A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2018 University of Washington
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  *
18  * Author: Sébastien Deronne <sebastien.deronne@gmail.com>
19  */
21 #include "ns3/log.h"
22 #include "ns3/test.h"
23 #include "ns3/double.h"
24 #include "ns3/pointer.h"
25 #include "ns3/rng-seed-manager.h"
26 #include "ns3/spectrum-wifi-helper.h"
27 #include "ns3/wifi-spectrum-value-helper.h"
28 #include "ns3/spectrum-wifi-phy.h"
29 #include "ns3/nist-error-rate-model.h"
30 #include "ns3/wifi-mac-header.h"
31 #include "ns3/ampdu-tag.h"
32 #include "ns3/wifi-spectrum-signal-parameters.h"
33 #include "ns3/wifi-utils.h"
34 #include "ns3/threshold-preamble-detection-model.h"
35 #include "ns3/simple-frame-capture-model.h"
36 #include "ns3/wifi-mac-queue-item.h"
37 #include "ns3/mpdu-aggregator.h"
38 #include "ns3/wifi-psdu.h"
39 #include "ns3/he-ppdu.h"
40 #include "ns3/he-phy.h"
42 using namespace ns3;
44 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("WifiPhyReceptionTest");
46 static const uint8_t CHANNEL_NUMBER = 36;
47 static const uint32_t FREQUENCY = 5180; // MHz
48 static const uint16_t CHANNEL_WIDTH = 20; // MHz
49 static const uint16_t GUARD_WIDTH = CHANNEL_WIDTH; // MHz (expanded to channel width to model spectrum mask)
58 {
59 public:
63 protected:
64  void DoSetup (void) override;
65  void DoTeardown (void) override;
71  void SendPacket (double rxPowerDbm);
79  void RxSuccess (Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo,
80  WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector<bool> statusPerMpdu);
85  void RxFailure (Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu);
86  uint32_t m_countRxSuccess;
87  uint32_t m_countRxFailure;
89 private:
90  void DoRun (void) override;
96  void CheckPhyState (WifiPhyState expectedState);
101  void DoCheckPhyState (WifiPhyState expectedState);
107  void CheckRxPacketCount (uint32_t expectedSuccessCount, uint32_t expectedFailureCount);
109  uint64_t m_uid;
110 };
113  : TestCase ("Threshold preamble detection model test when no frame capture model is applied"),
114  m_countRxSuccess (0),
115  m_countRxFailure (0),
116  m_uid (0)
117 {
118 }
120 void
122 {
123  WifiTxVector txVector = WifiTxVector (HePhy::GetHeMcs7 (), 0, WIFI_PREAMBLE_HE_SU, 800, 1, 1, 0, 20, false);
125  Ptr<Packet> pkt = Create<Packet> (1000);
126  WifiMacHeader hdr;
129  hdr.SetQosTid (0);
131  Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu = Create<WifiPsdu> (pkt, hdr);
132  Time txDuration = m_phy->CalculateTxDuration (psdu->GetSize (), txVector, m_phy->GetPhyBand ());
134  Ptr<WifiPpdu> ppdu = Create<HePpdu> (psdu, txVector, txDuration, WIFI_PHY_BAND_5GHZ, m_uid++);
136  Ptr<SpectrumValue> txPowerSpectrum = WifiSpectrumValueHelper::CreateHeOfdmTxPowerSpectralDensity (FREQUENCY, CHANNEL_WIDTH, DbmToW (rxPowerDbm), GUARD_WIDTH);
138  Ptr<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> txParams = Create<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> ();
139  txParams->psd = txPowerSpectrum;
140  txParams->txPhy = 0;
141  txParams->duration = txDuration;
142  txParams->ppdu = ppdu;
144  m_phy->StartRx (txParams);
145 }
147 void
149 {
150  //This is needed to make sure PHY state will be checked as the last event if a state change occured at the exact same time as the check
151  Simulator::ScheduleNow (&TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::DoCheckPhyState, this, expectedState);
152 }
154 void
156 {
157  WifiPhyState currentState;
158  PointerValue ptr;
159  m_phy->GetAttribute ("State", ptr);
160  Ptr <WifiPhyStateHelper> state = DynamicCast <WifiPhyStateHelper> (ptr.Get<WifiPhyStateHelper> ());
161  currentState = state->GetState ();
162  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << currentState);
163  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (currentState, expectedState, "PHY State " << currentState << " does not match expected state " << expectedState << " at " << Simulator::Now ());
164 }
166 void
167 TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount (uint32_t expectedSuccessCount, uint32_t expectedFailureCount)
168 {
169  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_countRxSuccess, expectedSuccessCount, "Didn't receive right number of successful packets");
170  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_countRxFailure, expectedFailureCount, "Didn't receive right number of unsuccessful packets");
171 }
173 void
175  WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector<bool> statusPerMpdu)
176 {
177  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *psdu << rxSignalInfo << txVector);
179 }
181 void
183 {
184  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *psdu);
186 }
189 {
190  m_phy = 0;
191 }
193 void
195 {
196  m_phy = CreateObject<SpectrumWifiPhy> ();
198  Ptr<ErrorRateModel> error = CreateObject<NistErrorRateModel> ();
199  m_phy->SetErrorRateModel (error);
205  Ptr<ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel> preambleDetectionModel = CreateObject<ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel> ();
206  preambleDetectionModel->SetAttribute ("Threshold", DoubleValue (4));
207  preambleDetectionModel->SetAttribute ("MinimumRssi", DoubleValue (-82));
208  m_phy->SetPreambleDetectionModel (preambleDetectionModel);
209 }
211 void
213 {
214  m_phy->Dispose ();
215  m_phy = 0;
216 }
218 void
220 {
221  RngSeedManager::SetSeed (1);
222  RngSeedManager::SetRun (1);
223  int64_t streamNumber = 0;
224  m_phy->AssignStreams (streamNumber);
226  //RX power > CCA-ED > CCA-PD
227  double rxPowerDbm = -50;
229  // CASE 1: send one packet and check PHY state:
230  // All reception stages should succeed and PHY state should be RX for the duration of the packet minus the time to detect the preamble,
231  // otherwise it should be IDLE.
233  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
234  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
237  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
240  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us
243  // Packet should have been successfully received
244  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 0);
246  // CASE 2: send two packets with same power within the 4us window and check PHY state:
247  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 0 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
248  // and PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
249  // CCA_BUSY state should last for the duration of the two packets minus the time to detect the preamble.
251  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
252  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
253  // At 4us, no preamble is successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
256  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
259  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass, the packet should not have been counted as a failure
260  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 0);
262  // CASE 3: send two packets with second one 3 dB weaker within the 4us window and check PHY state:
263  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
264  // and PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
265  // CCA_BUSY state should last for the duration of the two packets minus the time to detect the preamble.
267  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
268  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
269  // At 4us, no preamble is successfully detected, hence STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
272  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
275  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
276  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 0);
278  // CASE 4: send two packets with second one 6 dB weaker within the 4us window and check PHY state:
279  // PHY preamble detection should succeed because SNR is high enough (around 6 dB, which is higher than the threshold of 4 dB),
280  // but payload reception should fail (SNR too low to decode the modulation).
282  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
283  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 6);
284  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
287  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
290  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us.
291  // However, since there is a second packet transmitted with a power above CCA-ED (-62 dBm), PHY should first be seen as CCA_BUSY for 2us.
296  // In this case, the first packet should be marked as a failure
297  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 1);
299  // CASE 5: send two packets with second one 3 dB higher within the 4us window and check PHY state:
300  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around -3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
301  // and PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
302  // CCA_BUSY state should last for the duration of the two packets minus the time to detect the preamble.
304  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
305  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 3);
306  // At 6us (hence 4us after the last signal is received), no preamble is successfully detected, hence STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
309  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
312  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
313  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 1);
315  // CCA-PD < RX power < CCA-ED
316  rxPowerDbm = -70;
318  // CASE 6: send one packet and check PHY state:
319  // All reception stages should succeed and PHY state should be RX for the duration of the packet minus the time to detect the preamble,
320  // otherwise it should be IDLE.
322  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
323  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
326  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
329  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us
332  // Packet should have been successfully received
333  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 1);
335  // CASE 7: send two packets with same power within the 4us window and check PHY state:
336  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 0 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
337  // and PHY state should stay IDLE since the total energy is below CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
339  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
340  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
341  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
343  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
344  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 1);
346  // CASE 8: send two packets with second one 3 dB weaker within the 4us window and check PHY state: PHY preamble detection should fail
347  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
348  // and PHY state should stay IDLE since the total energy is below CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
350  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
351  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
352  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
354  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
355  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 1);
357  // CASE 9: send two packets with second one 6 dB weaker within the 4us window and check PHY state:
358  // PHY preamble detection should succeed because SNR is high enough (around 6 dB, which is higher than the threshold of 4 dB),
359  // but payload reception should fail (SNR too low to decode the modulation).
361  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
362  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 6);
363  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
366  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
369  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us.
372  // In this case, the first packet should be marked as a failure
373  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 2);
375  // CASE 10: send two packets with second one 3 dB higher within the 4us window and check PHY state:
376  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around -3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
377  // and PHY state should stay IDLE since the total energy is below CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
379  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
380  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 3);
381  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
383  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
384  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 2);
386  // CASE 11: send one packet with a power slightly above the minimum RSSI needed for the preamble detection (-82 dBm) and check PHY state:
387  // preamble detection should succeed and PHY state should move to RX.
389  rxPowerDbm = -81;
391  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
392  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
395  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
398  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us.
402  // RX power < CCA-PD < CCA-ED
403  rxPowerDbm = -83;
405  //CASE 12: send one packet with a power slightly below the minimum RSSI needed for the preamble detection (-82 dBm) and check PHY state:
406  //preamble detection should fail and PHY should be kept in IDLE state.
408  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
409  // At 4us, STA PHY state should be IDLE
412  Simulator::Run ();
413  Simulator::Destroy ();
414 }
423 {
424 public:
428 protected:
429  void DoSetup (void) override;
430  void DoTeardown (void) override;
436  void SendPacket (double rxPowerDbm);
444  void RxSuccess (Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo,
445  WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector<bool> statusPerMpdu);
450  void RxFailure (Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu);
451  uint32_t m_countRxSuccess;
452  uint32_t m_countRxFailure;
454 private:
455  void DoRun (void) override;
461  void CheckPhyState (WifiPhyState expectedState);
466  void DoCheckPhyState (WifiPhyState expectedState);
472  void CheckRxPacketCount (uint32_t expectedSuccessCount, uint32_t expectedFailureCount);
474  uint64_t m_uid;
475 };
478 : TestCase ("Threshold preamble detection model test when simple frame capture model is applied"),
479  m_countRxSuccess (0),
480  m_countRxFailure (0),
481  m_uid (0)
482 {
483 }
485 void
487 {
488  WifiTxVector txVector = WifiTxVector (HePhy::GetHeMcs7 (), 0, WIFI_PREAMBLE_HE_SU, 800, 1, 1, 0, 20, false);
490  Ptr<Packet> pkt = Create<Packet> (1000);
491  WifiMacHeader hdr;
494  hdr.SetQosTid (0);
496  Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu = Create<WifiPsdu> (pkt, hdr);
497  Time txDuration = m_phy->CalculateTxDuration (psdu->GetSize (), txVector, m_phy->GetPhyBand ());
499  Ptr<WifiPpdu> ppdu = Create<HePpdu> (psdu, txVector, txDuration, WIFI_PHY_BAND_5GHZ, m_uid++);
501  Ptr<SpectrumValue> txPowerSpectrum = WifiSpectrumValueHelper::CreateHeOfdmTxPowerSpectralDensity (FREQUENCY, CHANNEL_WIDTH, DbmToW (rxPowerDbm), GUARD_WIDTH);
503  Ptr<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> txParams = Create<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> ();
504  txParams->psd = txPowerSpectrum;
505  txParams->txPhy = 0;
506  txParams->duration = txDuration;
507  txParams->ppdu = ppdu;
509  m_phy->StartRx (txParams);
510 }
512 void
514 {
515  //This is needed to make sure PHY state will be checked as the last event if a state change occured at the exact same time as the check
516  Simulator::ScheduleNow (&TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::DoCheckPhyState, this, expectedState);
517 }
519 void
521 {
522  WifiPhyState currentState;
523  PointerValue ptr;
524  m_phy->GetAttribute ("State", ptr);
525  Ptr <WifiPhyStateHelper> state = DynamicCast <WifiPhyStateHelper> (ptr.Get<WifiPhyStateHelper> ());
526  currentState = state->GetState ();
527  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << currentState);
528  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (currentState, expectedState, "PHY State " << currentState << " does not match expected state " << expectedState << " at " << Simulator::Now ());
529 }
531 void
532 TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount (uint32_t expectedSuccessCount, uint32_t expectedFailureCount)
533 {
534  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_countRxSuccess, expectedSuccessCount, "Didn't receive right number of successful packets");
535  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_countRxFailure, expectedFailureCount, "Didn't receive right number of unsuccessful packets");
536 }
538 void
540  WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector<bool> statusPerMpdu)
541 {
542  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *psdu << txVector);
544 }
546 void
548 {
549  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *psdu);
551 }
554 {
555  m_phy = 0;
556 }
558 void
560 {
561  m_phy = CreateObject<SpectrumWifiPhy> ();
563  Ptr<ErrorRateModel> error = CreateObject<NistErrorRateModel> ();
564  m_phy->SetErrorRateModel (error);
570  Ptr<ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel> preambleDetectionModel = CreateObject<ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel> ();
571  preambleDetectionModel->SetAttribute ("Threshold", DoubleValue (4));
572  preambleDetectionModel->SetAttribute ("MinimumRssi", DoubleValue (-82));
573  m_phy->SetPreambleDetectionModel (preambleDetectionModel);
575  Ptr<SimpleFrameCaptureModel> frameCaptureModel = CreateObject<SimpleFrameCaptureModel> ();
576  frameCaptureModel->SetAttribute ("Margin", DoubleValue (5));
577  frameCaptureModel->SetAttribute ("CaptureWindow", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (16)));
578  m_phy->SetFrameCaptureModel (frameCaptureModel);
579 }
581 void
583 {
584  m_phy->Dispose ();
585  m_phy = 0;
586 }
588 void
590 {
591  RngSeedManager::SetSeed (1);
592  RngSeedManager::SetRun (1);
593  int64_t streamNumber = 1;
594  m_phy->AssignStreams (streamNumber);
596  //RX power > CCA-ED > CCA-PD
597  double rxPowerDbm = -50;
599  // CASE 1: send one packet and check PHY state:
600  // All reception stages should succeed and PHY state should be RX for the duration of the packet minus the time to detect the preamble,
601  // otherwise it should be IDLE.
603  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
604  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
607  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
610  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us
613  // Packet should have been successfully received
614  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 0);
616  // CASE 2: send two packets with same power within the 4us window and check PHY state:
617  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 0 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
618  // and PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
619  // CCA_BUSY state should last for the duration of the two packets minus the time to detect the preamble.
621  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
622  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
623  // At 4us, no preamble is successfully detected, hence STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
626  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
629  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
630  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 0);
632  // CASE 3: send two packets with second one 3 dB weaker within the 4us window and check PHY state:
633  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
634  // and PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
635  // CCA_BUSY state should last for the duration of the two packets minus the time to detect the preamble.
637  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
638  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
639  // At 4us, no preamble is successfully detected, hence STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
642  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
645  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
646  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 0);
648  // CASE 4: send two packets with second one 6 dB weaker within the 4us window and check PHY state:
649  // PHY preamble detection should succeed because SNR is high enough (around 6 dB, which is higher than the threshold of 4 dB),
650  // but payload reception should fail (SNR too low to decode the modulation).
652  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
653  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 6);
654  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
657  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
660  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us.
661  // However, since there is a second packet transmitted with a power above CCA-ED (-62 dBm), PHY should first be seen as CCA_BUSY for 2us.
666  // In this case, the first packet should be marked as a failure
667  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 1);
669  // CASE 5: send two packets with second one 3 dB higher within the 4us window and check PHY state:
670  // PHY preamble detection should switch because a higher packet is received within the 4us window,
671  // but preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
672  // PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
674  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
675  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 3);
676  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
678  // At 6us, STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
681  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
684  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
685  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 1);
687  // CASE 6: send two packets with second one 6 dB higher within the 4us window and check PHY state:
688  // PHY preamble detection should switch because a higher packet is received within the 4us window,
689  // and preamble detection should succeed because SNR is high enough (around 6 dB, which is higher than the threshold of 4 dB),
690  // Payload reception should fail (SNR too low to decode the modulation).
692  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
693  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 6);
694  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
696  // At 6us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
699  // At 46us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
702  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
705  // In this case, the second packet should be marked as a failure
706  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 2);
708  // CASE 7: send two packets with same power at the exact same time and check PHY state:
709  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 0 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
710  // and PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
711  // CCA_BUSY state should last for the duration of the two packets minus the time to detect the preamble.
713  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
714  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
715  // At 4us, no preamble is successfully detected, hence STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
718  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
721  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
722  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 2);
724  // CASE 8: send two packets with second one 3 dB weaker at the exact same time and check PHY state:
725  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
726  // and PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
727  // CCA_BUSY state should last for the duration of the two packets minus the time to detect the preamble.
729  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
730  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
731  // At 4us, no preamble is successfully detected, hence STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
734  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 us
737  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
738  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 2);
740  // CASE 9: send two packets with second one 6 dB weaker at the exact same time and check PHY state:
741  // PHY preamble detection should succeed because SNR is high enough (around 6 dB, which is higher than the threshold of 4 dB),
742  // but payload reception should fail (SNR too low to decode the modulation).
744  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
745  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 6);
746  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
749  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
752  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packets, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us.
755  // In this case, the first packet should be marked as a failure
756  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 3);
758  // CASE 10: send two packets with second one 3 dB higher at the exact same time and check PHY state:
759  // PHY preamble detection should switch because a higher packet is received within the 4us window,
760  // but preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
761  // PHY state should be CCA_BUSY since the total energy is above CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
763  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
764  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 3);
765  // At 4us, no preamble is successfully detected, hence STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
768  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 us
771  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
772  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 3);
774  // CASE 11: send two packets with second one 6 dB higher at the exact same time and check PHY state:
775  // PHY preamble detection should switch because a higher packet is received within the 4us window,
776  // and preamble detection should succeed because SNR is high enough (around 6 dB, which is higher than the threshold of 4 dB),
777  // Payload reception should fail (SNR too low to decode the modulation).
779  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
780  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 6);
781  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
784  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
787  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 us
790  // In this case, the second packet should be marked as a failure
791  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 1, 4);
793  // CCA-PD < RX power < CCA-ED
794  rxPowerDbm = -70;
796  // CASE 12: send one packet and check PHY state:
797  // All reception stages should succeed and PHY state should be RX for the duration of the packet minus the time to detect the preamble,
798  // otherwise it should be IDLE.
800  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
801  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
804  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
807  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us
810  // Packet should have been successfully received
811  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 4);
813  // CASE 13: send two packets with same power within the 4us window and check PHY state:
814  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 0 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
815  // and PHY state should stay IDLE since the total energy is below CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
817  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
818  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
819  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
821  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
822  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 4);
824  // CASE 14: send two packets with second one 3 dB weaker within the 4us window and check PHY state: PHY preamble detection should fail
825  // PHY preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB),
826  // and PHY state should stay IDLE since the total energy is below CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
828  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
829  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
830  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
832  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
833  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 4);
835  // CASE 15: send two packets with second one 6 dB weaker within the 4us window and check PHY state:
836  // PHY preamble detection should succeed because SNR is high enough (around 6 dB, which is higher than the threshold of 4 dB),
837  // but payload reception should fail (SNR too low to decode the modulation).
839  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
840  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 6);
841  // At 4us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
844  // At 44us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
847  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us.
850  // In this case, the first packet should be marked as a failure
851  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 5);
853  // CASE 16: send two packets with second one 3 dB higher within the 4us window and check PHY state:
854  // PHY preamble detection should switch because a higher packet is received within the 4us window,
855  // but preamble detection should fail because SNR is too low (around 3 dB, which is lower than the threshold of 4 dB).
856  // PHY state should stay IDLE since the total energy is below CCA-ED (-62 dBm).
858  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
859  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 3);
860  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
862  // At 6us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
864  // No more packet should have been successfully received, and since preamble detection did not pass the packet should not have been counted as a failure
865  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 5);
867  // CASE 17: send two packets with second one 6 dB higher within the 4us window and check PHY state:
868  // PHY preamble detection should switch because a higher packet is received within the 4us window,
869  // and preamble detection should succeed because SNR is high enough (around 6 dB, which is higher than the threshold of 4 dB),
870  // Payload reception should fail (SNR too low to decode the modulation).
872  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
873  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 6);
874  // At 4us, STA PHY STATE should stay IDLE
876  // At 6us, preamble should be successfully detected and STA PHY STATE should move from IDLE to CCA_BUSY
879  // At 46us, PHY header should be successfully received and STA PHY STATE should move from CCA_BUSY to RX
882  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit each packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 2 = 154.8us
885  // In this case, the second packet should be marked as a failure
886  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 2, 6);
888  rxPowerDbm = -50;
889  // CASE 18: send two packets with second one 50 dB higher within the 4us window
891  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
892  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm+50);
893  // The second packet should be received successfully
894  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 3, 6);
896  // CASE 19: send two packets with second one 10 dB higher within the 4us window
898  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
899  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.0) + MicroSeconds (2.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm+10);
900  // The second packet should be captured, but not decoded since SNR to low for used MCS
901  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 3, 7);
903  // CASE 20: send two packets with second one 50 dB higher in the same time
905  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
906  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm+50);
907  // The second packet should be received successfully, same as in CASE 13
908  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 4, 7);
910  // CASE 21: send two packets with second one 10 dB higher in the same time
912  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
913  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.0), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm+10);
914  // The second packet should be captured, but not decoded since SNR to low for used MCS, same as in CASE 19
915  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.1), &TestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapture::CheckRxPacketCount, this, 4, 8);
917  Simulator::Run ();
918  Simulator::Destroy ();
919 }
928 {
929 public:
931  virtual ~TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel ();
933 protected:
934  void DoSetup (void) override;
935  void DoTeardown (void) override;
937 private:
938  void DoRun (void) override;
943  void Reset (void);
949  void SendPacket (double rxPowerDbm, uint32_t packetSize);
957  void RxSuccess (Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo,
958  WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector<bool> statusPerMpdu);
977  void Expect1000BPacketDropped ();
981  void Expect1500BPacketDropped ();
990  uint64_t m_uid;
991 };
994 : TestCase ("Simple frame capture model test"),
995  m_rxSuccess1000B (false),
996  m_rxSuccess1500B (false),
997  m_rxDropped1000B (false),
998  m_rxDropped1500B (false),
999  m_uid (0)
1000 {
1001 }
1003 void
1005 {
1006  WifiTxVector txVector = WifiTxVector (HePhy::GetHeMcs0 (), 0, WIFI_PREAMBLE_HE_SU, 800, 1, 1, 0, 20, false);
1008  Ptr<Packet> pkt = Create<Packet> (packetSize);
1009  WifiMacHeader hdr;
1011  hdr.SetType (WIFI_MAC_QOSDATA);
1012  hdr.SetQosTid (0);
1014  Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu = Create<WifiPsdu> (pkt, hdr);
1015  Time txDuration = m_phy->CalculateTxDuration (psdu->GetSize (), txVector, m_phy->GetPhyBand ());
1017  Ptr<WifiPpdu> ppdu = Create<HePpdu> (psdu, txVector, txDuration, WIFI_PHY_BAND_5GHZ, m_uid++);
1019  Ptr<SpectrumValue> txPowerSpectrum = WifiSpectrumValueHelper::CreateHeOfdmTxPowerSpectralDensity (FREQUENCY, CHANNEL_WIDTH, DbmToW (rxPowerDbm), GUARD_WIDTH);
1021  Ptr<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> txParams = Create<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> ();
1022  txParams->psd = txPowerSpectrum;
1023  txParams->txPhy = 0;
1024  txParams->duration = txDuration;
1025  txParams->ppdu = ppdu;
1027  m_phy->StartRx (txParams);
1028 }
1030 void
1032  WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector<bool> statusPerMpdu)
1033 {
1034  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *psdu << rxSignalInfo << txVector);
1035  NS_ASSERT (!psdu->IsAggregate () || psdu->IsSingle ());
1036  if (psdu->GetSize () == 1030)
1037  {
1038  m_rxSuccess1000B = true;
1039  }
1040  else if (psdu->GetSize () == 1530)
1041  {
1042  m_rxSuccess1500B = true;
1043  }
1044 }
1046 void
1048 {
1049  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << reason);
1050  if (p->GetSize () == 1030)
1051  {
1052  m_rxDropped1000B = true;
1053  }
1054  else if (p->GetSize () == 1530)
1055  {
1056  m_rxDropped1500B = true;
1057  }
1058 }
1060 void
1062 {
1063  m_rxSuccess1000B = false;
1064  m_rxSuccess1500B = false;
1065  m_rxDropped1000B = false;
1066  m_rxDropped1500B = false;
1067 }
1069 void
1071 {
1072  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxSuccess1000B, true, "Didn't receive 1000B packet");
1073 }
1075 void
1077 {
1078  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxSuccess1500B, true, "Didn't receive 1500B packet");
1079 }
1080 void
1082 {
1083  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxDropped1000B, true, "Didn't drop 1000B packet");
1084 }
1086 void
1088 {
1089  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxDropped1500B, true, "Didn't drop 1500B packet");
1090 }
1093 {
1094  m_phy = 0;
1095 }
1097 void
1099 {
1100  m_phy = CreateObject<SpectrumWifiPhy> ();
1102  Ptr<ErrorRateModel> error = CreateObject<NistErrorRateModel> ();
1103  m_phy->SetErrorRateModel (error);
1110  Ptr<ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel> preambleDetectionModel = CreateObject<ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel> ();
1111  preambleDetectionModel->SetAttribute ("Threshold", DoubleValue (2));
1112  m_phy->SetPreambleDetectionModel (preambleDetectionModel);
1114  Ptr<SimpleFrameCaptureModel> frameCaptureModel = CreateObject<SimpleFrameCaptureModel> ();
1115  frameCaptureModel->SetAttribute ("Margin", DoubleValue (5));
1116  frameCaptureModel->SetAttribute ("CaptureWindow", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (16)));
1117  m_phy->SetFrameCaptureModel (frameCaptureModel);
1118 }
1120 void
1122 {
1123  m_phy->Dispose ();
1124  m_phy = 0;
1125 }
1127 void
1129 {
1130  RngSeedManager::SetSeed (1);
1131  RngSeedManager::SetRun (1);
1132  int64_t streamNumber = 2;
1133  double rxPowerDbm = -30;
1134  m_phy->AssignStreams (streamNumber);
1136  // CASE 1: send two packets with same power within the capture window:
1137  // PHY should not switch reception because they have same power.
1139  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
1140  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm, 1500);
1141  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Expect1500BPacketDropped, this);
1142  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.2), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Reset, this);
1144  // CASE 2: send two packets with second one 6 dB weaker within the capture window:
1145  // PHY should not switch reception because first one has higher power.
1147  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
1148  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 6, 1500);
1149  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Expect1000BPacketReceived, this);
1150  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Expect1500BPacketDropped, this);
1151  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.2), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Reset, this);
1153  // CASE 3: send two packets with second one 6 dB higher within the capture window:
1154  // PHY should switch reception because the second one has a higher power.
1156  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
1157  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 6, 1500);
1158  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Expect1000BPacketDropped, this);
1159  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Expect1500BPacketReceived, this);
1160  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.2), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Reset, this);
1162  // CASE 4: send two packets with second one 6 dB higher after the capture window:
1163  // PHY should not switch reception because capture window duration has elapsed when the second packet arrives.
1165  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
1166  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + MicroSeconds (25.0), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm + 6, 1500);
1167  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Expect1500BPacketDropped, this);
1168  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.2), &TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel::Reset, this);
1170  Simulator::Run ();
1171  Simulator::Destroy ();
1172 }
1181 {
1182 public:
1184  virtual ~TestPhyHeadersReception ();
1186 protected:
1187  void DoSetup (void) override;
1188  void DoTeardown (void) override;
1194  void SendPacket (double rxPowerDbm);
1196 private:
1197  void DoRun (void) override;
1203  void CheckPhyState (WifiPhyState expectedState);
1208  void DoCheckPhyState (WifiPhyState expectedState);
1210  uint64_t m_uid;
1211 };
1214 : TestCase ("PHY headers reception test"),
1215  m_uid (0)
1216 {
1217 }
1219 void
1221 {
1222  WifiTxVector txVector = WifiTxVector (HePhy::GetHeMcs7 (), 0, WIFI_PREAMBLE_HE_SU, 800, 1, 1, 0, 20, false);
1224  Ptr<Packet> pkt = Create<Packet> (1000);
1225  WifiMacHeader hdr;
1227  hdr.SetType (WIFI_MAC_QOSDATA);
1228  hdr.SetQosTid (0);
1230  Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu = Create<WifiPsdu> (pkt, hdr);
1231  Time txDuration = m_phy->CalculateTxDuration (psdu->GetSize (), txVector, m_phy->GetPhyBand ());
1233  Ptr<WifiPpdu> ppdu = Create<HePpdu> (psdu, txVector, txDuration, WIFI_PHY_BAND_5GHZ, m_uid++);
1235  Ptr<SpectrumValue> txPowerSpectrum = WifiSpectrumValueHelper::CreateHeOfdmTxPowerSpectralDensity (FREQUENCY, CHANNEL_WIDTH, DbmToW (rxPowerDbm), GUARD_WIDTH);
1237  Ptr<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> txParams = Create<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> ();
1238  txParams->psd = txPowerSpectrum;
1239  txParams->txPhy = 0;
1240  txParams->duration = txDuration;
1241  txParams->ppdu = ppdu;
1243  m_phy->StartRx (txParams);
1244 }
1246 void
1248 {
1249  //This is needed to make sure PHY state will be checked as the last event if a state change occured at the exact same time as the check
1250  Simulator::ScheduleNow (&TestPhyHeadersReception::DoCheckPhyState, this, expectedState);
1251 }
1253 void
1255 {
1256  WifiPhyState currentState;
1257  PointerValue ptr;
1258  m_phy->GetAttribute ("State", ptr);
1259  Ptr <WifiPhyStateHelper> state = DynamicCast <WifiPhyStateHelper> (ptr.Get<WifiPhyStateHelper> ());
1260  currentState = state->GetState ();
1261  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << currentState);
1262  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (currentState, expectedState, "PHY State " << currentState << " does not match expected state " << expectedState << " at " << Simulator::Now ());
1263 }
1267 {
1268  m_phy = 0;
1269 }
1271 void
1273 {
1274  m_phy = CreateObject<SpectrumWifiPhy> ();
1276  Ptr<ErrorRateModel> error = CreateObject<NistErrorRateModel> ();
1277  m_phy->SetErrorRateModel (error);
1280 }
1282 void
1284 {
1285  m_phy->Dispose ();
1286  m_phy = 0;
1287 }
1289 void
1291 {
1292  RngSeedManager::SetSeed (1);
1293  RngSeedManager::SetRun (1);
1294  int64_t streamNumber = 0;
1295  m_phy->AssignStreams (streamNumber);
1297  // RX power > CCA-ED
1298  double rxPowerDbm = -50;
1300  // CASE 1: send one packet followed by a second one with same power between the end of the 4us preamble detection window
1301  // and the start of L-SIG of the first packet: reception should be aborted since L-SIG cannot be decoded (SNR too low).
1303  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1304  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1305  // At 10 us, STA PHY STATE should be CCA_BUSY.
1306  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1307  // At 44us (end of PHY header), STA PHY STATE should not have moved to RX and be kept to CCA_BUSY.
1308  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0) + NanoSeconds (44000), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1309  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8 + 10 = 162.8us.
1310  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0) + NanoSeconds (162799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1311  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0) + NanoSeconds (162800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::IDLE);
1313  // CASE 2: send one packet followed by a second one 3 dB weaker between the end of the 4us preamble detection window
1314  // and the start of L-SIG of the first packet: reception should not be aborted since L-SIG can be decoded (SNR high enough).
1316  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1317  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
1318  // At 10 us, STA PHY STATE should be CCA_BUSY.
1319  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1320  // At 44us (end of PHY header), STA PHY STATE should have moved to RX since PHY header reception should have succeeded.
1321  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + NanoSeconds (43999), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1322  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + NanoSeconds (44000), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::RX);
1323  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us.
1324  // However, since there is a second packet transmitted with a power above CCA-ED (-62 dBm), PHY should first be seen as CCA_BUSY for 10us.
1325  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + NanoSeconds (152799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::RX);
1326  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + NanoSeconds (152800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1327  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + NanoSeconds (162799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1328  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + NanoSeconds (162800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::IDLE);
1330  // CASE 3: send one packet followed by a second one with same power between the end of L-SIG and the start of HE-SIG of the first packet:
1331  // PHY header reception should not succeed but PHY should stay in RX state for the duration estimated from L-SIG.
1333  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1334  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + MicroSeconds (25), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1335  // At 44us (end of PHY header), STA PHY STATE should not have moved to RX (HE-SIG failed) and be kept to CCA_BUSY.
1336  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + MicroSeconds (44.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1337  // STA PHY STATE should move back to IDLE once the duration estimated from L-SIG has elapsed, i.e. at 152.8us.
1338  // However, since there is a second packet transmitted with a power above CCA-ED (-62 dBm), PHY should first be seen as CCA_BUSY for 25us.
1339  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + NanoSeconds (152799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1340  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + NanoSeconds (152800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1341  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + NanoSeconds (177799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1342  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + NanoSeconds (177800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::IDLE);
1344  // CASE 4: send one packet followed by a second one 3 dB weaker between the end of L-SIG and the start of HE-SIG of the first packet:
1345  // PHY header reception should succeed.
1347  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1348  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + MicroSeconds (25), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
1349  // At 10 us, STA PHY STATE should be CCA_BUSY.
1350  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1351  // At 44 us (end of HE-SIG), STA PHY STATE should move to RX since the PHY header reception should have succeeded.
1352  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + NanoSeconds (43999), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1353  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + NanoSeconds (44000), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::RX);
1354  // STA PHY STATE should move back to IDLE once the duration estimated from L-SIG has elapsed, i.e. at 152.8us.
1355  // However, since there is a second packet transmitted with a power above CCA-ED (-62 dBm), PHY should first be seen as CCA_BUSY for 25us.
1356  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + NanoSeconds (152799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::RX);
1357  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + NanoSeconds (152800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1358  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + NanoSeconds (177799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1359  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + NanoSeconds (177800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::IDLE);
1361  // RX power < CCA-ED
1362  rxPowerDbm = -70;
1364  // CASE 5: send one packet followed by a second one with same power between the end of the 4us preamble detection window
1365  // and the start of L-SIG of the first packet: reception should be aborted since L-SIG cannot be decoded (SNR too low).
1367  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1368  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1369  // At 10 us, STA PHY STATE should be CCA_BUSY.
1370  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1371  // At 24us (end of L-SIG), STA PHY STATE should go to IDLE because L-SIG reception failed and the total energy is below CCA-ED.
1372  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0) + NanoSeconds (23999), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1373  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0) + NanoSeconds (24000), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::IDLE);
1375  // CASE 6: send one packet followed by a second one 3 dB weaker between the end of the 4us preamble detection window
1376  // and the start of L-SIG of the first packet: reception should not be aborted since L-SIG can be decoded (SNR high enough).
1378  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1379  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
1380  // At 10 us, STA PHY STATE should be CCA_BUSY.
1381  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1382  // At 24us (end of L-SIG), STA PHY STATE should be unchanged because L-SIG reception should have succeeded.
1383  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + MicroSeconds (24.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1384  // At 44 us (end of HE-SIG), STA PHY STATE should move to RX since the PHY header reception should have succeeded.
1385  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + NanoSeconds (43999), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1386  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + NanoSeconds (44000), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::RX);
1387  // Since it takes 152.8us to transmit the packet, PHY should be back to IDLE at time 152.8us.
1388  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + NanoSeconds (152799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::RX);
1389  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + NanoSeconds (152800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::IDLE);
1391  // CASE 7: send one packet followed by a second one with same power between the end of L-SIG and the start of HE-SIG of the first packet:
1392  // PHY header reception should not succeed but PHY should stay in RX state for the duration estimated from L-SIG.
1394  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1395  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0) + MicroSeconds (25), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1396  // At 10 us, STA PHY STATE should be CCA_BUSY.
1397  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1398  // At 24us (end of L-SIG), STA PHY STATE should be unchanged because L-SIG reception should have succeeded.
1399  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0) + MicroSeconds (24.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1400  // At 44 us (end of HE-SIG), STA PHY STATE should be not have moved to RX since reception of HE-SIG should have failed.
1401  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0) + MicroSeconds (44.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1402  // STA PHY STATE should move back to IDLE once the duration estimated from L-SIG has elapsed, i.e. at 152.8us.
1403  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0) + NanoSeconds (152799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1404  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0) + NanoSeconds (152800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::IDLE);
1406  // CASE 8: send one packet followed by a second one 3 dB weaker between the end of L-SIG and the start of HE-SIG of the first packet:
1407  // PHY header reception should succeed.
1409  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm);
1410  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + MicroSeconds (25), &TestPhyHeadersReception::SendPacket, this, rxPowerDbm - 3);
1411  // At 10 us, STA PHY STATE should be CCA_BUSY.
1412  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + MicroSeconds (10.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1413  // At 24us (end of L-SIG), STA PHY STATE should be unchanged because L-SIG reception should have succeeded.
1414  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + MicroSeconds (24.0), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1415  // At 44 us (end of HE-SIG), STA PHY STATE should move to RX since the PHY header reception should have succeeded.
1416  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + NanoSeconds (43999), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY);
1417  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + NanoSeconds (44000), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::RX);
1418  // STA PHY STATE should move back to IDLE once the duration estimated from L-SIG has elapsed, i.e. at 152.8us.
1419  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + NanoSeconds (152799), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::RX);
1420  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + NanoSeconds (152800), &TestPhyHeadersReception::CheckPhyState, this, WifiPhyState::IDLE);
1422  Simulator::Run ();
1423  Simulator::Destroy ();
1424 }
1433 {
1434 public:
1435  TestAmpduReception ();
1436  virtual ~TestAmpduReception ();
1438 protected:
1439  void DoSetup (void) override;
1440  void DoTeardown (void) override;
1442 private:
1443  void DoRun (void) override;
1452  void RxSuccess (Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo,
1453  WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector<bool> statusPerMpdu);
1458  void RxFailure (Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu);
1469  void IncrementSuccessBitmap (uint32_t size);
1474  void IncrementFailureBitmap (uint32_t size);
1479  void ResetBitmaps();
1486  void SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus (double rxPowerDbm, uint32_t referencePacketSize);
1492  void CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1 (uint8_t expected);
1497  void CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2 (uint8_t expected);
1502  void CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1 (uint8_t expected);
1507  void CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2 (uint8_t expected);
1512  void CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1 (uint8_t expected);
1517  void CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2 (uint8_t expected);
1523  void CheckPhyState (WifiPhyState expectedState);
1536  uint64_t m_uid;
1537 };
1540 : TestCase ("A-MPDU reception test"),
1541  m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1 (0),
1542  m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2 (0),
1543  m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu1 (0),
1544  m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu2 (0),
1545  m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1 (0),
1546  m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2 (0),
1547  m_uid (0)
1548 {
1549 }
1552 {
1553  m_phy = 0;
1554 }
1556 void
1558 {
1565 }
1567 void
1569  WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector<bool> statusPerMpdu)
1570 {
1571  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *psdu << rxSignalInfo << txVector);
1572  if (statusPerMpdu.empty ()) //wait for the whole A-MPDU
1573  {
1574  return;
1575  }
1576  NS_ABORT_MSG_IF (psdu->GetNMpdus () != statusPerMpdu.size (), "Should have one receive status per MPDU");
1577  auto rxOkForMpdu = statusPerMpdu.begin ();
1578  for (auto mpdu = psdu->begin (); mpdu != psdu->end (); ++mpdu)
1579  {
1580  if (*rxOkForMpdu)
1581  {
1582  IncrementSuccessBitmap ((*mpdu)->GetSize ());
1583  }
1584  else
1585  {
1586  IncrementFailureBitmap ((*mpdu)->GetSize ());
1587  }
1588  ++rxOkForMpdu;
1589  }
1590 }
1592 void
1594 {
1595  if (size == 1030) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #1
1596  {
1598  }
1599  else if (size == 1130) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #2
1600  {
1601  m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1 |= (1 << 1);
1602  }
1603  else if (size == 1230) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #3
1604  {
1605  m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1 |= (1 << 2);
1606  }
1607  else if (size == 1330) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #1
1608  {
1610  }
1611  else if (size == 1430) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #2
1612  {
1613  m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2 |= (1 << 1);
1614  }
1615  else if (size == 1530) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #3
1616  {
1617  m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2 |= (1 << 2);
1618  }
1619 }
1621 void
1623 {
1624  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *psdu);
1625  for (auto mpdu = psdu->begin (); mpdu != psdu->end (); ++mpdu)
1626  {
1627  IncrementFailureBitmap ((*mpdu)->GetSize ());
1628  }
1629 }
1631 void
1633 {
1634  if (size == 1030) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #1
1635  {
1637  }
1638  else if (size == 1130) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #2
1639  {
1640  m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu1 |= (1 << 1);
1641  }
1642  else if (size == 1230) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #3
1643  {
1644  m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu1 |= (1 << 2);
1645  }
1646  else if (size == 1330) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #1
1647  {
1649  }
1650  else if (size == 1430) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #2
1651  {
1652  m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu2 |= (1 << 1);
1653  }
1654  else if (size == 1530) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #3
1655  {
1656  m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu2 |= (1 << 2);
1657  }
1658 }
1660 void
1662 {
1663  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << reason);
1664  if (p->GetSize () == 1030) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #1
1665  {
1667  }
1668  else if (p->GetSize () == 1130) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #2
1669  {
1670  m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1 |= (1 << 1);
1671  }
1672  else if (p->GetSize () == 1230) //A-MPDU 1 - MPDU #3
1673  {
1674  m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1 |= (1 << 2);
1675  }
1676  else if (p->GetSize () == 1330) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #1
1677  {
1679  }
1680  else if (p->GetSize () == 1430) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #2
1681  {
1682  m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2 |= (1 << 1);
1683  }
1684  else if (p->GetSize () == 1530) //A-MPDU 2 - MPDU #3
1685  {
1686  m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2 |= (1 << 2);
1687  }
1688 }
1690 void
1692 {
1693  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, expected, "RX success bitmap for A-MPDU 1 is not as expected");
1694 }
1696 void
1698 {
1699  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, expected, "RX success bitmap for A-MPDU 2 is not as expected");
1700 }
1702 void
1704 {
1705  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, expected, "RX failure bitmap for A-MPDU 1 is not as expected");
1706 }
1708 void
1710 {
1711  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, expected, "RX failure bitmap for A-MPDU 2 is not as expected");
1712 }
1714 void
1716 {
1717  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, expected, "RX dropped bitmap for A-MPDU 1 is not as expected");
1718 }
1720 void
1722 {
1723  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, expected, "RX dropped bitmap for A-MPDU 2 is not as expected");
1724 }
1726 void
1728 {
1729  WifiPhyState currentState;
1730  PointerValue ptr;
1731  m_phy->GetAttribute ("State", ptr);
1732  Ptr <WifiPhyStateHelper> state = DynamicCast <WifiPhyStateHelper> (ptr.Get<WifiPhyStateHelper> ());
1733  currentState = state->GetState ();
1734  NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (currentState, expectedState, "PHY State " << currentState << " does not match expected state " << expectedState << " at " << Simulator::Now ());
1735 }
1737 void
1738 TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus (double rxPowerDbm, uint32_t referencePacketSize)
1739 {
1740  WifiTxVector txVector = WifiTxVector (HePhy::GetHeMcs0 (), 0, WIFI_PREAMBLE_HE_SU, 800, 1, 1, 0, 20, true);
1742  WifiMacHeader hdr;
1743  hdr.SetType (WIFI_MAC_QOSDATA);
1744  hdr.SetQosTid (0);
1746  std::vector<Ptr<WifiMacQueueItem>> mpduList;
1747  for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
1748  {
1749  Ptr<Packet> p = Create<Packet> (referencePacketSize + i * 100);
1750  mpduList.push_back (Create<WifiMacQueueItem> (p, hdr));
1751  }
1752  Ptr<WifiPsdu> psdu = Create<WifiPsdu> (mpduList);
1754  Time txDuration = m_phy->CalculateTxDuration (psdu->GetSize (), txVector, m_phy->GetPhyBand ());
1756  Ptr<WifiPpdu> ppdu = Create<HePpdu> (psdu, txVector, txDuration, WIFI_PHY_BAND_5GHZ, m_uid++);
1758  Ptr<SpectrumValue> txPowerSpectrum = WifiSpectrumValueHelper::CreateHeOfdmTxPowerSpectralDensity (FREQUENCY, CHANNEL_WIDTH, DbmToW (rxPowerDbm), GUARD_WIDTH);
1760  Ptr<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> txParams = Create<WifiSpectrumSignalParameters> ();
1761  txParams->psd = txPowerSpectrum;
1762  txParams->txPhy = 0;
1763  txParams->duration = txDuration;
1764  txParams->ppdu = ppdu;
1766  m_phy->StartRx (txParams);
1767 }
1769 void
1771 {
1772  m_phy = CreateObject<SpectrumWifiPhy> ();
1774  Ptr<ErrorRateModel> error = CreateObject<NistErrorRateModel> ();
1775  m_phy->SetErrorRateModel (error);
1783  Ptr<ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel> preambleDetectionModel = CreateObject<ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel> ();
1784  preambleDetectionModel->SetAttribute ("Threshold", DoubleValue (2));
1785  m_phy->SetPreambleDetectionModel (preambleDetectionModel);
1787  Ptr<SimpleFrameCaptureModel> frameCaptureModel = CreateObject<SimpleFrameCaptureModel> ();
1788  frameCaptureModel->SetAttribute ("Margin", DoubleValue (5));
1789  frameCaptureModel->SetAttribute ("CaptureWindow", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (16)));
1790  m_phy->SetFrameCaptureModel (frameCaptureModel);
1791 }
1793 void
1795 {
1796  m_phy->Dispose ();
1797  m_phy = 0;
1798 }
1800 void
1802 {
1803  RngSeedManager::SetSeed (1);
1804  RngSeedManager::SetRun (2);
1805  int64_t streamNumber = 1;
1806  double rxPowerDbm = -30;
1807  m_phy->AssignStreams (streamNumber);
1810  // CASE 1: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) where the first A-MPDU is received with power under RX sensitivity.
1811  // The second A-MPDU is received 2 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during preamble detection).
1814  // A-MPDU 1
1815  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm - 100, 1000);
1817  // A-MPDU 2
1818  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0) + MicroSeconds (2), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
1820  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been ignored.
1821  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1822  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1823  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1825  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been successfully received.
1826  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
1827  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1828  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1830  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
1833  // CASE 2: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) where the second A-MPDU is received with power under RX sensitivity.
1834  // The second A-MPDU is received 2 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during preamble detection).
1837  // A-MPDU 1
1838  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
1840  // A-MPDU 2
1841  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0) + MicroSeconds (2), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm - 100, 1300);
1843  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received.
1844  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
1845  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1846  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1848  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been ignored.
1849  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1850  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1851  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1853  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
1856  // CASE 3: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) where the first A-MPDU is received with power under RX sensitivity.
1857  // The second A-MPDU is received 10 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the frame capture window).
1860  // A-MPDU 1
1861  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm - 100, 1000);
1863  // A-MPDU 2
1864  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
1866  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been ignored.
1867  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1868  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1869  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1871  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been successfully received.
1872  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
1873  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1874  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1876  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
1879  // CASE 4: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) where the second A-MPDU is received with power under RX sensitivity.
1880  // The second A-MPDU is received 10 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the frame capture window).
1883  // A-MPDU 1
1884  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
1886  // A-MPDU 2
1887  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm - 100, 1300);
1889  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received.
1890  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
1891  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1892  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1894  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been ignored.
1895  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1896  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1897  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1899  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
1902  // CASE 5: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) where the first A-MPDU is received with power under RX sensitivity.
1903  // The second A-MPDU is received 100 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. after the frame capture window, during the payload of MPDU #1).
1906  // A-MPDU 1
1907  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm - 100, 1000);
1909  // A-MPDU 2
1910  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0) + MicroSeconds (100), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
1912  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been ignored.
1913  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1914  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1915  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1917  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been successfully received.
1918  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
1919  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1920  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1922  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
1925  // CASE 6: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) where the second A-MPDU is received with power under RX sensitivity.
1926  // The second A-MPDU is received 100 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. after the frame capture window, during the payload of MPDU #1).
1929  // A-MPDU 1
1930  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
1932  // A-MPDU 2
1933  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.0) + MicroSeconds (100), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm - 100, 1300);
1935  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received.
1936  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
1937  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1938  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1940  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been ignored.
1941  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1942  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1943  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1945  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (6.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
1948  // CASE 7: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) where the first A-MPDU is received with power under RX sensitivity.
1949  // The second A-MPDU is received during the payload of MPDU #2.
1952  // A-MPDU 1
1953  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm - 100, 1000);
1955  // A-MPDU 2
1956  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.0) + NanoSeconds (1100000), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
1958  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been ignored.
1959  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1960  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1961  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1963  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been successfully received.
1964  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
1965  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1966  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1968  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (7.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
1971  // CASE 8: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) where the second A-MPDU is received with power under RX sensitivity.
1972  // The second A-MPDU is received during the payload of MPDU #2.
1975  // A-MPDU 1
1976  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
1978  // A-MPDU 2
1979  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.0) + NanoSeconds (1100000), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm - 100, 1300);
1981  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received.
1982  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
1983  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1984  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
1986  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been ignored.
1987  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1988  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1989  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
1991  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (8.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
1994  // CASE 9: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the second A-MPDU having a power 3 dB higher.
1995  // The second A-MPDU is received 2 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during preamble detection).
1998  // A-MPDU 1
1999  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2001  // A-MPDU 2
2002  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.0) + MicroSeconds (2), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 3, 1300);
2004  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been dropped.
2005  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2006  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2007  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2009  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been received with errors.
2010  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2011  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2012  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2014  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (9.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2017  // CASE 10: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the same power.
2018  // The second A-MPDU is received 2 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during preamble detection).
2021  // A-MPDU 1
2022  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2024  // A-MPDU 2
2025  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0) + MicroSeconds (2), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2027  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been dropped (preamble detection failed).
2028  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2029  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2030  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2032  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped as well.
2033  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2034  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2035  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2037  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2040  // CASE 11: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the first A-MPDU having a power 3 dB higher.
2041  // The second A-MPDU is received 2 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during preamble detection).
2044  // A-MPDU 1
2045  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 3, 1000);
2047  // A-MPDU 2
2048  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.0) + MicroSeconds (2), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2050  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received with errors.
2051  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2052  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2053  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2055  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped.
2056  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2057  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2058  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2060  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (11.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2063  // CASE 12: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the second A-MPDU having a power 3 dB higher.
2064  // The second A-MPDU is received 10 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the frame capture window).
2067  // A-MPDU 1
2068  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2070  // A-MPDU 2
2071  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 3, 1300);
2073  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received with errors (PHY header reception failed and thus incorrect decoding of payload).
2074  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2075  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2076  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2078  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped (even though TX power is higher, it is not high enough to get the PHY reception switched)
2079  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2080  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2081  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2083  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (12.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2086  // CASE 13: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the same power.
2087  // The second A-MPDU is received 10 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the frame capture window).
2090  // A-MPDU 1
2091  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2093  // A-MPDU 2
2094  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2096  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received with errors (PHY header reception failed and thus incorrect decoding of payload).
2097  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2098  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2099  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2101  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped as well.
2102  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2103  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2104  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2106  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (13.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2109  // CASE 14: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the first A-MPDU having a power 3 dB higher.
2110  // The second A-MPDU is received 10 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the frame capture window).
2113  // A-MPDU 1
2114  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 3, 1000);
2116  // A-MPDU 2
2117  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2119  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received with errors.
2120  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2121  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2122  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2124  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped.
2125  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2126  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2127  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2129  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (14.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2132  // CASE 15: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the second A-MPDU having a power 6 dB higher.
2133  // The second A-MPDU is received 10 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the frame capture window).
2136  // A-MPDU 1
2137  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2139  // A-MPDU 2
2140  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 6, 1300);
2142  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been dropped because PHY reception switched to A-MPDU 2.
2143  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2144  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2145  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2147  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been successfully received
2148  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2149  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2150  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2152  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (15.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2155  // CASE 16: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the first A-MPDU having a power 6 dB higher.
2156  // The second A-MPDU is received 10 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the frame capture window).
2159  // A-MPDU 1
2160  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 6, 1000);
2162  // A-MPDU 2
2163  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.0) + MicroSeconds (10), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2165  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been successfully received.
2166  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2167  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2168  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2170  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped.
2171  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2172  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2173  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2175  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (16.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2178  // CASE 17: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the second A-MPDU having a power 6 dB higher.
2179  // The second A-MPDU is received 25 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. after the frame capture window, but still during PHY header).
2182  // A-MPDU 1
2183  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2185  // A-MPDU 2
2186  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.0) + MicroSeconds (25), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 6, 1300);
2188  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received with errors.
2189  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2190  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2191  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2193  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped (no reception switch, MPDUs dropped because PHY is already in RX state).
2194  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2195  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2196  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2198  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (17.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2201  // CASE 18: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the first A-MPDU having a power 6 dB higher.
2202  // The second A-MPDU is received 25 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. after the frame capture window, but still during PHY header).
2205  // A-MPDU 1
2206  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 6, 1000);
2208  // A-MPDU 2
2209  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.0) + MicroSeconds (25), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2211  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been successfully received.
2212  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2213  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2214  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2216  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped.
2217  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2218  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2219  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2221  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (18.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2224  // CASE 19: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the same power.
2225  // The second A-MPDU is received 25 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. after the frame capture window, but still during PHY header).
2228  // A-MPDU 1
2229  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2231  // A-MPDU 2
2232  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.0) + MicroSeconds (25), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2234  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received with errors.
2235  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2236  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2237  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2239  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped.
2240  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2241  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2242  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2244  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (19.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2247  // CASE 20: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the second A-MPDU having a power 6 dB higher.
2248  // The second A-MPDU is received 100 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the payload of MPDU #1).
2251  // A-MPDU 1
2252  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2254  // A-MPDU 2
2255  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.0) + MicroSeconds (100), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 6, 1300);
2257  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received with errors.
2258  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2259  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2260  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2262  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped (no reception switch, MPDUs dropped because PHY is already in RX state).
2263  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2264  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2265  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2267  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (20.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2270  // CASE 21: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the first A-MPDU having a power 6 dB higher.
2271  // The second A-MPDU is received 100 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the payload of MPDU #1).
2274  // A-MPDU 1
2275  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm + 6, 1000);
2277  // A-MPDU 2
2278  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.0) + MicroSeconds (100), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2280  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been successfully received.
2281  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2282  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2283  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2285  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped.
2286  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2287  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2288  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2290  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (21.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2293  // CASE 22: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the same power.
2294  // The second A-MPDU is received 100 microseconds after the first A-MPDU (i.e. during the payload of MPDU #1).
2297  // A-MPDU 1
2298  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2300  // A-MPDU 2
2301  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.0) + MicroSeconds (100), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2303  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 1 should have been received with errors.
2304  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2305  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000111);
2306  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2308  // All MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 should have been dropped.
2309  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2310  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2311  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2313  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (22.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2316  // CASE 23: receive two A-MPDUs (containing each 3 MPDUs) with the same power.
2317  // The second A-MPDU is received during the payload of MPDU #2.
2320  // A-MPDU 1
2321  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.0), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1000);
2323  // A-MPDU 2
2324  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.0) + NanoSeconds (1100000), &TestAmpduReception::SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus, this, rxPowerDbm, 1300);
2326  // The first MPDU of A-MPDU 1 should have been successfully received (no interference).
2327  // The two other MPDUs failed due to interference and are marked as failure (and dropped).
2328  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000001);
2329  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000110);
2330  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1, this, 0b00000000);
2332  // The two first MPDUs of A-MPDU 2 are dropped because PHY is already in RX state (receiving A-MPDU 1).
2333  // The last MPDU of A-MPDU 2 is interference free (A-MPDU 1 transmission is finished) but is dropped because its PHY preamble and header were not received.
2334  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2335  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000000);
2336  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.1), &TestAmpduReception::CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2, this, 0b00000111);
2338  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (23.2), &TestAmpduReception::ResetBitmaps, this);
2340  Simulator::Run ();
2341  Simulator::Destroy ();
2342 }
2351 {
2352 public:
2354 };
2357  : TestSuite ("wifi-phy-reception", UNIT)
2358 {
2361  AddTestCase (new TestSimpleFrameCaptureModel, TestCase::QUICK);
2362  AddTestCase (new TestPhyHeadersReception, TestCase::QUICK);
2363  AddTestCase (new TestAmpduReception, TestCase::QUICK);
2364 }
void DoRun(void) override
Implementation to actually run this TestCase.
void Dispose(void)
Dispose of this Object.
Definition: object.cc:214
uint8_t m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1
bitmap of successfully received MPDUs in A-MPDU #1
void RxSuccess(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector< bool > statusPerMpdu)
RX success function.
bool IsSingle(void) const
Return true if the PSDU is an S-MPDU.
Definition: wifi-psdu.cc:75
void CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu2(uint8_t expected)
Check the RX failure bitmap for A-MPDU 2.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:103
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by "...
Ptr< SpectrumWifiPhy > m_phy
Ptr< T > Get(void) const
Definition: pointer.h:201
This class mimics the TXVECTOR which is to be passed to the PHY in order to define the parameters whi...
void DoSetup(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
uint32_t GetSize(void) const
Returns the the size in bytes of the packet (including the zero-filled initial payload).
Definition: packet.h:852
void SendPacket(double rxPowerDbm)
Send packet function.
void Expect1000BPacketDropped()
Verify whether 1000 bytes packet has been dropped.
Ptr< WifiPpdu > ppdu
The PPDU being transmitted.
static const uint32_t packetSize
void StartRx(Ptr< SpectrumSignalParameters > rxParams)
Input method for delivering a signal from the spectrum channel and low-level PHY interface to this Sp...
void SendPacket(double rxPowerDbm, uint32_t packetSize)
Send packet function.
void IncrementFailureBitmap(uint32_t size)
Increment reception failure bitmap.
void DoTeardown(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
WifiPhyBand GetPhyBand(void) const
Get the configured Wi-Fi band.
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:1124
double DbmToW(double dBm)
Convert from dBm to Watts.
Definition: wifi-utils.cc:41
A suite of tests to run.
Definition: test.h:1343
void ResetBitmaps()
Reset bitmaps function.
void DoCheckPhyState(WifiPhyState expectedState)
Check the PHY state now.
void DoSetup(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
void Reset(void)
Reset function.
void CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu1(uint8_t expected)
Check the RX success bitmap for A-MPDU 1.
Ptr< SpectrumWifiPhy > m_phy
void SetReceiveErrorCallback(RxErrorCallback callback)
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:641
#define NS_ASSERT(condition)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the source file...
Definition: assert.h:67
void Expect1500BPacketReceived()
Verify whether 1500 bytes packet has been received.
static WifiPhyReceptionTestSuite wifiPhyReceptionTestSuite
the test suite
Enumeration of the possible reception failure reasons.
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:205
Simple frame capture model test.
The 5 GHz band.
Definition: wifi-phy-band.h:37
encapsulates test code
Definition: test.h:1153
void DoCheckPhyState(WifiPhyState expectedState)
Check the PHY state now.
void SetFrameCaptureModel(const Ptr< FrameCaptureModel > frameCaptureModel)
Sets the frame capture model.
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:822
std::vector< Ptr< WifiMacQueueItem > >::const_iterator end(void) const
Return a const iterator to past-the-last MPDU.
Definition: wifi-psdu.cc:337
void RxDropped(Ptr< const Packet > p, WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason)
RX dropped function.
Test PHY state upon success or failure of L-SIG and SIG-A.
static const uint16_t GUARD_WIDTH
void DoRun(void) override
Implementation to actually run this TestCase.
uint32_t GetSize(void) const
Return the size of the PSDU in bytes.
Definition: wifi-psdu.cc:260
void RxSuccess(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector< bool > statusPerMpdu)
Spectrum wifi receive success function.
static Time CalculateTxDuration(uint32_t size, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band, uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID)
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:1610
Ptr< SpectrumWifiPhy > m_phy
void CheckPhyState(WifiPhyState expectedState)
Schedule now to check the PHY state.
Preamble detection test w/o frame capture.
Preamble detection test w/o frame capture.
RxSignalInfo structure containing info on the received signal.
Definition: phy-entity.h:66
void DoTeardown(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
void CheckRxPacketCount(uint32_t expectedSuccessCount, uint32_t expectedFailureCount)
Check the number of received packets.
void SendPacket(double rxPowerDbm)
Send packet function.
void DoCheckPhyState(WifiPhyState expectedState)
Check the PHY state now.
AttributeValue implementation for Time.
Definition: nstime.h:1353
void DoSetup(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
void AddTestCase(TestCase *testCase, TestDuration duration=QUICK)
Add an individual child TestCase to this test suite.
Definition: test.cc:299
Time NanoSeconds(uint64_t value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1313
#define NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ(actual, limit, msg)
Test that an actual and expected (limit) value are equal and report and abort if not.
Definition: test.h:166
void Expect1000BPacketReceived()
Verify whether 1000 bytes packet has been received.
void SetPreambleDetectionModel(const Ptr< PreambleDetectionModel > preambleDetectionModel)
Sets the preamble detection model.
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:828
bool m_rxSuccess1000B
count received packets with 1000B payload
void DoRun(void) override
Implementation to actually run this TestCase.
uint8_t m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu1
bitmap of unsuccessfully received MPDUs in A-MPDU #1
The PHY layer has sense the medium busy through the CCA mechanism.
Ptr< SpectrumPhy > txPhy
The SpectrumPhy instance that is making the transmission.
static const uint32_t FREQUENCY
void CheckRxPacketCount(uint32_t expectedSuccessCount, uint32_t expectedFailureCount)
Check the number of received packets.
void IncrementSuccessBitmap(uint32_t size)
Increment reception success bitmap.
uint8_t m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2
bitmap of dropped MPDUs in A-MPDU #2
void SendAmpduWithThreeMpdus(double rxPowerDbm, uint32_t referencePacketSize)
Send A-MPDU with 3 MPDUs of different size (i-th MSDU will have 100 bytes more than (i-1)-th)...
void RxDropped(Ptr< const Packet > p, WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason)
RX dropped function.
void DoTeardown(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
uint64_t m_uid
the UID to use for the PPDU
void SetErrorRateModel(const Ptr< ErrorRateModel > rate)
Sets the error rate model.
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:808
void SetQosTid(uint8_t tid)
Set the TID for the QoS header.
uint64_t m_uid
the UID to use for the PPDU
void CheckPhyState(WifiPhyState expectedState)
Check the PHY state.
void CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu2(uint8_t expected)
Check the RX dropped bitmap for A-MPDU 2.
bool TraceConnectWithoutContext(std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context.
Definition: object-base.cc:293
void DoRun(void) override
Implementation to actually run this TestCase.
A-MPDU reception test.
std::size_t GetNMpdus(void) const
Return the number of MPDUs constituting the PSDU.
Definition: wifi-psdu.cc:319
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Hold objects of type Ptr<T>.
Definition: pointer.h:36
void SendPacket(double rxPowerDbm)
Send packet function.
The PHY layer is IDLE.
void RxFailure(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu)
Spectrum wifi receive failure function.
The state of the PHY layer.
bool m_rxDropped1500B
count dropped packets with 1500B payload
void RxFailure(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu)
Spectrum wifi receive failure function.
void CheckRxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2(uint8_t expected)
Check the RX success bitmap for A-MPDU 2.
void RxSuccess(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector< bool > statusPerMpdu)
Spectrum wifi receive success function.
void DoTeardown(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
uint8_t m_rxSuccessBitmapAmpdu2
bitmap of successfully received MPDUs in A-MPDU #2
uint8_t m_rxFailureBitmapAmpdu2
bitmap of unsuccessfully received MPDUs in A-MPDU #2
void SendPacket(Ptr< NetDevice > sourceDevice, Address &destination)
This example (inspired from tv-trans-example) enables to generate the transmitted spectra of Wi-Fi st...
void SetType(WifiMacType type, bool resetToDsFromDs=true)
Set Type/Subtype values with the correct values depending on the given type.
void SetReceiveOkCallback(RxOkCallback callback)
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:635
This objects implements the PHY state machine of the Wifi device.
WifiPhyState GetState(void) const
Return the current state of WifiPhy.
void SetFrequency(uint16_t freq) override
If the operating channel for this object has not been set yet, the given center frequency is saved an...
#define NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(cond, msg)
Abnormal program termination if a condition is true, with a message.
Definition: abort.h:108
Ptr< SpectrumValue > psd
The Power Spectral Density of the waveform, in linear units.
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1289
The PHY layer is receiving a packet.
void SetChannelNumber(uint8_t id) override
Set channel number.
bool m_rxSuccess1500B
count received packets with 1500B payload
std::vector< Ptr< WifiMacQueueItem > >::const_iterator begin(void) const
Return a const iterator to the first MPDU.
Definition: wifi-psdu.cc:325
void DoSetup(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
void RxFailure(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu)
RX failure function.
Time duration
The duration of the packet transmission.
static const uint16_t CHANNEL_WIDTH
Time MicroSeconds(uint64_t value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1305
Time Now(void)
create an ns3::Time instance which contains the current simulation time.
Definition: simulator.cc:287
void CheckPhyState(WifiPhyState expectedState)
Schedule now to check the PHY state.
void Expect1500BPacketDropped()
Verify whether 1500 bytes packet has been dropped.
void DoSetup(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
uint8_t m_rxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1
bitmap of dropped MPDUs in A-MPDU #1
This class can be used to hold variables of floating point type such as &#39;double&#39; or &#39;float&#39;...
Definition: double.h:41
void CheckRxFailureBitmapAmpdu1(uint8_t expected)
Check the RX failure bitmap for A-MPDU 1.
bool m_rxDropped1000B
count dropped packets with 1000B payload
void SetAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
Definition: object-base.cc:185
void CheckPhyState(WifiPhyState expectedState)
Schedule now to check the PHY state.
void ConfigureStandardAndBand(WifiPhyStandard standard, WifiPhyBand band) override
Configure the PHY-level parameters for different Wi-Fi standard.
void GetAttribute(std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const
Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
Definition: object-base.cc:223
Callback< R, Ts... > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(Ts...), OBJ objPtr)
Build Callbacks for class method members which take varying numbers of arguments and potentially retu...
Definition: callback.h:1642
wifi PHY reception Test Suite
void RxSuccess(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector< bool > statusPerMpdu)
Spectrum wifi receive success function.
static const uint8_t CHANNEL_NUMBER
virtual int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model...
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:2298
Implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC header.
void DoTeardown(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
void CheckRxDroppedBitmapAmpdu1(uint8_t expected)
Check the RX dropped bitmap for A-MPDU 1.
void DoRun(void) override
Implementation to actually run this TestCase.
bool IsAggregate(void) const
Return true if the PSDU is an S-MPDU or A-MPDU.
Definition: wifi-psdu.cc:81