307 uint8_t componentCarrierId);
354 void DoSetPa(uint16_t rnti,
double pa);
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes.
LteEnbPhy models the physical layer for the eNodeB.
uint16_t m_srsPeriodicity
SRS periodicity.
double GetTxPower() const
Time m_srsStartTime
SRS start time.
int8_t DoGetReferenceSignalPower() const
void StartSubFrame()
Start a LTE sub frame.
void CreateSrsReport(uint16_t rnti, double srs)
Create SRS report function.
uint16_t m_interferenceSamplePeriod
The InterferenceSamplePeriod attribute.
virtual void ReportUlHarqFeedback(UlInfoListElement_s mes)
Report the uplink HARQ feedback generated by LteSpectrumPhy to MAC.
std::list< UlDciLteControlMessage > DequeueUlDci()
uint16_t m_srsSamplePeriod
The UeSinrSamplePeriod trace source.
void SetLteEnbCphySapUser(LteEnbCphySapUser *s)
Set the CPHY SAP User.
FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters CreatePuschCqiReport(const SpectrumValue &sinr)
Create the UL CQI feedback from SINR values perceived at the physical layer with the PUSCH signal rec...
uint32_t m_nrSubFrames
The subframe number currently served.
std::set< uint16_t > m_ueAttached
List of RNTI of attached UEs.
LteEnbPhySapProvider * GetLteEnbPhySapProvider()
Get the PHY SAP provider.
void SetLteEnbPhySapUser(LteEnbPhySapUser *s)
Set the PHY SAP User.
void DoSetMasterInformationBlock(LteRrcSap::MasterInformationBlock mib)
Set master information block.
bool DeleteUePhy(uint16_t rnti)
Remove the given RNTI from the list of attached UE m_ueAttached.
std::vector< std::list< UlDciLteControlMessage > > m_ulDciQueue
For storing info on future receptions.
double GetNoiseFigure() const
void SetTxPower(double pow)
std::vector< int > m_dlDataRbMap
DL data RB map.
TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t, double, uint8_t > m_reportUeSinr
The ReportUeSinr trace source.
Ptr< LteSpectrumPhy > GetDlSpectrumPhy() const
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
void GenerateCtrlCqiReport(const SpectrumValue &sinr) override
generate a CQI report based on the given SINR of Ctrl frame
void GenerateDataCqiReport(const SpectrumValue &sinr) override
generate a CQI report based on the given SINR of Data frame (used for PUSCH CQIs)
void SendDataChannels(Ptr< PacketBurst > pb)
Send the PDSCH.
std::map< uint16_t, uint16_t > m_srsSampleCounterMap
SRS sample counter map.
void DoSetSrsConfigurationIndex(uint16_t rnti, uint16_t srcCi)
Set source configuration index.
void PhyPduReceived(Ptr< Packet > p)
PhySpectrum received a new PHY-PDU.
void(* ReportUeSinrTracedCallback)(uint16_t cellId, uint16_t rnti, double sinrLinear, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
TracedCallback signature for the linear average of SRS SINRs.
FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters CreateSrsCqiReport(const SpectrumValue &sinr)
Create the UL CQI feedback from SINR values perceived at the physical layer with the SRS signal recei...
LteEnbPhySapUser * m_enbPhySapUser
ENB Phy SAP user.
void EndFrame()
End a LTE frame.
void CalcChannelQualityForUe(std::vector< double > sinr, Ptr< LteSpectrumPhy > ue)
Calculate the channel quality for a given UE.
void DoSetPa(uint16_t rnti, double pa)
Set PA.
uint8_t GetMacChDelay() const
uint16_t m_currentSrsOffset
current SRS offset
void DoSetEarfcn(uint32_t dlEarfcn, uint32_t ulEarfcn)
Ptr< SpectrumValue > CreateTxPowerSpectralDensity() override
Create the PSD for TX.
void DoSetTransmissionMode(uint16_t rnti, uint8_t txMode)
Set transmission mode.
LteEnbPhySapProvider * m_enbPhySapProvider
ENB Phy SAP provider.
uint8_t DoGetMacChTtiDelay()
Get MAC ch TTI delay function.
std::map< int, double > m_dlPowerAllocationMap
DL power allocation map.
std::vector< int > m_listOfDownlinkSubchannel
A vector of integers, if the i-th value is j it means that the j-th resource block is used for transm...
void GeneratePowerAllocationMap(uint16_t rnti, int rbId)
Generate power allocation map (i.e.
void QueueUlDci(UlDciLteControlMessage m)
void SetNoiseFigure(double pow)
std::map< uint16_t, uint16_t > m_srsCounter
SRS counter.
void SetMacChDelay(uint8_t delay)
void SetHarqPhyModule(Ptr< LteHarqPhy > harq)
Set the HARQ Phy module.
virtual void ReceiveLteControlMessageList(std::list< Ptr< LteControlMessage > > msgList)
PhySpectrum received a new list of LteControlMessage.
void SendControlChannels(std::list< Ptr< LteControlMessage > > ctrlMsgList)
Send the PDCCH and PCFICH in the first 3 symbols.
void DoRemoveUe(uint16_t rnti)
Remove UE.
void SetDownlinkSubChannelsWithPowerAllocation(std::vector< int > mask)
set the resource blocks (a.k.a.
void ReportRsReceivedPower(const SpectrumValue &power) override
generate a report based on the linear RS power perceived during CTRL frame NOTE: used only by UE for ...
LteRrcSap::MasterInformationBlock m_mib
The Master Information Block message to be broadcasted every frame.
void DoSendMacPdu(Ptr< Packet > p) override
Queue the MAC PDU to be sent (according to m_macChTtiDelay)
void ReportInterference(const SpectrumValue &interf) override
generate a report based on the linear interference and noise power perceived during DATA frame NOTE: ...
TracedCallback< uint16_t, Ptr< SpectrumValue > > m_reportInterferenceTrace
The ReportInterference trace source.
Ptr< LteSpectrumPhy > GetUlSpectrumPhy() const
void DoAddUe(uint16_t rnti)
Add UE.
void DoSetSystemInformationBlockType1(LteRrcSap::SystemInformationBlockType1 sib1)
Set system information block.
void DoSendLteControlMessage(Ptr< LteControlMessage > msg)
Send LTE Control Message function.
virtual Ptr< SpectrumValue > CreateTxPowerSpectralDensityWithPowerAllocation()
Create the PSD for TX with power allocation for each RB.
bool AddUePhy(uint16_t rnti)
Add the given RNTI to the list of attached UE m_ueAttached.
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
LteRrcSap::SystemInformationBlockType1 m_sib1
The System Information Block Type 1 message to be broadcasted.
std::map< uint16_t, double > m_paMap
P_A per UE RNTI.
void DoSetBandwidth(uint16_t ulBandwidth, uint16_t dlBandwidth)
Set bandwidth function.
void EndSubFrame()
End a LTE sub frame.
LteEnbCphySapUser * m_enbCphySapUser
ENB CPhy SAP user.
uint16_t m_interferenceSampleCounter
interference sample counter
void SetDownlinkSubChannels(std::vector< int > mask)
set the resource blocks (a.k.a.
virtual void ReceiveLteControlMessage(Ptr< LteControlMessage > msg)
Receive the control message.
void StartFrame()
Start a LTE frame.
uint32_t m_nrFrames
The frame number currently served.
LteEnbCphySapProvider * m_enbCphySapProvider
ENB CPhy SAP provider.
std::vector< uint16_t > m_srsUeOffset
SRS UE offset.
LteEnbCphySapProvider * GetLteEnbCphySapProvider()
Get the CPHY SAP provider.
TracedCallback< PhyTransmissionStatParameters > m_dlPhyTransmission
The DlPhyTransmission trace source.
std::vector< int > GetDownlinkSubChannels()
Ptr< LteHarqPhy > m_harqPhyModule
HARQ Phy module.
void(* ReportInterferenceTracedCallback)(uint16_t cellId, Ptr< SpectrumValue > spectrumValue)
TracedCallback signature for the linear average of SRS SINRs.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB-PHY to the eNB-MAC.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB-PHY to the eNB-MAC.
The LtePhy models the physical layer of LTE.
Template for the implementation of the LteEnbCphySapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C ...
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Set of values corresponding to a given SpectrumModel.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
The Uplink Data Control Indicator messages defines the RB allocation for the users in the uplink.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Parameters of the SCHED_UL_CQI_INFO_REQ primitive.
See section 4.3.12 ulInfoListElement.