23#include <ns3/packet.h>
165 m_owner->DoSetCsgWhiteList(csgId);
172 m_owner->DoStartCellSelection(dlEarfcn);
179 m_owner->DoForceCampedOnEnb(cellId, dlEarfcn);
186 m_owner->DoConnect();
193 m_owner->DoSendData(packet, bid);
200 m_owner->DoDisconnect();
241 m_owner->DoNotifyConnectionSuccessful();
248 m_owner->DoNotifyConnectionFailed();
255 m_owner->DoRecvData(packet);
262 m_owner->DoNotifyConnectionReleased();
This class implements the Access Stratum (AS) Service Access Point (SAP), i.e., the interface between...
virtual void SetCsgWhiteList(uint32_t csgId)=0
Set the selected Closed Subscriber Group subscription list to be used for cell selection.
virtual void Connect()=0
Tell the RRC entity to enter Connected mode.
virtual void StartCellSelection(uint32_t dlEarfcn)=0
Initiate Idle mode cell selection procedure.
virtual void Disconnect()=0
Tell the RRC entity to release the connection.
virtual void SendData(Ptr< Packet > packet, uint8_t bid)=0
Send a data packet.
virtual void ForceCampedOnEnb(uint16_t cellId, uint32_t dlEarfcn)=0
Force the RRC entity to stay camped on a certain eNodeB.
virtual ~LteAsSapProvider()
This class implements the Access Stratum (AS) Service Access Point (SAP), i.e., the interface between...
virtual void NotifyConnectionFailed()=0
Notify the NAS that RRC Connection Establishment failed.
virtual void NotifyConnectionSuccessful()=0
Notify the NAS that RRC Connection Establishment was successful.
virtual void NotifyConnectionReleased()=0
Notify the NAS that RRC Connection was released.
virtual void RecvData(Ptr< Packet > packet)=0
receive a data packet
Template for the implementation of the LteAsSapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to wh...
void ForceCampedOnEnb(uint16_t cellId, uint32_t dlEarfcn) override
Force the RRC entity to stay camped on a certain eNodeB.
void SetCsgWhiteList(uint32_t csgId) override
Set the selected Closed Subscriber Group subscription list to be used for cell selection.
C * m_owner
the owner class
void StartCellSelection(uint32_t dlEarfcn) override
Initiate Idle mode cell selection procedure.
void SendData(Ptr< Packet > packet, uint8_t bid) override
Send a data packet.
void Disconnect() override
Tell the RRC entity to release the connection.
void Connect() override
Tell the RRC entity to enter Connected mode.
Template for the implementation of the LteAsSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which ...
void NotifyConnectionReleased() override
Notify the NAS that RRC Connection was released.
void NotifyConnectionFailed() override
Notify the NAS that RRC Connection Establishment failed.
void RecvData(Ptr< Packet > packet) override
receive a data packet
void NotifyConnectionSuccessful() override
Notify the NAS that RRC Connection Establishment was successful.
C * m_owner
the owner class
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.