21#include "ns3/address.h"
22#include "ns3/callback.h"
23#include "ns3/data-rate.h"
24#include "ns3/mac48-address.h"
25#include "ns3/net-device.h"
27#include "ns3/nstime.h"
28#include "ns3/packet.h"
30#include "ns3/queue-fwd.h"
31#include "ns3/traced-callback.h"
38class PointToPointChannel;
167 bool SetMtu(
const uint16_t mtu)
168 uint16_t
const override;
187 uint16_t protocolNumber)
452 static uint16_t
PppToEther(uint16_t protocol);
459 static uint16_t
EtherToPpp(uint16_t protocol);
a polymophic address class
Class for representing data rates.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Describes an IPv6 address.
Network layer to device interface.
A Device for a Point to Point Network Link.
bool IsBroadcast() const override
void AddHeader(Ptr< Packet > p, uint16_t protocolNumber)
Adds the necessary headers and trailers to a packet of data in order to respect the protocol implemen...
static const uint16_t DEFAULT_MTU
Default MTU.
Ptr< Node > GetNode() const override
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_phyRxEndTrace
The trace source fired when a packet ends the reception process from the medium.
Address GetMulticast(Ipv4Address multicastGroup) const override
Make and return a MAC multicast address using the provided multicast group.
Address GetBroadcast() const override
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macPromiscRxTrace
The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device immediately before being forwa...
Construct a PointToPointNetDevice.
Ptr< PointToPointChannel > m_channel
The PointToPointChannel to which this PointToPointNetDevice has been attached.
bool NeedsArp() const override
DataRate m_bps
The data rate that the Net Device uses to simulate packet transmission timing.
bool TransmitStart(Ptr< Packet > p)
Start Sending a Packet Down the Wire.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macRxTrace
The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device immediately before being forwa...
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macRxDropTrace
The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device but are dropped before being f...
TracedCallback m_linkChangeCallbacks
Callback for the link change event.
Address GetRemote() const
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macTxTrace
The trace source fired when packets come into the "top" of the device at the L3/L2 transition,...
bool SendFrom(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &source, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber) override
void SetNode(Ptr< Node > node) override
void SetQueue(Ptr< Queue< Packet > > queue)
Attach a queue to the PointToPointNetDevice.
void SetIfIndex(const uint32_t index) override
void AddLinkChangeCallback(Callback< void > callback) override
bool IsLinkUp() const override
bool Send(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber) override
bool IsPointToPoint() const override
Return true if the net device is on a point-to-point link.
bool Attach(Ptr< PointToPointChannel > ch)
Attach the device to a channel.
static uint16_t EtherToPpp(uint16_t protocol)
Ethernet to PPP protocol number mapping.
void SetReceiveErrorModel(Ptr< ErrorModel > em)
Attach a receive ErrorModel to the PointToPointNetDevice.
bool IsMulticast() const override
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_phyTxDropTrace
The trace source fired when the phy layer drops a packet before it tries to transmit it.
Ptr< ErrorModel > m_receiveErrorModel
Error model for receive packet events.
void SetInterframeGap(Time t)
Set the interframe gap used to separate packets.
void SetReceiveCallback(NetDevice::ReceiveCallback cb) override
bool m_linkUp
Identify if the link is up or not.
PointToPointNetDevice(const PointToPointNetDevice &)=delete
uint16_t GetMtu() const override
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_phyRxDropTrace
The trace source fired when the phy layer drops a packet it has received.
void NotifyLinkUp()
Make the link up and running.
Ptr< Queue< Packet > > GetQueue() const
Get a copy of the attached Queue.
Enumeration of the states of the transmit machine of the net device.
The transmitter is ready to begin transmission of a packet.
The transmitter is busy transmitting a packet.
static uint16_t PppToEther(uint16_t protocol)
PPP to Ethernet protocol number mapping.
Address GetAddress() const override
bool IsBridge() const override
Return true if the net device is acting as a bridge.
Ptr< Channel > GetChannel() const override
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_phyTxBeginTrace
The trace source fired when a packet begins the transmission process on the medium.
void DoDispose() override
Dispose of the object.
void SetAddress(Address address) override
Set the address of this interface.
void TransmitComplete()
Stop Sending a Packet Down the Wire and Begin the Interframe Gap.
~PointToPointNetDevice() override
Destroy a PointToPointNetDevice.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the TypeId.
Mac48Address m_address
Mac48Address of this NetDevice.
uint32_t GetIfIndex() const override
Time m_tInterframeGap
The interframe gap that the Net Device uses to throttle packet transmission.
Ptr< Packet > m_currentPkt
Current packet processed.
bool ProcessHeader(Ptr< Packet > p, uint16_t ¶m)
Removes, from a packet of data, all headers and trailers that relate to the protocol implemented by t...
void Receive(Ptr< Packet > p)
Receive a packet from a connected PointToPointChannel.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_phyRxBeginTrace
The trace source fired when a packet begins the reception process from the medium – when the simulate...
Ptr< Queue< Packet > > m_queue
The Queue which this PointToPointNetDevice uses as a packet source.
PointToPointNetDevice & operator=(const PointToPointNetDevice &)=delete
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_promiscSnifferTrace
A trace source that emulates a promiscuous mode protocol sniffer connected to the device.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_phyTxEndTrace
The trace source fired when a packet ends the transmission process on the medium.
TxMachineState m_txMachineState
The state of the Net Device transmit state machine.
void DoMpiReceive(Ptr< Packet > p)
Handler for MPI receive event.
void SetDataRate(DataRate bps)
Set the Data Rate used for transmission of packets.
uint32_t m_mtu
The Maximum Transmission Unit.
Ptr< Node > m_node
Node owning this NetDevice.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_snifferTrace
A trace source that emulates a non-promiscuous protocol sniffer connected to the device.
bool SetMtu(const uint16_t mtu) override
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macTxDropTrace
The trace source fired when packets coming into the "top" of the device at the L3/L2 transition are d...
NetDevice::PromiscReceiveCallback m_promiscCallback
Receive callback.
NetDevice::ReceiveCallback m_rxCallback
Receive callback.
void SetPromiscReceiveCallback(PromiscReceiveCallback cb) override
bool SupportsSendFrom() const override
uint32_t m_ifIndex
Index of the interface.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Template class for packet Queues.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.