An identifier for simulation events.
Periodically print a status message indicating simulator progress.
bool m_verbose
Verbose mode flag.
void SetVerbose(bool verbose)
Set verbose mode to print real and virtual time intervals.
std::ostream * m_os
The output stream to use.
void Start()
Start the elapsed wallclock timestamp and print the start time.
void SetTimePrinter(TimePrinter lp)
Set the TimePrinter function to be used to prepend progress messages with the simulation time.
void Stop()
Stop the elapsed wallclock timestamp and print the total elapsed time.
Time m_interval
The target update interval, in wallclock time.
uint64_t m_repCount
Number of CheckProgress events.
void GiveFeedback(uint64_t nEvents, int64x64_t ratio, int64x64_t speed)
Show execution progress.
void SetStream(std::ostream &os)
Set the output stream to show progress on.
static const int64x64_t MAXGAIN
Maximum growth factor.
SystemWallClockTimestamp m_stamp
Elapsed wallclock time.
Time m_elapsed
Total elapsed wallclock time since last update.
Time m_vtime
The virtual time interval.
void ScheduleCheckProgress()
Schedule the next CheckProgress.
EventId m_event
The next progress event.
void CheckProgress()
Check on execution progress.
TimePrinter m_printer
The TimePrinter to use.
SystemWallClockMs m_timer
Wallclock timer.
ShowProgress(const Time interval=Seconds(1), std::ostream &os=std::cout)
void SetInterval(const Time interval)
Set the target update interval, in wallclock time.
static const int64x64_t HYSTERESIS
Hysteresis factor.
uint64_t m_eventCount
Simulator event count.
Measure elapsed wall clock time in milliseconds.
Utility class to record the difference between two wall-clock times.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
High precision numerical type, implementing Q64.64 fixed precision.
ns3::EventId declarations.
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
void(* TimePrinter)(std::ostream &os)
Function signature for features requiring a time formatter, such as logging or ShowProgress.
Declaration of classes ns3::Time and ns3::TimeWithUnit, and the TimeValue implementation classes.
ns3::SystemWallClockMs declaration.
ns3::SystemWallClockTimestamp declaration.
Declaration of ns3::TimePrinter function pointer type and ns3::DefaultTimePrinter function.