
277 //!< which the device is associated. 0xFFFE = Ext address mode
278 //!< 0xFFFF = Unknown.
279 macDSN = 0x4c, //!< The sequence number added to the transmitted data or MAC command frame.
280 macGTSPermit = 0x4d, //!< True if the PAN coordinator is to accept GTS requests.
281 macMaxCSMABackoff = 0x4e, //!< The maximum number of backoffs the CSMA-CA algorithm
282 //!< will attempt before declaring a channel access failure.
283 macMinBE = 0x4f, //!< The minimum value of the backoff exponent (BE) in the CSMA-CA algorithm.
284 macExtendedAddress = 0x6f, //!< The extended address of the device (64 bit address). The id
285 //!< is not compliant for 2003 and 2006 versions, but this attribute
286 //!< is later on added to the Pib attributes in 2011 and subsequent
287 //!< editions of the standard.
288 macPanId = 0x50, //!< The 16-bit identifier of the Personal Area Network (PAN).
289 macPromiscuousMode = 0x51, //!< Indication of whether the MAC sublayer is in a promiscuous
290 //!< mode. True indicates that the MAC sublayer accepts all frames.
291 macRxOnWhenIdle = 0x52, //!< Indication of whether the MAC is enabled during idle periods.
292 macShortAddress = 0x53, //!< The short address of the device (16 bit address).
293 macSuperframeOrder = 0x54, //!< The length of the active portion of the outgoing superframe,
294 //!< including the beacon frame.
295 macTransactionPersistenceTime = 0x55, //!< The maximum time (in unit periods) that a
296 //!< transaction is stored by a coordinator and
297 //!< indicated in its beacon.
298 macMaxFrameRetries = 0x59, //!< The maximum number of retries allowed after a transmission
299 //!< failure.
300 macResponseWaitTime = 0x5a, //!< The maximum time in multiples of aBaseSuperframeDuration, a
301 //!< device shall wait for a response command frame to be
302 //!< available following a request command frame.
303 unsupported = 255
304 // TODO: complete other MAC pib attributes
308 * \ingroup lr-wpan
309 *
310 * IEEE802.15.4-2011 PHY PIB Attributes Table 52 in section 6.4.2
311 */
312struct MacPibAttributes : public SimpleRefCount<MacPibAttributes>
314 Ptr<Packet> macBeaconPayload; //!< The contents of the beacon payload.
315 uint8_t macBeaconPayloadLength{0}; //!< The length in octets of the beacon payload.
316 Mac16Address macShortAddress; //!< The 16 bit mac short address
317 Mac64Address macExtendedAddress; //!< The EUI-64 bit address
318 uint16_t macPanId{0xffff}; //!< The identifier of the PAN
319 uint8_t pCurrentChannel{11}; //!< The current logical channel in used in the PHY
320 uint8_t pCurrentPage{0}; //!< The current logical page in use in the PHY
321 // TODO: complete other MAC pib attributes
325 * \ingroup lr-wpan
326 *
327 * MCPS-DATA.confirm params. See
328 */
331 uint8_t m_msduHandle{0}; //!< MSDU handle
333 //!< of the last MSDU transmission
337 * \ingroup lr-wpan
338 *
339 * MCPS-DATA.indication params. See
340 */
343 uint8_t m_srcAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< Source address mode
344 uint16_t m_srcPanId{0}; //!< Source PAN identifier
345 Mac16Address m_srcAddr; //!< Source address
346 Mac64Address m_srcExtAddr; //!< Source extended address
347 uint8_t m_dstAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< Destination address mode
348 uint16_t m_dstPanId{0}; //!< Destination PAN identifier
349 Mac16Address m_dstAddr; //!< Destination address
350 Mac64Address m_dstExtAddr; //!< Destination extended address
351 uint8_t m_mpduLinkQuality{0}; //!< LQI value measured during reception of the MPDU
352 uint8_t m_dsn{0}; //!< The DSN of the received data frame
356 * \ingroup lr-wpan
357 *
358 * MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication params. See 802.15.4-2011
359 */
362 Mac64Address m_extDevAddr; //!< The extended address of the device requesting association
363 uint8_t capabilityInfo{0}; //!< The operational capabilities of
364 //!< the device requesting association.
365 uint8_t lqi{0}; //!< The link quality indicator of the received associate request command
366 //!< (Not officially supported in the standard but found in implementations)
370 * \ingroup lr-wpan
371 *
372 * MLME-COMM-STATUS.indication params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section Table 18
373 */
376 uint16_t m_panId{0}; //!< The PAN identifier of the device from which the frame was received or
377 //!< to which the frame was being sent.
378 uint8_t m_srcAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< The source addressing mode for this primitive
379 Mac16Address m_srcShortAddr; //!< The short address of the entity from which the frame causing
380 //!< the error originated.
381 Mac64Address m_srcExtAddr; //!< The extended address of the entity from which the frame causing
382 //!< the error originated.
383 uint8_t m_dstAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< The destination addressing mode for this primitive.
384 Mac16Address m_dstShortAddr; //!< The short address of the device for
385 //!< which the frame was intended.
386 Mac64Address m_dstExtAddr; //!< The extended address of the device for
387 //!< which the frame was intended.
388 MacStatus m_status{MacStatus::INVALID_PARAMETER}; //!< The communication status
392 * \ingroup lr-wpan
393 *
394 * MLME-ORPHAN.indication params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
395 */
398 Mac64Address m_orphanAddr; //!< The address of the orphaned device.
402 * \ingroup lr-wpan
403 *
404 * MLME-START.confirm params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
405 */
409 //!< a MLME-start.request
413 * \ingroup lr-wpan
414 *
415 * PAN Descriptor, Table 17 IEEE 802.15.4-2011
416 */
419 AddressMode m_coorAddrMode{SHORT_ADDR}; //!< The coordinator addressing mode corresponding
420 //!< to the received beacon frame.
421 uint16_t m_coorPanId{0xffff}; //!< The PAN ID of the coordinator as specified in
422 //!< the received beacon frame.
423 Mac16Address m_coorShortAddr; //!< The coordinator short address as specified in the coordinator
424 //!< address mode.
425 Mac64Address m_coorExtAddr; //!< The coordinator extended address as specified in the
426 //!< coordinator address mode.
427 uint8_t m_logCh{11}; //!< The current channel number occupied by the network.
428 uint8_t m_logChPage{0}; //!< The current channel page occupied by the network.
429 uint16_t m_superframeSpec{0}; //!< The superframe specification as specified in the received
430 //!< beacon frame.
431 bool m_gtsPermit{false}; //!< TRUE if the beacon is from the PAN coordinator
432 //!< that is accepting GTS requests.
433 uint8_t m_linkQuality{0}; //!< The LQI at which the network beacon was received.
434 //!< Lower values represent lower LQI.
435 Time m_timeStamp; //!< Beacon frame reception time. Used as Time data type in ns-3 to avoid
436 //!< precision problems.
440 * \ingroup lr-wpan
441 *
442 * MLME-SCAN.confirm params. See IEEE 802.15.4-2011 Section
443 */
446 MacStatus m_status{MacStatus::INVALID_PARAMETER}; //!< The status of the scan request.
447 uint8_t m_scanType{MLMESCAN_PASSIVE}; //!< Indicates the type of scan
448 //!< performed (ED,ACTIVE,PASSIVE,ORPHAN).
449 uint32_t m_chPage{0}; //!< The channel page on which the scan was performed.
450 std::vector<uint8_t> m_unscannedCh; //!< A list of channels given in the request which
451 //!< were not scanned (Not valid for ED scans).
452 uint8_t m_resultListSize{0}; //!< The number of elements returned in the appropriate
453 //!< result list. (Not valid for Orphan scan).
454 std::vector<uint8_t> m_energyDetList; //!< A list of energy measurements, one for each
455 //!< channel searched during ED scan
456 //!< (Not valid for Active, Passive or Orphan Scans)
457 std::vector<PanDescriptor> m_panDescList; //!< A list of PAN descriptor, one for each beacon
458 //!< found (Not valid for ED and Orphan scans).
462 * \ingroup lr-wpan
463 *
464 * MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
465 */
468 Mac16Address m_assocShortAddr; //!< The short address used in the association request
470 //!< a MLME-associate.request
474 * \ingroup lr-wpan
475 *
476 * MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY.indication params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section, Table 16
477 */
480 uint8_t m_bsn{0}; //!< The beacon sequence number.
481 PanDescriptor m_panDescriptor; //!< The PAN descriptor for the received beacon.
482 uint32_t m_sduLength{0}; //!< The number of octets contained in the beacon payload.
483 Ptr<Packet> m_sdu; //!< The set of octets comprising the beacon payload.
487 * \ingroup lr-wpan
488 *
489 * MLME-SYNC-LOSS.indication params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section, Table 37
490 */
493 MacStatus m_lossReason{MacStatus::PAN_ID_CONFLICT}; //!< The reason for the lost
494 //!< of synchronization.
495 uint16_t m_panId{0}; //!< The PAN identifier with which the device lost synchronization or to
496 //!< which it was realigned.
497 uint8_t m_logCh{11}; //!< The channel number on which the device lost synchronization or to
498 //!< which it was realigned.
502 * \ingroup lr-wpan
503 *
504 * MLME-SET.confirm params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
505 */
509 //!< the request to write
510 //!< the PIB attribute.
511 MacPibAttributeIdentifier id; //!< The id of the PIB attribute that was written.
515 * \ingroup lr-wpan
516 *
517 * MLME-START.confirm params. See 802.15.4-2011 Section
518 */
522 //!< status resulting from a
523 //!< MLME-poll.request.
527 * \ingroup lr-wpan
528 *
529 * This callback is called after a McpsDataRequest has been called from
530 * the higher layer. It returns a status of the outcome of the
531 * transmission request
532 */
536 * \ingroup lr-wpan
537 *
538 * This callback is called after a Mcps has successfully received a
539 * frame and wants to deliver it to the higher layer.
540 *
541 * \todo for now, we do not deliver all of the parameters in section
542 * 802.15.4-2006 but just send up the packet.
543 */
547 * \ingroup lr-wpan
548 *
549 * This callback is called after a Mlme has successfully received a command
550 * frame and wants to deliver it to the higher layer.
551 *
552 * Security related parameters and not handle.
553 * See 802.15.4-2011
554 */
558 * \ingroup lr-wpan
559 *
560 * This callback is called by the MLME and issued to its next higher layer following
561 * a transmission instigated through a response primitive.
562 *
563 * Security related parameters and not handle.
564 * See 802.15.4-2011
565 */
569 * \ingroup lr-wpan
570 *
571 * This callback is called by the MLME and issued to its next higher layer following
572 * the reception of a orphan notification.
573 *
574 * Security related parameters and not handle.
575 * See 802.15.4-2011
576 */
580 * \ingroup lr-wpan
581 *
582 * This callback is called after a MlmeStartRequest has been called from
583 * the higher layer. It returns a status of the outcome of the
584 * transmission request
585 */
589 * \ingroup lr-wpan
590 *
591 * This callback is called after a MlmeScanRequest has been called from
592 * the higher layer. It returns a status of the outcome of the scan.
593 */
597 * \ingroup lr-wpan
598 *
599 * This callback is called after a MlmeAssociateRequest has been called from
600 * the higher layer. It returns a status of the outcome of the
601 * association request
602 */
606 * \ingroup lr-wpan
607 *
608 * This callback is called after a Mlme has successfully received a
609 * beacon frame and wants to deliver it to the higher layer.
610 *
611 * \todo for now, we do not deliver all of the parameters in section
612 * 802.15.4-2006 but just send up the packet.
613 */
617 * \ingroup lr-wpan
618 *
619 * This callback is called to indicate the loss of synchronization with
620 * a coordinator.
621 *
622 * \todo for now, we do not deliver all of the parameters in section
623 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011
624 */
628 * \ingroup lr-wpan
629 *
630 * This callback is called after a MlmeSetRequest has been called from
631 * the higher layer to set a PIB. It returns a status of the outcome of the
632 * write attempt.
633 */
637 * \ingroup lr-wpan
638 *
639 * This callback is called after a MlmeGetRequest has been called from
640 * the higher layer to get a PIB. It returns a status of the outcome of the
641 * write attempt.
642 */
647 * \ingroup lr-wpan
648 *
649 * This callback is called after a Mlme-Poll.Request has been called from
650 * the higher layer. It returns a status of the outcome of the
651 * transmission request
652 */
656 * \ingroup netdevice
657 *
658 * \brief Lr-wpan MAC layer abstraction
659 *
660 * This class defines the interface functions (primitives) used by a IEEE 802.15.4-2011 compliant
661 * MAC layer. Any lr-wpan MAC should extend from this class and implement the
662 * behavior of the basic MAC interfaces (primitives).
663 *
664 */
665class LrWpanMacBase : public Object
667 public:
668 /**
669 * \brief Get the type ID.
670 * \return the object TypeId
671 */
672 static TypeId GetTypeId();
673 ~LrWpanMacBase() override;
675 /**
676 * IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section
677 * MCPS-DATA.request
678 * Request to transfer a MSDU.
679 *
680 * \param params the request parameters
681 * \param p the packet to be transmitted
682 */
685 /**
686 * IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section
687 * MLME-START.request
688 * Request to allow a PAN coordinator to initiate
689 * a new PAN or beginning a new superframe configuration.
690 *
691 * \param params the request parameters
692 */
693 virtual void MlmeStartRequest(MlmeStartRequestParams params) = 0;
695 /**
696 * IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
697 * MLME-SCAN.request
698 * Request primitive used to initiate a channel scan over a given list of channels.
699 *
700 * \param params the scan request parameters
701 */
702 virtual void MlmeScanRequest(MlmeScanRequestParams params) = 0;
704 /**
705 * IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
706 * MLME-ASSOCIATE.request
707 * Request primitive used by a device to request an association with
708 * a coordinator.
709 *
710 * \param params the request parameters
711 */
714 /**
715 * IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
716 * MLME-ASSOCIATE.response
717 * Primitive used to initiate a response to an MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication
718 * primitive.
719 *
720 * \param params the associate response parameters
721 */
724 /**
725 * IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
726 * MLME-SYNC.request
727 * Request to synchronize with the coordinator by acquiring and,
728 * if specified, tracking beacons.
729 *
730 * \param params the request parameters
731 */
732 virtual void MlmeSyncRequest(MlmeSyncRequestParams params) = 0;
734 /**
735 * IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
736 * MLME-POLL.request
737 * Prompts the device to request data from the coordinator.
738 *
739 * \param params the request parameters
740 */
741 virtual void MlmePollRequest(MlmePollRequestParams params) = 0;
743 /**
744 * IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
745 * MLME-ORPHAN.response
746 * Primitive used to initiatte a response to an MLME-ORPHAN.indication
747 * primitive.
748 *
749 * \param params the orphan response parameters
750 */
753 /**
754 * IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
755 * MLME-SET.request
756 * Attempts to write the given value to the indicated PIB attribute.
757 *
758 * \param id the attributed identifier
759 * \param attribute the attribute value
760 */
763 /**
764 * IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section
765 * MLME-GET.request
766 * Request information about a given PIB attribute.
767 * Note: The PibAttributeIndex parameter is not included because
768 * attributes that represent tables are not supported.
769 *
770 * \param id the attribute identifier
771 */
774 /**
775 * Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
776 * The callback implements MCPS-DATA.confirm SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2006,
777 * section
778 *
779 * \param c the callback
780 */
783 /**
784 * Set the callback for the indication of an incoming data packet.
785 * The callback implements MCPS-DATA.indication SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2006,
786 * section
787 *
788 * \param c the callback
789 */
792 /**
793 * Set the callback for the indication of an incoming associate request command.
794 * The callback implements MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
795 * section
796 *
797 * \param c the callback
798 */
801 /**
802 * Set the callback for the indication to a response primitive.
803 * The callback implements MLME-COMM-STATUS.indication SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
804 * section
805 *
806 * \param c the callback
807 */
810 /**
811 * Set the callback for the indication to the reception of an orphan notification.
812 * The callback implements MLME-ORPHAN.indication SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
813 * section
814 *
815 * \param c the callback
816 */
819 /**
820 * Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
821 * The callback implements MLME-START.confirm SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2006,
822 * section
823 *
824 * \param c the callback
825 */
828 /**
829 * Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
830 * The callback implements MLME-SCAN.confirm SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
831 * section
832 *
833 * \param c the callback
834 */
837 /**
838 * Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
839 * The callback implements MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
840 * section
841 *
842 * \param c the callback
843 */
846 /**
847 * Set the callback for the indication of an incoming beacon packet.
848 * The callback implements MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY.indication SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
849 * section
850 *
851 * \param c the callback
852 */
855 /**
856 * Set the callback for the loss of synchronization with a coordinator.
857 * The callback implements MLME-SYNC-LOSS.indication SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
858 * section
859 *
860 * \param c the callback
861 */
864 /**
865 * Set the callback for the confirmation of an attempt to write an attribute.
866 * The callback implements MLME-SET.confirm SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
867 * section
868 *
869 * \param c the callback
870 */
873 /**
874 * Set the callback for the confirmation of an attempt to read an attribute.
875 * The callback implements MLME-GET.confirm SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
876 * section
877 *
878 *\param c the callback
879 */
882 /**
883 * Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
884 * The callback implements MLME-POLL.confirm SAP of IEEE 802.15.4-2011,
885 * section
886 *
887 * \param c the callback
888 */
891 protected:
892 /**
893 * This callback is used to report data transmission request status to the
894 * upper layers.
895 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section
896 */
899 /**
900 * This callback is used to notify incoming packets to the upper layers.
901 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section
902 */
905 /**
906 * This callback is used to indicate the reception of an association request command.
907 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
908 */
911 /**
912 * This callback is instigated through a response primitive.
913 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
914 */
917 /**
918 * This callback is used to indicate the reception of a orphan notification command.
919 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
920 */
923 /**
924 * This callback is used to report the start of a new PAN or
925 * the begin of a new superframe configuration.
926 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section
927 */
930 /**
931 * This callback is used to report the result of a scan on a group of channels for the
932 * selected channel page.
933 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
934 */
937 /**
938 * This callback is used to report the status after a device request an association with
939 * a coordinator.
940 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
941 */
944 /**
945 * This callback is used to notify incoming beacon packets to the upper layers.
946 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
947 */
950 /**
951 * This callback is used to indicate the loss of synchronization with a coordinator.
952 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
953 */
956 /**
957 * This callback is used to report the result of an attribute writing request
958 * to the upper layers.
959 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
960 */
963 /**
964 * This callback is used to report the result of an attribute read request
965 * to the upper layers.
966 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
967 */
970 /**
971 * This callback is used to report the status after a device send data command request to
972 * the coordinator to transmit data.
973 * See IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section
974 */
978} // namespace lrwpan
979} // namespace ns3
981#endif /* LR_WPAN_MAC_BASE_H*/
This class can contain 16 bit addresses.
Definition: mac16-address.h:44
an EUI-64 address
Definition: mac64-address.h:46
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
Definition: object.h:89
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Definition: ptr.h:77
A template-based reference counting class.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:105
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition: type-id.h:59
Lr-wpan MAC layer abstraction.
void SetMcpsDataConfirmCallback(McpsDataConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
virtual void MlmePollRequest(MlmePollRequestParams params)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-POLL.request Prompts the device to request data from the co...
MlmeOrphanIndicationCallback m_mlmeOrphanIndicationCallback
This callback is used to indicate the reception of a orphan notification command.
MlmeGetConfirmCallback m_mlmeGetConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report the result of an attribute read request to the upper layers.
MlmeAssociateIndicationCallback m_mlmeAssociateIndicationCallback
This callback is used to indicate the reception of an association request command.
virtual void McpsDataRequest(McpsDataRequestParams params, Ptr< Packet > p)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section MCPS-DATA.request Request to transfer a MSDU.
MlmeSetConfirmCallback m_mlmeSetConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report the result of an attribute writing request to the upper layers.
virtual void MlmeOrphanResponse(MlmeOrphanResponseParams params)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-ORPHAN.response Primitive used to initiatte a response to an...
MlmePollConfirmCallback m_mlmePollConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report the status after a device send data command request to the coordinato...
MlmeCommStatusIndicationCallback m_mlmeCommStatusIndicationCallback
This callback is instigated through a response primitive.
virtual void MlmeSyncRequest(MlmeSyncRequestParams params)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-SYNC.request Request to synchronize with the coordinator by...
virtual void MlmeGetRequest(MacPibAttributeIdentifier id)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section MLME-GET.request Request information about a given PIB attribute.
void SetMlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback(MlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the loss of synchronization with a coordinator.
McpsDataConfirmCallback m_mcpsDataConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report data transmission request status to the upper layers.
virtual void MlmeScanRequest(MlmeScanRequestParams params)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-SCAN.request Request primitive used to initiate a channel s...
virtual void MlmeAssociateResponse(MlmeAssociateResponseParams params)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-ASSOCIATE.response Primitive used to initiate a response to ...
void SetMlmeOrphanIndicationCallback(MlmeOrphanIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the indication to the reception of an orphan notification.
McpsDataIndicationCallback m_mcpsDataIndicationCallback
This callback is used to notify incoming packets to the upper layers.
virtual void MlmeStartRequest(MlmeStartRequestParams params)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section MLME-START.request Request to allow a PAN coordinator to initiat...
MlmeScanConfirmCallback m_mlmeScanConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report the result of a scan on a group of channels for the selected channel ...
void SetMlmeCommStatusIndicationCallback(MlmeCommStatusIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the indication to a response primitive.
void SetMlmeAssociateConfirmCallback(MlmeAssociateConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
virtual void MlmeAssociateRequest(MlmeAssociateRequestParams params)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-ASSOCIATE.request Request primitive used by a device to requ...
MlmeAssociateConfirmCallback m_mlmeAssociateConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report the status after a device request an association with a coordinator.
void SetMlmeStartConfirmCallback(MlmeStartConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
void SetMlmePollConfirmCallback(MlmePollConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
MlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback m_mlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback
This callback is used to indicate the loss of synchronization with a coordinator.
void SetMlmeScanConfirmCallback(MlmeScanConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
void SetMlmeGetConfirmCallback(MlmeGetConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of an attempt to read an attribute.
MlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback m_mlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback
This callback is used to notify incoming beacon packets to the upper layers.
void SetMcpsDataIndicationCallback(McpsDataIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the indication of an incoming data packet.
void SetMlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback(MlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the indication of an incoming beacon packet.
virtual void MlmeSetRequest(MacPibAttributeIdentifier id, Ptr< MacPibAttributes > attribute)=0
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-SET.request Attempts to write the given value to the indica...
void SetMlmeSetConfirmCallback(MlmeSetConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of an attempt to write an attribute.
MlmeStartConfirmCallback m_mlmeStartConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report the start of a new PAN or the begin of a new superframe configuration...
void SetMlmeAssociateIndicationCallback(MlmeAssociateIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the indication of an incoming associate request command.
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 PHY and MAC PIB Attribute Identifiers Table 23 and Table 86.
table 80 of 802.15.4
Table 30 of IEEE 802.15.4-2011.
The status of a confirm or an indication primitive as a result of a previous request.
@ macCoordShortAddress
The 16-bit short address assigned to the coordinator through which the device is associated.
@ macPanId
The 16-bit identifier of the Personal Area Network (PAN).
@ pCurrentChannel
RF channel used for transmissions and receptions.
@ macBsn
The sequence number added to the transmitted beacon frame.
@ macShortAddress
The short address of the device (16 bit address).
@ macSuperframeOrder
The length of the active portion of the outgoing superframe, including the beacon frame.
@ macAutoRequest
Indication of whether a device automatically sends a data request command if its address is listed in...
@ macBeaconOrder
Specification of how often the coordinator transmits its beacon.
@ macAckWaitDuration
Maximum number of symbols to wait for an acknowledgment.
@ macRxOnWhenIdle
Indication of whether the MAC is enabled during idle periods.
@ macBeaconPayloadLength
The length in octets of the beacon payload.
@ macPromiscuousMode
Indication of whether the MAC sublayer is in a promiscuous mode.
@ macBeaconTxTime
The time that the device transmitted its last beacome frame, in symbol periods.
@ macMaxCSMABackoff
The maximum number of backoffs the CSMA-CA algorithm will attempt before declaring a channel access f...
@ pCurrentPage
The current channel page.
@ macMinBE
The minimum value of the backoff exponent (BE) in the CSMA-CA algorithm.
@ macExtendedAddress
The extended address of the device (64 bit address).
@ macBattLifeExtPeriods
In BLE mode, the number of backoff periods during which the the receiver is enabled after the IFS fol...
@ macGTSPermit
True if the PAN coordinator is to accept GTS requests.
@ macBattLifeExt
Indication of whether BLE, through the reduction of coordinator receiver operation time during the CA...
@ macResponseWaitTime
The maximum time in multiples of aBaseSuperframeDuration, a device shall wait for a response command ...
@ macMaxFrameRetries
The maximum number of retries allowed after a transmission failure.
@ macAssociationPermit
Indication of whether a coordinator is allowing association.
@ macDSN
The sequence number added to the transmitted data or MAC command frame.
@ macCoordExtendedAddress
The 64-bit address of the coordinator through which the device is associated.
@ macTransactionPersistenceTime
The maximum time (in unit periods) that a transaction is stored by a coordinator and indicated in its...
@ macBeaconPayload
The contents of the beacon payload.
Definition: lr-wpan-mac.h:80
There is no capacity to store the transaction.
A scan operation failed to find any network beacons.
The transceiver was already enabled.
Missing GTS transmit or undefined direction.
SET/GET request issued with a non supported ID.
Failure due to unallocated 16-bit short address.
Rx enable request fail due to lack of time in superframe.
PAN access denied.
The beacon was lost following a synchronization request.
PAN id conflict detected and informed to the coordinator.
The attempt to disable the transceier has failed.
PAN descriptors stored reached max capacity.
This device is currently not tracking beacons.
SET/GET request issued for a read only attribute.
RX enable request fail due to syms.
The transaction expired and its information discarded.
Scan failed because already performing another scan.
Frame more than aMaxPHYPacketSize or too large for CAP or GTS.
(Deprecated) See IEEE 802.15.4-2003
The key is not allowed to be used with that frame type.
The GTS request has been denied by the PAN coordinator.
Insufficient security level expected by the recipient.
Invalid source or destination address.
When purging from TX queue handle was not found.
A coordinator realigment command has been received.
PAN at capacity.
The frame counter of the received frame is invalid.
The operation was completed successfully.
Deprecated security used in IEEE 802.15.4-2003.
No acknowledgment was received after macMaxFrameRetries.
Coordinator superframe and this device superframe tx overlap.
Unavailable key, unknown or blacklisted.
The security applied is not supported.
No response data were available following a request.
A MAC PIB write failed because specified index is out of range.
Primitive parameter not supported or out of range.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
IEEE802.15.4-2011 PHY PIB Attributes Table 52 in section 6.4.2.
Mac16Address macShortAddress
The 16 bit mac short address.
uint16_t macPanId
The identifier of the PAN.
uint8_t macBeaconPayloadLength
The length in octets of the beacon payload.
uint8_t pCurrentChannel
The current logical channel in used in the PHY.
Mac64Address macExtendedAddress
The EUI-64 bit address.
Ptr< Packet > macBeaconPayload
The contents of the beacon payload.
uint8_t pCurrentPage
The current logical page in use in the PHY.
MacStatus m_status
The status of the last MSDU transmission.
MCPS-DATA.indication params.
uint8_t m_mpduLinkQuality
LQI value measured during reception of the MPDU.
uint16_t m_dstPanId
Destination PAN identifier.
uint8_t m_dsn
The DSN of the received data frame.
Mac16Address m_srcAddr
Source address.
Mac64Address m_dstExtAddr
Destination extended address.
Mac64Address m_srcExtAddr
Source extended address.
Mac16Address m_dstAddr
Destination address.
uint8_t m_dstAddrMode
Destination address mode.
uint16_t m_srcPanId
Source PAN identifier.
uint8_t m_srcAddrMode
Source address mode.
AddressMode m_dstAddrMode
Destination address mode.
Mac16Address m_dstAddr
Destination address.
Mac64Address m_dstExtAddr
Destination extended address.
uint16_t m_dstPanId
Destination PAN identifier.
AddressMode m_srcAddrMode
Source address mode.
uint8_t m_txOptions
Tx Options (bitfield)
MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm params.
Mac16Address m_assocShortAddr
The short address used in the association request.
MacStatus m_status
The status of a MLME-associate.request.
MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication params.
uint8_t lqi
The link quality indicator of the received associate request command (Not officially supported in the...
Mac64Address m_extDevAddr
The extended address of the device requesting association.
uint8_t capabilityInfo
The operational capabilities of the device requesting association.
MLME-ASSOCIATE.request params.
Mac64Address m_coordExtAddr
The extended address of the coordinator with which to associate.
uint8_t m_coordAddrMode
The coordinator addressing mode for this primitive and subsequent MPDU.
uint8_t m_capabilityInfo
Specifies the operational capabilities of the associating device (bitmap).
Mac16Address m_coordShortAddr
The short address of the coordinator with which to associate.
uint8_t m_chNum
The channel number on which to attempt association.
uint32_t m_chPage
The channel page on which to attempt association.
uint16_t m_coordPanId
The identifier of the PAN with which to associate.
MLME-ASSOCIATE.response params.
Mac16Address m_assocShortAddr
The short address allocated by the coordinator on successful assoc.
MacStatus m_status
The status of the association attempt (As defined on Table 83 IEEE 802.15.4-2006)
Mac64Address m_extDevAddr
The extended address of the device requesting association.
MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY.indication params.
PanDescriptor m_panDescriptor
The PAN descriptor for the received beacon.
uint32_t m_sduLength
The number of octets contained in the beacon payload.
uint8_t m_bsn
The beacon sequence number.
Ptr< Packet > m_sdu
The set of octets comprising the beacon payload.
MLME-COMM-STATUS.indication params.
uint8_t m_dstAddrMode
The destination addressing mode for this primitive.
uint16_t m_panId
The PAN identifier of the device from which the frame was received or to which the frame was being se...
Mac64Address m_srcExtAddr
The extended address of the entity from which the frame causing the error originated.
MacStatus m_status
The communication status.
Mac16Address m_srcShortAddr
The short address of the entity from which the frame causing the error originated.
Mac16Address m_dstShortAddr
The short address of the device for which the frame was intended.
uint8_t m_srcAddrMode
The source addressing mode for this primitive.
Mac64Address m_dstExtAddr
The extended address of the device for which the frame was intended.
MLME-ORPHAN.indication params.
Mac64Address m_orphanAddr
The address of the orphaned device.
MLME-ORPHAN.response params.
bool m_assocMember
T = allocated with this coord | F = otherwise.
Mac64Address m_orphanAddr
The address of the orphaned device.
Mac16Address m_shortAddr
The short address allocated.
MLME-START.confirm params.
MacStatus m_status
The confirmation status resulting from a MLME-poll.request.
uint16_t m_coorPanId
The PAN id of the coordinator to which the poll is intended.
Mac16Address m_coorShortAddr
Coordinator short address.
AddressMode m_coorAddrMode
The addressing mode of the coordinator to which the pool is intended.
Mac64Address m_coorExtAddr
Coordinator extended address.
std::vector< uint8_t > m_unscannedCh
A list of channels given in the request which were not scanned (Not valid for ED scans).
uint32_t m_chPage
The channel page on which the scan was performed.
std::vector< uint8_t > m_energyDetList
A list of energy measurements, one for each channel searched during ED scan (Not valid for Active,...
MacStatus m_status
The status of the scan request.
std::vector< PanDescriptor > m_panDescList
A list of PAN descriptor, one for each beacon found (Not valid for ED and Orphan scans).
uint8_t m_resultListSize
The number of elements returned in the appropriate result list.
uint8_t m_scanType
Indicates the type of scan performed (ED,ACTIVE,PASSIVE,ORPHAN).
MlmeScanType m_scanType
Indicates the type of scan performed as described in IEEE 802.15.4-2011 (
uint32_t m_scanChannels
The channel numbers to be scanned.
uint8_t m_scanDuration
The factor (0-14) used to calculate the length of time to spend scanning.
uint32_t m_chPage
The channel page on which to perform scan.
MacStatus m_status
The result of the request to write the PIB attribute.
MacPibAttributeIdentifier id
The id of the PIB attribute that was written.
MLME-START.confirm params.
MacStatus m_status
The status of a MLME-start.request.
MLME-START.request params.
bool m_battLifeExt
Flag indicating whether or not the Battery life extension (BLE) features are used.
uint8_t m_logCh
Logical channel on which to start using the new superframe configuration.
uint32_t m_logChPage
Logical channel page on which to start using the new superframe configuration.
bool m_coorRealgn
True if a realignment request command is to be transmitted prior changing the superframe.
uint8_t m_bcnOrd
Beacon Order, Used to calculate the beacon interval, a value of 15 indicates no periodic beacons will...
bool m_panCoor
On true this device will become coordinator.
uint8_t m_sfrmOrd
Superframe Order, indicates the length of the CAP in time slots.
uint16_t m_PanId
Pan Identifier used by the device.
uint32_t m_startTime
Time at which to begin transmitting beacons (Used by Coordinator not PAN Coordinators).
MLME-SYNC-LOSS.indication params.
uint16_t m_panId
The PAN identifier with which the device lost synchronization or to which it was realigned.
uint8_t m_logCh
The channel number on which the device lost synchronization or to which it was realigned.
MacStatus m_lossReason
The reason for the lost of synchronization.
uint8_t m_logCh
The channel number on which to attempt coordinator synchronization.
bool m_trackBcn
True if the mlme sync with the next beacon and attempts to track future beacons.
PAN Descriptor, Table 17 IEEE 802.15.4-2011.
uint16_t m_coorPanId
The PAN ID of the coordinator as specified in the received beacon frame.
uint8_t m_logCh
The current channel number occupied by the network.
Time m_timeStamp
Beacon frame reception time.
bool m_gtsPermit
TRUE if the beacon is from the PAN coordinator that is accepting GTS requests.
Mac16Address m_coorShortAddr
The coordinator short address as specified in the coordinator address mode.
uint16_t m_superframeSpec
The superframe specification as specified in the received beacon frame.
AddressMode m_coorAddrMode
The coordinator addressing mode corresponding to the received beacon frame.
uint8_t m_linkQuality
The LQI at which the network beacon was received.
uint8_t m_logChPage
The current channel page occupied by the network.
Mac64Address m_coorExtAddr
The coordinator extended address as specified in the coordinator address mode.