32#include <ns3/component-carrier-enb.h>
33#include <ns3/config.h>
34#include <ns3/epc-tft.h>
35#include <ns3/eps-bearer.h>
36#include <ns3/mobility-model.h>
38#include <ns3/net-device-container.h>
39#include <ns3/net-device.h>
40#include <ns3/node-container.h>
42#include <ns3/simulator.h>
53class PropagationLossModel;
54class SpectrumPropagationLossModel;
532 uint16_t targetCellId);
726 uint16_t targetCellId);
Hold a value for an Attribute.
This class contains the specification of EPS Bearers.
Creation and configuration of LTE entities.
void SetFfrAlgorithmType(std::string type)
Set the type of FFR algorithm to be used by eNodeB devices.
Ptr< SpectrumPropagationLossModel > m_fadingModel
The fading model used in both the downlink and uplink channels.
Ptr< Object > m_uplinkPathlossModel
The path loss model used in the uplink channel.
void EnableLogComponents()
Enables full-blown logging for major components of the LENA architecture.
Ptr< SpectrumChannel > GetUplinkSpectrumChannel() const
void SetEnbComponentCarrierManagerType(std::string type)
Set the type of carrier component algorithm to be used by eNodeB devices.
void EnableUlRxPhyTraces()
Enable trace sinks for UL reception PHY layer.
ObjectFactory m_schedulerFactory
Factory of MAC scheduler object.
void SetUeAntennaModelType(std::string type)
Set the type of antenna model to be used by UE devices.
ObjectFactory m_ffrAlgorithmFactory
Factory of FFR (frequency reuse) algorithm object.
ObjectFactory m_channelFactory
Factory of both the downlink and uplink LTE channels.
void SetEpcHelper(Ptr< EpcHelper > h)
Set the EpcHelper to be used to setup the EPC network in conjunction with the setup of the LTE radio ...
Ptr< RadioBearerStatsCalculator > GetRlcStats()
ObjectFactory m_handoverAlgorithmFactory
Factory of handover algorithm object.
std::string m_fadingModelType
Name of fading model type, e.g., "ns3::TraceFadingLossModel".
Ptr< RadioBearerStatsCalculator > GetPdcpStats()
void EnableDlMacTraces()
Enable trace sinks for DL MAC layer.
ObjectFactory m_enbComponentCarrierManagerFactory
Factory of enb component carrier manager object.
void SetFadingModel(std::string type)
Set the type of fading model to be used in both DL and UL.
void DoDeActivateDedicatedEpsBearer(Ptr< NetDevice > ueDevice, Ptr< NetDevice > enbDevice, uint8_t bearerId)
The actual function to trigger a manual bearer de-activation.
std::string GetEnbComponentCarrierManagerType() const
void SetSchedulerAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the scheduler to be created.
Ptr< SpectrumChannel > GetDownlinkSpectrumChannel() const
std::map< uint8_t, ComponentCarrier > m_componentCarrierPhyParams
This contains all the information about each component carrier.
Ptr< MacStatsCalculator > m_macStats
Container of MAC layer statistics.
void SetHandoverAlgorithmAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the handover algorithm to be created.
void EnablePhyTraces()
Enable trace sinks for PHY layer.
void DeActivateDedicatedEpsBearer(Ptr< NetDevice > ueDevice, Ptr< NetDevice > enbDevice, uint8_t bearerId)
Manually trigger dedicated bearer de-activation at specific simulation time.
void HandoverRequest(Time hoTime, Ptr< NetDevice > ueDev, Ptr< NetDevice > sourceEnbDev, Ptr< NetDevice > targetEnbDev)
Manually trigger an X2-based handover.
Ptr< SpectrumChannel > m_downlinkChannel
This function create the component carrier based on provided configuration parameters.
NetDeviceContainer InstallEnbDevice(NodeContainer c)
Create a set of eNodeB devices.
void SetUeComponentCarrierManagerAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the ue component carrier manager to be created.
uint16_t m_cellIdCounter
Keep track of the number of cell ID allocated.
std::string GetFfrAlgorithmType() const
void SetHandoverAlgorithmType(std::string type)
Set the type of handover algorithm to be used by eNodeB devices.
void SetPathlossModelType(TypeId type)
Set the type of path loss model to be used for both DL and UL channels.
void EnablePdcpTraces()
Enable trace sinks for PDCP layer.
Ptr< PhyTxStatsCalculator > m_phyTxStats
Container of PHY layer statistics related to transmission.
void SetEnbAntennaModelType(std::string type)
Set the type of antenna model to be used by eNodeB devices.
void EnableTraces()
Enables trace sinks for PHY, MAC, RLC and PDCP.
void SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the FFR algorithm to be created.
void DoHandoverRequest(Ptr< NetDevice > ueDev, Ptr< NetDevice > sourceEnbDev, uint16_t targetCellId)
The actual function to trigger a manual handover.
bool m_isAnrEnabled
The AnrEnabled attribute.
void SetEnbComponentCarrierManagerAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the enb component carrier manager to be created.
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
Ptr< PhyRxStatsCalculator > m_phyRxStats
Container of PHY layer statistics related to reception.
void SetSpectrumChannelType(std::string type)
Set the type of spectrum channel to be used in both DL and UL.
void EnableDlRxPhyTraces()
Enable trace sinks for DL reception PHY layer.
ObjectFactory m_pathlossModelFactory
Factory of path loss model object.
bool m_fadingStreamsAssigned
True if a random variable stream number has been assigned for the fading model.
std::string GetUeComponentCarrierManagerType() const
void SetSchedulerType(std::string type)
Set the type of scheduler to be used by eNodeB devices.
RadioBearerStatsConnector m_radioBearerStatsConnector
Connects RLC and PDCP statistics containers to appropriate trace sources.
void Attach(NetDeviceContainer ueDevices)
Enables automatic attachment of a set of UE devices to a suitable cell using Idle mode initial cell s...
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
ObjectFactory m_enbNetDeviceFactory
Factory of LteEnbNetDevice objects.
void EnableUlMacTraces()
Enable trace sinks for UL MAC layer.
std::string GetHandoverAlgorithmType() const
Ptr< PhyStatsCalculator > m_phyStats
Container of PHY layer statistics.
void EnableUlPhyTraces()
Enable trace sinks for UL PHY layer.
void EnableDlTxPhyTraces()
Enable trace sinks for DL transmission PHY layer.
void SetPathlossModelAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the path loss models to be created.
void EnableRlcTraces()
Enable trace sinks for RLC layer.
bool m_useIdealRrc
The UseIdealRrc attribute.
ObjectFactory m_ueComponentCarrierManagerFactory
Factory of ue component carrier manager object.
void DoComponentCarrierConfigure(uint32_t ulEarfcn, uint32_t dlEarfcn, uint16_t ulbw, uint16_t dlbw)
Configure the component carriers.
Ptr< Object > m_downlinkPathlossModel
The path loss model used in the downlink channel.
Ptr< RadioBearerStatsCalculator > m_pdcpStats
Container of PDCP layer statistics.
void ChannelModelInitialization()
Function that performs a channel model initialization of all component carriers.
void EnableUlTxPhyTraces()
Enable trace sinks for UL transmission PHY layer.
bool m_usePdschForCqiGeneration
The UsePdschForCqiGeneration attribute.
void SetUeAntennaModelAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the UE antenna model to be created.
void SetEnbAntennaModelAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the eNodeB antenna model to be created.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Register this type.
void SetEnbDeviceAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the eNodeB devices (LteEnbNetDevice) to be created.
bool m_useCa
The UseCa attribute.
void ActivateDataRadioBearer(NetDeviceContainer ueDevices, EpsBearer bearer)
Activate a Data Radio Bearer on a given UE devices (for LTE-only simulation).
NetDeviceContainer InstallUeDevice(NodeContainer c)
Create a set of UE devices.
uint64_t m_imsiCounter
Keep track of the number of IMSI allocated.
ObjectFactory m_ueNetDeviceFactory
Factory for LteUeNetDevice objects.
ObjectFactory m_ueAntennaModelFactory
Factory of antenna object for UE.
Ptr< SpectrumChannel > m_uplinkChannel
The uplink LTE channel used in the simulation.
void EnableMacTraces()
Enable trace sinks for MAC layer.
void SetSpectrumChannelAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the spectrum channel to be created (both DL and UL).
void EnableDlPhyTraces()
Enable trace sinks for DL PHY layer.
void AddX2Interface(NodeContainer enbNodes)
Create an X2 interface between all the eNBs in a given set.
void SetUeDeviceAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the UE devices (LteUeNetDevice) to be created.
uint16_t m_noOfCcs
Number of component carriers that will be installed by default at eNodeB and UE devices.
int64_t AssignStreams(NetDeviceContainer c, int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used.
void SetFadingModelAttribute(std::string n, const AttributeValue &v)
Set an attribute for the fading model to be created (both DL and UL).
Ptr< EpcHelper > m_epcHelper
Helper which provides implementation of core network.
void AttachToClosestEnb(NetDeviceContainer ueDevices, NetDeviceContainer enbDevices)
Manual attachment of a set of UE devices to the network via the closest eNodeB (with respect to dista...
uint8_t ActivateDedicatedEpsBearer(NetDeviceContainer ueDevices, EpsBearer bearer, Ptr< EpcTft > tft)
Activate a dedicated EPS bearer on a given set of UE devices.
ObjectFactory m_enbAntennaModelFactory
Factory of antenna object for eNodeB.
Ptr< RadioBearerStatsCalculator > m_rlcStats
Container of RLC layer statistics.
std::string GetSchedulerType() const
Ptr< NetDevice > InstallSingleUeDevice(Ptr< Node > n)
Create a UE device (LteUeNetDevice) on the given node.
Ptr< NetDevice > InstallSingleEnbDevice(Ptr< Node > n)
Create an eNodeB device (LteEnbNetDevice) on the given node.
void SetUeComponentCarrierManagerType(std::string type)
Set the type of Component Carrier Manager to be used by Ue devices.
ObjectFactory m_fadingModelFactory
Factory of fading model object for both the downlink and uplink channels.
holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
keep track of a set of node pointers.
Instantiate subclasses of ns3::Object.
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
This class is very useful when user needs to collect statistics from PDCP and RLC.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.