A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2009 University of Washington
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  *
18  * Author: Leonard Tracy <lentracy@gmail.com>
19  */
21 #include "uan-mac-rc-gw.h"
22 #include "uan-mac-rc.h"
23 #include "uan-header-common.h"
24 #include "uan-header-rc.h"
25 #include "uan-phy.h"
26 #include "uan-tx-mode.h"
28 #include "ns3/assert.h"
29 #include "ns3/log.h"
30 #include "ns3/trace-source-accessor.h"
31 #include "ns3/nstime.h"
32 #include "ns3/double.h"
33 #include "ns3/uinteger.h"
35 #include <cfloat>
36 #include <utility>
37 #include <set>
38 #include <map>
39 #include <vector>
40 #include <algorithm>
42 namespace ns3 {
49  : UanMac (),
50  m_state (IDLE),
51  m_currentRateNum (0),
52  m_cleared (false)
53 {
54  UanHeaderCommon ch;
55  UanHeaderRcRts rts;
56  UanHeaderRcCts cts;
57  UanHeaderRcAck ack;
65  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Gateway initialized");
66 }
69 {
70 }
72 void
74 {
75  if (m_cleared)
76  {
77  return;
78  }
79  m_cleared = true;
80  if (m_phy)
81  {
82  m_phy->Clear ();
83  m_phy = 0;
84  }
85  m_propDelay.clear ();
86  std::map<Mac8Address, AckData>::iterator it = m_ackData.begin ();
87  for (; it != m_ackData.end (); it++)
88  {
89  it->second.rxFrames.clear ();
90  }
91  m_ackData.clear ();
92  m_requests.clear ();
93  m_sortedRes.clear ();
94 }
96 void
98 {
99  Clear ();
101 }
102 TypeId
104 {
105  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::UanMacRcGw")
106  .SetParent<UanMac> ()
107  .SetGroupName ("Uan")
108  .AddConstructor<UanMacRcGw> ()
109  .AddAttribute ("MaxReservations",
110  "Maximum number of reservations to accept per cycle.",
111  UintegerValue (10),
113  MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
114  .AddAttribute ("NumberOfRates",
115  "Number of rates per Phy layer.",
116  UintegerValue (1023),
118  MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
119  .AddAttribute ("MaxPropDelay",
120  "Maximum propagation delay between gateway and non-gateway nodes.",
121  TimeValue (Seconds (2)),
123  MakeTimeChecker ())
124  .AddAttribute ("SIFS",
125  "Spacing between frames to account for timing error and processing delay.",
126  TimeValue (Seconds (0.2)),
128  MakeTimeChecker ())
129  .AddAttribute ("NumberOfNodes",
130  "Number of non-gateway nodes in this gateway's neighborhood.",
131  UintegerValue (10),
133  MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
134  .AddAttribute ("MinRetryRate",
135  "Smallest allowed RTS retry rate.",
136  DoubleValue (0.01),
138  MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
139  .AddAttribute ("RetryStep",
140  "Retry rate increment.",
141  DoubleValue (0.01),
143  MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
144  .AddAttribute ("TotalRate",
145  "Total available channel rate in bps (for a single channel, without splitting reservation channel).",
146  UintegerValue (4096),
148  MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
149  .AddAttribute ("RateStep",
150  "Increments available for rate assignment in bps.",
151  UintegerValue (4),
153  MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
154  .AddAttribute ("FrameSize",
155  "Size of data frames in bytes.",
156  UintegerValue (1000),
158  MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ())
159  .AddTraceSource ("RX",
160  "A packet was destined for and received at this MAC layer.",
162  "ns3::UanMac::PacketModeTracedCallback")
163  .AddTraceSource ("Cycle",
164  "Trace cycle statistics.",
166  "ns3::UanMacRcGw::CycleCallback")
168  ;
170  return tid;
171 }
173 bool
174 UanMacRcGw::Enqueue (Ptr<Packet> packet, uint16_t protocolNumber, const Address &dest)
175 {
176  NS_UNUSED (dest);
177  NS_UNUSED (protocolNumber);
178  NS_LOG_WARN ("RCMAC Gateway transmission to acoustic nodes is not yet implemented");
179  return false;
180 }
182 void
184 {
185  m_forwardUpCb = cb;
186 }
188 void
190 {
191  m_phy = phy;
192  phy->SetReceiveOkCallback (MakeCallback (&UanMacRcGw::ReceivePacket, this));
193  phy->SetReceiveErrorCallback (MakeCallback (&UanMacRcGw::ReceiveError, this));
194 }
196 void
198 {
199  NS_UNUSED (sinr);
200 }
202 void
204 {
205  NS_UNUSED (sinr);
206  UanHeaderCommon ch;
207  pkt->PeekHeader (ch);
210  {
211  m_rxLogger (pkt, mode);
212  }
213  else
214  {
215  return;
216  }
218  pkt->RemoveHeader (ch);
220  switch (ch.GetType ())
221  {
222  case UanMacRc::TYPE_DATA:
223  {
224  UanHeaderRcData dh;
225  pkt->RemoveHeader (dh);
226  m_propDelay[ch.GetSrc ()] = dh.GetPropDelay ();
227  if (m_ackData.find (ch.GetSrc ()) == m_ackData.end ())
228  {
229  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " GATEWAY Received unexpected data packet");
230  }
231  else
232  {
233  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " GW Received data packet from " << ch.GetSrc () << " length = " << pkt->GetSize ());
234  m_ackData[ch.GetSrc ()].rxFrames.insert (dh.GetFrameNo ());
235  }
236  m_forwardUpCb (pkt, ch.GetProtocolNumber (), ch.GetSrc ());
237  }
238  break;
240  case UanMacRc::TYPE_RTS:
241  if (m_state == CTSING)
242  {
243  return;
244  }
246  {
247  UanHeaderRcRts rh;
248  pkt->RemoveHeader (rh);
250  if (m_requests.find (ch.GetSrc ()) == m_requests.end ())
251  {
252  Request req;
253  req.numFrames = rh.GetNoFrames ();
254  req.rxTime = Simulator::Now ();
255  req.frameNo = rh.GetFrameNo ();
256  req.retryNo = rh.GetRetryNo ();
257  req.length = rh.GetLength ();
258  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " GW storing reservation from " << ch.GetSrc () << " with length " << req.length);
259  m_requests.insert (std::make_pair (ch.GetSrc (), req));
260  std::map<Mac8Address, Time>::iterator it = m_propDelay.find (ch.GetSrc ());
261  if (it == m_propDelay.end ())
262  {
263  m_sortedRes.insert (std::make_pair (m_maxDelta, ch.GetSrc ()));
264  }
265  else
266  {
267  m_sortedRes.insert (std::make_pair ( (*it).second, ch.GetSrc ()));
268  }
269  }
270  }
271  if (m_state == IDLE)
272  {
273  StartCycle ();
274  }
275  break;
276  case UanMacRc::TYPE_CTS:
277  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Received CTS at GW. Currently only support single GW network!");
278  break;
279  case UanMacRc::TYPE_ACK:
280  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Received ACK at GW. Currently only support single GW network!");
281  break;
282  default:
283  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Received unknown packet at GW!");
284  }
285 }
287 void
289 {
290  uint32_t numRts = static_cast<uint32_t> (m_sortedRes.size ());
292  if (numRts)
293  {
294  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " Simulator starting non-empty cycle");
295  }
296  else
297  {
298  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " Simulator starting EMPTY cycle");
299  }
301  // Calculate dataRate
302  uint32_t totalBytes = 0;
303  uint32_t totalFrames = 0;
304  double pDelay = 0;
305  if (numRts > 0)
306  {
307  std::map<Mac8Address, Request>::iterator rit = m_requests.begin ();
308  for (; rit != m_requests.end (); rit++)
309  {
310  totalBytes += (*rit).second.length;
311  totalFrames += (*rit).second.numFrames;
312  }
313  pDelay = 2 * m_sortedRes.begin ()->first.GetSeconds ();
314  }
317  double minRate = m_phy->GetMode (m_numRates).GetDataRateBps ();
319  uint32_t optA = m_maxRes;
320  if (m_maxRes == 0)
321  {
322  optA = FindOptA ();
323  }
324  double thAlpha = ComputeAlpha (totalFrames, totalBytes, m_numNodes, optA, pDelay / 2.0);
326  double thCtlRate = m_totalRate * thAlpha;
328  double temprate = (thCtlRate - minRate) / ((double) m_rateStep) + 0.5;
329  m_currentRateNum = (uint32_t) temprate;
331  {
333  }
335  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Found theoretical alpha: " << thAlpha << " Found associated rate = " << thCtlRate << " Giving rate number: " << temprate);
336  double thX = thAlpha * m_totalRate / (2.0 * m_numNodes * m_rtsSize * 8.0);
338  double dataRate = m_phy->GetMode (m_currentRateNum).GetDataRateBps ();
341  if (thX < m_minRetryRate)
342  {
343  NS_LOG_WARN ("Gateway found optimum RTS retry rate is below minimum");
344  m_currentRetryRate = 0;
345  }
346  else
347  {
348  m_currentRetryRate = (uint16_t)((thX - m_minRetryRate) / m_retryStep + 0.5);
349  }
351  double actualX = m_currentRetryRate * m_retryStep + m_minRetryRate;
353  uint32_t ctlRate = m_phy->GetMode (m_currentRateNum + m_numRates).GetDataRateBps ();
356  double winSize = (double)(totalBytes) * 8.0 / dataRate + m_sifs.GetSeconds () * totalFrames + pDelay;
357  if (numRts == 0)
358  {
359  winSize = (optA * std::exp (1.0) + 0.5) * 2.0 * 8.0 * m_rtsSize / (thAlpha * m_totalRate) + 2 * m_maxDelta.GetSeconds ();
360  }
361  double effWinSize = winSize - m_rtsSize * 8 / ctlRate - 2 * m_maxDelta.GetSeconds ();
364  // Before fast CTS/ACK(below)
365  double cycleSeconds = winSize + (totalFrames + 1.0) * m_sifs.GetSeconds () + m_ctsSizeG * 8.0 / dataRate + (m_ctsSizeN + m_ackSize) * 8.0 * numRts / dataRate;
367  Time ctsTxTimeG = Seconds (m_ctsSizeG * 8.0 / dataRate);
368  Time ctsTxTimeTotal = Seconds (m_ctsSizeN * 8.0 * numRts / dataRate) + ctsTxTimeG;
369  if (numRts == 0)
370  {
372  ctsg.SetWindowTime (Seconds (effWinSize));
373  ctsg.SetRateNum (static_cast<uint16_t> (m_currentRateNum));
375  ctsg.SetTxTimeStamp (Simulator::Now ());
377  UanHeaderCommon ch;
381  ch.SetProtocolNumber (0);
383  Ptr<Packet> p = Create<Packet> ();
384  p->AddHeader (ctsg);
385  p->AddHeader (ch);
389  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (cycleSeconds), &UanMacRcGw::StartCycle, this);
390  m_state = INCYCLE;
391  m_cycleLogger (Simulator::Now (), Seconds (0), numRts, totalBytes, effWinSize, ctlRate, actualX);
392  return;
393  }
395  Time nextEarliest = ctsTxTimeTotal + m_sifs;
397  m_state = CTSING;
398  Simulator::Schedule (nextEarliest, &UanMacRcGw::CycleStarted, this);
400  std::set<std::pair<Time, Mac8Address> >::iterator it = m_sortedRes.begin ();
401  Time minPdelay = (*it).first;
402  Ptr<Packet> cts = Create<Packet> ();
404  for (; it != m_sortedRes.end (); it++)
405  {
406  Request req = m_requests[(*it).second];
407  Time pdelay = (*it).first;
409  AckData newData;
410  newData.expFrames = req.numFrames;
411  newData.frameNo = req.frameNo;
412  Mac8Address dest = (*it).second;
413  m_ackData.insert (std::make_pair (dest, newData));
415  Time earliestArr = ctsTxTimeTotal + pdelay + pdelay + m_sifs;
416  Time arrivalTime = std::max (earliestArr, nextEarliest);
417  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " GW: Scheduling request for prop. delay " << pdelay.As (Time::S) << " for " << (*it).second << " Earliest possible arrival=" << earliestArr.As (Time::S) << " Next arrival time=" << nextEarliest.As (Time::S));
418  nextEarliest = arrivalTime + Seconds (req.length * 8.0 / dataRate) + m_sifs * req.numFrames;
420  UanHeaderRcCts ctsh;
421  ctsh.SetAddress (dest);
422  ctsh.SetRtsTimeStamp (req.rxTime);
423  ctsh.SetFrameNo (req.frameNo);
424  ctsh.SetRetryNo (req.retryNo);
425  ctsh.SetDelayToTx (arrivalTime);
426  cts->AddHeader (ctsh);
428  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) <<
429  " GW Scheduling reception for " << (uint32_t) req.numFrames <<
430  " frames at " << (Simulator::Now () + arrivalTime).As (Time::S) << " (delaytiltx of " << arrivalTime.As (Time::S) << ") Total length is " << req.length << " with txtime " << req.length * 8 / dataRate << " seconds");
431  }
434  ctsg.SetRateNum (static_cast<uint16_t> (m_currentRateNum));
436  ctsg.SetWindowTime (Seconds (effWinSize));
437  ctsg.SetTxTimeStamp (Simulator::Now ());
438  UanHeaderCommon ch;
442  cts->AddHeader (ctsg);
443  cts->AddHeader (ch);
446  m_requests.clear ();
447  m_sortedRes.clear ();
448  Simulator::Schedule (nextEarliest, &UanMacRcGw::EndCycle, this);
451  m_cycleLogger (Simulator::Now (), minPdelay, numRts, totalBytes, cycleSeconds, ctlRate, actualX);
452 }
454 void
456 {
457  m_state = INCYCLE;
458 }
459 void
461 {
463  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " GW Ending cycle");
465  Time nextAck = Seconds (0);
467  Time ackTime = Seconds (m_ackSize * 8.0 / m_phy->GetMode (m_currentRateNum).GetDataRateBps ());
469  std::map<Mac8Address, AckData>::iterator it = m_ackData.begin ();
470  for (; it != m_ackData.end (); it++)
471  {
472  Mac8Address dest = (*it).first;
473  AckData &data = (*it).second;
475  std::list<uint32_t> toNack;
476  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < data.expFrames; i++)
477  {
478  if (data.rxFrames.find (i) == data.rxFrames.end ())
479  {
480  toNack.push_back (i);
481  }
482  }
483  UanHeaderCommon ch;
484  ch.SetDest (dest);
487  UanHeaderRcAck ah;
488  ah.SetFrameNo (data.frameNo);
489  std::list<uint32_t>::iterator nit = toNack.begin ();
490  for (; nit != toNack.end (); nit++)
491  {
492  ah.AddNackedFrame (static_cast<uint8_t> (*nit));
493  }
495  Ptr<Packet> ack = Create<Packet> ();
496  ack->AddHeader (ah);
497  ack->AddHeader (ch);
499  nextAck = nextAck + ackTime + m_sifs;
500  }
501  m_ackData.clear ();
504 }
505 void
507 {
508  UanHeaderCommon ch;
509  pkt->PeekHeader (ch);
510  std::string type;
511  switch (ch.GetType ())
512  {
513  case UanMacRc::TYPE_DATA:
514  type = "DATA";
515  break;
516  case UanMacRc::TYPE_RTS:
517  type = "RTS";
518  break;
519  case UanMacRc::TYPE_CTS:
520  type = "CTS";
521  break;
522  case UanMacRc::TYPE_ACK:
523  type = "ACK";
524  break;
526  type = "GWPING";
527  break;
528  default:
529  type = "UNKNOWN";
530  break;
531  }
532  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " GW sending " << type << " packet with size " << pkt->GetSize () << " to " << ch.GetDest () << " at rate " << rate);
533  m_phy->SendPacket (pkt, rate);
534 }
537 double
538 UanMacRcGw::ComputeAlpha (uint32_t totalFrames, uint32_t totalBytes, uint32_t n, uint32_t a, double deltaK)
539 {
540  NS_UNUSED (n);
541  double alpha;
542  double lrae = m_rtsSize * 8.0 * a * std::exp (1.0);
543  if (totalFrames == 0)
544  {
546  alpha = (2.0 * lrae + 8.0 * m_rtsSize - std::sqrt (m_ctsSizeG * 8.0 * 8.0 * m_rtsSize + 2 * 8.0 * m_ctsSizeG * 8.0 * m_rtsSize * a * std::exp (1.0)) ) /
547  (2 * lrae + 8.0 * m_rtsSize - 8.0 * m_ctsSizeG);
548  }
549  else
550  {
551  double w = totalBytes * 8.0 + totalFrames*m_sifs.GetSeconds () * m_totalRate;
552  double v = m_rtsSize * 8.0 + 2 * lrae;
553  double u = (2 * m_maxDelta.GetSeconds () - 2 * deltaK) * m_totalRate;
555  double gamma = (w - u + v) / (2 * (u - totalFrames * m_sifs.GetSeconds () * m_totalRate));
557  alpha = -gamma + std::sqrt (gamma * gamma + v / (u - totalFrames * m_sifs.GetSeconds () * m_totalRate));
559  if (alpha < 0 || alpha > 1)
560  {
561  alpha = -gamma - std::sqrt (gamma * gamma + v / (u - totalFrames * m_sifs.GetSeconds () * m_totalRate));
562  }
563  }
564  NS_ASSERT_MSG (alpha > 0 && alpha < 1, "Error computing alpha. Alpha out of valid range!");
565  return alpha;
566 }
568 std::vector<double>
570 {
571  uint32_t n = m_numNodes;
572  std::vector<double> pds;
573  std::map<Mac8Address, Time>::iterator pdit = m_propDelay.begin ();
575  for (; pdit != m_propDelay.end (); pdit++)
576  {
577  pds.push_back (pdit->second.GetSeconds ());
578  }
579  while (pds.size () < m_numNodes)
580  {
581  pds.push_back (m_maxDelta.GetSeconds ());
582  }
584  std::sort (pds.begin (), pds.end ());
585  // Find expected min. prop. delay for k nodes
586  std::vector<double> exppdk;
587  exppdk.push_back (m_maxDelta.GetSeconds ());
588  for (uint32_t k = 1; k <= n; k++)
589  {
590  uint32_t ind = CompExpMinIndex (n,k) - 1;
591  exppdk.push_back (pds[ind]);
592  }
593  return exppdk;
594 }
596 double
597 UanMacRcGw::ComputeExpS (uint32_t a, uint32_t ld, std::vector<double> exppdk)
598 {
599  UanHeaderCommon ch;
600  uint32_t lh = ch.GetSerializedSize ();
602  uint32_t n = m_numNodes;
603  double expk = n * (1 - std::exp (-((double) a) / (double) n));
604  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("expk = " << expk);
606  // Compute expected data per cycle
607  double expdata = 8 * ld * expk;
609  // Compute expected time per cycle
610  double alpha0 = ComputeAlpha (0,0,n,a,exppdk[0]);
611  double c0 = 8.0 * m_ctsSizeG / ( m_totalRate * (1 - alpha0)) + 2 * m_maxDelta.GetSeconds () + (a * std::exp (1.0) + 0.5) * 2 * m_rtsSize * 8.0 / (alpha0 * m_totalRate);
612  double exptime = ComputePiK (a,n,0) * c0;
613  double expp = 0;
614  for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= n; i++)
615  {
616  expp += ComputePiK (a,n,i) * exppdk[i - 1];
617  }
619  exptime += ComputeExpBOverA (n,a,ld + lh,exppdk) + expk * 2 * m_sifs.GetSeconds () + m_sifs.GetSeconds () + 2 * expp;
620  double s = (1.0 / m_totalRate) * expdata / exptime;
622  return s;
623 }
625 double
626 UanMacRcGw::ComputeExpS (uint32_t a, uint32_t ld)
627 {
628  return ComputeExpS (a, ld, GetExpPdk ());
629 }
631 uint32_t
632 UanMacRcGw::CompExpMinIndex (uint32_t n, uint32_t k)
633 {
634  double sum = 0;
635  for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= n - k + 1; i++)
636  {
637  double nChK = static_cast<double> (NchooseK (n, k));
638  double p = (nChK > 0) ? (static_cast<double> (NchooseK (n - i, k - 1)) / nChK) : DBL_MAX;
639  sum += p * i;
640  }
641  return (uint32_t)(sum + 0.5);
642 }
644 double
645 UanMacRcGw::ComputePiK (uint32_t a, uint32_t n, uint32_t k)
646 {
647  double nck = (double) NchooseK (n, k);
648  return nck * std::pow ( (std::exp ( (double) a / (double) n) - 1.0), (double) k) * std::exp (-( (double) a));
649 }
651 double
652 UanMacRcGw::ComputeExpBOverA (uint32_t n, uint32_t a, uint32_t ldlh, std::vector<double> deltaK)
653 {
655  double sum = 0;
656  uint32_t lt = 8 * (m_ctsSizeN + ldlh + m_ackSize);
657  for (uint32_t k = 1; k <= n; k++)
658  {
659  double num = 8.0 * m_ctsSizeG + k * lt;
660  double denom = (1.0 - ComputeAlpha (k, k * ldlh, n, a, deltaK[k])) * m_totalRate;
661  double pik = ComputePiK (a, n, k);
662  double term = pik * num / denom;
664  sum += term;
665  }
667  return sum;
668 }
670 uint64_t
671 UanMacRcGw::NchooseK (uint32_t n, uint32_t k)
672 {
673  if (k > n)
674  {
675  return 0;
676  }
678  if (k > n / 2)
679  {
680  k = n - k;
681  }
683  double accum = 1;
684  for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= k; i++)
685  {
686  accum = accum * (n - k + i) / i;
687  }
689  return (uint64_t)(accum + 0.5);
691 }
693 uint32_t
695 {
696  double tput = 0;
697  uint32_t a = 1;
698  while (1)
699  {
701  double newtput = ComputeExpS (a, m_frameSize);
702  if (newtput < tput)
703  {
704  a--;
705  break;
706  }
707  else
708  {
709  tput = newtput;
710  a++;
711  }
712  }
713  NS_LOG_DEBUG (Now ().As (Time::S) << " GW: Found optimum a = " << a);
714  return a;
715 }
717 int64_t
719 {
720  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << stream);
721  return 0;
722 }
724 } // namespace ns3
uint32_t RemoveHeader(Header &header)
Deserialize and remove the header from the internal buffer.
Definition: packet.cc:280
double m_retryStep
Retry rate increment.
virtual uint32_t GetSerializedSize(void) const
static EventId Schedule(Time const &delay, FUNC f, Ts &&... args)
Schedule an event to expire after delay.
Definition: simulator.h:557
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:102
virtual void AttachPhy(Ptr< UanPhy > phy)
Attach PHY layer to this MAC.
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by "...
Time rxTime
Time request received.
Cycle broadcast information.
void SetRateNum(uint16_t rate)
Set the rate number corresponding to data rate of current cycle.
uint32_t CompExpMinIndex(uint32_t n, uint32_t k)
Index to the k&#39;th expected delay among n nodes.
void SetRetryNo(uint8_t no)
Set the retry number of the RTS frame being cleared.
Callback template class.
Definition: callback.h:1278
TracedCallback< Time, Time, uint32_t, uint32_t, double, uint32_t, double > m_cycleLogger
A packet was destined for and received at this MAC layer.
Register an Object subclass with the TypeId system.
Definition: object-base.h:45
void SetSrc(Mac8Address src)
Set the source address.
uint32_t GetSize(void) const
Returns the the size in bytes of the packet (including the zero-filled initial payload).
Definition: packet.h:852
uint32_t m_ctsSizeG
Size of UanHeaderCommon and UanHeaderRcCtsGlobal.
NS_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Ipv4AddressGenerator::MaskToIndex(): Impossible")
Header used for ACK packets by protocol UanMacRc.
bool m_cleared
Flag when we&#39;ve been cleared.
std::map< Mac8Address, Request > m_requests
Request for each node.
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model...
std::set< std::pair< Time, Mac8Address > > m_sortedRes
Queued request times.
Gateway side of RC-MAC.
Definition: uan-mac-rc-gw.h:57
uint32_t m_numRates
Number of rates per Phy layer.
std::map< Mac8Address, Time > m_propDelay
Propagation delay to each node.
Time m_sifs
Spacing between frames to account for timing error and processing delay.
double GetSeconds(void) const
Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:361
Channel is IDLE, no packet is being transmitted.
Definition: csma-channel.h:75
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:205
virtual uint32_t GetSerializedSize(void) const
#define NS_UNUSED(x)
Mark a local variable as unused.
Definition: unused.h:36
uint16_t m_currentRetryRate
Retry rate number for current cycle.
static Mac8Address GetBroadcast(void)
Get the broadcast address (255).
Definition: mac8-address.cc:87
#define NS_FATAL_ERROR(msg)
Report a fatal error with a message and terminate.
Definition: fatal-error.h:162
double m_minRetryRate
Smallest allowed RTS retry rate.
virtual void DoDispose(void)
Destructor implementation.
Definition: object.cc:346
TimeWithUnit As(const enum Unit unit) const
Attach a unit to a Time, to facilitate output in a specific unit.
Definition: time.cc:389
virtual void Clear(void)
Clears all pointer references.
Time GetPropDelay(void) const
Get the propagation delay found in handshaking.
State m_state
Gateway processing state.
void SetWindowTime(Time t)
Set the window time (time duration following blocking time to allow RTS transmissions).
uint8_t GetType(void) const
Get the header type value.
virtual ~UanMacRcGw()
Dummy destructor, see DoDispose.
a polymophic address class
Definition: address.h:90
uint8_t numFrames
Number of frames.
Ptr< const TraceSourceAccessor > MakeTraceSourceAccessor(T a)
Create a TraceSourceAccessor which will control access to the underlying trace source.
Definition: third.py:93
std::vector< double > GetExpPdk(void)
Get the expected propagation delay to each node.
virtual uint32_t GetSerializedSize(void) const
void ReceiveError(Ptr< Packet > pkt, double sinr)
PHY receive error callback.
Time m_maxDelta
Maximum propagation delay between gateway and non-gateway nodes .
double ComputeExpS(uint32_t a, uint32_t ld, std::vector< double > exppdk)
Throughput for a reservations with framesize ld, given expected delays exppdk.
std::map< Mac8Address, AckData > m_ackData
AckData for each node.
void SendPacket(Ptr< Packet > pkt, uint32_t rate)
Send packet on PHY.
Virtual base class for all UAN MAC protocols.
Definition: uan-mac.h:49
void SetProtocolNumber(uint16_t protocolNumber)
Set the packet type.
#define max(a, b)
Definition: 80211b.c:43
uint64_t NchooseK(uint32_t n, uint32_t k)
Binomial coefficient.
Mac8Address GetDest(void) const
Get the destination address.
virtual bool Enqueue(Ptr< Packet > pkt, uint16_t protocolNumber, const Address &dest)
Enqueue packet to be transmitted.
AttributeValue implementation for Time.
Definition: nstime.h:1124
virtual Address GetAddress(void)
Get the MAC Address.
Definition: uan-mac.cc:55
Hold an unsigned integer type.
Definition: uinteger.h:44
uint8_t data[writeSize]
void SetAddress(Mac8Address addr)
Set the destination address, for scheduling info.
uint32_t m_numNodes
Number of non-gateway nodes in this gateway&#39;s neighborhood.
uint8_t GetFrameNo(void) const
Get the frame number of the reservation being transmitted.
Abstraction of packet modulation information.
Definition: uan-tx-mode.h:41
void ReceivePacket(Ptr< Packet > pkt, double sinr, UanTxMode mode)
PHY receive ok callback.
A class used for addressing MAC8 MAC&#39;s.
Definition: mac8-address.h:42
uint8_t frameNo
Current frame number.
virtual void DoDispose()
Destructor implementation.
uint32_t m_rateStep
Increments available for rate assignment in bps.
uint32_t PeekHeader(Header &header) const
Deserialize but does not remove the header from the internal buffer.
Definition: packet.cc:290
uint16_t length
Request header length.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, UanTxMode > m_rxLogger
A packet was destined for and received at this MAC layer.
uint32_t m_currentRateNum
Rate number corresponding to data rate of current cycle.
void AddNackedFrame(uint8_t frame)
NACK a frame.
uint8_t GetNoFrames(void) const
Get the number of data frames in the reservation.
Mac8Address GetSrc(void) const
Get the source address.
uint8_t GetFrameNo(void) const
Get the frame number.
uint32_t FindOptA(void)
Compute the optimum maximum number of reservations to accept per cycle.
uint8_t expFrames
Expected number of frames.
uint32_t m_ctsSizeN
Size of UanHeaderRcCts.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Register this type.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Common packet header fields.
void SetDelayToTx(Time delay)
Set the time delay from CTS transmission to first data frame arrival.
void SetFrameNo(uint8_t frameNo)
Set the RTS frame number being cleared.
Reservation request.
Cycling through nodes.
Definition: uan-mac-rc-gw.h:97
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeTimeAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method...
Definition: nstime.h:1125
static Time Now(void)
Return the current simulation virtual time.
Definition: simulator.cc:195
void SetTxTimeStamp(Time timeStamp)
Set the CTS timestamp.
uint8_t frameNo
Frame number being ACK&#39;ed.
Ptr< UanPhy > m_phy
PHY layer attached to this MAC.
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeDoubleAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method...
Definition: double.h:42
uint32_t m_frameSize
Size of data frames in bytes.
void SetRtsTimeStamp(Time timeStamp)
Set the timestamp for RTS reception.
uint32_t m_totalRate
Total available channel rate in bps (for a single channel, without splitting reservation channel)...
Callback< void, Ptr< Packet >, uint16_t, const Mac8Address & > m_forwardUpCb
Forwarding up callback.
void StartCycle(void)
Cycle through pending requests.
uint8_t GetRetryNo(void) const
Get the retry number of this RTS packet.
#define NS_LOG_WARN(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_WARN.
Definition: log.h:265
uint32_t m_maxRes
Maximum number of reservations to accept per cycle.
void SetDest(Mac8Address dest)
Set the destination address.
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
Definition: log.h:273
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1062
void SetFrameNo(uint8_t frameNo)
Set the frame number of the reservation being acknowledged.
uint16_t GetProtocolNumber(void) const
Get the packet type value.
void CycleStarted(void)
Set state to INCYCLE.
double ComputePiK(uint32_t a, uint32_t n, uint32_t k)
Numeric function.
uint32_t m_rtsSize
Size of UanHeaderCommon and UanHeaderRcRts.
void SetType(uint8_t type)
Set the header type.
void EndCycle(void)
End cycle by scheduling pending ACKs.
Ptr< const AttributeChecker > MakeTimeChecker(const Time min, const Time max)
Helper to make a Time checker with bounded range.
Definition: time.cc:449
uint16_t GetLength(void) const
Get the total number of bytes in the reservation, including headers.
uint8_t retryNo
Retry number.
Time Now(void)
create an ns3::Time instance which contains the current simulation time.
Definition: simulator.cc:287
Definition: nstime.h:114
Initial idle state.
Definition: uan-mac-rc-gw.h:96
double ComputeAlpha(uint32_t totalFrames, uint32_t totalBytes, uint32_t n, uint32_t a, double deltaK)
Compute alpha parameter.
void SetRetryRate(uint16_t rate)
Set the retry rate number for the current cycle.
This class can be used to hold variables of floating point type such as &#39;double&#39; or &#39;float&#39;...
Definition: double.h:41
virtual uint32_t GetSerializedSize(void) const
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeUintegerAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method...
Definition: uinteger.h:45
Packet ACK data.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition: type-id.h:58
uint32_t m_ackSize
Size of UanHeaderCommon and UanHeaderRcAck.
TypeId SetParent(TypeId tid)
Set the parent TypeId.
Definition: type-id.cc:923
double ComputeExpBOverA(uint32_t n, uint32_t a, uint32_t ldlh, std::vector< double > deltaK)
Numeric function.
static Mac8Address ConvertFrom(const Address &address)
Convert a generic address to a Mac8Address.
Definition: mac8-address.cc:54
Callback< R, Ts... > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(Ts...), OBJ objPtr)
Build Callbacks for class method members which take varying numbers of arguments and potentially retu...
Definition: callback.h:1642
virtual uint32_t GetSerializedSize(void) const
void AddHeader(const Header &header)
Add header to this packet.
Definition: packet.cc:256
Extra data header information.
Definition: uan-header-rc.h:41
virtual void SetForwardUpCb(Callback< void, Ptr< Packet >, uint16_t, const Mac8Address &> cb)
Set the callback to forward packets up to higher layers.