31 #include "ns3/ipv6-address.h"
32 #include "ns3/deprecated.h"
48 typedef std::vector<std::pair<Ptr<Ipv6>, uint32_t> >::const_iterator
74 uint32_t
GetN (
167 void Add (std::string ipv6Name, uint32_t interface);
smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr
Keep track of a set of IPv6 interfaces.
void SetDefaultRouteInAllNodes(uint32_t router)
Set the default route for all the devices (except the router itself).
void Add(Ptr< Ipv6 > ipv6, uint32_t interface)
Add a couple IPv6/interface.
uint32_t GetN(void) const
std::vector< std::pair< Ptr< Ipv6 >, uint32_t > > InterfaceVector
Container for pairs of Ipv6 smart pointer / Interface Index.
void SetForwarding(uint32_t i, bool state)
Set the state of the stack (act as a router or as an host) for the specified index.
std::vector< std::pair< Ptr< Ipv6 >, uint32_t > >::const_iterator Iterator
Container Const Iterator for pairs of Ipv6 smart pointer / Interface Index.
InterfaceVector m_interfaces
List of IPv6 stack and interfaces index.
uint32_t GetInterfaceIndex(uint32_t i) const
Get the interface index for the specified node index.
void SetDefaultRoute(uint32_t i, uint32_t router)
Set the default route for the specified index.
Ipv6Address GetLinkLocalAddress(uint32_t i)
Get the link-local address for the specified index.
Describes an IPv6 address.
Iterator Begin(void) const
Get an iterator which refers to the first pair in the container.
void SetRouter(uint32_t i, bool router) NS_DEPRECATED
Set the state of the stack (act as a router or not) for the specified index.
Iterator End(void) const
Get an iterator which indicates past-the-last Node in the container.
Ipv6Address GetAddress(uint32_t i, uint32_t j) const
Get the address for the specified index.