26#include "ns3/nstime.h"
this class implements a structure to manage some parameters and statistics related to a service flow
Time GetGrantTimeStamp() const
uint32_t GetBacklogged() const
uint32_t GetPktsSent() const
void UpdateRequestedBandwidth(uint32_t requestedBandwidth)
update the requested bandwidth
void UpdateBytesRcvd(uint32_t bytesRcvd)
update the number of received bytes by adding bytesRcvd
void UpdatePktsSent(uint32_t pktsSent)
update the number of sent packets by adding pktsSent
int32_t m_backlogged
back logged
void SetPktsRcvd(uint32_t pktsRcvd)
Set the number of received packets.
void UpdateGrantedBandwidthTemp(uint32_t grantedBandwidthTemp)
update the temporary granted bandwidth
uint32_t GetRequestedBandwidth() const
void UpdateBytesSent(uint32_t bytesSent)
update the number of sent bytes by adding bytesSent
uint32_t GetBytesRcvd() const
Time GetLastGrantTime() const
uint32_t m_pktsRcvd
packets received
void SetRequestedBandwidth(uint32_t requestedBandwidth)
set the requested bandwidth
uint32_t m_bytesRcvd
bytes received
void IncreaseBacklogged(uint32_t backlogged)
increase backlogged
void SetDlTimeStamp(Time dlTimeStamp)
Set the DlTimeStamp.
uint32_t GetBackloggedTemp() const
void SetBackloggedTemp(uint32_t backloggedTemp)
set temporary back logged
void SetPktsSent(uint32_t pktsSent)
set the number of sent packets in this service flow
uint32_t GetGrantedBandwidthTemp() const
Time m_lastGrantTime
last grant time
uint32_t m_grantedBandwidthTemp
Temporary variable used to sort list.
uint32_t m_pktsSent
packets sent
void SetGrantSize(uint32_t grantSize)
Set the grant size (only for UGS service flows)
uint32_t GetGrantedBandwidth() const
void SetGrantedBandwidthTemp(uint32_t grantedBandwidthTemp)
set the temporary granted bandwidth
uint32_t m_grantedBandwidth
granted badnwidth
void IncreaseBackloggedTemp(uint32_t backloggedTemp)
increase temporary back logged
uint32_t GetBytesSent() const
Time GetDlTimeStamp() const
void UpdatePktsRcvd(uint32_t pktsRcvd)
update the number of received packets by adding pktsRcvd
void SetBwSinceLastExpiry(uint32_t bwSinceLastExpiry)
set BW since last expiry
uint32_t m_requestedBandwidth
requested bandwidth
void UpdateGrantedBandwidth(uint32_t grantedBandwidth)
update the granted bandwidth
void SetBytesRcvd(uint32_t bytesRcvd)
Set the number of received bytes.
uint32_t m_bwSinceLastExpiry
bandwidth granted since last expiry of minimum reserved traffic rate interval, only for nrtPS,...
void UpdateBwSinceLastExpiry(uint32_t bwSinceLastExpiry)
update BW since last expiry
void SetBacklogged(uint32_t backlogged)
set backlogged
uint32_t m_bytesSent
bytes sent
void SetBytesSent(uint32_t bytesSent)
Set the number of sent bytes.
uint32_t GetBwSinceLastExpiry() const
Time m_dlTimeStamp
time when this service flow's traffic was last sent
void SetLastGrantTime(Time grantTime)
set last grant time
uint32_t GetGrantSize() const
void SetGrantTimeStamp(Time grantTimeStamp)
Set the grant time stamp.
uint32_t GetPktsRcvd() const
void SetGrantedBandwidth(uint32_t grantedBandwidth)
set the granted bandwidth
int32_t m_backloggedTemp
back logged temp
Time m_grantTimeStamp
allocation (for data) for UGS flows and unicast poll (for bandwidth requests) for non-UGS flows
uint32_t m_grantSize
only used for UGS flow
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.