24#include "ns3/net-device.h"
25#include "ns3/nstime.h"
26#include "ns3/random-variable-stream.h"
27#include "ns3/simulator.h"
28#include "ns3/traced-callback.h"
39class UniformRandomVariable;
109 bool SetMtu(
const uint16_t mtu)
118 uint16_t
const override;
131 uint16_t protocolNumber)
210 bool compressionAllowed,
227 bool& compressionAllowed,
228 Time& validLifetime);
293 uint16_t protocolNumber,
437 typedef std::pair<std::pair<Address, Address>, std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t>>
622 std::map<
Address , std::list<uint8_t >>
654 std::map<uint8_t, ContextEntry>
a polymophic address class
An identifier for simulation events.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Describes an IPv6 address.
Describes an IPv6 prefix.
Network layer to device interface.
Packet types are used as they are in Linux.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
A template-based reference counting class.
void SetTimeoutIter(FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t iter)
Set the Timeout iterator.
bool IsEntire() const
If all fragments have been added.
FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t m_timeoutIter
Timeout iterator to "event" handler.
std::list< Ptr< Packet > > GetFragments() const
Get a list of the current stored fragments.
void SetPacketSize(uint32_t packetSize)
Set the packet-to-be-defragmented size.
void AddFragment(Ptr< Packet > fragment, uint16_t fragmentOffset)
Add a fragment to the pool.
uint32_t m_packetSize
The size of the reconstructed packet (bytes).
FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t GetTimeoutIter()
Get the Timeout iterator.
Ptr< Packet > GetPacket() const
Get the entire packet.
std::list< std::pair< Ptr< Packet >, uint16_t > > m_fragments
The current fragments.
Ptr< Packet > m_firstFragment
The very first fragment.
void AddFirstFragment(Ptr< Packet > fragment)
Add the first packet fragment.
Shim performing 6LoWPAN compression, decompression and fragmentation.
std::map< FragmentKey_t, Ptr< Fragments > > MapFragments_t
Container for fragment key -> fragments.
bool IsLinkUp() const override
std::map< FragmentKey_t, Ptr< Fragments > >::iterator MapFragmentsI_t
Container Iterator for fragment key -> fragments.
bool SetMtu(const uint16_t mtu) override
void DecompressLowPanUdpNhc(Ptr< Packet > packet, Ipv6Address saddr, Ipv6Address daddr)
Decompress the headers according to NHC compression.
bool DoSend(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &source, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber, bool doSendFrom)
Ipv6Address CleanPrefix(Ipv6Address address, Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Clean an address from its prefix.
void(* DropTracedCallback)(DropReason reason, Ptr< const Packet > packet, Ptr< SixLowPanNetDevice > sixNetDevice, uint32_t ifindex)
TracedCallback signature for packet drop events.
uint8_t m_bc0Serial
Serial number used in BC0 header.
bool SendFrom(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &source, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber) override
void SetNode(Ptr< Node > node) override
bool NeedsArp() const override
EventId m_timeoutEvent
Event for the next scheduled timeout.
FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t SetTimeout(FragmentKey_t key, uint32_t iif)
Set a new timeout "event" for a fragmented packet.
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_rng
Rng for the fragments tag.
uint16_t m_meshCacheLength
length of the cache for each source.
bool IsPointToPoint() const override
Return true if the net device is on a point-to-point link.
bool m_useIphc
Use IPHC or HC1.
void RenewContext(uint8_t contextId, Time validLifetime)
Renew a context used in IPHC stateful compression.
bool DecompressLowPanIphc(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &src, const Address &dst)
Decompress the headers according to IPHC compression.
uint32_t CompressLowPanHc1(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &src, const Address &dst)
Compress the headers according to HC1 compression.
bool IsBridge() const override
Return true if the net device is acting as a bridge.
void DoFragmentation(Ptr< Packet > packet, uint32_t origPacketSize, uint32_t origHdrSize, uint32_t extraHdrSize, std::list< Ptr< Packet > > &listFragments)
Performs a packet fragmentation.
Ptr< Node > m_node
Smart pointer to the Node.
bool CanCompressLowPanNhc(uint8_t headerType)
Checks if the next header can be compressed using NHC.
Ptr< Channel > GetChannel() const override
uint16_t GetMtu() const override
Returns the link-layer MTU for this interface.
std::list< std::tuple< Time, FragmentKey_t, uint32_t > >::iterator FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t
Container Iterator for fragment timeouts.
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
bool m_forceEtherType
Force the EtherType number.
Address GetAddress() const override
void DropOldestFragmentSet()
Drops the oldest fragment set.
void SetReceiveCallback(NetDevice::ReceiveCallback cb) override
uint32_t m_compressionThreshold
Minimum L2 payload size.
Ptr< NetDevice > GetNetDevice() const
Returns a smart pointer to the underlying NetDevice.
void HandleTimeout()
Handles a fragmented packet timeout.
void ReceiveFromDevice(Ptr< NetDevice > device, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint16_t protocol, const Address &source, const Address &destination, PacketType packetType)
Receives all the packets from a NetDevice for further processing.
uint32_t CompressLowPanNhc(Ptr< Packet > packet, uint8_t headerType, const Address &src, const Address &dst)
Compress the headers according to NHC compression.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, Ptr< SixLowPanNetDevice >, uint32_t > m_txTrace
Callback to trace TX (transmission) packets.
std::pair< std::pair< Address, Address >, std::pair< uint16_t, uint16_t > > FragmentKey_t
Fragment identifier type: src/dst address src/dst port.
Enumeration of the dropping reasons in SixLoWPAN.
HC1 while in IPHC mode or vice-versa.
Unsupported compression kind.
Fragment buffer size exceeded.
Decompression failed due to missing or expired context.
Fragment timeout exceeded.
void AddContext(uint8_t contextId, Ipv6Prefix contextPrefix, bool compressionAllowed, Time validLifetime)
Add, remove, or update a context used in IPHC stateful compression.
Ptr< NetDevice > m_netDevice
Smart pointer to the underlying NetDevice.
void SetNetDevice(Ptr< NetDevice > device)
Setup SixLowPan to be a proxy for the specified NetDevice.
std::map< uint8_t, ContextEntry > m_contextTable
Table of the contexts used in compression/decompression.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, Ptr< SixLowPanNetDevice >, uint32_t > m_rxTrace
Callback to trace RX (reception) packets.
bool GetContext(uint8_t contextId, Ipv6Prefix &contextPrefix, bool &compressionAllowed, Time &validLifetime)
Get a context used in IPHC stateful compression.
uint32_t GetIfIndex() const override
SixLowPanNetDevice(const SixLowPanNetDevice &)=delete
std::list< std::tuple< Time, FragmentKey_t, uint32_t > > FragmentsTimeoutsList_t
Container for fragment timeouts.
bool Send(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber) override
bool IsBroadcast() const override
Address Get16MacFrom48Mac(Address addr)
Get a Mac16 from its Mac48 pseudo-MAC.
TracedCallback< DropReason, Ptr< const Packet >, Ptr< SixLowPanNetDevice >, uint32_t > m_dropTrace
Callback to trace drop packets.
void SetPromiscReceiveCallback(NetDevice::PromiscReceiveCallback cb) override
bool FindUnicastCompressionContext(Ipv6Address address, uint8_t &contextId)
Finds if the given unicast address matches a context for compression.
Ptr< RandomVariableStream > m_meshUnderJitter
Random variable for the mesh-under packet retransmission.
uint32_t CompressLowPanUdpNhc(Ptr< Packet > packet, bool omitChecksum)
Compress the headers according to NHC compression.
void RemoveContext(uint8_t contextId)
Remove a context used in IPHC stateful compression.
bool m_omitUdpChecksum
Omit UDP checksum in NC1 encoding.
Ptr< Node > GetNode() const override
void AddLinkChangeCallback(Callback< void > callback) override
uint32_t m_ifIndex
Interface index.
Address GetBroadcast() const override
void SetIfIndex(const uint32_t index) override
uint32_t CompressLowPanIphc(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &src, const Address &dst)
Compress the headers according to IPHC compression.
void(* RxTxTracedCallback)(Ptr< const Packet > packet, Ptr< SixLowPanNetDevice > sixNetDevice, uint32_t ifindex)
TracedCallback signature for packet send/receive events.
SixLowPanNetDevice & operator=(const SixLowPanNetDevice &)=delete
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
bool IsMulticast() const override
Address GetMulticast(Ipv4Address multicastGroup) const override
Make and return a MAC multicast address using the provided multicast group.
Time m_fragmentExpirationTimeout
Time limit for fragment rebuilding.
uint16_t m_fragmentReassemblyListSize
How many packets can be rebuilt at the same time.
uint8_t m_meshUnderHopsLeft
Start value for mesh-under hops left.
void SetAddress(Address address) override
Set the address of this interface.
void DecompressLowPanHc1(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &src, const Address &dst)
Decompress the headers according to HC1 compression.
FragmentsTimeoutsList_t m_timeoutEventList
Timeout "events" container.
std::pair< uint8_t, bool > DecompressLowPanNhc(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &src, const Address &dst, Ipv6Address srcAddress, Ipv6Address dstAddress)
Decompress the headers according to NHC compression.
NetDevice::PromiscReceiveCallback m_promiscRxCallback
The callback used to notify higher layers that a packet has been received in promiscuous mode.
void HandleFragmentsTimeout(FragmentKey_t key, uint32_t iif)
Process the timeout for packet fragments.
void InvalidateContext(uint8_t contextId)
Invalidate a context used in IPHC stateful compression.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
bool SupportsSendFrom() const override
NetDevice::ReceiveCallback m_rxCallback
The callback used to notify higher layers that a packet has been received.
bool ProcessFragment(Ptr< Packet > &packet, const Address &src, const Address &dst, bool isFirst)
Process a packet fragment.
MapFragments_t m_fragments
Fragments hold to be rebuilt.
bool FindMulticastCompressionContext(Ipv6Address address, uint8_t &contextId)
Finds if the given multicast address matches a context for compression.
bool m_meshUnder
Use a mesh-under routing.
std::map< Address, std::list< uint8_t > > m_seenPkts
Seen packets, memorized by OriginatorAddress, SequenceNumber.
Constructor for the SixLowPanNetDevice.
uint16_t m_etherType
EtherType number (used only if m_forceEtherType is true).
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Structure holding the information for a context (used in compression and decompression)
Ipv6Prefix contextPrefix
context prefix to be used in compression/decompression
bool compressionAllowed
compression and decompression allowed (true), decompression only (false)
Time validLifetime
validity period
static const uint32_t packetSize
Packet size generated at the AP.