29#include "ns3/object-factory.h"
30#include "ns3/queue-disc.h"
A flow queue used by the FqPie queue disc.
void SetIndex(uint32_t index)
Set the index for this flow.
Used to determine the status of this flow queue.
int32_t m_deficit
the deficit for this flow
void SetStatus(FlowStatus status)
Set the status for this flow.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
FlowStatus GetStatus() const
Get the status of this flow.
FlowStatus m_status
the status of this flow
uint32_t m_index
the index for this flow
void SetDeficit(uint32_t deficit)
Set the deficit for this flow.
uint32_t GetIndex() const
Get the index of this flow.
FqPieFlow constructor.
void IncreaseDeficit(int32_t deficit)
Increase the deficit for this flow.
int32_t GetDeficit() const
Get the deficit for this flow.
A FqPie packet queue disc.
Time m_qDelayRef
Desired queue delay.
std::map< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_tags
Tags used by set associative hash.
bool m_useEcn
True if ECN is used (packets are marked instead of being dropped)
bool m_enableSetAssociativeHash
whether to enable set associative hash
uint32_t m_meanPktSize
Average packet size in bytes.
static constexpr const char * UNCLASSIFIED_DROP
No packet filter able to classify packet.
uint32_t GetQuantum() const
Get the quantum value.
uint32_t m_perturbation
hash perturbation value
FqPieQueueDisc constructor.
ObjectFactory m_queueDiscFactory
Factory to create a new queue.
bool DoEnqueue(Ptr< QueueDiscItem > item) override
This function actually enqueues a packet into the queue disc.
double m_a
Parameter to pie controller.
Time m_sUpdate
Start time of the update timer.
bool m_useDqRateEstimator
Enable/Disable usage of dequeue rate estimator for queue delay calculation.
Time m_ceThreshold
Threshold above which to CE mark.
uint32_t m_dqThreshold
Minimum queue size in bytes before dequeue rate is measured.
Ptr< QueueDiscItem > DoDequeue() override
This function actually extracts a packet from the queue disc.
bool CheckConfig() override
Check whether the current configuration is correct.
uint32_t m_dropBatchSize
Max number of packets dropped from the fat flow.
uint32_t m_quantum
Deficit assigned to flows at each round.
Time m_tUpdate
Time period after which CalculateP () is called.
uint32_t FqPieDrop()
Drop a packet from the head of the queue with the largest current byte count.
bool m_isCapDropAdjustment
Enable/Disable Cap Drop Adjustment feature mentioned in RFC 8033.
std::list< Ptr< FqPieFlow > > m_newFlows
The list of new flows.
Time m_maxBurst
Maximum burst allowed before random early dropping kicks in.
bool m_useDerandomization
Enable Derandomization feature mentioned in RFC 8033.
uint32_t m_setWays
size of a set of queues (used by set associative hash)
uint32_t m_flows
Number of flow queues.
~FqPieQueueDisc() override
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
double m_markEcnTh
ECN marking threshold (default 10% as suggested in RFC 8033)
void InitializeParams() override
Initialize parameters (if any) before the first packet is enqueued.
std::map< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_flowsIndices
Map with the index of class for each flow.
uint32_t SetAssociativeHash(uint32_t flowHash)
Compute the index of the queue for the flow having the given flowHash, according to the set associati...
static constexpr const char * OVERLIMIT_DROP
Overlimit dropped packets.
bool m_useL4s
True if L4S is used (ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold)
void SetQuantum(uint32_t quantum)
Set the quantum value.
double m_b
Parameter to pie controller.
ObjectFactory m_flowFactory
Factory to create a new flow.
std::list< Ptr< FqPieFlow > > m_oldFlows
The list of old flows.
Instantiate subclasses of ns3::Object.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
QueueDiscClass is the base class for classes that are included in a queue disc.
QueueDisc is an abstract base class providing the interface and implementing the operations common to...
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.