25#include "ns3/nstime.h"
26#include "ns3/object.h"
27#include "ns3/traced-value.h"
36class ChannelAccessManager;
41class UniformRandomVariable;
42class CtrlBAckResponseHeader;
151 void SetMinCws(std::vector<uint32_t> minCws);
173 void SetMaxCws(std::vector<uint32_t> maxCws);
195 void SetAifsns(std::vector<uint8_t> aifsns);
202 void SetAifsn(uint8_t aifsn, uint8_t linkId);
285 virtual uint8_t
GetAifsn(uint8_t linkId)
506 LinkEntity&
GetLink(uint8_t linkId)
536 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LinkEntity>>
Manage a set of ns3::Txop.
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Template class for packet Queues.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
Handle packet fragmentation and retransmissions for data and management frames.
virtual void StartAccessIfNeeded(uint8_t linkId)
Request access from Txop on the given link if needed.
Ptr< WifiMac > m_mac
the wifi MAC
Time GetTxopLimit() const
Return the TXOP limit.
virtual std::unique_ptr< LinkEntity > CreateLinkEntity() const
Create a LinkEntity object.
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
virtual ChannelAccessStatus GetAccessStatus(uint8_t linkId) const
Ptr< WifiMacQueue > m_queue
the wifi MAC queue
virtual bool HasFramesToTransmit(uint8_t linkId)
Check if the Txop has frames to transmit over the given link.
virtual void NotifyOff()
When off operation occurs, the queue gets cleaned up.
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_rng
the random stream
CwValueTracedCallback m_cwTrace
CW trace value.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
void SetMaxCw(uint32_t maxCw)
Set the maximum contention window size.
uint32_t GetMinCw() const
Return the minimum contention window size.
Enumeration for channel access status.
virtual void NotifyOn()
When on operation occurs, channel access will be started.
void UpdateFailedCw(uint8_t linkId)
Update the value of the CW variable for the given link to take into account a transmission failure.
Ptr< WifiMacQueue > GetWifiMacQueue() const
Return the packet queue associated with this Txop.
virtual void SetWifiMac(const Ptr< WifiMac > mac)
Set the wifi MAC this Txop is associated to.
virtual void NotifyWakeUp(uint8_t linkId)
When wake up operation occurs on a link, channel access on that link will be restarted.
virtual void NotifyChannelReleased(uint8_t linkId)
Called by the FrameExchangeManager to notify the completion of the transmissions.
std::vector< uint32_t > GetMaxCws() const
Return the maximum contention window size for each link.
void SetTxopLimit(Time txopLimit)
Set the TXOP limit.
TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint8_t > BackoffValueTracedCallback
TracedCallback for backoff trace value typedef.
void ResetCw(uint8_t linkId)
Update the value of the CW variable for the given link to take into account a transmission success or...
LinkEntity & GetLink(uint8_t linkId) const
Get a reference to the link associated with the given ID.
virtual bool IsQosTxop() const
Check for QoS TXOP.
std::vector< uint32_t > GetMinCws() const
Return the minimum contention window size for each link.
std::vector< uint8_t > GetAifsns() const
Return the number of slots that make up an AIFS for each link.
void UpdateBackoffSlotsNow(uint32_t nSlots, Time backoffUpdateBound, uint8_t linkId)
Update backoff slots for the given link that nSlots has passed.
TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint8_t > CwValueTracedCallback
TracedCallback for CW trace value typedef.
Time GetBackoffStart(uint8_t linkId) const
Return the time when the backoff procedure started on the given link.
void SetMaxCws(std::vector< uint32_t > maxCws)
Set the maximum contention window size for each link.
void SetTxopLimits(const std::vector< Time > &txopLimits)
Set the TXOP limit for each link.
DroppedMpdu m_droppedMpduCallback
the dropped MPDU callback
void SetTxMiddle(const Ptr< MacTxMiddle > txMiddle)
Set MacTxMiddle this Txop is associated to.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LinkEntity > > m_links
vector of LinkEntity objects
std::vector< Time > GetTxopLimits() const
Return the TXOP limit for each link.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
void SetAifsn(uint8_t aifsn)
Set the number of slots that make up an AIFS.
uint32_t GetCw(uint8_t linkId) const
Get the current value of the CW variable for the given link.
void SetMinCws(std::vector< uint32_t > minCws)
Set the minimum contention window size for each link.
virtual void SetDroppedMpduCallback(DroppedMpdu callback)
virtual void GenerateBackoff(uint8_t linkId)
Generate a new backoff for the given link now.
BackoffValueTracedCallback m_backoffTrace
backoff trace value
virtual void NotifyAccessRequested(uint8_t linkId)
Notify that access request has been received for the given link.
void SetAifsns(std::vector< uint8_t > aifsns)
Set the number of slots that make up an AIFS for each link.
Ptr< MacTxMiddle > m_txMiddle
the MacTxMiddle
void StartBackoffNow(uint32_t nSlots, uint8_t linkId)
virtual void NotifyChannelAccessed(uint8_t linkId, Time txopDuration=Seconds(0))
Called by the FrameExchangeManager to notify that channel access has been granted on the given link f...
void RequestAccess(uint8_t linkId)
Request access to the ChannelAccessManager associated with the given link.
void SetMinCw(uint32_t minCw)
Set the minimum contention window size.
uint8_t GetAifsn() const
Return the number of slots that make up an AIFS.
uint32_t GetBackoffSlots(uint8_t linkId) const
Return the current number of backoff slots on the given link.
virtual void NotifySleep(uint8_t linkId)
Notify that the given link switched to sleep mode.
uint32_t GetMaxCw() const
Return the maximum contention window size.
Callback< void, WifiMacDropReason, Ptr< const WifiMpdu > > DroppedMpdu
typedef for a callback to invoke when an MPDU is dropped.
uint8_t GetNLinks() const
Get the number of links.
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
The reason why an MPDU was dropped.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Structure holding information specific to a single link.
ChannelAccessStatus access
channel access status
uint32_t cw
the current contention window
virtual ~LinkEntity()=default
Destructor (a virtual method is needed to make this struct polymorphic)
uint32_t cwMax
the maximum contention window
Time txopLimit
the TXOP limit time
Time backoffStart
the backoffStart variable is used to keep track of the time at which a backoff was started or the tim...
uint32_t cwMin
the minimum contention window
uint32_t backoffSlots
the number of backoff slots