A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
ns3::AarfcdWifiManager Class Reference

an implementation of the AARF-CD algorithmThis algorithm was first described in "Efficient Collision Detection for Auto Rate Fallback Algorithm". More...

#include "aarfcd-wifi-manager.h"

+ Inheritance diagram for ns3::AarfcdWifiManager:
+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::AarfcdWifiManager:

Public Member Functions

 AarfcdWifiManager ()
virtual ~AarfcdWifiManager ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager
 WifiRemoteStationManager ()
virtual ~WifiRemoteStationManager ()
void AddAllSupportedModes (Mac48Address address)
 Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally. More...
void AddBasicMcs (WifiMode mcs)
 Add a given Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index to the set of basic MCS. More...
void AddBasicMode (WifiMode mode)
 Invoked in a STA upon association to store the set of rates which belong to the BSSBasicRateSet of the associated AP and which are supported locally. More...
void AddStationHtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, HtCapabilities htcapabilities)
 Records HT capabilities of the remote station. More...
void AddStationVhtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, VhtCapabilities vhtcapabilities)
 Records VHT capabilities of the remote station. More...
void AddSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address, WifiMode mcs)
 Record the MCS index supported by the station. More...
void AddSupportedMode (Mac48Address address, WifiMode mode)
 Invoked in a STA or AP to store the set of modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally. More...
WifiTxVector DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector (void)
 Since CTS-to-self parameters are not dependent on the station, it is implemented in wifiremote station manager. More...
WifiTxVector GetAckTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode dataMode)
WifiMode GetBasicMcs (uint32_t i) const
 Return the MCS at the given list index. More...
WifiMode GetBasicMode (uint32_t i) const
 Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes. More...
WifiTxVector GetBlockAckTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode dataMode)
WifiTxVector GetCtsToSelfTxVector (const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet)
WifiTxVector GetCtsTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode rtsMode)
WifiTxVector GetDataTxVector (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fullPacketSize)
WifiMode GetDefaultMcs (void) const
 Return the default Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index. More...
WifiMode GetDefaultMode (void) const
 Return the default transmission mode. More...
uint8_t GetDefaultTxPowerLevel (void) const
uint32_t GetFragmentationThreshold (void) const
 Return the fragmentation threshold. More...
uint32_t GetFragmentOffset (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
uint32_t GetFragmentSize (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
bool GetGreenfieldSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports Greenfield or not. More...
WifiRemoteStationInfo GetInfo (Mac48Address address)
uint32_t GetMaxSlrc (void) const
 Return the maximum STA long retry count (SLRC). More...
uint32_t GetMaxSsrc (void) const
 Return the maximum STA short retry count (SSRC). More...
uint32_t GetNBasicMcs (void) const
 Return the number of basic MCS index. More...
uint32_t GetNBasicModes (void) const
 Return the number of basic modes we support. More...
WifiMode GetNonUnicastMode (void) const
 Return a mode for non-unicast packets. More...
uint32_t GetNumberOfTransmitAntennas (void)
uint32_t GetRtsCtsThreshold (void) const
 Return the RTS threshold. More...
WifiTxVector GetRtsTxVector (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet)
bool HasHtSupported (void) const
 Return whether the device has HT capability support enabled. More...
bool HasVhtSupported (void) const
 Return whether the device has VHT capability support enabled. More...
bool IsAssociated (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station associated. More...
bool IsBrandNew (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station state is brand new. More...
bool IsLastFragment (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
bool IsWaitAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent. More...
bool NeedCtsToSelf (WifiTxVector txVector)
 Return if we need to do Cts-to-self before sending a DATA. More...
bool NeedDataRetransmission (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet)
bool NeedFragmentation (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet)
bool NeedRts (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet)
bool NeedRtsRetransmission (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet)
void PrepareForQueue (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fullPacketSize)
void RecordDisassociated (Mac48Address address)
 Records that the STA was disassociated. More...
void RecordGotAssocTxFailed (Mac48Address address)
 Records that we missed an ACK for the association response we sent. More...
void RecordGotAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address)
 Records that we got an ACK for the association response we sent. More...
void RecordWaitAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address)
 Records that we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent. More...
void ReportDataFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header)
 Should be invoked whenever the AckTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires. More...
void ReportDataOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr)
 Should be invoked whenever we receive the Ack associated to a data packet we just sent. More...
void ReportFinalDataFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header)
 Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if NeedDataRetransmission returns false. More...
void ReportFinalRtsFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header)
 Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if NeedRtsRetransmission returns false. More...
void ReportRtsFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header)
 Should be invoked whenever the RtsTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires. More...
void ReportRtsOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr)
 Should be invoked whenever we receive the Cts associated to an RTS we just sent. More...
void ReportRxOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode)
void Reset (void)
 Reset the station, invoked in a STA upon dis-association or in an AP upon reboot. More...
void Reset (Mac48Address address)
 Invoked in an AP upon disassociation of a specific STA. More...
void SetDefaultTxPowerLevel (uint8_t txPower)
 Set the default transmission power level. More...
void SetFragmentationThreshold (uint32_t threshold)
 Sets a fragmentation threshold. More...
void SetHtSupported (bool enable)
 Enable or disable HT capability support. More...
void SetMaxSlrc (uint32_t maxSlrc)
 Sets the maximum STA long retry count (SLRC). More...
void SetMaxSsrc (uint32_t maxSsrc)
 Sets the maximum STA short retry count (SSRC). More...
void SetRtsCtsThreshold (uint32_t threshold)
 Sets the RTS threshold. More...
virtual void SetupMac (Ptr< WifiMac > mac)
 Set up MAC associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of timing parameters (e.g. More...
virtual void SetupPhy (Ptr< WifiPhy > phy)
 Set up PHY associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of transmit rates that are supported. More...
void SetVhtSupported (bool enable)
 Enable or disable VHT capability support. More...
void UpdateFragmentationThreshold (void)
 Typically called to update the fragmentation threshold at the start of a new transmission. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
 Object ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~Object ()
 Destructor. More...
void AggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other)
 Aggregate two Objects together. More...
void Dispose (void)
 Dispose of this Object. More...
AggregateIterator GetAggregateIterator (void) const
 Get an iterator to the Objects aggregated to this one. More...
virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const
 Implement the GetInstanceTypeId method defined in ObjectBase. More...
template<typename T >
Ptr< T > GetObject (void) const
 Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object. More...
template<typename T >
Ptr< T > GetObject (TypeId tid) const
 Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object by TypeId. More...
void Initialize (void)
 Invoke DoInitialize on all Objects aggregated to this one. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter >
 SimpleRefCount ()
 Constructor. More...
 SimpleRefCount (const SimpleRefCount &o)
 Copy constructor. More...
uint32_t GetReferenceCount (void) const
 Get the reference count of the object. More...
SimpleRefCountoperator= (const SimpleRefCount &o)
 Assignment. More...
void Ref (void) const
 Increment the reference count. More...
void Unref (void) const
 Decrement the reference count. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
virtual ~ObjectBase ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
void GetAttribute (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const
 Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. More...
bool GetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const
 Get the value of an attribute without raising erros. More...
void SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
 Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. More...
bool SetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
 Set a single attribute without raising errors. More...
bool TraceConnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Connect a TraceSource to a Callback with a context. More...
bool TraceConnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context. More...
bool TraceDisconnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected with a context. More...
bool TraceDisconnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected without a context. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager
static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
 Register this type. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter >
static void Cleanup (void)
 Noop. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
 Get the type ID. More...

Private Member Functions

void CheckRts (AarfcdWifiRemoteStation *station)
 Check if the use of RTS for the given station can be turned off. More...
virtual WifiRemoteStationDoCreateStation (void) const
virtual WifiTxVector DoGetDataTxVector (WifiRemoteStation *station, uint32_t size)
virtual WifiTxVector DoGetRtsTxVector (WifiRemoteStation *station)
virtual bool DoNeedRts (WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally)
virtual void DoReportDataFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)
 It is important to realize that "recovery" mode starts after failure of the first transmission after a rate increase and ends at the first successful transmission. More...
virtual void DoReportDataOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr)
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More...
virtual void DoReportFinalDataFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More...
virtual void DoReportFinalRtsFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More...
virtual void DoReportRtsFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More...
virtual void DoReportRtsOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr)
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More...
virtual void DoReportRxOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode)
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More...
void IncreaseRtsWnd (AarfcdWifiRemoteStation *station)
 Increase the RTS window size of the given station. More...
virtual bool IsLowLatency (void) const
void ResetRtsWnd (AarfcdWifiRemoteStation *station)
 Reset the RTS window of the given station. More...
void TurnOffRts (AarfcdWifiRemoteStation *station)
 Turn off RTS for the given station. More...
void TurnOnRts (AarfcdWifiRemoteStation *station)
 Turn on RTS for the given station. More...

Private Attributes

uint32_t m_maxRtsWnd
uint32_t m_maxSuccessThreshold
uint32_t m_minRtsWnd
uint32_t m_minSuccessThreshold
uint32_t m_minTimerThreshold
double m_successK
double m_timerK
bool m_turnOffRtsAfterRateDecrease
bool m_turnOnRtsAfterRateIncrease

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager
typedef void(* PowerChangeTracedCallback) (uint8_t power, Mac48Address remoteAddress)
 TracedCallback signature for power change events. More...
typedef void(* RateChangeTracedCallback) (uint32_t rate, Mac48Address remoteAddress)
 TracedCallback signature for rate change events. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager
virtual void DoDispose (void)
 Destructor implementation. More...
bool GetAggregation (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station supports A-MPDU. More...
uint32_t GetChannelWidth (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the channel width supported by the station. More...
bool GetGreenfield (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the station supports Greenfield or not. More...
uint32_t GetLongRetryCount (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the long retry limit of the given station. More...
Ptr< WifiMacGetMac (void) const
 Return the WifiMac. More...
WifiMode GetMcsSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint32_t i) const
 Return the WifiMode supported by the specified station at the specified index. More...
uint32_t GetNess (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
uint32_t GetNMcsSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the number of MCS supported by the given station. More...
uint32_t GetNSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the number of modes supported by the given station. More...
uint32_t GetNumberOfReceiveAntennas (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the number of receive antennas the station has. More...
uint32_t GetNumberOfTransmitAntennas (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the number of transmit antennas the station has. More...
Ptr< WifiPhyGetPhy (void) const
 Return the WifiPhy. More...
bool GetShortGuardInterval (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station supports short guard interval. More...
uint32_t GetShortRetryCount (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the short retry limit of the given station. More...
bool GetStbc (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station supports space-time block coding (STBC). More...
WifiMode GetSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint32_t i) const
 Return whether mode associated with the specified station at the specified index. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
 Object (const Object &o)
 Copy an Object. More...
virtual void DoInitialize (void)
 Initialize() implementation. More...
virtual void NotifyNewAggregate (void)
 Notify all Objects aggregated to this one of a new Object being aggregated. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
void ConstructSelf (const AttributeConstructionList &attributes)
 Complete construction of ObjectBase; invoked by derived classes. More...
virtual void NotifyConstructionCompleted (void)
 Notifier called once the ObjectBase is fully constructed. More...

Detailed Description

an implementation of the AARF-CD algorithm

This algorithm was first described in "Efficient Collision Detection for Auto Rate Fallback Algorithm".

The implementation available here was done by Federico Maguolo for a very early development version of ns-3. Federico died before merging this work in ns-3 itself so his code was ported to ns-3 later without his supervision.

Config Paths

ns3::AarfcdWifiManager is accessible through the following paths with Config::Set and Config::Connect:

  • "/NodeList/[i]/DeviceList/[i]/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/RemoteStationManager/$ns3::AarfcdWifiManager"


  • SuccessK: Multiplication factor for the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.
    • Set with class: ns3::DoubleValue
    • Underlying type: double -1.79769e+308:1.79769e+308
    • Initial value: 2
    • Flags: construct write read
  • TimerK: Multiplication factor for the timer threshold in the AARF algorithm.
    • Set with class: ns3::DoubleValue
    • Underlying type: double -1.79769e+308:1.79769e+308
    • Initial value: 2
    • Flags: construct write read
  • MaxSuccessThreshold: Maximum value of the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 60
    • Flags: construct write read
  • MinTimerThreshold: The minimum value for the 'timer' threshold in the AARF algorithm.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 15
    • Flags: construct write read
  • MinSuccessThreshold: The minimum value for the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 10
    • Flags: construct write read
  • MinRtsWnd: Minimum value for Rts window of Aarf-CD
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 1
    • Flags: construct write read
  • MaxRtsWnd: Maximum value for Rts window of Aarf-CD
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 40
    • Flags: construct write read
  • TurnOffRtsAfterRateDecrease: If true the RTS mechanism will be turned off when the rate will be decreased
    • Set with class: BooleanValue
    • Underlying type: bool
    • Initial value: true
    • Flags: construct write read
  • TurnOnRtsAfterRateIncrease: If true the RTS mechanism will be turned on when the rate will be increased
    • Set with class: BooleanValue
    • Underlying type: bool
    • Initial value: true
    • Flags: construct write read

Attributes defined in parent class ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager

  • IsLowLatency: If true, we attempt to modelize a so-called low-latency device: a device where decisions about tx parameters can be made on a per-packet basis and feedback about the transmission of each packet is obtained before sending the next. Otherwise, we modelize a high-latency device, that is a device where we cannot update our decision about tx parameters after every packet transmission.
    • Set with class: BooleanValue
    • Underlying type: bool
    • Flags: read
  • MaxSsrc: The maximum number of retransmission attempts for an RTS. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 7
    • Flags: construct write read
  • MaxSlrc: The maximum number of retransmission attempts for a DATA packet. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 7
    • Flags: construct write read
  • RtsCtsThreshold: If the size of the data packet + LLC header + MAC header + FCS trailer is bigger than this value, we use an RTS/CTS handshake before sending the data, as per IEEE Std. 802.11-2012, Section 9.3.5. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 2346
    • Flags: construct write read
  • FragmentationThreshold: If the size of the data packet + LLC header + MAC header + FCS trailer is biggerthan this value, we fragment it such that the size of the fragments are equal or smaller than this value, as per IEEE Std. 802.11-2012, Section 9.5. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 2346
    • Flags: construct write read
  • NonUnicastMode: Wifi mode used for non-unicast transmissions.
    • Set with class: WifiModeValue
    • Underlying type: WifiMode
    • Initial value: Invalid-WifiMode
    • Flags: construct write read
  • DefaultTxPowerLevel: Default power level to be used for transmissions. This is the power level that is used by all those WifiManagers that do notimplement TX power control.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 0
    • Flags: construct write read

No TraceSources are defined for this type.

TraceSources defined in parent class ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager

Size of this type is 296 bytes (on a 64-bit architecture).

Definition at line 39 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::AarfcdWifiManager ( )

Definition at line 117 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.


ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::~AarfcdWifiManager ( )

Definition at line 123 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.


Member Function Documentation

void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::CheckRts ( AarfcdWifiRemoteStation station)

Check if the use of RTS for the given station can be turned off.

stationthe station that we are checking

Definition at line 351 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsCounter, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsOn, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and TurnOffRts().

Referenced by DoReportDataFailed(), and DoReportDataOk().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

WifiTxVector ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector ( WifiRemoteStation station,
uint32_t  size 
stationthe station that we need to communicate
sizesize of the packet or fragment we want to send
the transmission mode to use to send a packet to the station

Note: This method is called before sending a unicast packet or a fragment of a unicast packet to decide which transmission mode to use.

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 303 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAggregation(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultTxPowerLevel(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetLongRetryCount(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetSupported(), ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rate, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

WifiTxVector ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector ( WifiRemoteStation station)
stationthe station that we need to communicate
the transmission mode to use to send an rts to the station

Note: This method is called before sending an rts to a station to decide which transmission mode to use for the rts.

we could/should implement the Aarf algorithm for RTS only by picking a single rate within the BasicRateSet.

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 317 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAggregation(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultTxPowerLevel(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortRetryCount(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetSupported(), and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoNeedRts ( WifiRemoteStation station,
Ptr< const Packet packet,
bool  normally 
stationthe station that we need to communicate
packetthe packet to send
normallyindicates whether the normal 802.11 rts enable mechanism would request that the rts is sent or not.
true if we want to use an RTS/CTS handshake for this packet before sending it, false otherwise.

Note: This method is called before a unicast packet is sent on the medium.

Reimplemented from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 333 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rate, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsCounter, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsOn, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and NS_LOG_INFO.

void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoReportDataFailed ( WifiRemoteStation station)

It is important to realize that "recovery" mode starts after failure of the first transmission after a rate increase and ends at the first successful transmission.

Specifically, recovery mode transcends retransmissions boundaries. Fundamentally, ARF handles each data transmission independently, whether it is the initial transmission of a packet or the retransmission of a packet. The fundamental reason for this is that there is a backoff between each data transmission, be it an initial transmission or a retransmission.

stationthe station that we failed to send DATA

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 161 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References CheckRts(), IncreaseRtsWnd(), ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_failed, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_haveASuccess, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_justModifyRate, m_maxSuccessThreshold, m_minSuccessThreshold, m_minTimerThreshold, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rate, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_recovery, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_retry, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsCounter, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsOn, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsWnd, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_success, m_successK, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_successThreshold, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_timer, m_timerK, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_timerTimeout, m_turnOffRtsAfterRateDecrease, ns3::Max(), ns3::Min(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ResetRtsWnd(), TurnOffRts(), and TurnOnRts().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoReportDataOk ( WifiRemoteStation station,
double  ackSnr,
WifiMode  ackMode,
double  dataSnr 
void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoReportFinalDataFailed ( WifiRemoteStation station)

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we failed to send DATA

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 297 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.


void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoReportFinalRtsFailed ( WifiRemoteStation station)

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we failed to send RTS

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 291 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.


void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoReportRtsFailed ( WifiRemoteStation station)

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we failed to send RTS

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 155 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.


void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoReportRtsOk ( WifiRemoteStation station,
double  ctsSnr,
WifiMode  ctsMode,
double  rtsSnr 

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we successfully sent RTS
ctsSnrthe SNR of the CTS we received
ctsModethe WifiMode the receiver used to send the CTS
rtsSnrthe SNR of the RTS we sent

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 247 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsCounter, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoReportRxOk ( WifiRemoteStation station,
double  rxSnr,
WifiMode  txMode 

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that sent the DATA to us
rxSnrthe SNR of the DATA we received
txModethe WifiMode the sender used to send the DATA

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 240 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.


void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::IncreaseRtsWnd ( AarfcdWifiRemoteStation station)

Increase the RTS window size of the given station.

stationthe station to increase RTS window

Definition at line 376 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References m_maxRtsWnd, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsWnd, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by DoReportDataFailed().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::IsLowLatency ( void  ) const
whether this manager is a manager designed to work in low-latency environments.

Note: In this context, low vs high latency is defined in IEEE 802.11 Rate Adaptation: A Practical Approach, by M. Lacage, M.H. Manshaei, and T. Turletti.

Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.

Definition at line 344 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.


void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::ResetRtsWnd ( AarfcdWifiRemoteStation station)

Reset the RTS window of the given station.

stationthe station to reset RTS window

Definition at line 392 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References m_minRtsWnd, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsWnd, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by DoReportDataFailed(), and DoReportDataOk().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::TurnOffRts ( AarfcdWifiRemoteStation station)

Turn off RTS for the given station.

stationthe station to turn RTS off

Definition at line 361 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_haveASuccess, ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsOn, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by CheckRts(), and DoReportDataFailed().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::TurnOnRts ( AarfcdWifiRemoteStation station)

Turn on RTS for the given station.

stationthe station to turn RTS on

Definition at line 369 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.cc.

References ns3::AarfcdWifiRemoteStation::m_rtsOn, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by DoReportDataFailed(), and DoReportDataOk().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

uint32_t ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_maxRtsWnd

Definition at line 117 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), and IncreaseRtsWnd().

uint32_t ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_maxSuccessThreshold

Definition at line 112 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by DoReportDataFailed(), and GetTypeId().

uint32_t ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_minRtsWnd

Definition at line 116 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by DoCreateStation(), GetTypeId(), and ResetRtsWnd().

uint32_t ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_minSuccessThreshold

Definition at line 110 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by DoCreateStation(), DoReportDataFailed(), and GetTypeId().

uint32_t ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_minTimerThreshold

Definition at line 109 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by DoCreateStation(), DoReportDataFailed(), and GetTypeId().

double ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_successK

Definition at line 111 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by DoReportDataFailed(), and GetTypeId().

double ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_timerK

Definition at line 113 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by DoReportDataFailed(), and GetTypeId().

bool ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_turnOffRtsAfterRateDecrease

Definition at line 118 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by DoReportDataFailed(), and GetTypeId().

bool ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::m_turnOnRtsAfterRateIncrease

Definition at line 119 of file aarfcd-wifi-manager.h.

Referenced by DoReportDataOk(), and GetTypeId().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: